One of the great defects of English books printed in the last century is the want of an index.

—Lafcadio Hearn a.k.a Koizumi Yakumo


  • Abstract syntax tree (AST)
  • Abstraction
  • Accelerated development
  • Acceptance
    • test
    • testing
  • Accidental reuse
  • Accounting
  • Activity
  • Activity definition
  • Activity-based classification
  • Actual impact set (AIS)
  • Ad hoc reuse
  • Ada SDA (System Dependency Analyzer)
  • Adaptability
  • Adaptive
  • Adaptive maintenance
  • Adequacy
  • Adherence
  • Age
  • Agglomerative algorithms
  • Agile
    • programming
    • software development
    • software methodology
  • Aging
  • Aiken, Peter
  • Albrecht, A. J.
  • Alteration
  • Amplification
  • Analysis
    • knowledge
    • and planning
    • of protocol data
    • state
  • Annotation
  • Annotation of the program
  • Anomaly
  • Antiregression
  • Antithesis
  • Application
    • domain
    • engineering (AE)
    • gateway
    • program interface (API)
    • wrappers
  • Approval
  • Approval task steps
  • Architectural reuse
  • Architecture description languages (ADLs)
  • Architecture extraction
  • Arnold, Robert S.
  • Arthur, Jay Lowell
  • Artifacts
  • Aspect
  • Aspect-oriented software development
  • Assembler
  • Assertion
  • Assessment model
  • Asset
  • Assimilation process
  • Association coefficient
  • Assumptions management
  • Audit
  • Auditing
  • Automated analysis
  • Available support community


  • Backus–Naur Form (BNF)
  • Backward
    • search
    • slice
    • wrappers (b-wrappers)
  • Bad smell
  • Baseline
  • Basic conceptualization
  • Basic reuse
  • Bazaar
  • Beacon
  • Behavior preserving transformation
  • Belady, Laszlo
  • Bennett, Keith H.
  • Behavioral dependencies
  • Big bang
  • Big Bang approach
  • Black-box
    • components
    • reengineering
    • requirements
    • testing
  • Bottom-up
  • Branch
  • Brooks model
  • Build process
  • Building
  • Business model of Poulin and Caruso
  • Business
    • process reengineering (BPR)
    • rules
  • Butterfly
  • Butterfly methodology
  • Byrne, Eric J.


  • Call graph
  • Call graph-based analysis
  • Call preservation
  • Call, use and define (CUD)
  • Candidate impact set (CIS)
  • Canning R. G.
  • Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
  • Carry on maintenance
  • Cathedral
  • Causation
  • Centroid
  • Certification
  • Change
    • control
    • coupling
    • management
    • mini-cycle model
    • propagation
    • propagation activity
    • propagation heuristics
    • propagation model
    • rate
    • request (CR)
    • request schema
    • set
    • source instruction (CSI)
    • system
  • Chapin, Ned
  • Chicken little
  • Chicken little
    • migration
    • strategy
  • Chidamber and Kemerer (CK) metrics
  • Chikofsky and Cross II
  • Chrysaliser
  • Chunk
  • Chunking
  • City metaphor
  • CK metric suite
  • Class diagram
  • Cleansing
  • Clearcase
  • Cliché
  • Client organization
  • Clone
  • Closed source software (CSS)
  • Closed state
  • Closedown
  • Clustering
  • Clusters
    • business rules
    • documentation
    • software properties
    • support interface
  • COCOMO model
  • Code
    • changes
    • churn
    • cognition
    • decay
    • layout (FIL)
    • leverage
    • readers
    • smell
  • CodeCrawler
  • Cognitions
  • Cohesion
  • Cohesion metric
  • Cold turkey
  • Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS)
  • Commit state
  • Common goals
  • Compilation
  • Complex refactoring
  • Complexity
  • Complexity metrics
  • Compliance
  • Component
    • collaboration
    • reconfiguration
    • reuse
    • selection
  • Component-based software (CBS)
  • Composite database
  • Composite database approach
  • Comprehension strategies
  • Computationally redundant data
  • Computer-aided software engineering (CASE)
  • Concept assignment problem
  • Concepts
  • Conceptual
    • data
    • level
    • normalization
    • phase
    • schema
  • Concurrent version system (CVS)
  • Configuration
    • baseline
    • control board (CCB)
    • item
    • management (CM)
  • Conformance
  • Conjectures
  • Connectivity matrix
  • Conservation of familiarity
  • Conservation of organizational stability
  • Construction
  • Construction algorithms
  • Constructive Cost Model II (COCOMO II)
  • Consultive
  • Context area
  • Continuing change
  • Continuing growth
  • Contours
  • Contracting
  • Control
    • data
    • dependency edges
    • flow
  • Control flow
    • analysis (CFA)
    • graph (CFG)
  • Control structure diagram (CSD)
  • Controlled interfaces
  • Controlling
  • Corrections
  • Corrective
  • Corrective maintenance
  • Correlation coefficients
  • Cost estimation
  • Cost model of Gaffney and Durek
  • Cost per error
  • Cost-benefit analysis
  • Coupling
  • Coupling between object class (CBO)
  • Coupling metrics
  • Critical pair analysis
  • Crosscutting concerns
  • Cross-referencing
  • Customer
  • Cut over
  • Cut-and-run
  • Cyclomatic complexity


  • Dangling purpose
  • Data
    • access-allocator (DAA)
    • administration
    • analysis
    • archival
    • assets
    • banker
    • cleaning
    • conversion
    • dependency edges
    • description language (DDL)
    • flow
    • flow analysis (DFA)
    • flow graph (DFG)
    • forward engineering
    • locator
    • management system (DMS)
    • reduction
    • reengineering
    • representation
    • reuse
    • reverse engineering (DRE)
    • structure conceptualization
    • structure extraction
  • Database
  • Database
    • first
    • gateway
    • last
    • management system (DBMS)
    • reverse engineering (DBRE)
    • wrappers
  • Data-oriented application
  • Data-Transformer
  • Davis, Ted
  • Decay
  • Decision tree
  • Decision tree-based criteria
  • Declining quality
  • Decompilation
  • Decompiler
  • Definition-use
  • Degree of interest (DOI)
  • Delivery
  • Density search technique
  • Dependency analysis
  • Dependency graph
  • Dependency graph-based analysis
  • Depth of inheritance tree (DIT)
  • Design
  • Design
    • level
    • recovery
    • reuse
    • clones
  • Developer
  • Developer information (DEV)
  • Development
    • cost avoidance
    • model
    • process
    • replay (DR)
    • for reuse
    • with reuse
    • staff
    • technology
  • Device-drivers
  • Direct impact
  • Disassembler
  • Discard and redevelop
  • Discovered impact set (DIS)
  • Distance measure
  • Distance-based
  • Distance-based approach
  • Distinctive appearance
  • Divide-and-conquer schema
  • Divisive algorithms
  • DMS (Design Maintenance System)
  • DMS–DDL text analysis
  • Documentation
    • change
    • task steps
  • Documenting
  • Domain
    • analysis
    • design
    • engineering (DE)
    • implementation
    • knowledge
    • model
    • plans
    • qualification (DQ)
    • specific languages (DSLs)
  • Domain analysis and reuse environment (DARE)
  • Draco
  • Duplicate code
  • Dynamic
    • call graph
    • elements
    • growth
    • program slice


  • Economic
  • Effective size
  • Effective visual metaphors
  • Effectiveness
  • Eighth law
  • Element connectedness
  • Elimination-of-goto
  • Embedded knowledge
  • Empirical studies
  • Encapsulation
  • Encoding
  • Engineering change (EC)
  • Engineering view point
  • Enhancements
  • Enhancive
  • Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)
  • Entity-relationship (ER)
  • Entropy
  • Environment
  • Environmental independence
  • Equivalence tests
  • Error flow analysis
  • Establishing baseline
  • Estimated impact set (EIS)
  • E-type program
  • E-type software
  • E-type systems
  • Euclidean distance
  • Evaluation
  • Evaluative
  • Event management
  • Evidence-based classification
  • Evolution
  • Evolution
    • of E-type software
    • management
    • process
    • of software
  • Evolutionary
    • approach
    • model
    • trajectory
  • Evolves
  • Exception handling
  • Execution history
  • Explanatory (what/why)
  • Extensibility
  • External
    • documentation
    • interface
    • representation
    • reuse (a.k.a. public reuse)
    • software value
  • External traceability, see Horizontal traceability
  • Extract, transform, and load (ETL)
  • Extractive
  • Extreme programming (XP)


  • Facebook
  • Failure handling
  • False positive
  • False positive impact set (FPIS)
  • Familiarity
  • Fan-in
  • Fan-out
  • Family-oriented abstraction, specification, and translation (FAST)
  • Feature location
  • Feature-oriented domain analysis (FODA)
  • Feature-oriented reuse method (FORM)
  • Features
  • Feedback
  • Feedback system
  • Feedback, evolution, and software technology (FEAST)
  • FermaT
  • Fifth law
  • First law
  • First order reuse cost model
  • Fisheye view
  • Focus area
  • Forward
    • engineering
    • gateway
    • migration
    • searching
    • slicing
    • software engineering principles
    • wrappers (f-wrappers)
  • FOSS evolution
  • Fourth law
  • Framework
  • Free and Open Source Software (FOSS)
  • Free software
  • Free software
  • Free/Libre/Open Source Software (FLOSS)
  • Freeze
  • Frequency
  • Friendly user interface
  • Frozen
  • Frozen functionality
  • Full reuse model
  • Fully decomposable
  • Function
  • Function
    • name
    • point (FP)
    • wrappers
  • Functional
    • knowledge
    • requirements
    • enhancement
  • Functionality
  • Functionalization


  • Gate keepers
  • Gateway
  • Gateway co-ordinators
  • General knowledge
  • Generation of
    • code
    • design
  • Generic knowledge structure
  • Geographic technique
  • Gestalt's theory
  • Gibson's theory
  • Global
    • factors
    • variable (GV)
  • Glue
  • Goals
  • Goals/models/tools
  • Good figure
  • Good use of interactions
  • Goto-less
  • Granularity
  • Graph exchange language (GXL)
  • Graph rewriting, see Graph transformation
  • Graph theoretical algorithm
  • Graph transformation
  • Graphical user interface (GUI)
  • Grep
  • Groomative
  • Groups
  • Guru


  • Habitability
  • Halpern, Mark I.
  • Halstead complexity (HC)
  • Halstead, Maurice
  • Hardware maintenance
  • Hazard
  • Hex-Rays Decompiler
  • Hierarchical algorithms
  • High cohesion
  • High information content
  • High level of visibility
  • Higher order reuse cost model
  • Historical co-change (HIS)
  • Horizontal reuse
  • Horizontal traceability
  • Horseshoe
  • Horseshoe model
  • human resource
  • Hypertext markup language (HTML)
  • Hypotheses
  • Hypotheses strategies


  • I/O-emulator
  • Iceberg
  • IDA Pro Disassembler and Debugger
  • Identification
  • IEEE 1042
  • IEEE/EIA 1219
  • Imagix 4D
  • Immediacy
  • Impact analysis (IA)
  • Implement
    • change
    • parallel operations and training
    • state
  • Implementation
    • details
    • level
    • model
  • Improvement algorithm
  • Improving maintainability
  • Improving quality
  • Incompatibility of upgrades
  • Increasing complexity
  • Incremental
    • approach
    • development
  • Indirect impact
  • Individuality
  • Information system (IS)
  • Information system gateway
  • Information-flow metric
  • Initial development
  • Initial entity
  • Initial reuse
  • Input
  • Inspection
  • Integrated
  • Integrated metamodel
  • Integration
  • Intention-based classification
  • Intentions
  • Inter-class coupling
  • Interface converter
  • Interface description languages (IDLs)
  • Intermodule change propagation
  • Internal
    • documentation
    • interface
    • reuse
    • semantic
    • software value
    • traceability, see Vertical traceability
  • Internet Protocol (IP)
  • Interpretation
  • Interprocedural analysis
  • Intra-class coupling
  • Intramodule change propagation
  • Intraprocedural analysis
  • Invariants
  • Inverse square law
  • Investigation activity
  • Investigation report
  • IRAP (Input–Output Reengineering and Program Crafting)
  • is-a
  • ISO/IEC 12207
  • ISO/IEC 14764
  • Isolation
  • Iterative
    • algorithm
    • approach
    • development
    • enhancement model
    • method
    • models
    • process


  • JAD (JAva Decompiler)
  • Java 2 Enterprise Edition (J2EE)
  • Jazayeri, Mehdi


  • Kaizen
  • kind-of
  • Kitchenham, A
  • Knowledge
    • acquisition
    • base
    • elements
    • structure
  • Koala
  • KobrA


  • Lack of cohesion in methods (LCOM)
  • Law of
    • connectedness
    • continuation
    • contour
    • evolution
    • familiarity
    • good figure
    • orientation
    • proximity
    • similarity
    • software evolution
    • symmetry
  • Legacy
  • Legacy
    • DB
    • DB manager
    • information systems (LIS)
    • SampleData
    • software
    • state
    • system
  • Legal
  • Lehman, Meir M.
  • Lehman's law
  • Letovsky model
  • Leveraged
  • Lexical analysis
  • Library
  • License agreements
  • Lines of code (LOC)
  • Linus's law
  • Linux
  • LIS migration
  • Local area network (LAN) simulator
  • Locality
  • Logical
    • phase
    • schema
  • Long-term memory a.k.a. knowledge base
  • Low coupling
  • Low visual complexity


  • Macrostructure
  • Magnification function
  • Maintainability
  • Maintained
    • product
    • product dimension
  • Maintainer
  • Maintenance
    • activities
    • activities-based classification
    • adaptive
    • corrective
    • cost
    • of COTS-based systems
    • engineer
    • event
    • evidence-based classification
    • factors
    • iceberg
    • intention-based classification
    • management
    • model
    • organization
    • organization structure
    • perfective
    • plan
    • preventive
    • process
    • request, see Change request (CR)
    • review
    • staff
  • Make
  • Management activity
  • Managerial
  • Managers and policies
  • ManSART
  • Marr's theory
  • McCabe IQ
  • McIlroy, Dough
  • Mean time to maintenance request (MTMR)
  • Mediator
  • Medium access control (MAC)
  • Mental model
  • Mental representation
  • Merging
  • Message
    • chain
    • handler
    • oriented middleware (MOM)
  • Metadata
  • Method
  • Metric
  • Metrication
  • Microstructure
  • Middleware
  • Migrate
  • Migrate data
  • Migrating to a new technology
  • Migration
    • of legacy information system
    • of LIS
    • plan
    • plan task steps
    • planning
    • process
    • projects
    • standard
    • build
  • Minimal component coupling
  • Mishap
  • Mission-critical
    • legacy system
    • project
  • Model
  • Model-driven engineering
  • Modification activity
  • Modification
    • implementation
    • of specification
    • request (MR)
  • Modification request
    • analysis
    • task steps
  • Modularity
  • Module
    • connection analysis
    • level
    • wrapper
  • Monolithic systems
  • Multi-agent
  • Multi-level
  • Multi-loop


  • Neighbors, Jim
  • New DB
  • New DB manager
  • New state
  • Nondecomposable
  • Nondecomposable information system
  • Non-functional requirements
  • Normalization
  • Notification
    • of completion
    • intent
    • of intent
  • Number of children (NOC)


  • Obfuscation
  • Object
    • identification
    • interpretation
  • Objectives
  • Observable behavior
  • Occurred set
  • Off-the-shelf component
  • Onion model
  • Open source community (OSC)
  • Open source software (OSS)
  • Openness of components
  • Operations
  • Opportunistic
  • Optimization
  • Optimization algorithm
  • Option task steps
  • Options
  • Organized reuse
  • Orientation
  • Original equipment manufacturer (OEM)
  • OS/360 operating system
  • Output
  • Outsource
  • Overloading


  • Paradigm
  • Parallel operation
  • Parameter coupling
  • Parameterize methods
  • Paranas, David
  • Parse tree
  • Parsing
  • Partial approach
  • Partially persistence
  • Path-based dynamic impact analysis
  • PBS (Portable Bookshelf)
  • Pennington model
  • Peopleware
  • Perceptual
    • organization
    • segregation
    • theory
  • Perfective
  • Perfective
    • maintenance
    • modification
  • Performance
  • Permanent files
  • Persistent data structure
  • Phase model
  • Phased interoperability
  • Phaseout
  • Physical phase
  • Physical schema
  • Plan
  • Plan
    • change
    • recognition
  • Planning
  • Plans
  • PLUS
  • Pollution
  • Poor lexicon
  • Portability
  • Portfolio analysis
  • Postconditions
  • Post-delivery activities
  • Post-operation review
  • Practices
  • Precision
  • Preconditions
  • Pre-delivery activities
  • Predicted set
  • Presence
  • Pretty printing
  • Preventive
  • Preventive maintenance
  • Primary data
  • Primitive refactoring
  • Principle of
    • abstraction
    • alteration
    • refinement
  • Priority
  • Proactive
  • Probabilistic measures
  • Problem
    • domain
    • domain knowledge
    • identification
  • Procedural
    • granularity
    • level
  • Procedure
  • Procedure wrapper
  • Process
  • Process
    • implementation
    • improvement (how)
    • information
    • level
    • metrics
    • model
  • Product
    • component
    • development
    • line development
    • line, see Domain implementation
    • metrics
    • quality
    • reconfiguration
    • upgrade
  • Productivity
  • Program
    • analysis
    • analysis tool (PAT)
    • comprehension
    • conversion
    • dependency
    • dependency graph (PDG)
    • documentation
    • domain knowledge
    • families
    • fragments
    • graph
    • knowledge
    • level
    • metrics
    • migration
    • model
    • model structure
    • plans
    • reading
    • rephrasing, see Rephrasing
    • restructuring, see Restructuring
    • reuse
    • slices
    • slicing
    • translation
    • understanding, see Program comprehension
    • wrapper
  • Programmers
  • Programming
    • environment
    • knowledge
    • plans
    • rules of discourse
  • Project justification
  • Prolog
  • Properly nested programs
  • Proprietary software
  • Protocol
    • analysis
    • data
  • Proximity
  • Pruning
  • P-type program
  • PuLSE
  • Push down method


  • Quality assessment
  • Quality assurance activity
  • Query the tool first
  • Quick fix model


  • Random
  • Rationalization of control flow
  • Raymond, Eric S.
  • Reachability
    • graphs
    • matrix
  • Reactive
  • Read coupling
  • Readability
  • Real-world knowledge, see Domain knowledge
  • RE-Analyzer
  • Recall
  • Recency
  • Reclamation
  • Recode
  • Reconstitute
  • Redesign
  • Redocumentation
  • Redocumentation of artifacts
  • Reductive
  • Redundant structural data
  • Reengineered components
  • Reengineered state
  • Reengineering
  • Reengineering
    • assistant (RA)
    • process
  • Refactor
  • Refactoring
  • Refinement
  • Reflexive property
  • Reformative
  • Regeneration
  • Regression testing
  • Rehosting
  • Rejuvenation
  • Release management
  • Releases
  • Reliability
  • Remote procedure calls (RPCs)
  • Renovation
  • Rephrasing
  • Replace
  • Replace parameter with method
  • Replace strategy
  • Replacement strategies
  • Repository
  • Repository database
  • Representation
  • Requirements level
  • Residual
    • data
    • DB
    • DB manager
  • Resilience to change
  • Resource
    • constraints
    • dependencies
  • Respecify
  • Response for a class (RFC)
  • Restored components
  • Restored state
  • Restructuring
  • Restructuring algorithm
  • Rethink
  • Retirement
  • Retirement plan
  • Return value coupling
  • Reusability
  • Reusable
    • artifacts
    • assets
    • components
    • software assets (RSA)
  • Reuse
    • assets
    • capability
    • capability model (RCM)
    • cost avoidance (RCA)
    • effectiveness
    • efficiency
    • library
    • maturity model (RMM)
    • opportunity
    • oriented model
    • percent (RP)
    • proficiency
    • program
    • value added (RVA)
  • Reused source instruction (RSI)
  • Reverse
    • engineering
    • gateway
    • migration
  • Review state
  • Review task steps
  • Revision control system (RCS)
  • Rework
  • Rework strategy
  • Rewrite
  • Rewrite strategy
  • Rigi
  • Ripple effect
    • analysis
    • for a program (REP)
    • and stability tool (REST)
  • Ripple effects measurement
  • Ripple-sensitivity
  • RiSE maturity model
  • Risk
  • Risky
  • Robustness
  • Roll over
  • Royce, Winston
  • RSEB
  • Rules of
    • discourse
    • programming discourse


  • Safe
  • Safety constraints
  • Sample DataStore
  • Sandbox
  • Scalability
  • Scalability of visual complexity
  • Scattering and tangling
  • Schema(s)
    • analysis
    • conversion
    • de-optimization
    • integration
    • translation and redesign
    • untranslation
  • Scientific view point
  • Screen scrapping
  • Script
  • Scrubbing
  • Second law
  • Self-regulation
  • Semantic
    • distance
    • knowledge
  • Semantically redundant data
  • Semidecomposable
  • Semidecomposable information system
  • Sequential dependency analysis
  • Service cost avoidance
  • Service-level agreement (SLA)
  • Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
  • Servicing
  • Seventh law
  • Severity
  • Shared variable coupling
  • Sharpness
  • Shipped source instruction (SSI)
  • Shneiderman and Mayer Model
  • Short-term memory
  • Side effect
  • Similarity
  • Similarity metrics
  • Simple navigation
  • Single entity suggestions
  • Situation model
  • Situation model structures
  • Sixth law
  • Size
  • Slot-filler
  • Slot-type
  • Slot fillers
  • Slot types
  • Sneed, Harry M.
  • Sockets
  • Soft-goal graph
  • Software
    • agents
    • aging, see Aging
    • architecture
    • artifacts
    • assessment
    • asset
    • certification laboratories (SCL)
    • clone, see Clone
    • configuration management (SCM)
    • crises
    • development
    • development cost
    • development error rate
    • development life cycle (SDLC)
    • entropy, see Entropy
    • evolution
    • geriatrics
    • lifecycle objects (SLOs)
    • maintainability
    • maintenance
    • maintenance life cycle (SMLC)
    • maintenance standards
    • metric, see Metric
    • migration
    • production consortium (SPC)
    • quality
    • reclamation
    • reconnaissance
    • reengineering
    • rejuvenation
    • restructuring
    • retirement, see Retirement
    • reuse
    • specific knowledge
    • structure
    • value
    • visualization
  • Soloway, Adelson, and Ehrlich model
  • Source code
    • control system (SCCS)
    • reengineering reference model (SCORE/RM)
  • Source instruction reused by others (SIRBO)
  • Source-to-source translation
  • SPE taxonomy
  • Specification
    • of actions
    • of constraints
  • Speech sentences
  • S-Ratio
  • Stability
    • analysis
    • measure
  • Stable storage
  • Staged model
  • Staged model
    • for CSS
    • for FLOSS
  • Stakeholders
  • Starting impact set (SIS)
  • State
  • Statecharts
  • Static
    • call graph
    • elements
    • program slice
    • program slicing
    • slice
  • Strategy
  • Structural data
  • S-type program
  • Submit state
  • Substitute algorithm
  • Suitability for automation
  • Support levels
  • Swanson, E. Burton
  • Swanson's classification
  • Symmetric suggestions
  • Symmetry
  • Syntactic
    • analysis
    • dependencies
    • distance
    • knowledge
  • System
    • monitoring
    • sandwich approach
    • service wrappers
    • test
    • transition
  • Systematic reuse


  • Tailorability of components
  • Tailoring
  • Target SampleData
  • Target system
  • Target system testing
  • Team structure
  • Technical
  • Technical dimension
  • Technique
  • Temporal constraints
  • TempStore (TS)
  • Termination-condition
  • Test generation
  • Test Maturity Model (TMM)
  • Test Process Improvement (TPI) model
  • Test verdict
  • Testability
  • Testing
  • Testing and debugging
  • Textbase model
  • Text-structure
  • Textual information
  • Theory of notation
  • Think aloud protocol (TAP)
  • Thinking-aloud
  • Third law
  • Threshold value
  • Tools
  • Top-down
  • Top-down model
  • Top-down structure
  • Torvals, Linus Benedict
  • Traceability
  • Traceability analysis
  • Training
  • Training task steps
  • Transaction level
  • Transaction wrapper
  • Transformation
  • Transition net
  • Transitive
  • Transitive closure
  • Transmission control protocol (TCP)
  • Trojan horse
  • Trouble shooting
  • Trunk
  • Tuval Software Industries
  • Two-phase commit protocol
  • Type decision question


  • Understandability
  • Unix operating system
  • Unreliable COTS components
  • Unsafe
  • Updative
  • Usability
  • User
    • interaction
    • interface
    • manual
    • request


  • Validation and verification
  • Variability
  • Variable name
  • Varying levels of detail
  • Verification
  • Verification of hypothesis
  • Verification state
  • Version
  • Version control (VC)
  • Versioned staged model
  • Vertical reuse
  • Vertical traceability
  • Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML)
  • Visualization


  • Walkthrough
  • Waterfall model
  • Weighted methods per class (WMC)
  • Weighted sum
  • Weiser, Mark
  • White-box reuse
  • White-box testing
  • Whole path profiling
  • Wide Spectrum Language (WSL)
  • Wireless local area networks (WLAN)
  • Workspace control
  • Wrap
  • Wrapper
  • Wrapping
  • Wrapping legacy systems
  • Write coupling


  • YACC


  • Zero–one (0–1) matrix
  • Zipf distribution
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