

Abundance of elements in Earth’s crust, 92

Acetylenes ARP, 159

ACH (air changes per hour), 197

Acid rain

characterization, 140–141

defined, 22–23

Acid rain potentials (ARPs)

for acidifying chemicals, 157

by fuel type, 143–144

Acid Rain Program, 23

Activity-based costing, 128

Administrative agencies creating environmental law, 66–67


energy usage and, 28

in IPAT equation, 2

Afterlife of products, processes and systems, 125–126

Agenda 21, 74

Agriculture, 12–13

Ahwahnee Principles, 119

AIChE CWRT (American Institute of Chemical Engineers’ Center for Waste Reduction Technologies), 131

Air changes per hour (ACH), 197

Air quality

Clean Air Act. See Clean Air Act (CAA)

emissions and, 17, 19–24

indoor, 198

standards. See National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)


for biofuels, 169–170

causing dead zones, 179

Alkanes ARP, 158–159

Allen, D.T., 106, 145–146, 201

Allenby, B.R., 98–99

Aluminum recycling, 106–107

American Institute of Chemical Engineers’ Center for Waste Reduction Technologies (AIChE CWRT), 131

American Iron and Steel Institute, 190

Amoco Yorktown refinery, 130

Anthropogenic greenhouse gases, 13. See also Greenhouse gases (GHG)

Anthropogenic repositories, 103–104

Area sources, 19

Aromatics ARP, 159

ARPs (acid rain potentials)

for acidifying chemicals, 157

by fuel type, 143–144

Assessment, life-cycle. See Life-cycle assessment (LCA)

Assessment, risk. See Risk assessment

Augsburg Materials Declaration, 119

Automobile design for sustainability, 117–118


BACT (best available control technology)

industrial pretreatment standards, 84

sewage regulation, 70


case study of electric vehicle, 201

recycling, 10–12

Behmanesh, N., 106

Benzene, 38–39

Best available control technology (BACT)

industrial pretreatment standards, 84

sewage regulation, 70


environmental risk screening and, 109

using properties to categorize environmental risks of chemicals, 112–113

Biochemical conversion of biomass for biofuels, 170–173

Bioconcentration factor in environmental partitioning, 110–111


LCA, 173–177

processing routes for, 171–173


defining life cycles, 42, 44

life-cycle inventory, 48–50

process-based LCA, 55–56

renewable inputs, 126

Biofuels case studies

carbon cycle, 167–169

cautionary tales, 177–181

feedstocks, 169–170

life cycles, 173–177

processing routes for biomass to biofuels, 170–173

sustainability summary, 181

for transportation, 166–167


carbon cycle and biofuels, 167–169

energy usage, 3–4

eutrophication from nutrient runoff and leaching, 178–179

processing routes to biofuels, 170–173

BMEB (Building Mass and Energy Balance) model, 196–198

Boiling point in environmental partitioning, 110–111

Brundtland Commission report, 1, 118

Building Mass and Energy Balance (BMEB)

model, 196–198


conclusions on sustainability, 200

design for sustainability, 191–200

energy consumed for, 187–189

materials usage for construction and maintenance, 190

sustainable built environments, 186–187

Business performance, 149


CAA (Clean Air Act). See Clean Air Act (CAA)

California Global Warming Solutions Act, 54

Carbon dioxide. See also Greenhouse gases (GHG)

biofuel life cycle, 42, 44

biofuels and carbon cycle, 167–169

global carbon dioxide mass balance, 30–31

in global warming, 17

releases in land use change, 177–178

Carbon monoxide

air pollution, 21

classification, 136

Carbon neutral, 167

Carcinogenic risk, 36–39

Case studies

additional, 201

alternatives for garment transport, 182–184

biofuel cautionary tales, 177–181

biofuel life cycles, 173–177

biofuels for transportation, 166–167

carbon cycle and biofuels, 167–169

conclusions on sustainability of buildings, 200

design of buildings for sustainability, 191–200

energy consumed for building, 187–189

feedstocks for biofuels, 169–170

introduction, 165–166

LCA of garment design, manufacture, and distribution, 182

life cycles, materials use, and transportation of running shoes, 185

materials usage for building construction and maintenance, 190

processing routes for biomass to biofuels, 170–173

references, 201–205

sustainability and logistics, 186

sustainability of biofuels, 181

sustainable built environments, 186–187

transportation, logistics, and supply chains, 181

Cautionary tales of biofuels, 177–181

Cellulosic ethanol, 171–173

Center for Sustainable Engineering, 201

CERCLA (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act), 68, 70, 86–87

CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons). See Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

CFLBs (compact fluorescent light bulbs), 74

C.F.R. (Code of Federal Regulations), 65


acid rain, 140–141

in Clean Air Act, 41

comparing electricity generation by fuel type, 142–144

defined, 135

of environmental performance indicators, 137

global warming, 137–139

human and ecosystem health, 144–146

ozone depletion, 140

of risk, 39

smog formation, 141–142

Chemical manufacturing

costs of pollution abatement, 128–131

regulations, 68–69

separation and purification operations, 123–124

TSCA, 77–78


ARPs for acidifying, 157

categorizing environmental risks of, 112–113

engineering, 165

ODPs for Class I substances, 154–155

ODPs for Class II substances, 156–157

properties involved in risk screening, 108–109

Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), 120–121

in global warming, 18

midpoint vs. endpoint damages, 134

ODP, 154

ozone depletion, 14–16


defined, 135

of environmental performance indicators, 136

fuel molecule, 112–113

Clean Air Act (CAA), 22, 81–83

Acid Rain Program, 23

definition of air toxics, 23

Massachusetts v. EPA, 67

ODPs for Class I substances, 154–155

overview, 68–69

programs, 76

risk-based environmental law, 40–43

Supreme Court decision, 76

waste data collection, 25

Clean Water Act (CWA)

environmental law, 83–84

NPDES permits, 66

overview, 68, 70

risk-based environmental law, 41

Cleanup regulations, 86–87

Climate change. See Global warming

Cloth diaper LCA, 52–54


energy usage, 3–4

options for moving energy, 59

syndiesel LCA, 174–176

Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.), 65

Common law system, 66


development of engineering solutions, 122

engaging, 150

social performance indicators, 148

Compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLBs), 74

Complexity as investment, 124

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), 68, 70, 86–87


energy, 5–8

of natural ecosystems, 120–121

Construction, 190

Consumer Product Safety Commission, 43

Consumers, 148


energy for buildings, 187–189

water, 12–13

of water in biomass production, 179, 181

Copper recycling, 105–106


ethanol production, 171–173

life-cycle inventory, 48–50

process-based LCA, 55–56

Cost-benefit analysis of Clean Air Act, 41–42


economic performance indicators. See Economic performance indicators

estimates of environmental, 128–131

framework for evaluating, 131–133

material extraction and refinement, 95–99

Courts creating environmental law, 66–67

Criteria air pollutants, 19–20, 25

Critical dilution volume, 145

Crude oil production

environmental costs, 130–131

life-cycle inventory, 50–51

Crustal abundance of materials, 92–99

Crutzen, Paul, 14–15

Cup life cycle, 58

CWA (Clean Water Act). See Clean Water Act (CWA)


DDGS (dry distiller grain solids), 171

Dead zones, 179, 180

Deepwater Horizon oil rig blowout, 25


economic performance, 127–128

life cycle, 42, 44

risk, 35–39

Deforestation, 177–178

Demographic risks, 37

Demographics, 147

Demonstrated reserves, 97–98

Department of Agriculture, 43

Department of Energy (DOE)

Buildings Energy Software Tools Directory, 196

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy program, 187

materials ranking, 114

Department of Labor, 43

Department of Transportation, 43

Design for Environment labeling, 114

Design for sustainability

ARPs for acidifying chemicals, 157

buildings, 191–200

economic performance indicators. See Economic performance indicators

environmental performance indicators. See Environmental performance indicators

garment LCA, 182

GWPs for greenhouse gases, 151–153

introduction, 117–118

MIR for smog formation, 158–159

ODPs for Class I substances, 154–155

ODPs for Class II substances, 156–157

principles, 118–126

problems, 149–150

references, 160–163

social performance indicators, 146–149

summary, 149

Diesel, Rudolf, 166

Direct land use change, 177–178

Direct release to environment, 73–74

Dispersion, 108–109

Disposable diaper LCA, 52–54

Distribution of garments, 182

DOE (Department of Energy). See Department of Energy (DOE)

Dose response

in Clean Air Act, 41

in risk assessment framework, 39

Dredge materials permitting, 84

Dry distiller grain solids (DDGS), 171


vs. efficiency improvements, 58

material flows, 103

targeted as design goal, 124–125


Earth Charter Principles, 119

Earth’s crust, 92–99

Economic input-output life-cycle assessment (EIO-LCA)

defined, 57

problem, 60–61

Economic performance indicators

definitions, 127–128

estimates of environmental costs, 128–131

framework for evaluating environmental costs, 131–133

overview, 126–127


input-output LCA, 56–57

of material extraction and refinement, 95–99


conserving and improving, 120–121

environmental performance indicators, 144–146

Education, 147


designing to maximize, 124

vs. durability improvements, 58

of energy sources, 5–8

LEED rating system, 191–192

preventing waste, 121–122

problems, 28

Ehrlich, P., 2

EIO-LCA (economic input-output life-cycle assessment)

defined, 57

problem, 60–61

EISA (Energy Independence and Security Act), 54, 166, 178

Electric vehicles

case study, 201

effect on fuel production, 31


in buildings, 187–188

comparing by fuel type, 142–144

global warming emissions from, 150

water usage in generation, 12–13

Elements in earth’s crust, 91–99

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA)

environmental law, 87–88

overview, 68, 71

waste data collection, 25


assessing fuel/biofuel impacts, 175–177

classification, 136

Clean Air Act, 81–83

environmental impacts, 13

estimate of environmental costs, 128–129

evolution of regulations, 72–73

global warming, 16–17

GWP, 137–139

laws regulating, 69–70

life-cycle based environmental law, 54–55

ozone depletion, 14–16

regional and local air quality, 17–24

resulting from land use change, 177–178

wastes in the United States, 25–27

water quality, 24–25

Endpoint environmental performance indicators, 133–135


burdens of material recovery, 96–97

consumed for buildings, 187–189

designing to maximize efficiency, 124

ensuring nonhazardous inputs/outputs, 123

introduction to sustainability, 3–8

LEED rating system, 191–192

minimizing consumption in separation and purification operations, 123–124

options for moving, 59

renewable inputs, 126

savings due to recycling, 106–107

Energy balance simulation, 196–198

Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy program, 187

Energy Independence and Security Act (EISA), 54, 166, 178

Energy usage

in logistics. See Logistics case studies

problems, 28

reduction, 72

EnergyPlus, 187



Clean Air Act, 82–83

CWA, 84



OSH Act, 80

RCRA, 86

TSCA, 78


case studies, 165–166

design for sustainability. See Design for sustainability

environmental law and, 65–66

recycling through design, 74

sustainability challenges, 2–3, 27–28

sustainable materials, 91

tracking material flows, 99–107

Entropy as investment, 124

Environmental impacts. See Impacts

Environmental law

based on life-cycle frameworks, 54–55

based on risk assessment, 43

based on risk frameworks, 40–42

Clean Air Act, 81–83

Clean Water Act, 83–84

Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act, 86–87

Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act, 87–88

evolution of programs, 72–73

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, 78–79

introduction, 65–68

nine prominent federal statutes, 68–72

Occupational Safety and Health Act, 79–80

Pollution Prevention Act, 88

pollution prevention concepts and terminology, 73–74

potency factors based on, 145

problems, 75–77

references, 89

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, 84–86

sustainability and, 74–75

Toxic Substances Control Act, 77–78

The Environmental Law Handbook (Sullivan and Adams), 65

Environmental Law Statutes (West Law School), 65

Environmental partitioning, 109–111

Environmental performance indicators

acid rain, 140–141

characterization, 137

classification, 136

comparing electricity generation by fuel type, 142–144

global warming, 137–139

human and ecosystem health, 144–146

life-cycle impact assessment, 135–136

overview, 133–135

ozone depletion, 140

smog formation, 141–142

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Acid Rain Program, 23

environmental law. See Environmental law

establishment of, 67

key statutes, 69–71

Report on the Environment, 13

risk-based environmental law, 41–42, 43

waste data collection, 25–27

Environmental regulations, 66. See also Environmental law

Environmental releases

material flow analysis, 100

of materials, 107–113

Environmental risks, 36. See also Risk frameworks for sustainability

EP (exposure potential), 137

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). See Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)


ARP, 140–141

carbon cycle and biofuels, 167

carcinogenic risk near petroleum factory, 38–39

comparing electricity generation by fuel type, 142–144

cup life cycle, 58

dimensionless environmental risk index, 137

energy burdens of material recovery, 96–97

environmental risk, 36

evaluating chemical partitioning, exposure and persistence, 111–112

global warming index, 137–139

IPAT equation, 2

ODP, 140

ratio of crustal abundance to reserves, 93–95

refrigerant GWP and ODP, 199

smog formation assessment, 141–142

Ethanol, 170–173. See also Biofuels

Eutrophication, 178–179, 180


iron, 103

material flow analysis, 100


assessment, 39

assessment in Clean Air Act, 41

defining risk, 36–39

using property estimates to evaluate, 109–111

Exposure potential (EP), 137

External costs, 127

Extracting materials, 91–99

Exxon Valdez oil spill, 25


Federal environmental statues

overview of key nine, 68–72

problem, 76

Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)

environmental law, 78–79

overview, 68–69

Worker Protection Standard, 76

Federal Register, 67


for biofuels, 169–170

water usage in biofuel production, 179, 181

Fermentation of biomass for biofuels, 170–173

Fertilizer runoff, 178–179, 180

FIFRA (Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act)

overview, 68–69, 78–79

Worker Protection Standard, 76

Fill material permitting, 84

Final Mandatory Reporting of Greenhouse Gases Rule, 82


designing to interconnectivity and integration with energy and material, 125

tracking material in engineered systems, 99–107

Fluorescent bulbs

LCA, 45–48

recycling, 74

replacing T12 with T8, 193–196

Fluorinated ether GWPs, 152–153

Footprints for material extraction and refining, 91–99

Forest products

as biomass for biofuels. See Wood biomass

usage in building construction, 190

Formulas. See Equations

Fossil fuels

vs. biofuels, 167–169

cause of global warming, 16–17

energy usage, 3–4

Frameworks for sustainability

evaluating environmental costs, 131–133

life-cycle. See Life-cycle frameworks for sustainability risk. See Risk frameworks for sustainability

Freight transportation

functional units, 60

garment LCA, 184

Freshwater quality, 24–25


building consumption, 188

classifying, 112–113

comparing electricity generation, 142–144

design for sustainability, 117–118

environmental fate of gasoline substitutes, 115

petroleum. See Petroleum

Full-cost accounting, 128

Functional units

determining LCA, 47–48

high-efficiency lighting, 193

problems, 59–60

Future generations, 148


Garments case study

alternatives for transport, 182–184

design, manufacture, and distribution LCA, 182


biofuels as substitute, 172

environmental fate of substitutes, 115

Generator RCRA regulations, 85

Geopolitics, 103

GHG (greenhouse gases). See Greenhouse gases (GHG)

Glass production, 136

Global energy balance, 29–30

Global energy usage, 3–8

Global materials usage

iron, 102–106

overview, 8–13

Global warming

assessing fuel/biofuel impacts, 175–177

characterization, 137–139

emissions from electricity, 150

overview, 16–17

reduction with biofuels, 168–169

Global warming potentials (GWPs)

defined, 137–139

by fuel type, 143

for greenhouse gases, 151–153

high-efficiency lighting, 193

refrigerant, 199

Gold, 97–98

Governance, 147

Greadel, T.E., 98–99

Green diesel

LCA, 173–177

processing routes for, 170–173

Green Engineering: Environmentally Conscious Design of Chemical Processes (Allen and Shonnard), 65, 120, 122

Green Engineering principles 12 Principles of Green Engineering, 122–126

Sandestin, 119–122

Green job hazards, 76

Green Lights Program, 45–46

Green materials. See Sustainable materials

Green products, 114

Greenhouse effect, 16

Greenhouse gases (GHG). See also Emissions

assessing fuel/biofuel impacts, 175–177

CAA regulations, 82

causing global warming, 16–17

global warming contribution, 18

GWP for, 137–139, 151–153

high-efficiency lighting LCA, 193–195

life-cycle based environmental law, 54–55

potential pollution control costs, 129

reduction with biofuels, 167–169

releases in land use change, 177–178

Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Transportation (GREET) Model

defined, 56

estimating GHG emissions, 175, 177

Grocery sack LCA, 47–48

GWPs (global warming potentials). See Global warming potentials (GWPs)


Hannover Principles, 118–119

HAPs (hazardous air pollutants)

CAA regulations, 82

defined, 23–24

Harry’s law constant, 110–111

Hazard assessment

in Clean Air Act, 41

defining risk, 36, 39

references, 61

Hazard Communication Standard

defined, 80

of OSHA, 69

Hazardous air pollutants (HAPs)

CAA regulations, 82

defined, 23–24

Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments (HSWA), 84–86

Hazardous substance regulations, 84

Hazardous Substances Data Bank (HSDB), 61

Hazardous waste

CERCLA regulations, 86–87

RCRA, 84–86

recovering materials, 105

regulations, 70

in the U.S., 26–27

HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons)

GWPs, 152

ozone depletion, 15

Health. See Human health

Health risks. See Risk frameworks for sustainability


energy balance simulation, 196–197

energy consumed by buildings, 187–189

High-efficiency lighting, 193–196

Holdren, J., 2

Hopkins, L., 201

HSDB (Hazardous Substances Data Bank), 61

HSWA (Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments), 84–86

Human health

characterization, 144–146

conserving and improving ecosystems while protecting, 120–121

effects of air pollution, 19–24

environmental risk screening, 108–109

OSH Act workplace standards, 80

social performance indicators, 147

Hybrid cars, 114

Hybrid LCA tools, 57


air pollution, 20–21

defined, 13

GWP, 153

upgrading bio-oils, 172

Hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs)

GWP, 152

ozone depletion, 15

Hypoxia, 180


Identification of hazardous waste, 85

IIP (inherent impact potential), 137

Image costs, 133


characterization. See Characterization

of energy usage, 8

in IPAT equation, 2

life-cycle impact assessment, 51–52

scores, 137

on social sustainability indicators, 146–147


iron, 103

material flow analysis, 100

Improvement analysis, 52–54

In-process recycling, 73

Incandescent bulb LCA, 45–48

Incremental reactivity (IR), 141–142

Indirect costs, 127

Indirect discharge sources, 84

Indirect global warming potentials (GWPs), 138–139

Indirect land use change, 177–178

Indoor Environmental Quality, 191–192

Industrial pretreatment standards, 84

Industrial wastes in the U.S., 25–27

Inferred reserves, 97–98

Inherent impact potential (IIP), 137

Innovation in Design, 191–192


classification, 136

ensuring nonhazardous, 123

ensuring safety of, 121

high-efficiency lighting, 193–194

input-output LCA, 56–57

input pushing, 124

life-cycle inventory, 48–51

material flow analysis, 100

renewable, 126


CWA requirements, 84

OSH Act requirements, 80

Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), 61

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)

carbon dioxide concentrations, 168–169

on global warming, 16

GWP estimates, 138

Internal costs, 127

International community, 148

International environmental regulation, 74–75

International Standards Organization (ISO), 44

International trade, 32

Interpretation step of LCA, 52–54, 55

Involuntary risks

exposure, 36

problem, 57

IPAT equation, 2, 28

IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)

carbon dioxide concentrations, 168–169

on global warming, 16

GWP estimates, 138

IR (incremental reactivity), 141–142

IRIS (Integrated Risk Information System), 61


material flow analysis, 102–106

usage in building construction, 190

ISO (International Standards Organization), 44


Johnson, J.E., 96

“just-in-time” manufacturing, 124


Kates, R.W., 147

Kimbrough, D.E., 201



Design for Environment, 114

of pesticides, 79

Land use in biofuel production, 177–178

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, 5–6

Laws, environmental. See Environmental law

LCA (life-cycle assessment). See Life-cycle assessment (LCA)

LCI (Life Cycle Inventory) Database, 56

Le Châtelier’s principle, 124

Leaching, 178–179, 180


air pollution, 21–22

material flow analysis, 100–102

recycling, 10–12

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) rating system

defined, 191–192

refrigerants, 199

sustainable building sites, 199–200

LEDs (light-emitting diodes), 195–196

Legislation. See Environmental law

Legislatures creating environmental law, 66–67


costs, 132

hazardous waste regulations, 70

PRP, 87

Life-cycle assessment (LCA)

biofuel, 173–177

determining scope/boundaries, 44–48

environmental performance indicators, 133–134

of garment design, manufacture, and distribution, 182

high-efficiency lighting, 193–196

integrating social sustainability, 148–149

interpretation step, 52–54

life-cycle impact assessment, 51–52

life-cycle inventory, 48–51

problems, 59–60

running shoe, 185

tools, 55–57

Life-cycle frameworks for sustainability

assessment tools, 55–57

defining, 42, 44

design problem, 150

determining scope/boundaries, 44–48

environmental law, 54–55

interpretation, 52–54

life-cycle impact assessment, 51–52

life-cycle inventory, 48–51

problems, 58–61

references, 62–63

summary, 57

use in engineering activities, 121

Life-cycle impact assessment

defined, 51–52

environmental performance indicators, 135–136

for transportation fuels, 55

Life-cycle inventories

defined, 48–51

for greenhouse gas emissions, 55

Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) Database, 56

Life cycles

costing, 128

tracking material, 99–107

Lifestyle risks, 37

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs), 195–196


energy efficiency in, 28

high-efficiency, 193–196

light bulb LCA, 45–48

Listing hazardous waste, 85

Local air quality, 17, 19–24

Local community, 148

Logistics case studies

alternatives for garment transport, 182–184

LCA of garment design, manufacture, and distribution, 182

life cycles, materials use, and transportation of running shoes, 185

sustainability and logistics, 186

transportation and supply chains, 181

Love Canal, 86

Lurmann, F.W., 57–58


MACT (Maximum Achievable Control Technology)

defined, 23

of HAPs, 82

Maintenance, building, 190


buildings, 190

chemicals. See Chemical manufacturing

garment LCA, 182

“just-in-time”, 124

photovoltaic materials usage, 114

PMNs. See Premanufacture Notices (PMNs)

Marginal reserves, 97–98

Massachusetts v. EPA, 67, 82

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS), 61, 69, 80


for building construction and maintenance, 190

ensuring inputs and outputs are safe, 121

green and sustainable. See Sustainable materials

high-efficiency lighting, 193–194

impact of building, 198–199

LEED rating system, 191–192

minimizing diversity in multicomponent products, 125

minimizing in separation and purification operations, 123–124

overview of, 8–13

renewable inputs, 126

running shoe, 185

waste as, 150

Maximum Achievable Control Technology (MACT)

defined, 23

of HAPs, 82

Maximum incremental reactivity (MIR)

defined, 142

for smog formation, 158–159

McElvey diagram for gold, 97–98

Media-shifting of pollutants, 72–73

Medications, 115

Melting point in environmental partitioning, 110–111


overview of usage, 8–12

usage in building construction, 190

Methane, 17. See also Greenhouse gases (GHG)

Methanol, 171

Methyl isocyanate, 87

Methyl-tert butyl ether (MTBE)

classifying fuel molecules, 112–113

environmental fate of gasoline substitutes, 115

shifting risk, 120

Midpoint environmental performance indicators, 133–135

Millennium Development Goals, 147

Minerals usage, 8–10

Mining Minerals Sustainable Development North America project, 122

Mining waste streams, 105–107

MIR (maximum incremental reactivity)

defined, 142

for smog formation, 158–159

Mississippi River basin, 180

Molina, Mario, 14–15

Monitoring requirements in CWA, 84

Montreal Protocol, 15, 151–152

MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet), 61, 69, 80

MTBE (methyl-tert butyl ether)

classifying fuel molecules, 112–113

environmental fate of gasoline substitutes, 115

shifting risk, 120


NAAQS (National Ambient Air Quality Standards). See National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)

National Air Quality Emission Trends Report (U.S. EPA), 19–20

National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)

Clean Air Act, 69

defined, 19–20

establishment of, 81

risk assessment problem, 57–58

as risk-based law, 40

National community, 148

National Hazardous Waste Biennial Report (RCRA), 77

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, 61

National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), 192

National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits

defined, 66

key environmental statutes, 70

overview, 83

problem, 76–77

National Priority List (NPL)

defined, 70

overview, 86–87

National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), 56

National Research Council (NRC), 39–40

Natural disasters, 36

Natural gas

building consumption, 188

syndiesel LCA, 173–177

Natural hazards, 147

Natural lighting, 195–196

Natural resources

materials. See Materials

minimizing depletion, 121

problem, 150

sustainability, 1

usage in building construction, 190

New source performance standards (NSPS), 81–82

New Source Review Program, 82

Next-generation products, 125–126

NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards, 61

NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), 192

Nitrogen oxides

acid deposition, 22–23

air pollution, 20–21

classification, 136

in global warming, 17

smog formation assessment, 141–142

Nixon, President Richard, 67

Nobel Prize for chemistry, 14

Non-hazardous solid waste, 25–26

Non-point sources of water pollution, 24

Nonrenewable energy, 3–4

NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permits. See National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits

NPL (National Priority List)

defined, 70

overview, 86–87

NRC (National Research Council), 39–40

NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory), 56

NSPS (new source performance standards), 81–82

Nuclear energy, 3–4

Nutrient runoff, 178–179, 180


Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act), 68–69, 79–80

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

environmental law, 69

green job hazards, 76

Octanol-water partition coefficient in environmental partitioning, 110–111

ODPs (ozone depletion potentials). See Ozone depletion potentials (ODPs)

Off-site recycling, 73–74

Oil spills, 84

On-site recycling, 73–74

“One size fits all”, 125, 149

Organics usage, 8–10

OSH Act (Occupational Safety and Health Act), 68–69, 79–80

OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)

environmental law, 69

green job hazards, 76


classification, 136

ensuring nonhazardous, 123

ensuring safety of, 121

input-output LCA, 56–57

life-cycle inventory, 48–51

material flow analysis, 100

output pulling, 124

Overdesigned products, 125


defined, 127

environmental costs charged to, 132


air pollution, 20–21

in global warming, 18

in smog formation, 141

Ozone depletion

characterization, 140

international law, 75

overview, 14–16

Ozone depletion potentials (ODPs)

for Class I substances, 154–155

for Class II substances, 156–157

defined, 140

refrigerant, 199


Paper grocery sack LCA, 47–48

Parris, T.M., 147

Particulate matter (PM), 22

Partitioning, environmental, 109–111

Patty’s Industrial Hygiene and Toxicology, 61

PCBs (polychlorinated biphenyls), 69

Perfluorinated compounds, 152

Perfluoropolyethers, 153

Performance indicators, economic. See Economic performance indicators

Performance indicators, environmental. See Environmental performance indicators

Performance indicators, social, 146–149


air emission, 70

CAA, 81–82

NPDES. See National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits


environmental risk screening and, 108–109

using properties to categorize environmental risks of chemicals, 112–113

using property estimates to evaluate, 109–111

Personal mobility

functional unit in LCA, 59–60

problem, 150


registration, 78–79

regulations, 69


vs. biofuels LCA, 173–177

carcinogenic risk near factory, 36–39

costs of pollution abatement, 128–129

energy usage, 3–4

life-cycle based environmental law, 54–55

Photochemical smog, 19

Photovoltaic manufacturing, 114

Plastic grocery sack LCA, 47–48

PM (particulate matter), 22

PMNs (Premanufacture Notices). See Premanufacture Notices (PMNs)

Point sources of water pollution, 24


air quality, 17, 19–24

from biomass growth, 178–179

costs of abatement, 128–129

economic aspects of abatement, 26

key regulations, 68–71

prevention concepts and terminology, 73–74

risks associated with, 37

smog formation assessment, 141–142

water, 24–25

Pollution Prevention Act (PPA)

environmental law, 88

environmental management hierarchy, 73–74

overview, 68, 71

Pollution Prevention: Homework and Design Problems for Engineering Curricula (American Institute of Chemical Engineers), 201

Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), 69

Polyethylene production, 136

Population, 2

Potency factors

defined, 137

human and ecosystem health indicators, 145–146

Potentially responsible parties (PRPs)

CERCLA liability, 87

defined, 70

POTW (Publicly Owned Treatment Works) construction program, 83

Poverty, 147

Power. See Electricity

PPA (Pollution Prevention Act). See Pollution Prevention Act (PPA)

Premanufacture Notices (PMNs)

defined, 69

estimated risks of releases, 108–109

new chemical review, 78

problem, 76

Primary pollutants, 19

Primary treatment, 83

Principles of Green Engineering, 119, 122–126

case studies, 165–166

overview, 118–126

Private costs, 127

Process-based life-cycle assessments, 55–56


12 Green Engineering principles, 124–126

holistic engineering, 120

life-cycle assessment. See Life-cycle assessment (LCA)

life cycles, 44

Processing routes for biomass to biofuels, 170–173


12 Green Engineering principles, 124–126

durability vs. efficiency improvements, 58

holistic engineering, 120

life-cycle assessment. See Life-cycle assessment (LCA)

life cycles, 44

PRPs (potentially responsible parties)

CERCLA liability, 87

defined, 70

Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW) construction program, 83

Purification operations, 123–124


Rare earth elements

in hybrid cars, 114

McElvey diagram, 98

Rating system for buildings, 191–192

RCRA. See Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

Reactive organic gases (ROG), 141–142


CWA requirements, 84

OSH Act requirements, 80


considering product life cycles, 44

designing for commercial afterlife, 125–126

in material flow analysis, 100–107

of materials, 10–12

minimizing material diversity, 125

viewing entropy and complexity as investments, 124

waste management hierarchy, 73–74

Refining materials, 91–99

Refrigerants, 199. See also Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

Regional air quality, 17, 19–24

Regional Priority, 191–192

Registration of pesticides, 78–79

Regulations. See Environmental law

Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA), 178

Relationship costs, 133


emission. See Emissions

laws governing. See Environmental law

material flow analysis, 100

sustainable materials, 107–113

Renewable energy

biofuels. See Biofuels

defined, 3–4

Renewable Fuel Standard, 167, 178

Report on the Environment (EPA), 13, 24

Reserves of materials

crustal abundance and, 93–94

definitions and supplies, 97–99

Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)

environmental law, 84–86

National Hazardous Waste Biennial Report, 77

overview, 68, 70

waste and, 25

Reuse, 124

RIA (Regulatory Impact Assessment), 178

Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, 74

Risk assessment

of environmental releases, 108–113

overview, 39–40

using chemical properties, 112–113

Risk characterization. See Characterization

Risk frameworks for sustainability

assessment, 39–40

definitions, 35–39

environmental law, 40–42

hazard references, 61

problems, 57–58

references, 62–63

summary, 57

Risk management

in Clean Air Act, 41–42

defined, 40

Risk shifting

defined, 120

problem, 150

ROG (reactive organic gases), 141–142

Rosselot, K.S., 145–146

Rowland, Sherwood, 14–15

Rule making, 67

Running shoe life cycles, materials use, and transportation, 185


Safety. See Risk frameworks for sustainability

Sandestin Green Engineering Principles, 119–122

SARA (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act)

CERCLA and, 86

key statutes, 70–71

waste management, 25

Scarcity, 92

Secondary pollutants, 19

Secondary treatment, 83

Section 812 of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990, 41–42

Secure disposal, 73–74

Separation operations, 123–124

SETAC (Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry), 44

Seven Questions to Sustainability, 122

Sewage regulation, 83–84

SFPs (smog formation potentials)

defined, 142

by fuel type, 144

Sherwood relationship, 96

Sherwood, T., 96

Shipping garments, 181–184

Silver, 201

SIPs (state implementation plans), 81

Smog formation

characterization, 141–142

maximum incremental reactivities for, 158–159

Smog formation potentials (SFPs)

defined, 142

by fuel type, 144

Social performance indicators, 146–149

Societal context of engineering design, 122

Societal costs, 127–128, 133

Society for Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), 44

Soil sorption coefficient in environmental partitioning, 110–111

Solvents, 201

Source reduction, 73


engaging in development of engineering solutions, 122

social sustainability, 148

State implementation plans (SIPs), 81

Statutes. See Environmental law

Steel usage, 190

Steele, N., 201

Stefan-Boltzman Law, 29–30

Storage of hazardous waster, 85–86

Stratosphere, 14–16

Subeconomic reserves, 97–98

Sulfur oxides

air pollution, 22–23

classification, 136

Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA)

CERCLA and, 86

key statutes, 70–71

waste management, 25

Superfund sites, 76

Supply chains

alternatives for garment transport, 182–184

case studies, 181

garment design, manufacture, and distribution LCA, 182

life cycles, materials use, and transportation of running shoes, 185–186

sustainability and logistics, 186

Supreme Court

Clean Air Act ruling, 76, 81

Massachusetts v. EPA, 67


of buildings. See Buildings

challenges, 2–3

defined, 1–2

design for. See Design for sustainability

energy, 3–8

environmental emissions. See Emissions

environmental law and, 74–75

life-cycle frameworks for sustainability. See Life-cycle frameworks for sustainability

logistics and, 186

materials usage, 8–13

problems, 28–32

references, 32–34

reports, 149

risk frameworks. See Risk frameworks for sustainability

summary, 27–28

Sustainable Engineering Principles, 119

Sustainable materials

ensuring inputs and outputs are safe, 121

ensuring nonhazardous inputs/outputs, 123

environmental and natural resource use footprints, 91–99

environmental releases, 107–113

introduction, 91

problems, 114–115

references, 115–116

summary, 114

tracking flows in engineered systems, 99–107

Sustainable Sites, 191–192

“Swimmable” goal, 83

Synthesis diesel LCA, 173–176

System boundaries

determining LCA, 44–47

high-efficiency lighting, 193

issues in LCA tools, 56

of material flow analysis, 100

shoe LCA, 185

Systems Green Engineering principles, 124–126


T12 vs. T8 lighting systems, 193–196

Targeted durability, 124–125


in Clean Water Act, 41

creating new solutions, 122

in IPAT equation, 2

Sherwood relationship and, 96

Testing chemicals, 77–78

Thermochemical conversion of biomass for biofuels, 170–173

Tier framework of environmental costs, 131–133

Total cost assessment, 128

Total Cost Assessment Methodology, 131–133

Toxic Chemical Release Inventory (TRI), 27

Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA), 68–69, 76, 77–78


determining hazard, 36

environmental risk screening and, 108–109

human and ecosystem health indicators, 144–146

Toxicology: The Basic Science of Poisons, Fifth Edition (Casarett and Doull), 61

Toxics Release Inventory (TRI), 72, 87–88

Toxnet, 61

TRACI method, 144–145

Tracking material flows in engineered systems, 99–107


additional case studies, 201

alternatives for garment transport, 182–184

of biomass for fuel, 170

design for sustainability, 117–118

functional units, 59–60

hazardous waste requirements, 85

logistics and supply chain case studies, 181

options for moving energy, 59

running shoe, 185

sustainable building sites and, 199–200

Transportation fuels

biofuels for, 166–167

life-cycle based environmental law, 54–55

Treatment, storage, and disposal facilities (TSDFs), 85–86

TRI (Toxic Chemical Release Inventory), 27

Tropospheric ozone

air pollution, 20–21

defined, 14

in global warming, 18

True costs, 128

TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act), 68–69, 76, 77–78

Twelve Principles of Green Chemistry, 119

Twelve Principles of Green Engineering, 119, 122–126


UNCED (United Nations Conference on Environment and Development), 74

Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest, 85

United Nations

environmental law, 74–75

on metals recycling, 106–107

social performance indicators, 147

United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), 74

United States, 26

biofuel usage in, 166

Department of Energy. See Department of Energy (DOE)

energy usage, 3–7

EPA. See Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

materials usage, 8–13

waste, 25–27

United States Code (U.S.C.), 65

Unreasonable harm, 79

U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC), 191–192


Valuation, 135

Value retention, 125

Vapor pressure in environmental partitioning, 110–111

Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

air pollution, 20–21

smog formation assessment, 141–142, 144

Voluntary exposure, 36

Voluntary risks, 57



as biomass for biofuels, 169–170

costs of disposal, 130–131, 132

international trade in, 32

prevention, 123

as raw materials, 150

RCRA, 84–86

regulations, 70

striving to prevent, 121–122

in the United States, 25–27

Waste management hierarchy

defined, 73–74

PPA, 88

problems, 75–76


Clean Water Act. See Clean Water Act (CWA)

quality and emissions, 24–25

rating building efficiency, 191–192

solubility in environmental partitioning, 110–111

usage, 12–13

usage in building construction, 190

use in biomass production, 179, 181

Wind turbines, 114


defined, 12–13

of water in biomass production, 179, 181

Wood biomass

for biofuels, 169–170

processing routes to biofuels, 170–172

syndiesel LCA, 173–177

Worker Protection Standard, 76, 79

Workplace Health and Safety Standards, 80

World Commission on Environment and Development, 1

World energy usage, 3–8


“Zero discharge” goal, 83

Zinc recycling, 105–106

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