Automating Database Migrations with FlyWay

In the delivery life cycle, maintaining databases across versions and multiple environments can be a real headache. Flyway is an assertive protection against the entropy that schema changes can induce. Managing and automating migrations, Flyway stands as a tremendously valuable asset for software makers.

Getting ready

In this recipe, we review the Flyway configuration. We especially review its integration in to Maven. This will get every build to upgrade (if necessary) the corresponding database so that it matches the expectation level.

How to do it…

  1. From the Git Perspective in Eclipse, checkout the latest version of the branch v9.x.x.
  2. In the/app directory of your workspace, the file has been updated. Also, one extra db/migration directory shows up with a Migration-1_0__init.sql file inside, as well as a new /logs directory.
  3. Please do reflect all these changes to the app directory located in your OS user home directory: <home-directory>/app.
  4. Also ensure that your MySQL Server is running.
  5. Run the Maven clean and Maven install commands on the zipcloud-parent project (right-click on the project Run as… | Maven Clean and then Run as… | Maven Install).
  6. Now, run the Maven clean and Maven install commands on the cloudstreetmarket-parent project.
  7. At the top of the stack trace (at the package Maven phase), you should see the following logs:
    How to do it…
  8. At this stage, the database should have been reset to match a standard state of structure and data.
  9. If you rerun the build again, you should now see the following logs:
    How to do it…
  10. In the parent pom.xml (in cloudstreetmarket-parent), you can notice a new plugin definition:
  11. A few variables (for example, ${database.driver}) used in this definition correspond to default properties, set at the top level of this pom.xml:
  12. The database.serverId must match a new Server entry in the Maven settings.xml file (described in the next point).
  13. Edit the Maven settings.xml file (that you must have created in Chapter 1, Setup Routine for an Enterprise Spring Application) located at <home-directory>/.m2/settings.xml. Add somewhere in the root node the following block:
  14. In the parent pom.xml (in cloudstreetmarket-parent), a new Profile has been added to optionally override the default properties (of this pom.xml):


Running Maven Clean Install with the csm_integration profile (mvn clean install –Pcsm_integration) would upgrade in this case, if necessary, a csm_integration database.

How it works...

Flyway is a database versioning and migration tool licensed Apache v2 (free software). It is a registered trademark of the company Boxfuse GmbH.

Flyway is not the only product in this category but is widely present in the industry for its simplicity and easy configuration. The migration scripts can be written in plain old SQL and many providers are supported. From classical RDBMS (Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, and so on) to in-memory DB (HSQLDB, solidDB, and so on), and even cloud-based solutions (AWS Redshift, SQL Azure, and so on).

A limited number of commands

Flyway provides the six following commands for reporting and operation purposes.


The Migrate command is the goal we have integrated to the Maven package phase. It looks up the classpath or the filesystem for potential migrations to be executed. Several locations (script repositories) can be configured. In the Flyway Maven plugin, these locations are defined in the root configuration node. Patterns are set up to retain specific filenames.


The Clean command restores pristine a database schema. All the objects (tables, views, functions, and so on) are dropped with this command.


The Info command provides feedback about the current state and the migration history of a given schema. If you have a look into your local MySQL server, in the csm schema, you will notice that a metadata table has been created with the name schema_version. Flyway uses the following table to compare the script repository state with the database state and to fill the gaps.




installed on



<< Flyway Schema Creation >>


12/11/2015 18:11



drop and create


12/11/2015 18:11


The Info command basically prints out this table as a report.


The Validate command can be useful to ensure that the migrations executed on a database actually correspond to the scripts currently present in the repositories.


The Baseline command can be used when we have an existing database that hasn't been managed yet by Flyway. A Baseline version is created to tag the state of this database and to make it ready to live with upcoming versions. Versions prior to this Baseline will simply be ignored.


The Repair command can clean up a corrupted state of the metadata table. To do that, Flyway removes the failed migration entries and resets the stored checksums to match the scripts checksums.

About Flyway Maven plugin

The Flyway Maven plugin provides the interface for Maven to control the Flyway program. Our configuration of the plugin has been the following:


As usual with Maven plugins, the executions section allows the binding of Maven phases to one or more Goals of the plugin. For Flyway Maven plugin, the goals are the Flyway commands presented previously. We tell Maven when to consider the plugin and what to invoke in this plugin.

Our configuration section presents a few parameters checked during migrations. For example, the locations specifies migration repositories to be scanned recursively (they can start with classpath: or filesystem:). The schemas defines the list of schemas managed by Flyway for the whole set of migrations. The first schema will be the default one across migrations.

An interesting feature is the ability to use variables in migration scripts so that these scripts can be used as template for multiple environments. Variable names are defined with placeholders, and the way variables are identified in scripts is configurable with placeholderPrefix and placeholderSuffix.

The whole list of configuration parameters can be found at:

There is more…

The official documentation

Flyway is well-documented and actively supported by its community. Read more about the product online at

You can also follow or contribute to the project through the GitHub repository at

See also

  • Liquibase: The main Flyway competitor is probably Liquibase. Liquibase doesn't use plain SQL for its scripts; it has instead its own multirepresentation DSL. For more information, visit:

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