Table of Contents


About This Book

Foolish Assumptions

Conventions Used in This Book

How This Book Is Organized

Part I: Welcome to the World of Social CRM

Part II: Building Your Social CRM Strategy

Part III: Developing a Social and Collaborative Business

Part IV: Measuring the Impact of Social CRM

Part V: The Part of Tens

Icons Used in This Book

Where to Go from Here

Part I: Welcome to the World of Social CRM

Chapter 1: Implementing the New Social Business

Accepting the New Social Change

Defending the business side of social media

Understanding the personal side of social media

Defining the business side of social media

Connecting CRM History to Today

Traveling dirt roads to the computer screen

Welcoming the power of computing

Crafting the CRM Definition and Philosophy

Optimizing customer relationships

Predicting the future of CRM

Chapter 2: Meeting the New Kid on the Block: Social CRM

Defining Social CRM

Using social media for CRM

Accepting multi-way communication

Moving from brand speak to real conversations

Discovering the Social CRM Fundamentals

Focusing on community building

Giving influence to your customers

Collaborating with customers

Understanding the Differences in Social and Traditional CRM

Shifting from selling to relationship building

Everything social is public

Defining new metrics of success

Aiming for customer engagement

Recognizing the Benefits of Social CRM

Increasing customer retention

Generating leads

Converting leads into customers

Reducing customer support costs

Identifying innovative ideas

Chapter 3: Overcoming Challenges to Social CRM

Understanding the Challenges of Social CRM

Establishing Best Practices and Guidelines

Building a Social CRM Team

Training Your Employees

Prioritizing Activities and Resources

Establishing Your Social CRM Goals

Chapter 4: Courting the Social Customer

Exploring the Habits of the Social Customer

Looking at customers' buying patterns

Understanding how customers use mobile devices

Understanding the change in advertising

Recognizing how customers use social media

Influencing the Social Customer

Knowing why people share

Creating content that people want to share

Sharing the recommendation

Talking to the Social Customer

Taking marketing beyond messaging

Adding value for your customer up front

Providing customer service they didn't expect

Part II: Building Your Social CRM Strategy

Chapter 5: Establishing the New Social Business Model

Finding the Right Person to Lead the Way

Defining Processes That Yield Insights

Incorporating Social Into Your Company Branding

Showing your company's human side

Discovering personalization

Measuring the Impact of the New Model

Engaging in Co-creation

Starting with internal co-creation

Aggregating information

Customizing the overall experience

Blurring between the producer and consumer

Chapter 6: Refreshing Marketing 2.0 for Social CRM

Attracting Attention in an Attention Economy

Discovering the past marketing economy

Redefining attention in the new economy

Battling Between Old and New Marketing

Defining product-centric marketing

Meeting the embattled company-centric marketing

Welcoming customer-centric marketing

Chapter 7: Using the Social Media in Social CRM

Understanding the Role of Social Media

Changing CRM with social media

Dipping into real-time analytics

Building the Content Pillars

Creating and using content

Discovering storytelling principles

Taking a trip with the customer

Keeping a content inventory

Incorporating Blogging

Defining a brand blog

Searching the blogosphere

Planning your posts

Writing your brand post

Fitting SEO into blog content

Encouraging readers to leave comments

Looking at the available blogging tools

Discovering the Podcast

Defining the value of podcasting

Benefitting from podcasts

Planning your podcast

Choosing podcasting tools

Getting your podcast heard

Including Video in Your Mix

Knowing how to use videos

Understanding video-hosting requirements

Considering YouTube for video hosting and distribution

Tweeting with the Microblog Twitter

Understanding the microblog (Twitter)

Reviewing Twitter basics

Looking at some specialized Twitter tools

Facing the Valuable Facebook

Understanding the importance of Facebook

Discovering Facebook features

Adding Specialized Social Platforms

Considering social network alternatives

Using visual platforms

Presenting as a Social Campaign Tool

Hosting webinars

Extending your reach with slide shows

Sharing e-books

Mining the backchannel

Having Influence

Chapter 8: Aligning Sales in Social CRM

Challenging the New Social Salesperson

Identifying your sales team's strengths

Encouraging compliance with social CRM

Building Sales Intelligence

Valuing the Collaborative Sales Model

Categorizing the social sales ecosystem

Embracing the cloud

Checking out collaboration tools

Interacting with the New Social Customer

Listening to the customer

Selling to the buying brain

Leading the New Lead Generation

Connecting ROI with social media

Following the path of the new social buyer

Recognizing the new social media persona

Creating content for buying

Closing the social sales cycle

Becoming the Trusted Advisor

Establishing a sales profile with content

Creating relationships on LinkedIn

Using a tablet to be more productive

Chapter 9: Building a Customer Loyalty and Advocacy Program

Understanding Customer Loyalty

Evolving loyalty programs

Discovering why loyalty programs matter

Introducing types of loyalty programs

Making your most valuable customers feel loved

Understanding the Value of Loyal Advocates and Social Influencers

Influencing the influencer

Understanding the needs of the loyal advocate

Enhancing Customer Loyalty and Advocacy

Utilizing customer touch points

Hearing what customers are saying

Delivering relevant content

Using gamification to encourage loyal customers

Chapter 10: Creating Socially Relevant Customer Service

Defining Customer Service

Expanding the scope of social service

Adding social has its benefits

Understanding the importance of social service

Encouraging customer engagement

Dealing with complaints

Collaborating with the customer

Starting to serve your social customer

Reviewing the actions of the big brands

Listening to the Social Customer

Understanding the social graph

Recognizing the power of viral

Monitoring your social reputation

Using Community-Based Support

Building the community-based support site

Growing your community

Creating Goals for Social Customer Service

Benefitting from a self-serve portal

Integrating a self-service portal

Defining the social knowledge base

Recovering from Social Media Uproars Like a Pro

Chapter 11: Supporting the Age of Mobility

Looking at Consumer Trends in Mobile

Understanding the needs of the market

Using consumer behavior to develop mobile campaigns

Locating the location-based device

Navigating the Mobile Enterprise

Defining the mobile enterprise

Benefitting from mobile

Using mobile with your employees

Part III: Developing a Social and Collaborative Business

Chapter 12: Building a Social Organization

Defining the New Internal Ecosystem

Meeting the Needs of a Social Organization

Getting the CEO on board

Challenging chief marketing officers to support the social enterprise

Supporting business units

Realizing the social challenges

Establishing an Internal Social Network

Chapter 13: Enabling and Empowering Your Employees

Gaining Your Customer's Trust via Social Media

Changing role of the new social employee

Using employees' outside connections

Valuing the social employee

Creating a Social Media Policy

Reviewing how organization affects policy

Understanding the importance of revising social media policies

Folding social media policies into the organization

Dealing with Communication Crises

Setting expectations for social media responses

Training employees

Contributing to the Internal Knowledge Base

Using SEO to Deflect Questions and Calls

Part IV: Measuring the Impact of Social CRM

Chapter 14: Analyzing Data to Drive Results

Understanding the Social CRM Data Storm

Teaching the Different Parts of Data

Combining Business Intelligence with Social CRM

Structuring Data Collection and Reporting

Translating Social Media Data Into Metrics

Defining text analysis

Using data to enhance customer interaction

Determining what metrics matter for social CRM

Measuring the importance of advocacy

Realizing the Net Promoter Score

Finding a Social CRM System to Meet Your Needs

Analyzing the Future of Analytics

Chapter 15: Keeping Up with Evolving Technology

Educating on the Future Technology

Changing the employee outlook

Evolving with the customer

Unraveling the Future of CRM

Building the customer module of the future

Diving into the 360-degree view

Pushing Mobility and Embedded Technology

Part V: The Part of Tens

Chapter 16: Top Ten Enterprise-Level Social CRM Solutions

Oracle CRM


Microsoft Dynamics







Chapter 17: Top Ten Customer Service–Centric Social CRM Solutions

Sword Ciboodle

Get Satisfaction




Moxie Software


Astute Solutions



Chapter 18: Top Ten Social CRM Thought Leaders

Paul Greenburg

Adam Metz

R “Ray” Wang

Wim Rampen

Kate Leggett

Esteban Kolsky

Martin Schneider

Mitch Lieberman

Bill Ives

Marc Benioff

Chapter 19: Top Ten Small Business Social CRM Vendors



Constant Contact








Chapter 20: Top Ten Cross-Channel Marketing Vendors





Experian CheetahMail







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