
  • A
  • Accountability, 53–54, 66–67, 113–116, 154–155, 175–179
  • Active recovery, 83
  • Adams, A. J., 44
  • Adversity, 23–27, 50, 113, 184–185
  • Affirmation, 53
  • Amen, Daniel, 77
  • Armstrong, Alan, 191
  • B
  • Ballantyne, Craig, 101
  • Beane, Brandon, 2
  • Bed‐making routine, 88–89
  • Belichick, Bill, 175
  • Bennett, Roy T., 57
  • Boundaries (guard rails), 63–64, 116
  • Brady, Tom, 163
  • Brain
    • “Brain foods,” 81
    • cold exposure for, 97
    • “The Grateful Brain” (Korb), 98–99
    • mental imagery and, 44
    • neurogenesis, 77, 79
    • neuroplasticity, 47–48
    • traumatic brain injury (TMI), 76–77
    • “Why Your Brain Needs More Downtime” (Jabr), 49–50
  • Bridgeman, Junior, 115–116
  • Brown, Les, 150
  • Bryant, Adam, 184
  • Buffalo Bills, 8, 66–67, 72, 90–92, 186. See also Wood, Eric
  • Burke, Chris, 131
  • Buscaglia, Leo, 13
  • C
  • Campbell, Regi, 136
  • Carmody, Bill, 164
  • Coaching, 175–190
    • accountability for, 175–179
    • criticism and, 179–181
    • executive coaches, 14–17, 20, 23
    • flexibility and, 186–188
    • humility and confidence for, 181–182
    • life coaches, 154–155
    • as ongoing, 188–189
    • perspective for, 28–29
    • for pushing limits, 184–185
    • seeking, 182–184
  • Cold exposure, 96–97
  • Commitment, 35
  • Confidence, 109–111, 181–182, 198–201
  • Consistency, 195–197
  • Control, 191–193
  • Cordrey, Ronnie, 130–131
  • Core values, 57–70
    • aligning with, 60–61
    • assessing, 58–60
    • boundaries for, 63–64
    • designing schedule for, 67–68
    • for health, 83–84
    • importance of, 57–58
    • role models of, 61–62
    • sharing, 68–69
    • writing, 64–67
  • Craft, Keith, 68, 173, 193
  • D
  • Dan‐O's seasoning, 187–188
  • Dennison, Rick, 192
  • Diet, 75, 79–82
  • Discomfort, 184–185
  • Dispenza, Joe, 43, 47–48
  • Doren, Dave, 184
  • E
  • “The Ed Mylett Show” (podcast), 26
  • 80% to 90% rule, 80–82
  • Empowerment, 34–35
  • Eric Wood's Awesome Morning Drink (recipe), 95
  • Executive coaches, 14–17, 20, 23. See also Coaching
  • F
  • Failure, fear of, 51
  • Family and friends, 161–174
    • choosing people to spend time with, 161
    • core values and, 58–62, 68–69
    • learning from, 162–164, 166–173
    • role models, 61–62, 153–154
    • support systems, 40, 118–120
    • termination of friendships, 173
    • your gifts and, 17–20
    • your influence on, 164–166
  • Fasting, 75
  • Feedback, 91, 179–181
  • Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), 61–62
  • Firestone, Lisa, 134
  • Fitzpatrick, Ryan, 30–31
  • Flexibility, 186–188
  • Football
  • Fun, importance of, 64–66
  • G
  • “The Gary Vee Audio Experience” (podcast), 187–188
  • Generosity, 64, 65, 132–136
  • “Generosity” (Firestone), 134
  • Genius Foods (Lugavere), 81
  • Gervais, Michael, 195–196
  • “Getting Clear on Your Vision” (Dispenza), 47–48
  • Gifts, 13–24
    • adversity as, 23–24, 113
    • health and potential of, 71–72
    • learned, 16–17
    • natural, 15–16
    • observed by others, 17–20
    • recognizing, 13–15, 62, 138
    • resistance to, 20–23
  • Gladwell, Malcolm, 27
  • Goals, 125–126, 155, 172–173, 196
  • Goggins, David, 122
  • Gordon, Jon, 39, 99, 156, 185
  • “The Grateful Brain” (Korb), 98–99
  • Gratitude, 38–39, 93, 95–96, 98–101
  • Greenfield, Ben, 95–96
  • Grover, Tim, 182
  • H
  • Habit Stacking (Scott), 103
  • Hangartner, Geoff, 52, 167
  • Hardy, Darren, 107
  • Health, 71–85
    • cold exposure for, 96–97
    • as core value, 63–64, 66
    • friends' attitudes toward, 162
    • generosity and, 132–136
    • long‐term, 74–75
    • new habits for, 75–76
    • perspective and, 37, 72–73
    • pillars of recovery for, 77–84
    • potential of, 71–72
    • risks to, 73–74, 76–77
  • HEART (Hard work, Energy, Accountability, Respect, Team), 66–67
  • Henderson, Collin, 194
  • Hockey stick effect, 108, 117
  • Hodge, Merril, 112
  • “How Negative News Distorts Our Thinking” (Perlmutter), 140–141
  • “Humans Have More Than 6,000 Thoughts per Day” (Newsweek), 146
  • Humility, 181–182
  • I
  • Ideal self, 50–54
  • Idleman, Kyle, 103
  • Imposter syndrome, 52–53
  • Inc., 164
  • Incognito, Richie, 168
  • Intentionality, 97–98, 155–156, 193–195. See also Routines
  • J
  • Jabr, Ferris, 49–50
  • James, LeBron, 79
  • Johnson, Inky, 114
  • Jordan, Michael, 115, 182
  • Journaling, 48–50, 95–96
  • K
  • Kenn, “Big House” Joe, 19
  • L
  • Lao Tzu, 145
  • “The Last Lecture” (Pausch), 53–54
  • Learning
    • learned gifts, 16–17
    • from others, 61–62, 153–154, 166–173
    • reading for, 93, 102–104, 155–158
  • Leffew, Travis, 167
  • Lugavere, Max, 81
  • Lynch, Marshawn, 17
  • M
  • Manning, Peyton, 5
  • Marrone, Doug, 165
  • Matalon, Gerry, 184
  • McDermott, Sean, 2, 72, 141
  • McPartland, James “Mac,” 14–17, 20, 23, 52, 93, 113, 154, 185
  • McRaven, William H., 88–89
  • Media, influence of, 149–150
  • Mental toughness, 110
  • Micro‐actions, 88–89, 108, 117. See also Routines
  • Moawad, Bob, xvii
  • Momentum, 107–127
    • accountability and, 113–116
    • confidence for, 109–111
    • as daily process, 117–118
    • distractions and, 120–121
    • negativity and, 123–124
    • process goals and, 125
    • reflecting on, 125–126
    • seduction of, 122–123
    • setbacks and, 111–113
    • small wins for, 108–109
    • “Standards over feelings” for, 121–122
    • for success, 107–108
    • support system for, 118–120
  • Montgomery, Jordan, 24, 188
  • Morgan, Chris, 25, 62
  • Murdock, Jason, 146
  • Mylett, Ed, 25, 26, 50, 69
  • N
  • Neurogenesis, 77, 79
  • Neuroplasticity, 47–48
  • Newman, Ben, 72, 121–122, 170–171
  • Newsweek, 146
  • Nicklaus, Jack, 44
  • Nurse, David, 96, 122, 171
  • Nutrition, 75, 79–82
  • O
  • Obstacles, conquering, 50–54
  • Oliver, Dan, 187–188
  • Olson, Jeff, 87, 89, 108, 193
  • O'Neill, Robert, 180–181
  • Oswald (scientist), 149
  • Outliers (Gladwell), 27
  • P
  • Pausch, Randy, 53–54
  • Perfect Day (Ballantyne), 101
  • Perfectionism, 51
  • Perlmutter, Austin, 140–141
  • Perspective, 25–41
    • adversity overcome by, 25–27
    • for health, 37, 72–73
    • negativity, 52, 68, 123–124, 140–141, 146–148, 165
    • positive mindset for, 26, 148
    • setbacks overcome by, 28–38
    • shifting, 38–40
    • vision and, 45, 53
    • See also Thoughts
  • Petrino, Bobby, 118, 153–154, 180, 183, 195
  • Physical activity, 39–40, 43–46, 82–85
  • Pillars of recovery, 77–84. See also Health
  • Pivot point, 1–11
    • author's recognition of, 1–11
    • benefits of service to others at, 136–137
    • defined, 7
    • health focus and, 72–73 (See also Health)
    • timing of transition, xvii–xviii
  • “The Power of ‘Thank You'” (Gordon), 39
  • Preparation, 191–201
  • Process goals, 125, 196
  • Psychology Today, 44, 98–99, 134, 147–148, 150–151
  • R
  • Radical responsibility, 176
  • Responsibility, 53–54, 176
  • Rice, Jerry, 197
  • Robinson, Jackie, 143
  • Rohn, Jim, 162
  • Role models, 61–62, 153–154. See also Family and friends
  • Routines, 87–105
    • of author, 94–97, 101–102
    • daily process of, 117–118
    • developing healthy habits, 75–76
    • gratitude and, 93, 98–101
    • habits and, 45, 75–76, 103–104
    • of high performers, 93–94
    • importance of, 87–90
    • intentionality of, 97–98
    • making new routines, 92
    • micro‐actions for, 88–89, 108, 117
    • of NFL teams, 90–92
    • for nighttime, 101–102
    • pushing past discomfort in, 184–185
    • super‐learner mentality for, 102–103
    • See also Momentum
  • Ryan, Rex, 6
  • S
  • Schmidt, Kurt, 80
  • “The Science of Generosity” (UC Berkeley), 132
  • Scientific American, 49–50
  • Scott, S. J., 103
  • “Seeing Is Believing” (Adams), 44
  • Self‐discipline, 18–20, 64, 65, 193–195
  • Self‐limiting beliefs, 146–148
  • “Self‐Talk” (Psychology Today), 147–148
  • Selk, Jason, 110–111, 125, 196
  • Service to others, 129–144
    • adopting mentality of, 130–131
    • benefits of, 132–137
    • challenges of, 131–132, 139–140
    • opportunities for, 137–139
    • as secret to success, 129
    • servant leadership, 140–143
    • sharing gifts with others as, 21–23
  • Setbacks, 28–38, 111–113
  • Silence, 48–50, 93–94
  • Sleep, 78–79
  • The Slight Edge (Olson), 89, 108, 193
  • Social media, 187–188
  • Spirituality and religion
  • Spitz, Jason, 167
  • Standards of performance, 197–198
  • “Standards over feelings,” 121–122
  • Stanley, Montavious, 30–31
  • Stingers, 4
  • Stone, Beth and Dave, 18, 142
  • Strengths. See Gifts
  • Summers, Mike, 180
  • Sunada, Joyce, 71
  • Super‐learner mentality, 102–103
  • Swinney, Dabo, 191
  • T
  • Taylor, Lawrence, 29, 30
  • Theismann, Joe, 29–33
  • Therapy, 40
  • Thoughts, 145–159
    • choosing, 150–152
    • feedback and mindset, 91 (See also Routines)
    • learning and, 155–158
    • life coaches/accountability partners and, 154–155
    • media's influence on, 149–150
    • power of mind and, 145–146
    • role models and, 153–154
    • self‐limiting beliefs and, 146–148
    • See also Vision
  • TikTok, 187–188
  • Traumatic brain injury (TMI), 76–77
  • U
  • UC Berkeley, 132
  • University of Michigan, 134
  • University of Wisconsin–Madison, 133–134
  • Unstoppable (Ballantyne), 101
  • V
  • Vee, Gary, 187–188
  • Veltkamp, Jason, 180
  • “Virtue Rewarded” (University of Wisconsin–Madison), 133–134
  • Vision, 43–55
    • for health, 72–73, 83–84
    • learning from others, 170
    • obstacles and, 50–54
    • routines for, 92, 96
    • seeing past the present, 46–48
    • visualizing success, 43–46
    • writing thoughts and feelings for, 48–50
  • W
  • Watt, J. J., 79
  • Weatherford, Steve, 69
  • What Radical Husbands Do (Campbell), 136
  • “What's Next with Eric Wood” (podcast)
  • “Why Your Brain Needs More Downtime” (Jabr), 49–50
  • Williams, Kyle, 167–168
  • Winning (Grover), 182
  • Wood, Eric
  • Wood, Evan (brother), 5, 20
  • Wood, Garrett (son), 6, 37
  • Wood, Gracie (daughter), 81
  • Wood, Leslie (wife), 3, 18, 31–32, 63, 114–115
  • Work ethic, 64, 65, 66–67
  • Writing, 48–50, 64–67, 95–96, 109
  • Y
  • “You Are an Influencer” (Carmody), 164
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