
Many people were very helpful in the writing of the first edition. Dr. Marjan Bace and Prof. Joe Calo got me started writing. A. P. V. Inc., Glitsch Inc., and The Norton Co. kindly provided photographs. Chris Roesel and Barb Naugle-Hildebrand did the original artwork. The secretarial assistance of Carolyn Blue, Debra Bowman, Jan Gray, and Becky Weston was essential for completion of the first edition. My teaching assistants Magdiel Agosto, Chris Buehler, Margret Shay, Sung-Sup Suh, and Narasimhan Sundaram were very helpful in finding errors. Professors Ron Andres, James Caruthers, Karl T. Chuang, Alden Emery, and David P. Kessler, and Mr. Charles Gillard were very helpful in reviewing portions of the text. I also owe a debt to the professors who taught me this material: Lowell Koppel, who started my interest in separations as an undergraduate; William R. Schowalter, who broadened my horizons beyond equilibrium staged separations in graduate school; and C. Judson King, who kept my interests alive whilst I was a professor and administrator through his articles, book and personal example.

The assistance of Lee Meadows, Jenni Layne, and Karen Heide in preparing the second edition is gratefully acknowledged. I thank the reviewers, John Heydweiller, Stewart Slater, and Joe Shaeiwitz for their very helpful reviews. The encouragement and occasional prodding from my editor, Bernard Goodwin, was very helpful in getting me to prepare this overdue second edition.

Finally, I could not have finished the second edition without the love and support of my wife, Dot, and my children Chuck and Jennie.

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