

Ability to use information technology, 16

Absence rate, 225

Absenteeism, 60

Abstention, 257

Accenture human capital development framework, 273

Accenture, 258

Accenture’s intervention, 273

Accounting budget analysts, 99

Administrative excellence, 14

Administrative expert, 7

Adoption assistance, 33

Adoption of investment, 46

Advanced manufacturing technology (AMT), 195

Advertisements, 307

Age, 57

Agility, 6

Aircel, 30

Alembic distributors, 281

Aligning the formulation, 9

Aligning, 10

Alignment with business needs, 125

Allegations of firing workers sympathetic, 189

Amid market volatility, 176

Amortizable, 35

A new mandate for HR, 27

Analyzers, 73

Analyzing needs across periods, 118

Anticipate workforce, 96

Appropriately timed, 285

A role-based, 204

Arbitrary numerical goals, 5

Arctic shores, 2

Argument projects, 12

Articulated vision, 95

Articulating brand attributes, 306

ASPs, 259

A strategy map, 231

Assessing & sustaining organisational competence, 101

Attracting candidates, 152

Attrition fears, 294

Attrition rate, 212

Attrition rate, 26

Automobile market, 94

Autonomous strategy, 160

Autonomy, 42


Background to siemens, 213

Background, 57

Backward-looking form, 175

Balanced scorecard, 109

Balanced scorecard, 226

Balanced scorecards, 225

Bank of Baroda, 56

Baseline scores, 222

Behavioral interviews, 154

Behavioural event interviews (BEIs), 204

Behavioural science, 5

Being a great manager (BGM), 134

Benchmarked total compensation practices, 181

Benchmarking, 22

Benefits of talent management, 216

Best fitness, 189

Best place to work for, 68

Best practices, 10

Book value, 31

BoR employees, 294

Bottom line orientation, 209

Box-ticking exercise, 177

Brand, 222

Broader range of responsibility, 216

Brochure award, 307

Brooke bond, 280

Budgetary resources, 95

Buffer/pipeline, 127

Bureaucracy and culture change, 264

Business and financial knowledge, 16

Business environment, 30

Business level strategy, 7173

Business strategy, 11

Business today-indicus analytics, 47


Calculate gaps, 116

Campus connect, 204

Capacity for change, 21

Career advancement and personal development, 181

Career ladders, 99

Career plateau, 45

Caregiver, 47

Cash-carry business, 308

Centers of excellence (COEs), 274

Centralized, 13

Change in interest rates, 54

Change in taxation, 54

Change management skills, 17

Change management, 12

Changes in politics, 53

Changing role of HR, 7

Clarity in process, 62

Clear definitions, 166

Closing loops, 51

Coaching and mentoring, 167

Coaching, 177

Cognitive style, 57

Cognizance of the vacancy, 151

Collaborative effort, 305

Committed workforce, 45

Committee assignments, 142

Communicative discipline, 308

Compensation contingent, 198

Competences, 167

Competencies, 168

Competency approach, 156

Competency certification program, 204

Competency interviews, 154

Competency-based hiring, 41

Competitive positioning, 202

Completion of hiring plans, 114

Computer modeling, 121

Computer-based training, 142

Configurational view, 11

Considerable realism, 9

Considerations for L&D design, 138

Consultancy services (TCS), 47

Contact points, 304

Content validity, 153

Contingency view, 11

Contractual obligations, 36

Coordination flexibility, 13

Core efficiency measures, 234

Cornally enterprises, 8384

Corporate alignment, 163

Corporate attitude, 284

Corporate India’s HR strategy, 223

Corporate level strategy, 7173

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 55

Cost allocation, 75

Cost containment, 73

Cost leadership strategy, 72

Cost leadership, 11

Cost reduction strategy, 75

Cost–benefit analytical approaches, 36

Cost-benefit and ROI, 169

Countercyclical hiring, 44

Create and measure the degree of alignment, 229

Credibility and integrity, 17

Critical thinking, 16

Cross-border deals, 286

Crucial issues, 286

C-Suite execs, 236

Cultural compatibility, 283

Culture and relationships, 181

Culture potpourri, 316

Current phase, 180

Customer orientation, 17

Customer satisfaction, 169

Customised feedback report, 2


Dashboards, 226

Data analytics, 63

De-bottlenecking production, 25

Decentralization, 197

Decision making, 6

Decision-making aspects, 52

Deemphasized, 45

Defenders, 73

Defining an organisational architecture, 6

Degree of confusion, 178

Degree of two-way, 258

Delegation of tasks, 257

Delhi-based singh brothers, 281

Delivery of HR services, 232

Delphi method, 122

Demand forecast, 109

Demand then, 114

Demonstrating commitment, 99

Deployment, 71

Developing the capacity to perform, 171

Developing the skills, behaviours, and mindsets, 140

Development objective, 164

Development-linked career plan (DLCP), 25

Digitaligence work, 52

Disabled employees, 43

Distinctive indicators, 150

Diversity handling skill, 16

Doables and deliverables, 235

Downstream function, 9

Due diligence, 289

Dupont guidelines, 37

During merger, 286

Dynamic demographics, 53


Earning before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization (EBIDTA), 30

Ecological imbalance, 55

Economic downturn times, 44

Economic factors, 54

Economic rationale for investment in training, 3536

Education, 57

Effective communication, 17

Efficiency and effectiveness, 169

Electronic posting, 157

Eliminating interruptions, 266

Elimination of world poverty, 18

Em young you must train them right, 204

E-mail, 159

Emami and zandu, 280

Emerging issues, 256

Emphasis, 163

Employee advocacy, 209

Employee advocate, 15

Employee assistance programs, 15

Employee behavior, 189

Employee commitment, 303

Employee helpdesk, 210

Employee oriented, 41

Employee perception toward merger, 293

Employee referrals, 158

Employee relations expert, 7

Employee value proposition (EVP), 181

Employee welfare activities, 4

Employer brand, 305

Employer of choice, 68

Employer–employee relationship, 21

Employment security, 10

Employment security, 197

Empowerment, 194

Encompasses race, 57

Engagement, 213

Enhancing administrative efficiency, 13

Enhancing quality, 174

Equitable compensation, 41

ERP platform, 258

E-services, 260

ESOPs, 198

Essential elements of SHRM, 12

Establishing L&D needs, 140

Ethnic group, 57

Evaluation and feedback of the activity, 140

Evaluation models, 142

Evaluation objective, 164

Ever-advancing technologies, 257

Ever-changing business environment, 176

Ever-increasing product–market competition, 53

Ever-scarce resources, 256

Example of failure, 288

Excellence theory, 5

Execution deficiencies, 141

Exit interview, 210

Expense type, 251

Experience personal transformation, 136

Experience vs. exuberance, 24

Extensive sharing of financial, 211

External alignment, 201

External fit, 13


Face validity, 153

Facilitate strategic business, 96

FBA navigator, 87

Fearlessness, 30

Fears of outsourcing, 267

Federal express, 196

Feed-forward process, 207

Financial assets, 31

Firing line, 178

First world war, 4

Fixing-improving, 63

Flexibility, 235

Flexible recruitment strategies, 160

Flexible, learn to adopt changes, 306

Focus of performance reviews, 163

Follow up, 173

Ford motors, 311

Forecasting potential vacancies, 99

Forecasting techniques, 93

Foremanship and supervision, 38

Formula, 240250

Formulate the strategy for, 96

Fortis healthcare, 281

Four quadrants, 168

Four-quadrant approach, 168

Free of ambiguities, 231

Freezing hiring, 127

Frequency, 163

Functional level strategy, 7173


Games and simulations, 142

Games people play, 207

Gap analysis, 111, 112

Gemini power hydraulics, 269

Generic method, 140

Global EAP programs, 43

Global education center (GEC), 204

Global expansion, 59

Global family identity, 316

Global HR excellence award-2016, 68

Global medical, 43

Global women’s theme, 183

Globalization, 5556

Globally-minded CEO, 236

Goal alignment, 201

Good human capital, 16

Google, 305

Great places to work for, 194

Greener pastures, 182

Growth-oriented entrepreneurs, 266

GTL infrastructure, 280


Handling career plateau, 39

Handsomely, 47

Harmonization, 104

Hawking, 87

Hay group research, 176

Head hunting, 157

Headcount-specific, 97

Healthcare costs, 15

Heritage of innovation, 214

High fliers survey, 311

High performance culture, 213

High performance work systems (HPWSs), 194

High-quality performance discussions, 176

Hinduja group’s flagship company, 24

History and evolution of human resources, 27

Holistic approach, 72

Horizontal fit, 13

HR architecture, 229

HR branding, 303

HR data warehousing, 260

HR functions, 149

HR investment considerations, 34

HR scorecard is a management tool, 228

HR staff and structure, 12

HR’s impact on bottom line, 22

HR’s tryst with challenges, 5960

HRM value chain, 149

Human capital, 35

Human equation, 197

Human lives, 68

Human resource champions, 7

Human resource management (HRM), 31

Human resource outsourcing (HRO), 259

Human resources, 31

Human touch, 60


ICICI–BoR merger proposal, 293

Ideas of innovation, 70

Identification of developmental needs, 163

iGate acquired patni computers, 281

Impact analysis, 147

Impact-effectiveness efficiency, 207

Implementation, 285

Implementing PMS, 173

Improved competitiveness, 59

In depth HR knowledge, 16

Inception of the SHRM concept, 57

Increase in attrition levels, 24

Increased flexibility, 148

Increased job satisfaction, 304

Increased litigation, 61

Increased motivation leads to, 147

Increasing competition, 256

Indian cement manufacturer ABC Ltd., 272

Indian commercial vehicle market, 24

Indian experiences, 260

Individual assessment, 173

Individual-effect at departmental and organisational levels, 174

Individualism, 53

Industrial dispute act, 55

Inflation, 54

Information communication technology (ICT), 16

Information dissemination, 56

Infosys, 307

In-house management learning center, 38

Innovation strategy, 75

Innovation, 53

Innovative recruitment strategy, 160

Inside-out, 206

Institutional capacity, 159

Intangible assets, 31

Intangible rewards, 41

Intangibles, 31

Integration planning, 285

Intelligent company, 51

Interdepartmental, 39

Internal alignment, 201

Internal branding efforts, 301

Internal branding, 206

Internal newsletter, 309

Internship recruitment, 159

Intervening processes, 203

Interview structure, 153154

Interview types, 154155

Investments in HRs, 38

Investor demands, 53

Involuntary separation, 226

ITC Infotech, 52


Job enrichment, 33

Job fair/campus recruitment, 157

Job posting, 157

Job rotation, 142

Job-related educational expense, 183

Job-related interviews, 154

Job-secure workforces, 42


Keep up with everything, 69

Key business stakeholders, 139

Key markets, 222

Key performance measures (KPIs), 164

Key pillar of the siemens’ strategy, 214

Key source of uncertainty, 150

Key takeaways, 311

Kirkpatrick model, 142

Kiss of death for HR, 70

Knowledge development, 199

Knowledge management, 59

Knowledge of the business, 232

Knowledge-based economy, 301

KPMG, 257


Labour patterns-hiring patterns, 118

Labour pool, 95

Labour relations management, 189

Lagging indicator, 232

Laid-off, 283

Leadership and high quality people management practices, 181

Leadership approach, 195

Leadership bench to leadership brand, 208

Leading indicator, 231

Lead-time for actual delivery, 180

Learning and development strategy, 106

Learning and development (L&D), 52

Learning and development, 136

Learning and development, 167

Learning channels, 52

Learning management systems (LMS), 261

Leave voluntarily, 113

Legal environment, 55

Leverage bigger asset, 290

Leverage borrowing, 282

Leverage diversity, 57

Leverage Internet, 251

Line management, 13

Line managers, 4

Line or department managers, 99

Lipton India, 281

Lock-in policies, 189

Lower cost-to-hire, 303

Lower time-to-hire, 312

Lupin pharmaceuticals, 222


M&A life cycle, 281

Macro perspective, 21

Made by you, 311

Magnum management, 129

Magnum Opus International (MOI), 250

Maitree, 47

Make or buy, 265

Manage HR as a strategic asset, 228

Management of change, 232

Management of culture, 232

Management values, 3435

Management, 16

Managerial decision making, 224

Managerial judgment, 124

Managing intellectual capital and knowledge, 6

Manpower, 82

Market value, 31

Marketing-led strategy, 10

Markov analysis, 120

Matrix of recruitment strategies, 159

Maximize organisational effectiveness, 96

Melting pot of diverse talents, 58

Mentoring, 142

Mentoring, 175

Mentors, 52

Merger, 284

Metric description, 240250

Metric name, 240250

Metrics, 224

Minor disciplinary procedures, 4

Mission statement of TCS, 316

Mission Yes organisation, 25

Mission Yes, 25

Mission, 307

Mistakes, 295

Mobilizing resources, 83

Monetary value of HR programs, 22

Monitoring and designing, 163

Monitoring performance, 171

Most directly influence, 230

Moulding attitudes and generating enthusiasm, 136

MPB team, 25

Mpower, 47

Muddling-through recruiters, 160

Multifaceted approach, 37


Natural passion, 307

Needed role behaviors, 79

Negotiation and conflict resolution skills, 17

Newspaper, 158


Nominal group technique, 122

Nonpermaneny employees, 243

Nonsubstitutable organisational practice, 149

Nonsubstitutable, 74

Nontraditional investment approaches, 43

No-poach agreements, 181

Normal retirements, 113

Not imitable, 74


Oasis executive search, 126

Offensive people strategy, 9

Offshoring, 195

Old economy, 6

Online employee surveys, 264

On-the-job learning, 320

On-the-job training, 142

Open door policy, 320

Operational effectiveness, 228

Opportunity cost, 180

Oracle, 265

Organisation development interventions, 15

Organisation’s recruiting activities, 148

Organisational culture, 311

Organisational function, 57

Organisational goal, 13

Organisational mission, 34

Outside-in, 206

Outsourcing decisions, 266

Outsourcing firms, 259

Outsourcing vendor, 274

Overlapping sales accountabilities, 104

Ownership, 163


P&G vibrant living, 43

Paradigm shift, 3

Paradoxically, 179

Parliamentary panel, 284

Part of becoming a social workplace, 179

Past developments, 232

Patent formulas, 31

Paucity of talent, 182

Pay freezes, 53

Pay-for-performance plans, 15

Payroll processing, 265

Peanut butter approach, 207

People as competitive asset, 196

People capability maturity model (PCMM), 204

People developer, 273

People management, 181

People requirements, 19

People soft, 263

Perceived investment, 39

Perception–aspiration–reality (PAR), 209

Perennially loss, 280

Performance analysis, 141

Performance and development reviews, 167

Performance appraisal vs. performance management, 163

Performance appraisal, 73

Performance management framework (PMF), 177

Performance management systems (PMSs), 161

Performance parameters, 166

Performance-based compensation, 42

Performance-related pay (PRP), 168

Personal credibility, 233

Personality, 57

Personnel administration, 19

Personnel functions, 4

Personnel management to SHRM, 3

Personnel management, 5

Perspective, 46

PESTLE–political, 53

PESTLE-political, 60

Philips and Philips model, 142

Physical assets, 31

Pin code recruiting, 268

Pivotal jobs, 227

Planning work and setting expectations, 171

Plateaus, 39

Player or partner, 9, 10

PMS process has three critical stages, 172

PMS process, 164

Policy-making, 9

Poor relation, 236

Positive spin-off effect, 303

Post-merger, 290

Postwar in a developing economy, 4

Potential new hire, 40

Potential surplus staff, 104

Power struggles, 287

Pre-deal, 288

Predictive validity, 153

Pre-merger, 286

Preparation, 172

Prepare for contingencies, 96

Pretty basic view, 69

Principles of management, 5

Proactively managing the attraction, 178

Problem-solving groups, 202

Problem-solving skills, 16

Process fraught with difficulty, 18

Process-reviews, 174

Product market logic, 79

Profitable venture, 280

Profit-sharing strategies, 15

Prolific growth, 280

Prospective allies, 81

Prospectors, 73

Psychological interviews, 154

Psychological trauma, 283

Psychomotor abilities tests, 155

PwC and grow talent, 268


Quality enhancement strategy, 75

Quantitatively demonstrate HR’s contribution, 228229

Questions asked, 163


RAND corporation, 122

Rare in the labour market, 149

Rating system, 163

Ratio analysis, 121

Rationale for outsourcing, 270

Reactors, 73

Ready-mix concrete manufacturers, 272

Real time, 199

Realistic job previews, 41

Reason-culture shock, 24

Recession, 54

Recruitment costs, 56

Recruitment ideology at Infosys, 135

Recruitment might add value, 149

Recruitment must be aligned, 149

Recruitment officers, 4

Recruitment process outsourcing (RPO), 210

Recruitment strategies, 156

Recruitment tool, 304

Recruitment, 148

Recruitment, 181

Redeployment, 100

Reduced employee turnover, 147

Reduced headcount, 81

Reduction of liability or risk, 264

Registrar general, 58

Regression analysis, 121

Related to market losses, 180

Reliance communication, 280

Relocation package, 262

Replacement charts, 119

Resource flexibility, 13

Resource-based view (RBV), 149

Resource-based view, 10

Resourcing cycle model, 152

Resourcing cycle, 151

Restless generation, 24

Retention bonus, 42

Return on investment (ROI), 224

Returns or losses resulting, 114

Revenue raiser, 87

Reverse-engineered, 32

Reward linkage, 163

Rewarding means recognizing employees, 172

Rhythms, 97

Right high-calibre staff, 178

Risk and ROI, 35

Robust performance, talent, and succession management, 181

ROEs, 146

ROI model, 141

ROI process model, 144

Role play, 142

Ross perot, 270


Sample retirement projection, 115

Schuler’s employee behaviour model, 11

Schuler’s strategy, 11

Seeking feedback, 51

Selection tool, 303

Selective hiring, 10

Self-access, 260

Self-instruction, 142

Self-managed teams, 10

Self-monitoring, 174

Self-paced video, 196

Selling the company, 206

Semi-structured interviews, 154

Seniority-or tenure-based promotions, 114

Servant leaders, 188

Seven-step model-HR, 230

Shavak Nanavati Technical Institute (SNTI), 37

Shortage of talented employees, 302

Short-term tactical plans, 94

Shrinkage, 188

Siemens’ leadership excellence programme, 215

Sinking waters, 30

Situational interviews, 154155

Six next practices in HR, 206

Sixth pay commission of India, 54

Skill deficiencies, 141

Skill deployment, 56

Skill obsolescence, 39

Skills/competency models, 118

SLA adherence, 183

Small and medium firms (SMEs), 269

SMART targets, 177

Social media, 158

Sociological factors, 54

Solicited or unsolicited comments, 180

Sources of employee value, 33, 34

Stability of the workforce, 32

Stable staffing levels, 95

Staff training institute, 38

Staff-driven process, 102

Staffing gaps and surpluses for the first period, 116

Staffing tables, 119

Stakeholder approach, 22

Stakeholder satisfaction, 70

State-owned Indian Airlines, 280

Status-quo strategy, 160

Stock options, 33

Stragtegic intent, 173

Strategic alignment and impact, 21

Strategic alignment, 201

Strategic branding process, 305

Strategic capability network (SCNetwork), 69

Strategic choice, 77

Strategic efficiency measures, 234

Strategic fit, 98

Strategic HR means to different organisations, 1820

Strategic intent, 103

Strategic partner, 7

Strategic planning process, 13

Strategic priorities, 139

Strategic training is “smart” training, 137

Strategic visioning, 16

Strategic WFP model, 101

Strategize for the organisation’s, 96

Strategy formulation, 77

Strategy-making, 10

Strength-based movement, 207

Strident call, 3

Strident view, 9

Strike threat, 294

Structure follows strategy, 78

Structured interviews, 154

Subcontracting, 258

Substitution, 257

Succession planning initiatives, 84

Succession planning, 119

Supply now, 117

Supply projection, 111

Supply then, 114

Sustain competitive advantage, 74

Swedish manufacturing firms, 198

SWOT—Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats, 77

Synergy, 200

System, 195

Systemic solution, 181

Systems perspective, 17


Talent acquisition, 73

Talent custodians, 223

Talent identification, 194

Talent planning, 73

Target applicant pool, 152

Tata Business Support System (TBSS), 200

Tata motors, 94

Tata Research Development and Design Center (TRDDC), 315

Tata Steel, 37

Tata, 201

TCS value proposition, 317

Team building, 141

Technological advances, 56

Technological factors, 54

Tech-savvy generation, 52

Telecommuting, 56

Temporal or “re-test” stability, 153

Tentative basis, 107

Tenure, 57

Tesco Hindustan Service Center (HSC), 134

Tetley Tea, 281

The advent of SHRM, 7

The best fit approach, 11

The big picture, 273

The classic trio, 153

The financial express, 261

The global economy, 53

The magnum, 129

The new HRM for the 21st century, 20, 21

The review discussion, 172173

The Tata Steel Management Development Center (TMDC), 3738

The time and motion study, 4

The wealth of knowledge, 32

The work, 57

The workforce, 57

Think tank, 122

Thompson’s categorisation, 258

Three-pronged approach, 135

Time pressures, 265

Timespan of workforce planning, 126

To achieve these goals, 74

To define the behaviours, 74

To encourage people to engage wholeheartedly, 74

To ensure that the organisation, 74

To gain the commitment of people, 74

To invest in people through, 74

To leverage people, 77

To meet its goals and satisfy, 74

Total Quality Management (TQM), 200

Trade journals, 158

Traditional HR, 12

Traditional metrics and measures, 181

Training managers in organisational planning and goal setting, 139

Transactional treadmill, 270

Transaction-level data, 225

Transparency, 40

Tuitions reimbursement plans, 33

Twitter handle, 310

Two-way process, 151

Type of metrics, 227

Types of objectives, 163

Types of performance measures, 163


Udaipur-based Bank of Rajasthan (BoR), 292

Umbrella programme, 302

Uncontrollable’ actions, 114

Undercapitalized, 259

Unilever, 256

Unionized supermarket workers, 189

Universalistic view, 11

Unstructured interviews, 153

US-based Columbian chemicals, 281

Utility theory, 34

Utility theory, 36


Value additive, 74

Value chain analysis, 15

Values and beliefs, 197

Vedanta group’s, 291

Vertical fit, 13

Vertical mergers, 281

Virtually inimitable, 149

Vision, 307

Vision, mission, and goals, 76

Volatile market, 71

Voluntary turnover, 113


Walk in the shoes, 84

Walks the talk, 195

Walmart company, 187

Wal-Mart, 308

War for talent, 301

Welfare and administration, 4

Well-leveraged way, 83

Well-matched strategies, 82

Whirlpool, 194

Window-on-the-world program, 38

Wipro, 93

Word of mouth, 303

Work life balance, 42

Workforce diversity, 51

Workforce planning and role and job alignment, 181

Workforce planning enables organisation to, 96

Workforce planning, 94

Work-from-home policy, 54

Working together, 200

Work-life balance, 181

Work-life balance, 181

World labour markets, 5

World-class organisation, 68

World-factory, 188

Worldwide XYZ Group, 272



YES Professional Entrepreneurship Programme (YPEP), 2

Yield pyramid, 152

360 degree feedback, 168

360 degree feedback, 262

5-P model, 79

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