access control list.   The list of principals that have explicit permission (to publish, to subscribe to, and to request persistent delivery of a publication message) against a topic in the topic tree. The ACLs define the implementation of topic-based security.
Access Manager.   A functional area of the Management Console used by the administrator to configure the security model of InfoSphere CDC users and their permissions.
Access Server.   A background process on a Windows or UNIX workstation that implements the InfoSphere CDC security model.
ACL.   See access control list.
adaptive apply.   A method of applying data to a target table that allows the target table to have incorrect data. As data changes are replicated from the source table, the target table becomes more accurate.
after image.   The updated content of a source-table column after the source operation has completed.
aggregate.   Pre-calculated and pre-stored summaries, kept in the data warehouse to improve query performance.
aggregation.   An attribute-level transformation that reduces the level of detail of available data, for example, having a Total Quantity by Category of Items rather than the individual quantity of each item in the category.
application programming interface.   An interface provided by a software product that enables programs to request services.
asynchronous messaging.   A method of communication between programs in which a program places a message on a message queue, and then proceeds with its own processing without waiting for a reply to its message.
attribute.   A field in a dimension table.
auditing.   The process of tracking table and row-level operations (insert, update, delete, and clear operations) that have been applied to a source table. The tracking occurs in a target table.
before image.   The content of a replication source-table column before the source operation.
bidirectional replication.   Replication in which changes that are made to one copy of a table are replicated to a second copy of that table, and changes that are made to the second copy are replicated back to the first copy. You must choose which copy of the table wins if a conflict occurs.
BLOB.  Binary large object, a block of bytes of data (for example, the body of a message) that has no discernible meaning, but is treated as one solid entity that cannot be interpreted.
bookmark.   Information that InfoSphere CDC uses to maintain transactional data consistency.
cascading replication.   A replication topology where changes are first replicated to a target table, and then the changes made to that target table are further replicated to one or more additional target tables (often located in another database).
change data capture.   Provides rapid and timely capture and delivery of data changes across enterprise systems in real time.
column function.   An expression within a derived expression that performs enhanced data manipulation. Typically, column functions calculate statistical aggregations, such as COUNT, SUM, AVG, or MAX, based on the values of existing columns, and then place the results in new columns.
column mapping.   The action of choosing which source columns are replicated to which target columns.
commit.   An operation that applies all the changes made during the current unit of recovery or unit of work. After the operation is complete, a new unit of recovery or unit of work begins.
composite key.   A key in a fact table that is the concatenation of the foreign keys in the dimension tables.
computer.   A device that accepts information (in the form of digitalized data) and manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instructions about how the data is to be processed.
conflict detection.   The process of detecting whether the same row was updated by users or application programs in both the source and target tables at essentially the same time.
configuration.   The collection of brokers, their execution groups, the message flows, and sets that are assigned to them, and the topics and associated access control specifications.
continuous data replication.   See Enterprise Replication.
continuous mirroring.   A method of mirroring data where a change applied to a source table is immediately replicated to the target table. You should use continuous mirroring when it is important that source and target tables be synchronized at all times.
critical column.   A change to a critical column indicates that the source operation is important and should be replicated to the target environment. If a source row is updated but no critical columns are changed, then this change is not replicated to the target table. The changes to the non-critical columns are replicated to the target the next time an important update is done.
data definition language.   An SQL statement that creates or modifies the structure of a table or database, for example, CREATE TABLE, DROP TABLE, ALTER TABLE, or CREATE DATABASE.
data manipulation language.   An INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, or SELECT SQL statement.
data append.   A data loading technique where new data is added to the database, leaving the existing data unaltered.
data cleansing.   A process of data manipulation and transformation to eliminate variations and inconsistencies in data content. This process is typically done to improve the quality, consistency, and usability of the data.
data federation.   The process of enabling data from multiple heterogeneous data sources to appear as though it is contained in a single relational database. Can also be referred to as distributed access.
data mart.   An implementation of a data warehouse, typically with a smaller and more tightly restricted scope, such as for a department or workgroup. It can be independent, or derived from another data warehouse environment.
data mining.   A mode of data analysis that has a focus on the discovery of new information, such as unknown facts, data relationships, or data patterns.
data partition.   A segment of a database that can be accessed and operated on independently, even though it is part of a larger data structure.
data refresh.   A data loading technique where all the data in a database is replaced with a new set of data.
data store.   An instance of a InfoSphere CDC engine. Instances are created using the configuration tool provided for each engine.
data type.   Defines the type of data stored in a specific database column, such as date, numeric, or character data. Significant differences in data types exist between different platforms' databases.
data warehouse.   A specialized data environment developed, structured, and used specifically for decision support and informational applications. It is subject oriented rather than application oriented. Data is integrated, non-volatile, and time variant.
database partition.   Part of a database that consists of its own data, indexes, configuration files, and transaction logs.
DB Connect.   Enables connection to several relational database systems and the transfer of data from these database systems into the SAP Business Information Warehouse.
DDL.   See data definition language.
debugger.   A facility on the Message Flows view in the Control Center that enables message flows to be visually debugged.
deploy.   Makes operational the configuration and topology of the broker domain.
derived column.   A column that is calculated from other source column values using a derived expression.
derived expressions.   An expression that defines the value placed in a column for each row inserted or updated in a target table.
differential refresh.   A process that synchronizes the target table with the current contents of the source table by applying only the differences between the target and the source table.
dimension.   Data that further qualifies or describes a measure, or both, such as amounts or durations.
distributed application   In message queuing, a set of application programs that can each be connected to a different queue manager, but that collectively constitute a single application.
DML.   See data manipulation language.
drill-down.   Iterative analysis, exploring facts at more detailed levels of the dimension hierarchies.
dynamic SQL.   SQL that is interpreted during execution of the statement.
embedded database.   A database that works exclusively with a single application or appliance.
engine.   A program that performs a core or essential function for other programs. A database engine performs database functions on behalf of the database user programs.
enrichment.   The creation of derived data. An attribute-level transformation performed by some type of algorithm to create one or more new (derived) attributes.
Enterprise Replication.   An asynchronous, log-based tool for replicating data between IBM Informix database servers.
extenders.   These itmes are program modules that provide extended capabilities for DB2 and are tightly integrated with DB2.
FACTS.   A collection of measures, and the information to interpret those measures in a given context.
federation.   Provides a unified interface to diverse data.
filtering columns.   The process of identifying which source columns you want to include or exclude for replication.
gateway.   A means to access a heterogeneous data source. It can use native access or ODBC technology.
grain.   The fundamental lowest level of data represented in a dimensional fact table.
in-scope objects.   Objects that are considered, or included, for replication to the backup system.
instance.   A particular realization of a computer process. Relative to the database, the realization of a complete database environment.
Java Database Connectivity.   An application programming interface that has the same characteristics as ODBC, but is specifically designed for use by Java database applications.
Java Development Kit.   A software package used to write, compile, debug, and run Java applets and applications.
Java Message Service.   An application programming interface that provides Java language functions for handling messages.
Java Runtime Environment.   A subset of the Java Development Kit that enables you to run Java applets and applications.
journal control fields.   A set of fields that contains different information about a journal entry associated with a source table change. Journal control fields can be assigned to target columns, as journal entry information is replicated with source table data. In Management Console, journal control fields are denoted with an ampersand (&) before the name of the field.
latency.   The latency of the target table indicates how closely synchronized it is with the source table. For example, if 30 seconds ago on the source system have been applied to the target table, but some changes that were done in the last 30 seconds have not yet been applied, then the table would be 30 seconds latent.
LiveAudit.   A feature that maintains an audit trail of table changes in the mapped target table.
Management Console.   The administrator applications that provide the necessary support to configure, manage, and monitor an entire replication configuration from a central location.
materialized query table.   A table where the results of a query are stored for later reuse.
measure.   A data item that measures the performance or behavior of business processes.
member identifiers.   An expression identifying the member in a multimember IBM i source table that is the source of replicated data. You require member identifiers to identify the member for each replicated record so that data in the target table is not erased during a refresh.
message domain.   The value that determines how the message is interpreted (parsed).
message flow.   A directed graph that represents the set of activities performed on a message or event as it passes through a broker. A message flow consists of a set of message processing nodes and message processing connectors.
message parser.   A program that interprets the bit stream of an incoming message and creates an internal representation of the message in a tree structure. A parser is also responsible for generating a bit stream for an outgoing message from the internal representation.
metadata.   The internal set of tables that maintains the entities, attributes, and characteristics of your replication configuration.
mirroring.   The process of continuous replication of changed data from the source system to the target system
MOLAP.   See Multidimensional OLAP.
multidimensional OLAP.   Can be called MD-OLAP. It is OLAP that uses a multidimensional database as the underlying data structure.
multidimensional analysis.   Analysis of data along several dimensions, for example, analyzing revenue by product, store, and date.
multidimensional clustering.   A technique that allows for rows of data with similar values across multiple dimensions to be physically clustered together on disk.
multitasking.   Operating system capability that allows multiple tasks to run concurrently, taking turns using the resources of the computer.
multithreading.   Operating system capability that enables multiple concurrent users to use the same program. This situation saves on the impact of initiating the program multiple times.
nickname.   An identifier that is used to reference the object at the data source that you want to access.
node group.   Group of one or more database partitions.
node.   An instance of a database or database partition.
notifications.   A mechanism that generates a notification in response to a generated product message. A notification can be conveyed through different methods (email notification, user exit program notification, and so on). This mechanism allows a user to monitor replication activity in their network.
ODBC.   See Open Database Connectivity.
OLAP.   See online analytical processing.
online analytical processing.   Multidimensional data analysis, performed in real time. Not dependent on an underlying data schema.
Open Database Connectivity.   A standard application programming interface for accessing data in both relational and non-relational database management systems. Using this API, database applications can access data stored in database management systems on various computers, even if each database management system uses a different data storage format and programming interface. ODBC is based on the call-level interface (CLI) specification of the X/Open SQL Access Group.
optimization.   The capability to enable a process to run and perform in such a way as to maximize performance, minimize resource utilization, and minimize the process execution response time delivered to the user.
out of scope objects.   Objects that are not considered for, or excluded from, replication to the target system.
partition.   Part of a database that consists of its own data, indexes, configuration files, and transaction logs.
pass-through.   The act of passing the SQL for an operation directly to the data source without being changed by the federation server.
persistent subscription.   InfoSphere CDC ensures that a persistent subscription is restarted when the engine is restarted after shutdown or after the subscription ends with a recoverable error.
pivoting.   Analysis operation where a user takes a different viewpoint of the results, for example, by changing the way the dimensions are arranged.
primary key.   Field in a table that is uniquely different for each record in the table.
process.   An instance of a program running in a computer.
program.   A specific set of ordered operations for a computer to perform.
propagation control.   The process of preventing the replication of data from a particular source. This process is useful if you are using a bidirectional replication configuration, and prevents subscriptions from unnecessarily repeating operations like inserting data.
pushdown.   The act of optimizing a data operation by pushing the SQL down to the lowest point in the federated architecture where that operation can be run. More simply, a pushdown operation is one that is run at a remote server.
recursion.   The process by which a perpetual series of repetitive changes applied to the same record occurs between two or more tables in a bidirectional replication scenario.
recursion prevention.   When performing bidirectional replication, the ability to avoid a change to one table from being repetitively applied to both tables without termination.
refresh.   A process that synchronizes the target table with the current contents of the source table.
refresh order.   The order in which source tables are refreshed.
replication.   The process of maintaining an on-going synchronization between the contents of source tables and target tables. Also the process of sending changes from source tables to the target system. In InfoSphere CDC, this term encompasses all methods of transferring data (refresh and mirroring).
replication method.   A property of table mapping that indicates whether it performs mirroring or refresh.
Relational Sequential Access Method.   The disk access method and storage manager for the Informix DBMS.
Relational OLAP.   Multidimensional analysis using a multidimensional view of relational data. A relational database is used as the underlying data structure.
ROLAP.   See relational OLAP.
roll-up.   Iterative analysis, exploring facts at a higher level of summarization.
row filtering.   The process of determining which rows in a source table to replicate. Typically, an expression tests one or more column values in each row and returns a Boolean result that replicates or discards the row.
RSAM.   See Relational Sequential Access Method.
server.   A computer program that provides services to other computer programs (and their users) in the same or other computers. However, the computer that a server program runs in is also frequently referred to as a server.
Schedule End (Net Change) mirroring.   Replicates changes (to the target) up to a point consistent with the state of the source database at a given point in time and then ends replication.
shared nothing.   A data management architecture where nothing is shared between processes. Each process has its own processor, memory, and disk space.
source database.   A database from which replication transfers captured changes.
static SQL.   SQL that has been compiled before execution. Typically provides best performance.
subject area.   A logical grouping of data by categories, such as customers or items.
subscription.   A group of table mappings.
subscription promotion.   The process of copying replication definitions from one environment to another environment without having to recreate the definitions.
subscription state.   An indicator of the activity involving a subscription defined in Management Console. The subscription state indicates whether replication operations to a subscription are starting, refresh, mirror continuous, mirror net-change, ending, inactive, or unknown.
subscription status.   The subscription status indicates how replication is progressing. The subscription status can be Normal, Error, or Unknown.
summarization.   A method of applying data to a target table where numeric data in the table is incremented or decremented based on the type of row-level operation (insert, update, or delete) applied to the table. Summarization allows you to aggregate data without having to define expressions that maintains the equivalent results.
synchronous messaging.   A method of communication between programs in which a program places a message on a message queue and then waits for a reply before resuming its own processing.
system parameter.   A setting that can be modified to change a certain behavior of InfoSphere CDC.
table mapping.   A component of a subscription that connects a source replication object with a target replication object and specifies communication paths, such as queues or TCP/IP connections.
target database.   A database to which replication software applies changes captured from a source database.
task.   The basic unit of programming that an operating system controls. Also see Multitasking.
thread.   The placeholder information associated with a single use of a program that can handle multiple concurrent users. Also see Multithreading.
throughput.   A measure of the rate at which data changes are retrieved, sent, and applied on the target system.
transaction consistency.   While mirroring data, transaction consistency is the guarantee that if part of a transaction has been committed to the target database, then all other in-scope operations from that source transaction have been committed as well.
transformation.   The process of manipulating replicated data from a source to a target.
unit of work.   A recoverable sequence of operations performed by an application between two points of consistency.
user mapping.   An association made between the federated server user ID and password and the data source (to be accessed) user ID and password.
virtual database.   A federation of multiple heterogeneous relational databases.
warehouse catalog.   A subsystem that stores and manages all the system metadata.
xtree.   A query-tree tool that enables you to monitor the query plan execution of individual queries in a graphical environment.
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