Where da Hood At?

Having worked nonstop, 24/7 for the first 10 years of my career, I'd always tried to the best of my ability to recognize, appreciate, and use the lessons life had taught me to that point. I then attempted to use all of that knowledge and incorporate it into how I approached the rest of my life and work. So, I compiled everything in a giant manilla folder, labeled it “Kinda Important Stuff You Might Want To Remember, Dan” and stored it in the far reaches of my brain. I then would only bring it out when a situation deemed it necessary. Usually, those situations would occur right before I was about to royally screw up. It would act as a little tap on my shoulder, followed by my conscience saying, “You sure you want to do that, Big Man?”

Side by side with the lessons learned, I fondly think back to the freewheeling fun of traveling the world with MTV, the Rock n' Jock games, the days of Whopperfied flame-broiled funk, getting tipsy with George C., eating an escalator, and mimbo fever. Also, not to be forgotten were countless amazing experiences I shared with so many other fabulously talented people I've worked with over the years. Many have kindly asked me not to spill their secrets in this book. So spill I will not. I've cherished every moment of the glorious madness of my career, both the good and the not so good. I've truly been blessed and honored to have worked with and met some of the most talented people this industry has ever seen.

But all of that being said, none of those life lessons or experiences came close to preparing me for the greatest gig I've ever had…becoming a father. The truth is, the day you hold your child in your arms for the first time and they look into your eyes, your perception of the world and yourself, instantly changes forever. The day that occurred for me, I was no longer Dan, I was Dad, and ironically enough, I knew exactly who that was.

Unlike a lot of men, becoming a father had always been my biggest dream of all. So, for me to experience that dream not once, but three times, just triples the amount of immeasurable gratitude I have for my life.

But, for me to truly understand my journey as a father and continue to learn and get better at it, I have to look at when it started and where I've been. In doing so, I can hopefully see where I need to go, to continue to grow, as a father. The following are a few random “where I've been” parental moments that I've encountered along the way.

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