

acceptance 62

acceptance test 41, 61, 62, 77

acceptance test environment 62

accreditation 2

actual result 7, 36

ad-hoc-integration 57

adaptability 13

adequacy 11

alpha test 64

analysator 95–97

analysis 79, 95, 96

static A. 13, 95, 97

analysis tool 97

analyzability 13

anomaly 98, 99

atomic partial condition 152

audit 202

author 84, 86, 102


backbone integration 57

BCS (British Computer Society) 2

bespoke software 252

beta test 64

black box technique 23, 108, 110

blocked test 190

bottom-up integration 57

boundary value analysis 121

branch test 146

buddy testing 45

business process analysis 71

business process-based test 71


capture-replay tool 212

CASE tool 206

CAST tool 206

cause-effect graph 136

cause-effect-graph analysis 136

certificate 3

certification program for software testers 2

certified tester 3, 173, 245

certified tester examination 245

change 199, 200

change control board 199

change related test 77

change request 81, 199, 201, 208, 254

changeability 13

checklist oriented testing 187

checklists 83, 86

checkpoint 213

class 40

class test 42

client/server system 216

code 208

code based test 145

code change 208

code coverage 166, 179, 262

code of ethics 35

command-driven test 214

comparator 215

compiler 97

complete test 13

compliance 91, 97

component specification 40

component test 15, 40ff, 77, 170

components 178

concrete test case 23, 25, 130

condition 146, 149, 151, 152, 153

condition coverage

multiple 152

simple 146

condition test 255, 264

configuration 50, 60, 200

configuration audit 201

configuration management 200, 201, 203

configuration object 201

conformity 13, 92

control flow 14

control flow analysis 99

control flow graph 14, 146

control flow-based test 145

conventions 96

correctness 12

cost aspects 180

cost based metrics 190

coverage 119, 215

coverage analysis 215

coverage analyzer 215, 218

customer 40, 58, 61, 65, 200


damage 187

probability 187

data flow analysis 98

data flow anomaly 97

data flow based test 16

data quality 59, 188, 217

data security 64, 73

data-driven test 214

dead program statements 28

debugger 212

debugging 8

decision table 136, 138

decision test 148, 149, 257

defect 6, 7, 46, 52, 65, 67, 208

defect cause 7

defect class 29, 190

defect classification 195

defect correction 190

defect correction cost 180

defect cost 180

direct 180

indirect 180

defect database 191

defect finding rate 30

defect management 192, 198, 203

defect masking (fault masking) 7

defect priority 196

defect status (or state) 195, 197, 201

defect status models 207, 208

defined condition test 146

degree of coverage 109, 120, 149

delivery (release) 191

developer test 45

development model 17, 39, 69

development process 17, 39, 79, 86, 88, 182

direct failure cost 180

dummy 105

dynamic test 105

tool 211


ease of learning 12

economic aspects 180

efficiency 11, 13, 47

employee qualification 87, 172–174

environment 43, 53, 59, 175, 179, 182, 186, 188, 191, 237, 241, 266, 272, 273

equivalence class 114

equivalence class partitioning 110

error handling 72

error message 64, 193, 208

error tolerance 12

error, mistake 6, 15, 26

evaluation 221

exception handling 46

exit criteria 19, 28, 37, 102, 105

expected behavior 7, 22, 123, 135

experience based test design 105, 161

exploratory testing 23, 161

extreme programming 17, 69, 94


failure 6, 7, 15, 16, 26

failure analysis 116, 180

failure based metrics 190

fault (or defect) 7

fault revealing test case 261

field test 64

follow-up 85, 89

functional system design 40

functional test 46, 70

functionality 11

fundamental test process 17


Generic V-model 210

German Testing Board 281

GUI (graphical user interface) 215


implementation 40, 46

incremental development 68

indirect defect cost 180

informal review 92

inspection 80, 90, 92

inspector 87, 90

instrumentation 160

integration strategy 55

integration test 41, 53, 57, 171

interoperability 12

intuitive test case design 109




keyword-based testing 214

keyword-driven test 214


level test plan 177

load test 10, 72, 216

logical test case 23


maintenance 31

management review 89

mass test 95

master test plan 177

maturity 12, 182, 183

maturity level 218

measures 28

metrics 190

cost based 190

failure based 190

test case based 190

test object based 190

milestone 17

mock 105

model-based testing 186

moderator 83, 84, 86, 102

module 40, 42

module test 42

monitor 216

multiple condition test 146, 152


negative test 210

nonfunctional test 12, 72

test tool 216


partial condition atomic 152

patch 196

path test 146, 156

paths 98

performance test 72

phase 41, 42

point of control 108

point of observation 108

portability 11, 13

priorization 177

priorization of tests 21, 177, 178

process standard 202

product management 200

product risks 188

product standard 202

production environment 59, 67

program statements

dead 148

programming 40

project 14, 15, 178

project management 200

project manager 56

project plan 56

project planning 56

project risks 187


qualification 174

qualification profiles 172

quality assurance plan 174

quality characteristic 11, 178

quality goals 183


random test 144

recorder 87

recoverability 12

regression test 200, 219

regression test capability 214

release 190–192, 219, 229, 232, 267

reliability 11, 12

requirements 6, 9, 21, 22, 40, 58, 60, 70, 176, 177, 207

requirements based test 70

requirements definition 40

requirements management 206

resources 189

response time 216

responsibility 86

retest 74

reuse 186

review 17, 80, 99, 102

informal 92

introduction 83

management 86

planning 82

preparation 83

success factors 94

technical 91

review meeting 83

review team 81–86

review type 82

reviewable state 82

reviewer 87

rework 85

risk 15, 16, 188

risk management 188

risk-based testing 186

robustness test 212

roles 22, 83, 84


safety 16

safety critical system 16

script 208, 210

selection 21, 27, 65, 76

selection criteria 93

selection process 220

side effects of changes 68

simulator 212

smoke test 26, 144

software development models 17

software failure 12

software maintenance 65

software quality 11

software quality and testability 11

software test

foundations 33

general principles 5

terms and motivation 6

source code 23, 209

specification 16, 22, 48

spiral model 17

stability 13

standard software 62

standards 97, 202

state machine 128

state transition model 128, 130

state-based test 186

statement 146

statement coverage 146, 148

statement test 146

static analysis 13, 95, 97

static test 53, 79

tool 210

status follow-up 85

stress test 72

structural test 74

structure-based test 74

structured walkthrough 79, 89

stub 105

syntax test 144

system architecture 40, 56

system design

functional 40

technical 40

system requirements 206

system test 10, 15, 41, 58, 64, 66, 171

system test practice 60

system, safety critical 15


technical review 92

technical system design 40

test 8

alpha 64

beta 64

blocked 190

business process-based 11

change related 74

checklist oriented 187

code-based 145

complete (exhaustive) 13, 20

component 15, 41ff, 52, 54, 55, 77, 171

control flow-based 13, 14, 16

data flow-based 16

developer 31

dynamic 105

evaluation 28

field 64

functional 70

load 10, 72, 216

module 42

negative 210

nonfunctional 12, 72

of conditions 8, 25

performance 72, 216

priorization of 21, 177, 178

qualification regression 172, 190, 208, 219

random 144

regression testable 74, 219

requirements-based 70, 71, 207

risk-based 188

robustness 212

smoke 144

standards 202

state-based 135, 186

static 53

stress 72

structural 74

structure-based 74

syntax 144

system 10, 41, 60ff, 171, 212, 217, 241, 262, 272

task 172

unit 42

unnecessary 16

user acceptance 10, 31, 62, 63

volume 72

test activities

test closure 30

test administrator 173

test analysis 19, 22, 42

test approach 183, 184

analytic vs. heuristic 186

expert oriented 187

preventative vs. reactive 185

test automation 75

test automator 173, 214

test basis 22, 23, 71, 209

test case

concrete 23, 25, 139, 263

fault revealing 261

logical 23, 25, 139, 263

unnecessary 120, 279

test case based metrics 190

test case design

experience based 109

intuitive 109

test case explosion 16

test case specification 23, 25

test closure 30

test control 20, 172

test cost

estimation 184

test coverage 21, 27, 29, 43, 133, 158, 165, 179, 182, 215

test cycle

control 20, 171, 192

planning 189

test data 9

test data generator 209

test design 22

test designer 173

test documentation 218

test driver 44, 53–59, 106, 212, 218, 222

test end 21, 177

test environment 26, 43, 53, 59, 60, 172, 173, 175, 194, 195, 212, 237, 272–274

test evaluation 200

test execution

tools 212

test frame / test harness 25, 206, 212

test generator 210, 211

test goal 9, 31, 34, 50, 60, 106, 107, 152

test implementation 18, 19, 23, 25

test infrastructure 21, 25, 182

test intensity 120

test lab 170

test leader 172

test level 3, 10, 18, 39, 41, 233, 234, 237, 274

test level plan 237

test log 56, 170, 193, 240, 274

test logging 171

test management 169

test management tool 206

test manager 172

test method 25

test metrics 190

test object 3, 9, 10, 43, 52, 275

test object-based metrics 190

test of compatibility 73

test of contract acceptance 62

test of data conversion 73, 217

test of decisions 148, 149

test of different configurations 73

test of documentation 73

test of maintainability 73

test of new product versions 65

test of reliability 73

test of robustness 73

test of security 73

test of usability 73

test of user acceptance 63, 279

test oracle 23, 37

test organization 169

test person 10

test plan

after IEEE 829 176, 227

test planning 19, 20, 22, 23, 174, 192

test planning work 175

test priorization 177

test process 9

the fundamental 17

test progress 172, 190, 191, 198

test result 190

test robot 208, 212, 218, 222

test scenario 9

test script 208, 214

regression able 214

test sequence 26

test specification 22

tool 209

test start criteria 179

test status report 190

test summary report (or test report) 30, 201

test team 32, 169

test technique 5

test tool 205

introduction 218

selection 218

types 205

test type 10

test work

management 189

test-driven development 49, 109

test-first programming 49

testability 182

tester 7, 28, 35, 173, 182


change related 67

command-driven 214

cost aspects 180

data-driven 214

economic aspects in the life cycle 39

keyword-driven / action-word-driven 214

maintenance related 65–67

model-based 210

new releases 68

risk 187

with incremental development 68

testing psychology 31


CASE 206

CAST 206

economy for dynamic tests 211

for management and control of tests 206

for nonfunctional test 216

for static test 210

for test execution 208, 211

for test specification 209, 218

tool chain 208

tool introduction economy 219, 221

tool selection 220

tool support 160

tool type 69

top-down integration 56

transaction 216


UML – unified modeling language 141

understandability 12

unit test 42

unnecessary test 16

unnecessary test case 120

update 68

usability 11, 12, 73

use case-based test 71, 141

use-case-diagram 142

user 40

user interface 212

user test 10


V-model 18

generic 76

validation 41

verification 41

version 65, 200, 201

version management 201

volume test 72


walkthrough 89, 102

waterfall model 18

white box technique 145

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