
  • Accountability, personal, 116–117
  • Airtable, 76
  • Allstacks, 9, 72–75
  • Apple Computer Company, 59
  •, 51–55
  • Autonomy, 116–117
  • Bamba Group, 90–92
  • Base compensation, 138–141
  • Blacklock, Kalyn, 118–119
  • BlackLocus, 7, 12, 22, 39–40
    • customer retention at, 157–158
    • defining W3 at, 40–43
    • measuring value with an ROI calculator, 43–45
    • pricing at, 97–98
    • salespeople at, 50
  • Brown, David, 120–121
  • Bruno, A. J., 132–135
  •, 5–6, 12, 14–15
    • compensation plan at, 137–138
    • customers of, 24–28
    • postsales process at, 151–154
    • W3 applied to, 32–36
  • Canaan Ventures, 155
  • Careerbuilder, 146
  • Carvajal, Dave, 4
  • Centralized pricing efforts, 41–42
  • Chowbotics, 9, 58
  • Christiano, John, 7–8, 40
  • Churn, 87
  • Client Service, 144
  • Closing of sales, 104–105
  • Commission plans, 138–141
  • Compensation, 131–132
    • changing structures for, 135–136
    • figuring out a fair base and commission plan for, 138–141
    • salespeople as needy, with big egos, and with some insecurities and, 137–138
    • salespeople's desire to make higher, 136–137
    • traversing changes in, 132–135
  • Competitive insights, 42
  • Conversation, starting a sale with a, 102–103
  • Convey, 37–38, 97, 111, 119, 124
  • Cost plus pricing, 95
  • Customer acquisition cost (CAC), 154–155
  • Customer-centric cultures, 147–149
  • Customer development, 46–50
    • sales funnel and, 70–71, 82–84
  • Customer relationship management (CRM), 66
    • early sales model and blueprint for, 82–88
    • evaluating progress with, 77–78
    • used to track customers and data, 75–77
  • Customers
    • companies pivoting their focus to, 12
    • identifying your, 3–4, 6, 12
    • learn, find, and buy stages of, 25–27
    • postsales process for, 149–154
    • providing value to, 5, 6–7, 43–45, 48
    • retaining, 143–147
    • sales versus customer development, 46–50
    • types of, 8
    • undercharging first, 93–94
    • using CRM to track data and, 75–77
    • what you're selling versus what is bought by, 21–22
    • and why they buy your product, 24–28
    • See also Ideal customer profile (ICP)
  • Decentralized pricing efforts, 42
  • Disproving your theory, 19–20
  • Diversity, 124–128
  • DocStation, 9
  • Drive, 131
  • Emotions and negotiation, 100–101
  • Gilroy, Michael, 154–155
  • Goldstein, Guy, 12
  • Google, 59, 65
  • Google Adwords, 14, 21–22
  • Granular focus on customers, 18–19
  • Gray, Tim, 7–8
  • Helper Bees, 9
  • Henikoff, Troy, 78–79, 81–82
  • Hiring
    • of experienced salespeople, 112–113
    • at a faster pace and training, 122–124
    • finding repeatability in, 120–130
    • first sales, 110–120
    • of people with all five traits, 117–119
    • scaling and, 107–110, 129–130
    • training plan and, 119–120
    • See also Salespeople
  • Horne, Stacy, 6
  •, 4–5, 144–146
  • Ideal customer profile (ICP), 12–13, 44–45, 46, 90
    • how to find, 50–57
    • methodology for finding, 55–57
    • story of searching for your who and, 51–53
    • See also Customers
  • Interest versus intent, 90–92
  • Johnson, Richard, 5
  • Joust, 7–8
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs), 78, 128
  • Landers, Monica, 51–55
  • Lawton, Jenny, 63–64
  • Learn, find, and buy stages, 25–27
  • Lifetime Value of our Customer (LTV), 146–147
    • customer-centric cultures and, 147–149
    • retention and revenue growing and, 154–158
  • LinkedIn, 56, 84
  • LIVSN, 21–22
  • Loia, David, 68–69, 70, 108
  • Long-term financial motivation in salespeople, 115–116
  • Management of salespeople, 128–129
  • Manning, Autumn, 110
  • MATH Venture Partners, 79, 82
  • Measuring the why, 28–30
  • Meetings
    • 15-minute, 56
    • data collection, 56–57
  • Mesur, 9
  • Metrics, 155–156
  •, 146
  • Monthly recurring revenue (MRR), 44–45
  • Mountain Gear, 4
  • MySpoonful, 6–7, 12
  • Negotiation, pricing, 98–101
  • Netflix, 54–55
  • Pain, challenge, or opportunity (PCO), 38
  • Passion, 162
  • Perseverance in salespeople, 114–115
  • Personal accountability, 116–117
  • Pink, Daniel H., 131
  • Postsales process, 149–154
    • as critical to retention, 156–158
  • Pricing
    • cost plus, 95
    • efforts in, 41–42
    • insights on, 93–94
    • negotiation in, 98–101
    • optimizing trade in value and, 97–98
    • strategies for, 95–97
    • time required to optimize, 94
    • value-based, 95
    • value trading and, 92–98
    • wild guessing in, 96
  • Product-market direction, 58–62
  • Product-market fit, 58–59
  • Prospectify, 9, 17, 49
  • Quotepath, 135
  • Rathmann, Kurt, 21, 46
  • REI, 4
  • Repeatability
    • in hiring, 120–130
    • how do you know when you've made a sale and, 90–92
  • Retention of customers, 144–147, 154–158
  • Revenue base, growing the, 154–158
  • Richter, Chris, 37–38
  • Rodriguez, Alexis, 3–4
  • ROI calculator, 43–45, 97–98
  • Sales, 1–2
    • cost of, 87
    • versus customer development, 46–50
    • how do you know when you've made, 90–92
    • interest versus intent in, 90–92
    • keeping momentum going with, 144–147
    • knowing when to close, 104–105
    • passion and, 162
    • postsales process and, 149–154
    • pricing and (See Pricing)
    • starting with a conversation, 102–103
    • taking the long view with, 160
    • truth and transparency in, 103
    • See also W3 Framework
  •, 59, 75–76
  • Sales funnel, 70–71, 82–84
  • Sales model
    • built through (not) guessing, 78–82, 84–86
    • CRM blueprint and early, 82–88
  • Salespeople, 49–50, 86–87
    • assessing need for multiple, 121–122
    • desire to make more money in, 136–137
    • diversity of, 124–128
    • finding repeatability in hiring, 120–130
    • hiring of experienced, 112–113
    • long-term financial motivation in, 115–116
    • managing, 128–129
    • as needy, with big egos, and some insecurities, 137–138
    • paying, 131–141
    • scaling of teams and, 107–110
    • self-motivation and ability to persevere through tough times in, 114–115
    • tenure in early stage companies, 113–114
    • with track records of working with lots of autonomy and strong personal accountability, 116–117
    • training plans for, 119–120, 122–124
    • See also Hiring
  • Sales plans, 13–14
    • base pay and commissions in, 138–141
    • connecting the dots from thoughts to, 14–16
    • as essential for growth, 16
  • Sales process, 63–64
    • as Allstacks, 72–75
    • defined, 67
    • importance of having and knowing your, 65–67
    • seeing the benefits of a repeatable, 68–69
    • teasing out your first, 69–78
  • ScaleFactor, 9, 21, 46, 107–108
    • sales process at, 68–69
  • Scaling, team, 107–110, 129–130
  • Sekar, Deepak, 58
  • Self-motivation of salespeople, 114–115
  • Selling vs. buying, difference between, 21–22
  • Shoreline Mountain Products, 3–4, 9
  • Shores, Tom, 3–4
  • Skipper, 9
  • Slack, 61–62
  • Spirakus, Noah, 17, 49
  • Startups, 3–9
    • sales plan development in, 13–14
  • Storyfit, 9, 51, 53, 55
  • Streak, 75
  • Tapadia, Hersh, 72–74
  • Taylor, Rob, 7, 96–97, 110–111, 124
  • Techstars Austin, 3, 9, 12, 51, 56, 64, 68, 72, 76, 162
    • hiring and diversity at, 121, 124–128
    • identifying the customers of, 17–18
  • Testing the W3 Framework, 38–39
  • Thompson, Jason, 125–128
  • Training plans for salespeople, 119–120, 122–124
  • Transmute, 9, 17–18
  • Trendkite, 132–135
  • Truth and transparency, 103
  • Undercharging, 93–94
  • Value
    • measured with ROI calculator, 43–45
    • providing, 5, 6–7, 48
  • Value-based pricing, 95
  • Value trading, 92–98
    • optimizing pricing and, 97–98
  • W3 Framework, 2, 15–16, 159–160
    • example, 32–36
    • implementing, 160–162
    • introduction to, 11–13
    • putting together the, 30–36
    • sales versus customer development in, 46–50
    • testing the, 38–39
    • using the wrong, 39–46
    • What is your customer buying? in, 21–23, 31–32, 34–35
    • Who are you selling to? in, 17–20, 31, 32–34
    • Why is your customer buying it? in, 24–30, 35–36
    • See also Sales
  • What is your customer buying?, 21–23, 31–32, 34–35
  • Who are you selling to?, 17–20, 31, 32–34
  • Why is your customer buying it?, 24–30, 35–36
  • Wild guessing in pricing,
  • Winebaum, Jake, 5–6, 15, 16
  •, 5–6
  • WriterDuet, 9, 12
  • Yahoo!, 4–5
  • YouEarnedIt, 110
  • Zip Recruiter, 144–145
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