Chapter 5. Using Vectors to Better Define Direction

After you have a handle on how to graphically represent all the information required to accurately depict a vector, you're ready to begin tackling different methods for putting vectors to work. The first step is representing the vector in mathematical terms. In this chapter, I describe the notation required to do just that and then show some of the basic calculations that are essential in the vector creation process.

I also show you how to create several basic vectors and even how to use vectors to create additional vectors. All these techniques add more ammunition to your proverbial vector toolbox and are especially essential for simplifying three-dimensional statics problems down the road.

Taking Direction from the Cartesian Coordinate System

The majority of the basic problems that you solve involve the Cartesian coordinate system, so the following list introduces you to several important terms related to that system. You can also check out Figure 5-1 for a look at how they work together.

  • Axis: The axes are the reference lines that act as a simple ruler for measuring distances of points or objects from a user-defined reference point, known as the origin, which I discuss later in this section. In two dimensions, you use two axes: an x-axis and a y-axis. In three dimensions, you use three: the x-, y-, and z-axes. Each axis indicates a positive and negative direction. You normally only label the positive direction, but you can label both as a reminder.

  • Coordinate: In the Cartesian coordinate system, each point in space is uniquely expressed as a grouping of numerical values called a coordinate. For two dimensions, a coordinate is a pair of numerical values written (x,y); in three dimensions, the three values are written (x,y,z).

    You measure these coordinates with respect to a base reference point called the origin (see the following bullet). Regardless of how many dimensions you have, the x-dimension is always the distance from the origin measured parallel to the x-axis. Similarly, the y- and z-dimensions are measured parallel to the y- and z-axes, respectively. Coordinates may be either positive or negative, indicating their relation to the origin.

  • Origin: The origin is a very special point at which all the axes intersect each other. The coordinates of the origin are traditionally taken as (0,0) or (0,0,0), and that's what I assume in this book.

  • Scale: The scale of your Cartesian representation indicates what units you're measuring in. The individual units of the Cartesian coordinate system are completely up to you to decide, but remember to be mindful of significant digits and accuracy (which I cover in Chapter 2). You can measure every distance in cosmic light years if you want, but most distances here on Earth are normally measured in feet and inches (U.S. customary units) or meters (SI/metric units). In many problems, using these units lets you minimize problems with numerical accuracy and significant digits.

The Cartesian coordinate system.

Figure 5.1. The Cartesian coordinate system.

As a Crow Flies: Using Position Vectors to Determine Direction

To start the vector creation process, I present you with the position vector, a simple vector that describes how to get from Point A to Point B. The position vector defines the most direct path from one point to another. In statics, you can even use position vectors to construct other types of vectors, such as unit vectors, which I show later in this chapter.

Unlike normal driving directions, which may have turns, detours, and even backtracking associated with them, a position vector is concerned only with the most direct path from one point to another. Imagine a hiker walking along a winding trail; he may zig and zag in many directions as he hikes toward his destination. However, this path often isn't the most direct route possible. The true path is often limited by physical driving or walking considerations such as availability of roads and bridges or the simple fact that most humans can't fly.

Consider the navigation example in Figure 5-2. Suppose you're standing at Point A, and your final destination is the top of a nearby hill, designated as Point B. Point A and Point B both have unique coordinates in space (otherwise, it would be a really short trip). The figure already includes a three-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system and indicates the scale, origin, units, and positive and negative directions for the scale. Clearly, the most direct route you can take is along a straight line that connects Point A with Point B, or the proverbial path "as a crow flies." A crow, or any bird for that matter, isn't subject to the roads or constraints humans are, so it's free to simply focus on getting from Point A to Point B. In statics, position vectors let you do the same thing.

A path as the crow flies.

Figure 5.2. A path as the crow flies.

Describing direction in detail

The position vector retains all of the regular properties of a vector that I discuss in Chapter 4 in that it still has a magnitude (length), sense (direction), and point of application (location in space).


Most texts denote the position vector with a lower case r with subscripts denoting, in order, the start and stopping points of the vector. A position vector from Point A to Point B would be labeled rAB. Conversely, the position vector that describes the reverse direction, starting at Point B and ending at Point A would be labeled rBA. Although the two position vectors are connecting the same two points, these vectors are uniquely different, as I discuss in the following section.

Figure 5-3 shows the vector from the example in the preceding section and helps demonstrate the representation used to define a position vector.

Position vector for as a crow flies example.

Figure 5.3. Position vector for as a crow flies example.

Moving from Point A to Point B and back again

By establishing the locations of Point A and Point B, you can define the Cartesian coordinates for these points. The order of the start point (vector tail) and stop point (vector head) is extremely important when you're creating a position vector. The first step is to establish a coordinate system if one isn't already declared. In the Figure 5-2 example, I assume that a positive Cartesian x-direction is to the east, and a positive Cartesian y-direction is to the north. A positive elevation is vertical upwards from the xy plane.

The following formulas show you how you can easily find the relative distance traveled along a line between the start and end points.

  • x-distance traveled from start to end: Δx = (xENDxSTART)

  • y-distance traveled from start to end: Δy = (yENDySTART)

To find the relative distance traveled from end to start, simply reverse the xEND and xSTART terms in the previous calculations. In the event that your destination is at a different elevation (such as being on a hill or in a valley) than your starting point, you need to include one extra dimension, the Cartesian z-direction — you just substitute the z values: Δz = (zEND − zSTART)

In this direction, a positive change in the Cartesian z-direction indicates that the end point is above the start point. Likewise, a negative value indicates that the end point of the vector is below the start point. These generic relationships easily take into account positive and negative distance values.


If you're careful with the math, the signs of the distances can actually help you with the sense of the vector.

In the first part of Figure 5-3 earlier in the chapter, you can see that Point B is located northeast of Point A. You can define the Cartesian coordinates for Point A and Point B from the dimensions and units indicated:

  • Point A = (xA, yA, zA) = (+400,+300,0)

  • Point B = (xB, yB, zB) = (+1600,+1000,+200)

where (x,y,z) are the coordinates of their respective points. The distance that needs to be traveled to the right (or east, or positive) is given by the distance (xBxA), and the distance north would be given by the distance (yByA). More generally:

  • x-distance traveled from Point A to Point B: Δx = (xBxA) = (+1,600 − (+400)) = +1,200 feet

  • y-distance traveled from Point A to Point B: Δy = (yByA) = (1,000 − (+300)) = +700 feet

  • z-distance traveled from Point A to Point B: Δz = (zB − zA) = (+200 − 0) = +200 feet

If you travel in the opposite direction from Point B to Point A (refer to the second part of Figure 5-3), you get the same numeric values, but the signs in front are now different (−1,200 feet, −700 feet, and −200 feet).

A First Glance at Determining a Vector's Magnitude

After you have a handle on the three basic properties of a vector (magnitude, sense, and point of application) from Chapter 4 and the information to display them accurately, you're ready to start making calculations. The following sections investigate the calculations for magnitude.

Recognizing the notation for magnitude

In practice, you encounter the magnitude of a random vector F denoted as

Recognizing the notation for magnitude

Computing the magnitude of a position vector: Pythagoras to the rescue!

Pythagoras of Samos was a Greek philosopher and mathematician (circa 570"B.C.) who is credited with discovering the Pythagorean theorem, which proves the relationship between the sides of a right (or 90-degree) triangle (see Figure 5-4). To calculate the magnitude of a vector, you need to use your ability to locate right triangles and apply some basic geometry.

The Pythagorean theorem.

Figure 5.4. The Pythagorean theorem.

The two-dimensional Pythagorean theorem

Say you have a position vector between two points. Point A has coordinates of (+400,+300,0) and Point B has coordinates of (+1600,+1000,+200). (If this sounds like the example in Figure 5-2 earlier in the chapter, that's because it is.) The magnitude of this position vector is actually the direct distance between Point A and Point B. For a simple two-dimensional problem, you can calculate the distance between those two points by employing the two-dimensional Pythagorean theorem (C2 = A2 + B2; see Chapter 2).

Going vertical: The Pythagorean theorem in three dimensions

For a three dimensional problem, you need to do a bit more calculation but you can still employ the Pythagorean theorem by simply constructing two right triangles inside a box of known dimensions A, B, and C as shown in Figure 5-5.

Threedimensional Pythagorean theorem.

Figure 5.5. Threedimensional Pythagorean theorem.

The distance between two points at different elevations is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the sides of a right-angle box that fully contains the start and end points on opposite corners.

For example, in Figure 5-5, D is the hypotenuse of the first right triangle, ABD. The Pythagorean theorem tells you that for triangle ABD, D2 = A2 + B2

Similarly, you can also create a second, vertically-oriented right triangle ABC with a hypotenuse of E and sides C (the height of the box) and D (the previously calculated hypotenuse of the first triangle). Using the Pythagorean theorem yet again, you can state that E2 = C2 + D2. You can then substitute the equation for triangle ABD (which represents the value of D2) into this equation to get E2 = A2 + B2 + C2 or

Threedimensional Pythagorean theorem.

Putting Pythagoras to work

In the case of the navigation example in Figure 5-2 earlier in the chapter, which shows a position vector between Points A and B, the box that contains these two points has sides of distances Δx, Δy, and Δz. Substituting these values into the final equation in the preceding section allows you to compute the magnitude of the position vector between Point A and Point B:

Putting Pythagoras to work

Fortunately, the magnitude of a position vector has a specific meaning that you can actually see and measure in that it precisely represents the direct distance between those two points.

Figure 5-6 illustrates the three-dimensional box required to compute the magnitude of the position vector between Point A and Point B.

Putting Pythagoras to work

The distance calculated is the magnitude of the position vector rAB starting at Point A and ending at Point B.

Position vector.

Figure 5.6. Position vector.


One final note on position vectors: Although the distance between Point A and Point B is a specific value, the vector rAB that defines the path from Point A to Point B isn't the same as the position vector rBA from Point B to Point A. That is, the magnitudes are the same (

Position vector.

Unit Vectors Tell Direction, Too!

Although it's not exactly a position vector (see the preceding section), a unit vector is also used frequently to help describe directions between points in space, particularly vectors' lines of action. Unit vectors prove to be extremely useful in the construction of other vectors, particularly force vectors, which I cover more in Chapter 9.

The main difference between the position vector and a unit vector is that the position vector tells precisely how to get from one point in space to another and the magnitude of the position vector is actually the physical distance between the two points. The unit vector, on the other hand, is a vector used for describing the orientation of a line that passes through those two points. So although a unit vector isn't as useful for calculating distance, it proves to be very handy for specifying direction. In a way, you can think of a unit vector as your finger pointing at your final destination as you stand at the starting point.

Cartesian-vector notation

In this book, I denote a unit vector by the label u and attach a label as a subscript to help describe the direction. Just as before, I denote the magnitude of a unit vector as

Cartesian-vector notation


Unlike the magnitude of the position vector, the magnitude of a unit vector is always exactly one unit long. That is,

Cartesian-vector notation

Whenever you use the Cartesian coordinate system (see "Taking Direction from the Cartesian Coordinate System" earlier in the chapter), you can make use of three very special unit vectors. As shown in Figure 5-7, you can define a vector of magnitude 1.0 in the positive direction for each of the principle Cartesian axes.

  • x-direction: The unit vector parallel to the x-axis has the designation of a bolded i or a special marker (kind of like a party hat) over the unbolded letter as in the following:

    Cartesian-vector notation
  • y-direction: The unit vector parallel to the y-axis has the designation of a bolded j or the special hat marker over the unbolded letter:

    Cartesian-vector notation
  • z-direction: The unit vector parallel to the z-axis has the designation of a bolded k or the special marker over the unbolded letter:

    Cartesian-vector notation


The arrow over the vector label uz is the same as bolding; it's just another way to designate that you're talking about a vector.

A unit vector.

Figure 5.7. A unit vector.

Using unit vectors to create position vectors

To write a vector in Cartesian vector notation, you take full advantage of those three unit vectors (i, j, and k) that I talk about in the preceding section. For example, if you have a vector V with magnitude

Using unit vectors to create position vectors
Using unit vectors to create position vectors

You can also have a vector going in a combination of directions. Suppose that vector V has a piece in the x-direction of magnitude

Using unit vectors to create position vectors
Using unit vectors to create position vectors

Because there's no y-direction component, the coefficient in front of the j (y-direction) is zero. You also notice that the coefficient in front of the k (z-direction) is a negative value. This negative value simply indicates that the magnitude of that piece of the vector is acting in the opposite direction from the assumed positive z-direction.

Position vectors can be Cartesian too!

In terms of the generic coordinates (xA, yA, zA) for Point A and coordinates (xB, yB, zB) for Point B, you can write the position vector from Point A to Point B as

Position vectors can be Cartesian too!

or even more generically as

Position vectors can be Cartesian too!

As long as you choose the points for the start and the end of the vector correctly, and you can correctly determine the Cartesian coordinates of each of those points, the signs of the coefficients in front of each of the unit vectors i, j, and k take care of themselves. In fact, the signs of the scalar values (dealing only with magnitude and not with sense) are what help you determine the sense of the vector — a negative scalar coefficient tells you that piece of the vector is acting in the negative direction of the unit vector noted immediately after that scalar value.

For example, try to write the actual position vector in Cartesian coordinates from Point A to Point B for a navigation example where Point A has coordinates of (+400,+300,0) and Point B has coordinates of (+1600,+1000,+200). (For a visual, check out Figure 5-2 earlier in the chapter.) The notation for the label of this vector is rAB.

In this example, the change in the x-dimension (Δx) is 1,200 feet, the change in the y-direction (Δy) is 700 feet, and the change in the z-direction (Δz) is 200 feet. (To see the calculations that produce these figures, check out "Moving from Point A to Point B and back again" earlier in the chapter.)

You can now write the position vector from Point A to Point B as

Position vectors can be Cartesian too!

Relationship between a vector, its magnitude, and its direction

In the example in the preceding section, you create a simple position vector V = 10i + 0j + 0k meters by using a known distance (the magnitude) and its direction. You can simplify this vector even further by omitting the terms that have zero as their coefficients. This step leaves a new form of the vector V:

Relationship between a vector, its magnitude, and its direction

The original vector V was created from the given information that the magnitude of the vector is 10 meters parallel to the positive Cartesian x-axis. If you examine this setup in general terms, you may conclude the following relationship:


For the navigation example, you can substitute the following terms into the equation:

  • vector:

    Relationship between a vector, its magnitude, and its direction
  • magnitude:

    Relationship between a vector, its magnitude, and its direction
  • direction: Unit vector in the positive Cartesian x-direction


    Relationship between a vector, its magnitude, and its direction

Thus, the expression above is more accurately written as:

Relationship between a vector, its magnitude, and its direction

Notice that this expression directly relates the vector itself as the multiplication of its scalar magnitude and a unit vector in the direction of that magnitude. Imagine that! Creating a new vector from a unit vector!

Creating Unit Vectors from Scratch

In the preceding section, I identify a unit vector as a means to define the direction of a vector's line of action. In this section, I explain several basic techniques for creating a unit vector. After you have this step accomplished, you can easily construct a properly defined vector notation for any action.

Shrinking down position vectors

In the section "Relationship between a vector, its magnitude, and its direction" earlier in the chapter, I develop the expression for a vector based on its magnitude and direction. If you do a little rearranging of the last equation of that section, you get the following expression:

Shrinking down position vectors

This expression illustrates that you can establish the direction of a vector's line of action by taking the vector representation over the magnitude of that same vector. Suppose you have a position vector from Point A to Point B given as

Shrinking down position vectors

with a magnitude of

Shrinking down position vectors

(You may recognize these numbers from the example in "Unit Vectors Tell Direction, Too!" earlier in the chapter.) You can easily create a unit vector to describe the orientation of the line of action between Point A and Point B (the line that connects those two points):

Shrinking down position vectors

Notice that a unit vector has no actual units because the vector terms have units of feet in the numerator of each term, and the magnitude (or distance) gives units of feet in the denominator, so they cancel out. To verify that this vector meets the criteria of being a unit vector, you simply need to calculate its magnitude:

Shrinking down position vectors

Realize that because the coefficients of the unit vector terms are typically irrational numbers, the magnitude rarely computes to be exactly 1.0. This discrepancy is another example of the importance of significant digits and computational accuracy that I introduce in Chapter 2. For the purposes of the example here, you'll be happy that 0.999 is approximately 1.000.

Using angular data and direction cosines

Another technique that's sometimes handy for creating a unit vector utilizes calculations involving the direction cosines. The direction cosines represent the angles between any two given vectors — even two unit vectors! You can use the three Cartesian axes as the reference because you already have those three special i, j, and k unit vectors to define them. (Flip to the earlier section "Cartesian vector notation" for the details on these unit vectors.)

One of the major difficulties of using direction cosines is in actually determining the angle between the vector or line of action of interest and the Cartesian axis. These angles often occur on geometric planes that aren't perpendicular to any Cartesian axis and therefore may be difficult or cumbersome to compute.

Figure 5-7 earlier in the chapter illustrates the three unit vectors with respect to each of the three principal Cartesian axes. For example, Figure 5-8a shows the x-direction unit vector ux = i. The direction cosine for this vector, the angle α, is the angle between the line of action of the vector you're working with and the line of action of the x-direction unit vector, contained within the plane of those two vectors. Similarly, Figure 5-8b shows the y-direction unit vector uy = j. The direction cosine for this vector, the angle β, is the angle between the line of action of your vector and the y-direction unit vector. Figure 5-8c shows the z-direction unit vector uz = k, and the direction cosine for this vector, the angle γ, is the angle between the line of action of your vector and the z-direction unit vector, contained within the plane of the two vectors.

Direction cosines can help create unit vectors: In some texts, you may see the angles for the direction cosines referred to as θx, θy, and θz to represent the angle between the vector's line of action and its corresponding Cartesian axis unit vector. Here I use α, β, and γ, respectively.

Figure 5.8. Direction cosines can help create unit vectors: In some texts, you may see the angles for the direction cosines referred to as θx, θy, and θz to represent the angle between the vector's line of action and its corresponding Cartesian axis unit vector. Here I use α, β, and γ, respectively.

The previous example showed how to piece together different parts of a vector in order to compute a different vector. You can use a similar technique with direction cosines to create a unit vector as follows:

Direction cosines can help create unit vectors: In some texts, you may see the angles for the direction cosines referred to as θx, θy, and θz to represent the angle between the vector's line of action and its corresponding Cartesian axis unit vector. Here I use α, β, and γ, respectively.

Utilizing proportions and similar triangles

Yet another method that you may find useful for creating unit vectors utilizes the proportions or ratios of the dimensions of a vector's or object's line of action.

In some textbooks, you see a vector or line of action with an odd-looking pair of numbers written around a triangle. In the case of the vector, this small triangle is attached to the shaft of the vector. For a line of action, you see the triangle attached somewhere along the line, or you can infer it from the given dimensions of an object or distance between given points. This proportion technique is useful because you eliminate the need to even calculate the angle for the line of action, and as a result you may actually improve issues with accuracy and significant digits, as I mention in Chapter 2.

This proportion triangle represents a horizontal and vertical proportion and is comparable to the slope diagrams you may remember from your algebra class. The horizontal line segment of this proportion triangle represents the horizontal proportion, and similarly the vertical line segment represents the vertical proportion.

The secret to using these proportion values lies in applying the basic trigonometry functions sine, cosine, and tangent (which I touch on in Chapter 2). In Figure 5-9, each of the three proportion triangles shown all have the same angle θ in common. If you draw a right triangle such as the first one shown, you can easily compute θ from

Utilizing proportions and similar triangles

You can then take that angle and plug it back into the direction cosines formula from the preceding section.

For the example of Figure 5-9, you can compute the angle between the horizontal x-axis and the vector is

Utilizing proportions and similar triangles

Note that the horizontal proportion in this example is a negative value because it's measured in the direction opposite to the positive x-axis. The vertical proportion is positive because it's measured in the same direction as the positive y-axis.


In this example, there's no z-dimension. In fact, you rarely see proportional dimensions in three dimensions, due to the difficulty of clearly representing the proper values in a drawing.

Creating unit vectors by proportions.

Figure 5.9. Creating unit vectors by proportions.

As drawn, the angle θ is a direction cosine with respect to the x-axis. Similarly, you can calculate the remaining direction cosines for the other axes and plug them straight into the unit vector notation from the preceding section. Just remember, by first calculating this angle, you normally end up dealing with an irrational numerical value when you apply a sine, cosine, or tangent function.

In Figure 5-9, the proportion triangle is actually a right triangle. Using the Pythagorean theorem (which I discuss earlier in this chapter), you can quickly compute its hypotenuse:

Creating unit vectors by proportions.

You can then calculate the direction cosine with respect to the positive x-axis as

Creating unit vectors by proportions.

and the direction cosine with respect to the positive y-axis as

Creating unit vectors by proportions.

Note that for the third dimension, the direction cosine for the z-axis is 90 degrees, and consequently cos(90) = 0.

Assembling these into the unit vector equation as follows:

Creating unit vectors by proportions.

produces a unit vector

Creating unit vectors by proportions.

Knowing which technique to use

So how do you know which of the techniques in the preceding sections is best for your situation? The following checklist shows you some factors that affect your choice:

  • Position vectors: Position vectors are most readily utilized in problems that can be defined by Cartesian coordinates. For example, problems involving points on a map and lengths of cables or ropes are all candidates for using position vectors. Problems in three dimensions often use position vectors in one manner or another. In fact, a three-dimensional problem is a very strong indicator that position vectors may be worth checking into.

  • Direction cosines: Direction cosines aren't as common as problems utilizing Cartesian coordinates. However, if a problem doesn't provide any linear dimension data, that may be a good indicator that you need a direction cosine calculation.


    You need all three angles to be able to create your unit vector. If you can't find all three angles, you can't use the direction cosine method.

  • Proportions and similar triangles: Proportions and similar triangles can be a bit easier to spot. Namely, you can manipulate problems with a vector or line of action that have the proportion triangle directly denoted with this technique. One major reason for using this method is a lack of suitable information (such as angular information or Cartesian coordinate data) to use either of the other methods.

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