Key Points

  • Learn and understand common application security threats.

  • Apply security design principles within your application development team.

    • Establish a security process.

    • Incorporate defense-in-depth.

    • Apply the SD3+C strategy for secure applications.

  • Apply best practices for securing by design.

    • Apply .NET authentication and authorization mechanisms.

    • Encrypt sensitive data.

    • Assume external applications and code is insecure.

    • Design to fail, and fail securely.

    • Implement least privilege.

    • Implement privilege separation.

    • Sanitize input.

    • Validate security coding best practices with FxCop.

    • Incorporate security-focused code reviews.

  • Apply best practices for securing by default.

    • Install only necessary components by default.

    • Configure restrictive permissions by default.

  • Apply best practices for securing in deployment and communication.

    • Handle failures and errors securely.

    • Establish a support and bug remediation process.

    • Provide setup and configuration guidance to users.

    • Adhere to compliance requirements.

    • Involve users in the security dialog.

    • Establish a security response communication plan.

  • Understand and apply .NET Runtime Security Policies and Code Access Security.

  • Apply security-focused best practices in application testing processes.

  • Invest in protective infrastructure components.

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