100 Simple Statistical Methods for Software Engineering
Review Questions
1. Mention your choice of a product metric in software development.
2. Mention your choice of a process metric in software development.
3. Mention your choice of a project metric in software development.
4. Mention your choice of a process for establishing subprocess metrics. Identify
and list the subprocess metrics for the process you have selected.
5. Why is function point a success?
We measure the size of what we build. If we construct a house, we measure
the floor area. If we build a truck, we measure its length, height, and breadth,
among other parameters. Size measurement is a hallmark of engineering.
When we build a software, we are reluctant to measure size. Some of us
do not measure size at all. is is a disappointment for we have failed to
uphold software engineering. Come to think of it, it is rather easy to measure
size. If we nd IFPUG function point or FFP time consuming and cumber-
some, especially for large modules, we have alternatives to choose from. For
example, we can use any of the following established metrics:
Albrecht function point
Mark II FP
Object point
Test case point
Use case point
Feature point
Doug Hubbards book titled How to Measure Anything [10] can help to
overcome mental barriers in measuring things considered impossible to mea-
sure. He observes that the perceived impossibility of measurement is an illu-
sion caused by not understanding the concept of measurement, the object of
measurement, and the methods of measurement.
You can build your own proprietary size metric. Some have constructed
engineering size unit as a metric. Others have invented requirement size unit.
Homegrown complexity metrics are doing the rounds as well. Having an
approximate size metric is innitely better than not having one.
Achieving Excellence in Software Development Using Metrics 101
1. Download a C program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit from the web.
Count size in lines of code.
2. For the previously mentioned script, count function point.
3. Count FFP for item 2. Compare FFP value with FP value.
4. Develop subprocess metrics for software design. Propose an equation for
design complexity that makes use of the subprocess metrics.
5. e earned value metrics for a development project captured in the middle of
the project life cycle are as follows
Earned value 1200 person days
Planned value 1300 person days
Actual cost 1500 person days
Calculate the following project performance indices:
Schedule performance index
Cost performance index
1. N. E. Fenton and S. L. Pfleeger, Software Metrics: A Rigorous and Practical Approach,
International omson Computer Press, Boston, 1996.
2. R. B. Grady and D. L. Caswell, Software Metrics: Establishing a Company-Wide Program,
PTR Prentice-Hall, 1987.
3. S. H. Kan, Metrics and Models in Software Quality Engineering, Addison-Wesley
Longman Publishing Co., Inc., Boston, 2002.
4. C. Ravindranath Pandian, Software Metrics: A Guide to Planning, Analysis, and
Application, CRC Press, Auerbach Publications, 2003.
5. L. H. Putnam and W. Myers, Five Core Metrics: e Intelligence Behind Successful
Software Management, Dorset House Publishing, New York, 2003.
6. C. Jones, Applied Software Measurement: Global Analysis of Productivity and Quality,
McGraw-Hill Osborne Media, New York, 2008.
7. D. Zage and W. Zage, Validation of Design Metrics on a Telecommunication Application,
Available at http://http://patakino.web.elte.hu/SDL/tr171p.pdf.
8. R. R. Dumke, R. Braungarten, G. Büren, A. Abran and J. J. Cuadrado-Gallego,
Software Process and Product Measurement, Springer, New York, 2008.
9. NESMA, e Application of Function Point Analysis in the Early Phases of the Application
Life Cycle. A Practical Manual: Version 2.0, 2005. Available at http://www.nesma.nl
/download /boeken_NESMA/N20_FPA_in_Early_Phases_%28v2.0%29.pdf.
10. D. W. Hubbard, How to Measure Anything: Finding the Value of Intangibles in Business,
Wiley, New Jersey, 2010.
102 Simple Statistical Methods for Software Engineering
Suggested Readings
Aczel, A. D. and J. Sundara Pandian, Complete Business Statistics, McGraw-Hill, London,
Applying Earned Value Analysis to Your Project. Available at http://office.microsoft.com/en-in
Astels, D. Test-Driven Development: A Practical Guide, Prentice Hall PTR, Upper Saddle
River, NJ, 2003.
Cem, K. Rethinking Software Metrics, STQE, March/April 2000.
Estimated Function Point. Available at http://www.functionpoints.org/, http://www .functionpoints
.org/resources.html, http://csse.usc.edu/csse/event/1998/COCOMO/18_Stensrud %
20 Estimating.pdf.
Function Point Estimation. Available at http://webcourse.cs.technion.ac.il/234270/Spring2013
Garmus, D. An Introduction to Function Point Counting. Available at http://www.compaid
Hunt, R. P., P. J. Solomon and D. Galorath, Applying Earned Value Management to Software
Intensive Programs. Available at http://www.galorath.com/DirectContent/applying_earned
International Function Point Users Group, IT Measurement: Practical Advice from the Experts,
Addison-Wesley, 2002.
Kitchenham, B. Software Metrics—Measurement for Software Process Improvement, NCC
Blackwell, UK, 1996.
Kulik, P. Software Metrics: State of the Art—2000, KLCI, 2000.
Kusters, R., A. Cowderoy, F. Heemstra and E. van Veenendaal, editors, Project Control for
Software Quality, Shaker Publishing, 1999.
McBreen, P. Software Craftsmanship: e New Imperative, Addison-Wesley Professional,
McCarthy, J. Dynamics of Software Development, Microsoft Press, 1995.
McConnell, S. Professional Software Development, Addison-Wesley, 2004.
Meli, R. and L. Santillo, Function Point Estimation Methods: A Comparative Overview. Available at
Norman, F. E., and M. Niel, Software Metrics: Road Map, CSD QM&WC, London, August
Parthasarathy, M. A. Practical Software Estimation, Addison-Wesley, 2007.
Platt, D. S. Why Software Sucks—And What You Can Do about It, Addison-Wesley Professional,
Putnam, L. H. and W. Myers, Expert Metrics Views, Cutter Information Group, 2000.
Wiegers, K. E. Practical Project Initiation: A Handbook with Tools, Microsoft Press, 2007.
Woodings, T. L. A Taxonomy of Software Metrics, Software Process Improvement Network
(SPIN), Perth, 1995.
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