


1.   Scalable Computing and Communications: Past, Present, and Future

Yanhui Wu, Kashif Bilal, Samee U. Khan, Lizhe Wang, and Albert Y. Zomaya

1.1   Scalable Computing and Communications


2.   Reliable Minimum Connected Dominating Sets for Topology Control in Probabilistic Wireless Sensor Networks

Jing (Selena) He, Shouling Ji, Yi Pan, and Yingshu Li

2.1   Topology Control in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs)

2.2   DS-Based Topology Control

2.3   Deterministic WSNs and Probabilistic WSNs

2.4   Reliable MCDS Problem

2.5   A GA to Construct RMCDS-GA

2.6   Performance Evaluation

2.7   Conclusions


3.   Peer Selection Schemes in Scalable P2P Video Streaming Systems

Xin Jin and Yu-Kwong Kwok

3.1   Introduction

3.2   Overlay Structures

3.3   Peer Selection for Overlay Construction

3.4   A Game Theoretic Perspective on Peer Selection

3.5   Discussion and Future Work

3.6   Summary


4.   Multicore and Many-Core Computing

Ioannis E. Venetis

4.1   Introduction

4.2   Architectural Options for Multicore Systems

4.3   Multicore Architecture Examples

4.4   Programming Multicore Architectures

4.5   Many-Core Architectures

4.6   Many-Core Architecture Examples

4.7   Summary


5.   Scalable Computing on Large Heterogeneous CPU/GPU Supercomputers

Fengshun Lu, Kaijun Ren, Junqiang Song, and Jinjun Chen

5.1   Introduction

5.2   Heterogeneous Computing Environments

5.3   Scalable Programming Patterns for Large GPU Clusters

5.4   Hybrid Implementations

5.5   Experimental Results

5.6   Conclusions



6.   Diagnosability of Multiprocessor Systems

Chia-Wei Lee and Sun-Yuan Hsieh

6.1   Introduction

6.2   Fundamental Concepts

6.3   Diagnosability of (1, 2)-MCNS under PMC Model

6.4   Diagnosability of 2-MCNS under MM*Model

6.5   Application to Multiprocessor Systems

6.6   Concluding Remarks


7.   A Performance Analysis Methodology for MultiCore, Multithreaded Processors

Miao Ju, Hun Jung, and Hao Che

7.1   Introduction

7.2   Methodology

7.3   Simulation Tool (ST)

7.4   Analytic Modeling Technique

7.5   Testing

7.6   Related Work

7.7   Conclusions and Future Work


8.   The Future in Mobile Multicore Computing

Blake Hurd, Chiu C. Tan, and Jie Wu

8.1   Introduction

8.2   Background

8.3   Hardware Initiatives

8.4   Software Initiatives

8.5   Additional Discussion

8.6   Future Trends

8.7   Conclusion


9.   Modeling and Algorithms for Scalable and Energy-Efficient Execution on Multicore Systems

Dong Li, Dimitrios S. Nikolopoulos, and Kirk W. Cameron

9.1   Introduction

9.2   Model-Based Hybrid Message-Passing Interface (MPI)/OpenMP Power-Aware Computing

9.3   Power-Aware MPI Task Aggregation Prediction

9.4   Conclusions


10.   Cost Optimization for Scalable Communication in Wireless Networks with Movement-Based Location Management

Keqin Li

10.1   Introduction

10.2   Background Information

10.3   Cost Measure and Optimization for a Single User

10.4   Cost Optimization with Location Update Constraint

10.5   Cost Optimization with Terminal Paging Constraint

10.6   Numerical Data

10.7   Concluding Remarks


11.   A Framework for Semiautomatic Explicit Parallelization

Ritu Arora, Purushotham Bangalore, and Marjan Mernik

11.1   Introduction

11.2   Explicit Parallelization Using MPI

11.3   Building Blocks of FraSPA

11.4   Evaluation of FraSPA through Case Studies

11.5   Lessons Learned

11.6   Related Work

11.7   Summary


12.   Fault Tolerance and Transmission Reliability in Wireless Networks

Wolfgang W. Bein and Doina Bein

12.1   Introduction: Reliability Issues in Wireless and Sensor Networks

12.2   Reliability and Fault Tolerance of Coverage Models for Sensor Networks

12.3   Fault-Tolerant k-Fold Pivot Routing in Wireless Sensor Networks

12.4   Impact of Variable Transmission Range in All-Wireless Networks

12.5   Conclusions and Open Problems


13.   Optimizing and Tuning Scientific Codes

Qing Yi

13.1   Introduction

13.2   An Abstract View of the Machine Architecture

13.3   Optimizing Scientific Codes

13.4   Empirical Tuning of Optimizations

13.5   Related Work

13.6   Summary and Future Work



14.   Privacy and Confidentiality in Cloud Computing

Khaled M. Khan and Qutaibah Malluhi

14.1   Introduction

14.2   Cloud Stakeholders and Computational Assets

14.3   Data Privacy and Trust

14.4   A Cloud Computing Example

14.5   Conclusion



15.   Reputation Management Systems for Peer-to-Peer Networks

Fang Qi, Haiying Shen, Harrison Chandler, Guoxin Liu, and Ze Li

15.1   Introduction

15.2   Reputation Management Systems

15.3   Case Study of Reputation Systems

15.4   Open Problems

15.5   Conclusion



16.   Toward a Secure Fragment Allocation of Files in Heterogeneous Distributed Systems

Yun Tian, Mohammed I. Alghamdi, Xiaojun Ruan, Jiong Xie, and Xiao Qin

16.1   Introduction

16.2   Related Work

16.3   System and Threat Models

16.4   S-FAS: A Secure Fragment Allocation Scheme

16.5   Assurance Models

16.6   Sap Allocation Principles and Prototype

16.7   Evaluation of System Assurance and Performance

16.8   Conclusion



17.   Adopting Compression in Wireless Sensor Networks

Xi Deng and Yuanyuan Yang

17.1   Introduction

17.2   Compression in Sensor Nodes

17.3   Compression Effect on Packet Delay

17.4   Online Adaptive Compression Algorithm

17.5   Performance Evaluations

17.6   Summary


18.   GFOG: Green and Flexible Opportunistic Grids

Harold Castro, Mario Villamizar, German Sotelo, Cesar O. Diaz, Johnatan Pecero, Pascal Bouvry, and Samee U. Khan

18.1   Introduction

18.2   Related Work

18.3   UnaGrid Infrastructure

18.4   Energy Consumption Model

18.5   Experimental Results

18.6   Conclusions and Future Work


19.   Maximizing Real-Time System Utilization by Adjusting Task Computation Times

Nasro Min-Allah, Samee Ullah Khan, Yongji Wang, Joanna Kolodziej, and Nasir Ghani

19.1   Introduction

19.2   Expressing Task Schedulability in Polylinear Surfaces

19.3   Task Execution Time Adjustment Based on the P-Bound

19.4   Conclusions



20.   Multilevel Exploration of the Optimization Landscape through Dynamical Fitness for Grid Scheduling

Joanna Kolodziej

20.1   Introduction

20.2   Statement of the Problem

20.3   General Characteristics of the Optimization Landscape

20.4   Multilevel Metaheuristic Schedulers

20.5   Empirical Analysis

20.6   Conclusions


21.   Implementing Pointer Jumping for Exact Inference on Many-Core Systems 419

Yinglong Xia, Nam Ma, and Viktor K. Prasanna

21.1   Introduction

21.2   Background

21.3   Related Work

21.4   Pointer Jumping-Based Algorithms for Scheduling Exact Inference

21.5   Analysis with Respect to Many-Core Processors

21.6   From Exact Inference to Generic Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)-Structured Computations

21.7   Experiments

21.8   Conclusions


22.   Performance Optimization of Scientific Applications Using an Autonomic Computing Approach

Ioana Banicescu, Florina M. Ciorba, and Srishti Srivastava

22.1   Introduction

22.2   Scientific Applications and Their Performance

22.3   Load Balancing via DLS

22.4   The Use of Machine Learning in Improving the Performance of Scientific Applications

22.5   Design Strategies and an Integrated Framework

22.6   Experimental Results, Analysis, and Evaluation

22.7   Conclusions, Future Work, and Open Problems



23.   A Survey of Techniques for Improving Search Engine Scalability through Profiling, Prediction, and Prefetching of Query Results

C. Shaun Wagner, Sahra Sedigh, Ali R. Hurson, and Behrooz Shirazi

23.1   Introduction

23.2   Modeling User Behavior

23.3   Grouping Users into Neighborhoods of Similarity

23.4   Similarity Metrics

23.5   Conclusion and Future Work

Appendix A Comparative Analysis of Comparison Algorithms

Appendix B Most Popular Searches


24.   KNN Queries in Mobile Sensor Networks

Wei-Guang Teng and Kun-Ta Chuang

24.1   Introduction

24.2   Preliminaries and Infrastructure-Based KNN Queries

24.3   Infrastructure-Free KNN Queries

24.4   Future Research Directions

24.5   Conclusions


25.   Data Partitioning for Designing and Simulating Efficient Huge Databases

Ladjel Bellatreche, Kamel Boukhalfa, Pascal Richard, and Soumia Benkrid

25.1   Introduction

25.2   Background and Related Work

25.3   Fragmentation Methodology

25.4   Hardness Study

25.5   Proposed Selection Algorithms

25.6   Impact of HP on Data Warehouse Physical Design

25.7   Experimental Studies

25.8   Physical Design Simulator Tool

25.9   Conclusion and Perspectives


26.   Scalable Runtime Environments for Large-Scale Parallel Applications

Camille Coti and Franck Cappello

26.1   Introduction

26.2   Goals of a Runtime Environment

26.3   Communication Infrastructure

26.4   Application Deployment

26.5   Fault Tolerance and Robustness

26.6   Case Studies

26.7   Conclusion


27.   Increasing Performance through Optimization on APU

Matthew Doerksen, Parimala Thulasiraman, and Ruppa Thulasiram

27.1   Introduction

27.2   Heterogeneous Architectures

27.3   Related Work

27.4   OpenCL, CUDA of the Future

27.5   Simple Introduction to OpenCL Programming

27.6   Performance and Optimization Summary

27.7   Application

27.8   Summary



28.   Toward Optimizing Cloud Computing: An Example of Optimization under Uncertainty

Vladik Kreinovich

28.1   Cloud Computing: Why We Need It and How We Can Make It Most Efficient

28.2   Optimal Server Placement Problem: First Approximation

28.3  Server Placement in Cloud Computing: Toward a More Realistic Model

28.4   Predicting Cloud Growth: Formulation of the Problem and Our Approach to Solving This Problem

28.5   Predicting Cloud Growth: First Approximation

28.6   Predicting Cloud Growth: Second Approximation

28.7   Predicting Cloud Growth: Third Approximation

28.8   Conclusions and Future Work


Appendix: Description of Expenses Related to Cloud Computing


29.   Modeling of Scalable Embedded Systems

Arslan Munir, Sanjay Ranka, and Ann Gordon-Ross

29.1   Introduction

29.2   Embedded System Applications

29.3   Embedded Systems: Hardware and Software

29.4   Modeling: An Integral Part of the Embedded System Design Flow

29.5   Single- and Multiunit Embedded System Modeling

29.6   Conclusions



30.   Scalable Service Composition in Pervasive Computing

Joanna Siebert and Jiannong Cao

30.1   Introduction

30.2   Service Composition Framework

30.3   Approaches and Techniques for Scalable Service Composition in PvCE

30.4   Conclusions


31.   Virtualization Techniques for Graphics Processing Units

Pavan Balaji, Qian Zhu, and Wu-Chun Feng

31.1   Introduction

31.2   Background

31.3   VOCL Framework

31.4   VOCL Optimizations

31.5   Experimental Evaluation

31.6   Related Work

31.7   Concluding Remarks


32.   Dense Linear Algebra on Distributed Heterogeneous Hardware with a Symbolic DAG Approach

George Bosilca, Aurelien Bouteiller, Anthony Danalis, Thomas Herault, Piotr Luszczek, and Jack J. Dongara

32.1   Introduction and Motivation

32.2   Distributed Dataflow by Symbolic Evaluation

32.3   The DAGuE Dataflow Runtime

32.4   Dataflow Representation

32.5   Programming Linear Algebra with DAGuE

32.6   Performance Evaluation

32.7   Conclusion

32.8   Summary


33.   Fault-Tolerance Techniques for Scalable Computing

Pavan Balaji, Darius Buntinas, and Dries Kimpe

33.1   Introduction and Trends in Large-Scale Computing Systems

33.2   Hardware Features for Resilience

33.3   Systems Software Features for Resilience

33.4   Application or Domain-Specific Fault-Tolerance Techniques

33.5   Summary


34.   Parallel Programming Models for Scalable Computing

James Dinan and Pavan Balaji

34.1   Introduction to Parallel Programming Models

34.2   The Message-Passing Interface (MPI)

34.3   Partitioned Global Address Space (PGAS) Models

34.4   Task-Parallel Programming Models

34.5   High-Productivity Parallel Programming Models

34.6   Summary and Concluding Remarks



35.   Grid Simulation Tools for Job Scheduling and Data File Replication

Javid Taheri, Albert Y. Zomaya, and Samee U. Khan

35.1   Introduction

35.2   Simulation Platforms

35.3   Problem Statement: Data-Aware Job Scheduling (DAJS)



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