
  • Accountability
    • delegation of authority matrix tool for
    • management dashboard tool for
    • people management focus on
  • Adaptive leadership principles
  • Administration. See Program implementation
  • Advisors
  • All-hands staff meetings
  • Ashoka
  • Atlassian
  • Bangladesh
    • local social mobilizers used in
    • Room to Read and State Department collaboration in
    • Room to Read’s strategic influence in
  • Beyond the Idea (Govindarajan and Trimble)
  • BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal)
  • “Big box” development phenomenon
  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
  • Board meetings
  • Board of directors
    • benefits of a strategic plan to
    • CEO performance management
    • clear structure of the
    • growth mindset of
    • hierarchy of the CEO and
    • role clarity in the
    • strategic planning by the
    • succession planning
    • See also Leadership; Networks of influence; Stakeholders
  • Brand personality
    • communicating to build your
    • Room to Read’s
  • Bridges, William
  • British Department for International Development (DfID)
  • Brookings Institution
  • Brown, Les
  • Built to Last (Collins)
  • Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • Cambodia
    • Room to Read’s expansion (2002) into
    • Room to Read’s strategic influence in
    • “Writing Storybooks for Early Grade Readers” training course in
  • Catholic Relief Services (CRS)
  • “Cause marketing” partnership
  • Change. See Social change; Theories of change
  • Charity Navigator
  • Chief executive officers (CEOs)
    • hierarchy of the board and
    • succession planning for
    • See also Leadership
  • Children’s reading
    • “I do / we do / you do” approach to learning and
    • international pressure to improve
    • National Reading Panel (U.S.) on five parts to
    • “reading wars” over best way to teach
    • USAID’s reading project to promote
    • See also Learning; Room to Read
  • Civil society
  • Collaboration
    • to achieve overall program goals
    • “cause marketing” partnerships
    • Room to Read’s success with local
    • See also Government funding
  • Collins, Jim
  • Commercial book publishing
  • Communications
    • amplifying the message
    • to build your brand
    • “cause marketing” partnership approach to
    • fundraising
    • key takeaways on
    • people management role of internal
    • planning your
    • Room to Read’s message map
    • strategic planning
    • to widen the circle
    • See also Stories
  • Complex innovation project
  • Computer Room Program (Room to Read)
  • Conflict (functional)
  • Connors, Roger
  • Core values
    • exercise of writing down
    • noting gap between explicit and implicit
  • Corporate investors
  • Country management conference (CMC)
    • asking country teams to describe their work
    • implementation innovations coming out of
    • recommended reading from
    • Room to Read’s annual
  • Covey, Stephen
  • Covey time-management matrix
  • Creating Room to Read (Wood)
  • Creative Commons
  • “Creative Commons BY” license
  • Data collection
    • creating a culture of
    • “implementation chain” opportunity through
    • incentives and disincentives for creating culture of
    • protection of personal data gathered during
    • research questions linked to study methods and
    • Room to Read “enumerators” hired for
    • Room to Read’s PIM (program implementation monitoring)
  • Decision makers
  • Delegation of authority matrix
  • Development department structure
    • importance of leadership in
    • mature stage Phase III fundraising
    • start-up stage Phase I fundraising
    • transition stage Phase II fundraising
  • Dewey, John
  • DfID (British Department for International Development)
  • “Do Not Read This” video
  • Draper, William H.
  • Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation (DRKF)
  • Echoing Green
  • El Salvador
  • Entrepreneurial social enterprises (ESEs)
    • amplifying the message
    • building their brand personality
    • comparing government contracting organizations to
    • disrupting the status quo
    • examining to understand success or failure of
    • government adoption of programs
    • leadership in the
    • purpose and increasing influence of
    • scaling through development phases of
    • seeking to launch a movement of change
    • smashing the sophomore slump of
    • two different ways to approach
    • unique characteristics of
    • unique role in scaling social change by
    • “valley of death” phase of
    • widening their circle
    • See also Nonprofit organizations
  • “Enumerators” (Room to Read)
  • Evaluations
    • ethical standards for protection of personal data
    • how Room to Read structures their
    • research applied to
    • Room to Read “enumerators” hired to collect data on
  • Exit strategy
  • Expansion strategy
  • Fast Company/Monitor Social Capitalist Award
  • Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Lencioni)
  • Forces for Good (Crutchfield and Grant)
  • Foundation Center
  • Foundations
    • Draper Richards Kaplan Foundation (DRKF)
    • Gates Foundation
    • investor
    • investor differences between corporations, individuals, and
    • Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship
    • Skoll Foundation
  • Founder passion
  • Founder’s syndrome
    • description and issues of the
    • Room to Read’s approach to addressing
  • Franklin, Benjamin
  • Freire, Paulo
  • “Functional conflict”
  • Fundraising (Phase I) best practices
    • connect investors to the impact
    • connect with your peer group
    • development department structure
    • engage your personal networks
    • focus on fewer types of funding
    • have a clear plan
    • leverage passion of the founders
    • leverage power of volunteers
    • tools and metrics
    • underpromise and overdeliver
  • Fundraising (Phase II) best practices
    • development department structure
    • diversify geographically
    • don’t succumb to program creep
    • focus on retaining investors
    • hire people great at building relationships and trust
    • keep communication crisp and clear
    • leadership of development team
    • one-to-one fundraising model
    • tools and metrics
  • Fundraising (Phase III) best practices
    • approach every investor with respect
    • be prepared to answer investor questions
    • brand building
    • development department structure
    • differences between foundations, corporations, and individuals
    • diversification of type of revenue
    • evolve reporting
    • finding the right level of communication
    • identify ambassadors
    • issues to consider
    • learn as much as we can
    • “no” should never be taken as end of conversation
    • tailor interactions for the investor
    • technology investments
    • tools and metrics
    • trust and transparency
  • Fundraising/value proposition
    • key takeaways for investors and on
    • Phase I during start-up years
    • Phase II during rapid growth years
    • Phase III during maturing and stabilizing years
    • Room for Read’s mindset and paradigm for
    • top 10 tips for investors
    • See also Government funding; Investors
  • Gandhi, Mahatma
  • Ganju, Erin
    • attending the 2014 Siem Reap (Cambodia) meeting
    • City Club fundraising presentation by
    • explaining the CEO and board hierarchy
    • her story on Room for Read origins
    • on her time with Suma Tharu
    • her use of stories to communicate the message
    • Internet café (Ho Chi Minh) story of
    • people management advice given to
    • proud to be part of social impact movement
    • as Room to Read founder
    • on thinking about exit strategy
  • Gates Foundation
  • Gawande, Atul
  • Gender differences
    • Girls’ Education Program’s efforts to equalize
    • in how teachers respond to students
  • Girl Rising (documentary)
  • Girls’ Education Program (Room to Read)
    • accomplishments of
    • design changes during start-up period
    • early work in Nepal
    • efforts to equalize girls’ education
    • evaluations conducted on
    • government adoption tool for
    • implementation approach to
    • local social mobilizers in the
    • mentoring activities of the
    • misassumptions about the
    • mission and goals of the
    • monitoring girls participating in
    • programmatic approach to
    • protection of personal data from
    • the right issues focused on by
    • through start-up, transition, and mature phases
    • stories used to communicate message on
    • success metrics of the
    • theory of change adopted by
    • See also Room to Read programs
  • Global board of directors
  • Global Entrepreneurship Summit (2016)
  • Global impact
    • government adoption for
    • key takeaways on growing
    • networks of influence to expand
    • of Room to Read in Tanzania
    • scaling for
    • strategies for expanding influence and
    • See also Social change
  • Global Results and Impact Report (Room to Read)
  • “Global Strategic Plan 2010–2014:” (Room to Read)
  • “Global Strategic Plan 2015-2019: Scaling Our Impact”
  • Good to Great (Collins)
  • Good to Great organizations
  • Government adoption
    • increasing the likelihood of
    • planning for
    • plotting for system-level
    • setting the stage for
    • tool for
    • zone of proximal development (ZPD) likelihood of
  • Government contracting organizations
  • Government funding
    • “big box” development challenge of
    • “complex innovation” issue of
    • intellectual property issue of accepting
    • key takeaways on
    • limited but strategic participation in
    • Room to Read’s acceptance and outcomes of
    • slippery slope of
    • “Triangular Partnership’s” Zambia project and
    • whether to take or not decision on
    • See also Collaboration; Fundraising/value proposition
  • Govindarajan, Vijay
  • Grant, Heather McLeod
  • “Great Place to World Award”
  • Grenada
  • Growth mindset
  • Heifetz, Ron
  • Heyman, Cory
    • becoming a Room to Read staff member
    • his story on Room for Read origins
    • international experience prior to joining Room to Read
    • meeting with Tanzanian prime minister
    • proud to be part of social impact movement
    • Triangular Partnership work by
  • Hickman, Craig
  • Hiring top talent
  • “I do / we do / you do” approach
  • Implementation chain
    • comparing Room to Read and government
    • external technical assistance as part of
    • how data collection opens way for the
    • strengthening Room to Read’s
    • See also Program implementation
  • India
    • Room to Read and State Department collaboration in
    • Room to Read and USAID collaborative project in
    • Room to Read’s data collection on results in
    • Room to Read’s expansion into
    • Room to Read’s “Great Place to World Award” in
    • Room to Read’s strategic influence in
    • tremendous poverty and challenges facing
    • U.S.-India Business Council
  • Innovation
    • in the nonprofit sector
  • Intellectual property
  • International operations
  • Investors
    • approach them with respect
    • ask them to them make introductions
    • avoid program creep with
    • benefits of a strategic plan to
    • be prepared to answer their questions
    • connect them to the impact
    • developing stewardship plan for each
    • differences between foundation, corporation, and individual
    • evolve reporting for savvier
    • key takeaways on fundraising and for
    • learn as much as possible from
    • “no” should never be taken as end of conversation
    • Room to Read’s categories for
    • tailor interactions for the
    • top 10 tips for
    • work on retaining your
    • See also Fundraising/value proposition
  • Kamlari system (Nepal)
  • Ketchum
  • Kristof, Nicholas
  • Laos
    • investor on Room to Read’s team in
    • Room to Read and CRS collaboration in
    • Room to Read’s expansion (2005) into
    • Room to Read’s Literacy Program results in
  • Leadership
    • CEO succession planning
    • create time to manage
    • development department
    • exit strategy of
    • founder’s syndrome
    • growing from within
    • principles of adaptive
    • recommended reading on
    • Room to Read’s culture and
    • social enterprise
    • strategic plans for
    • See also Board of directors; Chief executive officers (CEOs)
  • Learning
    • creating culture of data collection for
    • incentives and disincentives for data collection and
    • See also Children’s reading
  • Leaving Microsoft to Change the World (Wood)
  • Lencioni, Patrick
  • Linsky, Marty
  • Literary Program (Room to Read)
    • activities of
    • bringing books to Nepal and Sri Lanka
    • design changes during start-up period
    • evolving the
    • government adoption tool for
    • implementation during start-up of
    • programmatic approach to
    • “reading kits” for libraries
    • through start-up, transition, and mature phases
    • See also Room to Read programs
  • Local Language Publishing Program (Room to Read)
  • Maldives
  • Management dashboards
  • Management Systems International (MSI) framework
  • Managing Transitions: Making the Most of change (Bridges)
  • Managing Transitions (Bridges)
  • Marketing
    • “cause marketing” partnerships for
    • Tatcha’s “Beautiful Faces, Beautiful Futures” campaign
  • Mature phase
    • description of the
    • Girls’ Education Program evolution through
    • illustration of the start-up, transition, and
    • Literary Program evolution through
    • Phase III fundraising best practices during
    • program implementation during
    • Room to Read program design changes during
    • strategic influence during
    • three organizational approaches used during
    • See also Organizational development phases
  • Meetings
    • all-hands staff
    • one-on-one
  • Mentoring activities (Girls’ Education Program)
  • Message maps
    • Room to Read’s
    • using a
  • Messages
    • amplifying the
    • “Do Not Read This” video to spread the
    • key takeaways on
    • Room to Read’s message map to communicate the
  • Millions Learning study
  • Monitoring
    • Room to Read “enumerators” hired to collect data on
    • Room to Read’s PIM (program implementation monitoring) data on
    • Room to Read’s program implementation of
  • Movement-building
  • Muhammad Ali
  • Myanmar
  • National Reading Panel (U.S.)
  • Nepal
    • bringing the magic of books to
    • “Drop Everything and Read” campaign in
    • earthquakes (2015) in
    • government adoption of Room to Read program
    • Kamlari system of indentured servants in
    • Room to Read and State Department collaboration in
    • Room to Read government-funded project in
    • Room to Read’s expansion (2000) in
    • Room to Read’s founding in
    • Suma Tharu of
  • Networks of influence
    • critical friends and advisors
    • effective management of board meetings
    • increasing strategic influence through
    • in international space
    • See also Board of directors
  • New Profit
  • Nonprofit organizations
  • “Nonprofit two-step”
  • One-on-one meetings
  • One-to-one fundraising model
  • Operational approach
  • Operational structure
    • program implementation role of
    • Room to Read’s
  • Oprah (TV talk show)
  • Organizational culture
    • all-hands staff meetings for building your
    • core values of an
    • creating a data collection
    • as the fabric holding people together
    • leadership in social enterprise
    • never lose focus as you grow
    • noting gap between explicit and implicit
    • social enterprise leadership of the
    • See also People management; Room to Read culture
  • Organizational development
    • Bridges’ “transition theory” on
    • creating culture of data collection and use
    • getting through sophomore slump
    • never lose focus on culture during
    • organizational approaches during each phase of
  • Organizational development phases
    • Bridges’ graphic on the overlapping
    • have a hiring plan in mind for next growth
    • introduction to maturity
    • introduction to start-up
    • introduction to transition
    • research, monitoring, & evaluation (RM&E) at different
    • “valley of death”
    • See also Mature phase; Start-up phase; Transition phase
  • The Oz Principle (Connors, Smith, and Hickman)
  • Pedagogy of the Oppressed (Freire)
  • People management
    • accountability in
    • attracting top talent
    • founder’s syndrome issue of
    • holding all-hands staff meetings
    • identifying core values
    • internal communications role in
    • key takeaways on
    • retaining and scaling top talent
    • social enterprise leadership and
    • See also Organizational culture
  • Perlman, Jenny
  • Personality. See Brand personality
  • Paik, Susan
  • PIM (program implementation monitoring) [Room to Read]
  • Pinda, Prime Minister
  • “Pledge 1%” movement
  • Porter, Michael
  • Program creep
  • Program implementation
  • Programmatic approach
    • benefits of using the
    • description of the
    • evolving your
    • Girls’ Education Program (Room to Read)
    • key takeaways on
    • to Literacy Program (Room to Read)
    • to organizations’ planning and execution
    • picking the right issues
    • research, monitoring, & evaluation (RM&E)
    • the right approach at the right time for
    • selecting the right content
    • used through development phases
    • See also The Three-Legged Stool
  • Project Management Institute
  • Reading Room (Libraries) Program [Room to Read]
  • Reagan, Ronald
  • Recruiting top talent
  • Relationship building
  • Relationship managers (RMs)
  • Relationship Science
  • Replication strategy
  • Research, monitoring, & evaluation (RM&M)
    • conducting evaluations
    • creating a culture of data collection and use
    • at different phases of organizational development
    • implementation of monitoring
    • incentives and disincentives for data collection
    • infographic illustrating lessons learned from
    • key takeaways on
    • the next steps for Room to Read’s work in
    • research questions linked to study methods
    • Room to Read’s approach to
    • workflow diagram on
  • RippleWorks
  • RippleWorks Human Capital Crisis Report (2016)
  • Room to Read
    • accomplishments of
    • Charity Navigator four-star rating of
    • as entrepreneurial social enterprise (ESE)
    • fundraising approach by
    • Global Results and Impact Report by
    • government funding experience of
    • “Great Place to World Award” given to
    • the origins and development into a “mature” organization
    • reaching an identity crisis
    • Samsung KidsTime Authors’ Award to
    • smashing the sophomore slump
    • theory of change on local collaboration followed by
    • “Triangular Partnership” experience of
    • See also Children’s reading
  • Room to Read Accelerator
    • built into the 2015–2019 strategic plan
    • government funding question on
    • incorporated into implementation
    • launching (2015) of the
    • origins and purpose of
  • Room to Read communications
    • to amplify their message
    • to build their brand
    • “Do Not Read This” video
    • Global Results and Impact Report
    • internal
    • message map for
    • stories used as part of the
    • using collected data to direct
    • to widen their circle
    • “Yak Bell” quarterly newsletter
  • Room to Read culture
    • attracting top talent that fit in
    • core values of
    • country management conferences (CMC) reaffirming
    • development of a data collection
    • the leadership and
    • noting gap between explicit and implicit
    • See also Organizational culture
  • Room to Read events
    • best practices to widen their circle through
    • chapter leadership conferences (CLCs)
    • “Destination Literacy” gala
    • “10 millionth child” celebration (2015)
  • “Room to Read Five Year Strategic Plan 2006–2010”
  • Room to Read impact
    • key takeaways on scaling
    • networks of influence developed for
    • planning for government adoption
    • plotting system-level adoption
    • scaling for global
    • scaling social change
    • setting the stage for disruptive change
    • strategic influence during mature phase for
    • strategic influence during start-up phase for
    • strategic influence during transition phase for
    • Tanzania government’s acknowledgment of
    • zone of proximal development (ZPD) of
  • Room to Read implementation
    • comparing two school libraries and
    • external technical assistance role in
    • for Girls’ Education Program
    • monitoring and
    • operational accountability tools during
    • overall approach to
    • Room to Read Accelerator incorporated into
    • strengthening chain of
    • technical assistance practice launched by
    • three phases of
    • wave of centralization and decentralization in
    • See also Program implementation
  • Room to Read operations
    • Human Resources delegation-of-authority policy
    • management dashboards for accountable
    • operational structure of
    • staffing structure for global office and country office
  • Room to Read program design changes
    • coaching and support stage during mature phase
    • input and output stages during start-up phase
    • moving from localized to centralized programs
    • the right approach at the right time
    • system-level change stage during mature phase
    • training/monitoring stage during transition phase
  • Room to Read programs
    • accomplishments of
    • Computer Room Program
    • evolution over time
    • government adoption of
    • implementation of monitoring to improve
    • Local Language Publishing Program
    • monitoring and feedback system in
    • overall approach to implementation of
    • Reading Room (Libraries) Program
    • Room to Read Accelerator
    • scaling success of
    • School Room (Construction) Program
    • See also Girls’ Education Program (Room to Read); Literary Program (Room to Read)
  • Room to Read RM&E activities
    • creating a culture of data collection
    • at different phases of development
    • Gates Foundation’s investment in
    • Global Results and Impact Report on
    • global RM&E team and structure of
    • how evaluations are structured
    • how research is conducted
    • infographic illustrating lessons learned from
    • integrated into all that they do
    • monitoring applied to implementation
    • PIM (program implementation monitoring) data
    • research questions linked to study methods
  • Room to Read staff
    • hiring and retaining top talent
    • the hope driving the work of the
    • typical day in the field
  • Room to Read strategic planning
    • benefits of
    • “Global Strategic Plan 2010–2014”
    • “Global Strategic Plan 2015-2019: Scaling Our Impact”
    • history of
    • “Room to Read Five Year Strategic Plan 2006–2010”
    • tips for managing the process
    • See also International operations
  • Room to Read talent
    • approach to hiring
    • retaining and scaling
  • Roosevelt, Theodore
  • Rwanda
  • Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de
  • Salesforce
  • Samsung KidsTime Authors’ Award (Singapore)
  • Scaling organizations
    • expansion, collaboration, and replication for
    • four main elements of successful
    • MSI framework for
    • Room to Read’s successful approach to
  • Scaling social change
    • for global impact
    • key takeaways on
    • unique role of ESEs in
  • Scaling Up Excellence (Rao)
  • Scholastic Picture Book Award (Asia)
  • School libraries
    • Room to Read’s establishment (2000 to 2005) of
    • Room to Read’s Reading Room Program in
    • Room to Read’s training/monitoring for best practices in
    • visiting and comparing Tanzanian
  • School Room (Construction) Program [Room to Read]
  • Schools
    • Girls’ Education Program to equalize girls’ education in
    • Room to Read’s coaching and support of
    • Room to Read’s success in keeping girls in
    • See also specific country
  • Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship
  • Seuss, Dr.
  • Shelley, Percy Bysshe
  • Shrestha, Dinesh
    • helping to start the Literacy Program
    • her story
    • as Room to Read founder
  • Skoll Foundation
  • Smith, Tom
  • Social change
    • ESE’s goal to launch a movement of
    • operational approach to
    • programmatic approach to
    • role of ESEs in scaling
    • setting the stage for disruptive
    • strategic approach to
    • See also Global impact; Theories of change
  • Social endeavors
    • Covey’s time-management matrix for
    • negotiating urgent and important issues in
  • Social goals
    • Covey time-management matrix applied to
    • the “nonprofit two-step” to tackle
    • operational approach to achieve
    • programmatic approach to achieve
    • strategic approach to achieve
  • Social media
    • crowdfunding using
    • used to amplify the message
  • Social solutions
    • it takes an organization for large-scale
    • nonprofit leaders driven to find
    • Room to Read’s theory of change on local collaboration for
    • Room to Read’s work toward achieving
  • Sophomore slump
    • description of organizational
    • Room to Read’s experience getting through the
  • South Africa
  • Sri Lanka
    • bringing the magic of books to
    • Room to Read and State Department collaboration in
    • Room to Read’s expansion (2005) into
    • Room to Read’s strategic influence in
  • Stakeholders
    • benefits of a strategic plan to
    • critical friends and advisors
    • leveraging wide range of
    • See also Board of directors
  • Start-up phase
    • communicating to build your brand
    • description of the
    • Girls’ Education Program evolution through
    • illustration of the transition, maturity, and
    • Literary Program evolution through
    • Phase I fundraising best practices during
    • program implementation during
    • Room to Read program design changes during
    • strategic influence during
    • three organizational approaches used during
    • See also Organizational development phases
  • State Department
  • Stewardship plans
  • Strategic approach
    • benefits of using the
    • description of the
    • to government adoption
    • to government funding
    • to growing the impact
    • Room to Read’s strategic planning
    • scaling process using the
    • used through organizational development phases
    • See also The Three-Legged Stool
  • Strategic planning
    • benefits of engaging in
    • Room to Read’s history of
    • Room to Read’s strategic plan (2015-2019)
    • tips for managing process of
  • Sustainable Development Goals for 2030
  • Talent
    • Good to Great organizations attract
    • retaining and scaling as organization grows
    • Room to Read’s approach to hiring
  • Tanzania
    • appreciation for Room to Read’s work in
    • comparing two school libraries in
    • Room to Read government-funded project in
    • visiting schools in
  • Tatcha’s “Beautiful Faces, Beautiful Futures” campaign
  • Technical assistance
    • level of influence on implementation by
    • Room to Read Accelerator program for
    • Room to Read’s implementation using
  • “10 millionth child” celebration (2015) [Room to Read]
  • Theories of change
    • Room to Read’s local collaboration
    • rooting ESE programs in a clear
    • the three-legged stool supporting
    • three phases of program implementation and
    • See also Social change
  • Third Sector. See Nonprofit organizations
  • The Three-Legged Stool
  • Time management
    • Covey time-management matrix for
    • for negotiating urgent and important issues
  • Transition phase
    • description of the
    • Girls’ Education Program evolution through
    • illustration of the start-up, maturity, and
    • Literary Program evolution through
    • Phase II fundraising best practices during
    • program implementation during
    • Room to Read program design changes during
    • strategic influence during
    • three organizational approaches used during
    • widening the circle during
    • See also Organizational development phases
  • Transparency
  • “Triangular Partnership” project
  • Trimble, Chris
  • Trust
    • but verify
    • fundraising with transparency and
    • hire people who can build
  • 2016 Global Results and Impact Report (Room to Read)
  • 2016 U.S. Global Strategy to Empower Adolescent Girls (USAID)
  • Unilever
  • United Nations
  • U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
  • U.S. Department of Agriculture
  • U.S.-India Business Council
  • U.S. Office of Management and Budget’s Circular A-133
  • U.S. State Department
  • “Valley of death” phase
  • Value proposition. See Fundraising/value proposition
  • Vietnam
    • Internet café (Ho Chi Minh) in
    • Room to Read’s expansion (2001) into
  • Volunteers
    • fundraising by leveraging power of
    • Room to Read’s volunteer chapter model
  • Vygotsky, Lev
  • Walberg, Herbert
  • Waypoints
  • Wealth Engine
  • Women in the World Conference
  • Women’s Hour (BBC radio show)
  • Wood, John
    • Creating Room to Read written by
    • Leaving Microsoft to Change the World written by
    • as Room to Read founder
  • World Bank
  • “World Change Starts with Education Children” (Room to Read motto)
  • “Writing Storybooks for Early Grade Readers” training course (Cambodia)
  • “Yak Bell” (Room to Read newsletter)
  • Yemen
  • Zambia
    • tension between local and bilateral support in
    • “Triangular Partnership” project in
  • Zone of proximal development (ZPD)
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