Lazy lists

So far, we have implemented a linked list and a stack as a list. One of the key concepts in FP is the concept of lazy evaluation. We can make our list lazy so that the elements will be evaluated once we access them. We need to change node in such a way that it will return a function containing list as next, instead of the list itself. The function will be evaluated when it is called; therefore, our list will be lazy.

We start with modifying our node case. In our LinkedList example, next was of the LinkedList<Element> type. To make our list lazy, we will modify next to be a function that returns our list:

enum LazyList<Element: Equatable> { 
case end
case node(data: Element, next: () -> LazyList<Element>)

As we can see in the preceding code, our node case is not defined as indirect because next is not of the LazyList type and is a reference to a function that returns LazyList.

We need to accommodate this change into our properties and methods. It is going to be as easy as changing any next to next(). For example, our size property becomes the following:

var size: Int { 
switch self {
case .node(_, let next):
return 1 + next().size
case .end:
return 0

If we followed the code and changed it properly, we would see that our map and filter do not compile. We need to change the operator as follows:

precedencegroup AssociativityRight { 
associativity: right

infix operator <|| : AssociativityRight

func <|| <T>(lhs: T, rhs: @escaping () -> LazyList<T>) -> LazyList<T> {
return .node(data: lhs, next: rhs)

Here, we change our rhs to a function type that matches our LazyList's next. This change did not fix our map and filter problems. It seems that the right-hand side of the infix operator is evaluated before being passed to it, and we do not want this.

This is because we do not pass a closure to our operator in the map and filter methods:

func map<T>(_ transform: @escaping (Element) -> T) -> LazyList<T> { 
switch self {
case .end:
return .end
case .node(let data, let next):
return transform(data) <|| next().map(transform)

In our map method example, next().map(transform) is not a closure. If we wrap it in { }, then it becomes a closure. We can modify our infix operator as follows:

func <|| <T>(lhs: T, rhs: @autoclosure @escaping () -> LazyList<T>) -> LazyList<T> { 

return .node(data: lhs, next: rhs)

The @autoclosure attribute creates an automatic closure around the expression. So when we write an expression such as next().map(transform), it is automatically wrapped in a closure to become { next().map(transform) } before it is passed to our infix operator.

Starting in Swift 1.2, autoclosure defaults to noescape. This attribute ensures that parameters are not stored for later execution and will not outlive the lifetime of the call. The noescape implementation adds minor performance optimizations and bypasses the need to annotate properties and methods with self.

The escaping annotation is necessary in order to signify that the closure will last longer than the lifetime of the scope that it is declared in.

Finally, we need to change our cons method by wrapping self in { } as follows:

func cons(_ element: Element) -> LazyList { 
return .node(data: element, next: { self })

Let's test our LazyList and see if it works properly:

let ourLazyList = 3 <|| 2 <|| 1 <||  LazyList.end // node(3, (Function)) 
print(ourLazyList.size) // prints 3

Our lazy list now becomes as follows:

/// Operator 
precedencegroup AssociativityRight {
associativity: right

infix operator <|| : AssociativityRight

func <|| <T>(lhs: T, rhs: @autoclosure @escaping () -> LazyList<T>) -> LazyList<T> {

return .node(data: lhs, next: rhs)

/// Lazy List
enum LazyList<Element: Equatable> {
case end
case node(data: Element, next: () -> LazyList<Element>)

var size: Int {
switch self {
case .node(_, let next):
return 1 + next().size
case .end:
return 0

var elements: [Element] {
switch self {
case .node(let data, let next):
return [data] + next().elements
case .end:
return []

var isEmpty: Bool {
switch self {
case .node(_ , _):
return false
case .end:
return true

static func empty() -> LazyList {
return .end

func cons(_ element: Element) -> LazyList {
return .node(data: element, next: { self })

func removeLast() -> (element: Element, linkedList: LazyList)? {
switch self {
case .node(let data, let next):
return (data, next())
case .end:
return nil

func map<T>(_ transform: @escaping (Element) -> T) -> LazyList<T> {
switch self {
case .end:
return .end
case .node(let data, let next):
return transform(data) <|| next().map(transform)

func filter(_ predicate: @escaping ((Element) -> Bool)) ->
LazyList<Element> {
switch self {
case .end:
return .end
case .node(let data, let next):
return predicate(data) ? data <|| next().filter(predicate):

func reduce<Value>(_ initial: Value,
combine: (Value, Element) -> Value) -> Value {
switch self {
case .end:
return initial
case .node(let data, let next):
return next().reduce(combine(initial, data),
combine: combine)

static func contains(_ key: Element, list: LazyList<Element>) -> Bool {
switch list {
case .end:
return false
case .node(let data, let next):
if key == data {
return true
} else {
return contains(key, list: next())
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