Chapter Two
Can You Hear Me?

Schematic illustration of a black board in a class room.

Deep inside of a dream while he dozed off in the backseat, Trent's fears about the new school brought painful memories back to the surface.

“Hey, new kid, can you hear me NOW?” “HOW ABOUT NOW!” came the voices from behind him getting louder and louder. He tried to speed up to get away but as he started to create some distance, other voices came from all sides of him.

“Slow down, you're creating a windstorm!” called out one of the voices, followed by a burst of laughter.

And then, seemingly out of nowhere, came Mrs. Jenkins, his third-grade teacher. She walked right in front of him and suddenly he found himself sitting at his desk looking right up at her face. She leaned in and said with an irritated tone, “Trent, did you hear me? Joe can't see the board. Can you move your desk to the left so he can see around you?” The room filled with laughs and more comments that he couldn't make out because of the blood rushing to his head with embarrassment.

The room started to get dark and his desk was bumping around a lot. What's going on? he thought.

“HONKKKKKK” came a loud horn from the car behind him as Trent bolted awake in his seat still pressed up against the mop pole and the pile of books and blankets. Another bad dream. He was not looking forward to a new school. The faces changed but the teasing was always the same.

He pulled out his phone and turned on the camera to look at them again. Not that he needed to. He had it memorized, and they never changed. If only there was something he could do, all of his problems would go away. He made a decision right then and there that the new school was not going to see him like this. He would find a way to blend in and avoid being made fun of no matter what it took. Invisible Trent. If only I could be a superhero with the power to disappear, he thought.

“Hey, guys, look over there, it's your new school!” said their mom. “Looks like a really fun place, much better than your old one! And look, Emma, you'll be in the building right next door! You can walk home together!” Trent shot her a look that said, “You're joking, right?” And then he rested his head back against the seat to start doing some serious planning for becoming the most ordinary kid that the school would ever see.

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