Other Shortcuts

These shortcuts don’t fall into the category of productivity, media, or Home shortcuts, but that doesn’t make them any less useful!

Share Your Shortcuts in Bulk

If you want to share all your shortcuts, or just some of them, all at once, I have a shortcut to do just that. Here’s how you make it:

  1. Add a Get My Shortcuts action.

  2. Add a Choose from List action.

    This should automatically set the List to My Shortcuts from step one. Open Show More and toggle Select Multiple on.

  3. Add Get Link to File.

    This becomes Get link to Chosen Item.

  4. Add Repeat with Each.

    The Repeat action is automatically set to use the Link to File magic variable.

  5. Right under Repeat with each item in Link to File, add Get Item from List.

    Tap First Item and change it to [Item at Index] [Repeat Index], then tap the Repeat Item after from, clear it, and use the magic variable Chosen Item (from step 2).

  6. Below Get [Item At Index] [Repeat Index] from Chosen Shortcut(s), Add a Text action.

    Set the text as follows (see Figure 56):

    - [Item from List](Repeat Item)

    Figure 56: The text action in Bulk Share Shortcuts.
    Figure 56: The text action in Bulk Share Shortcuts.
  7. After Repeat with Each, add a Combine Text action.

    This automatically selects the Repeat Results and combines them with New Lines.

  8. Add a Share action.

  9. Tap Next, give the shortcut a name and icon, and tap Done.

Install Share Your Shortcuts in Bulk shortcut: https://alt.cc/shsb

Log Expense

I don’t know about you, but I struggle to stay on top of my expenses—especially on work trips. Thankfully I can make my life much easier with shortcuts. Here are instructions to build this:

  1. Add an Ask for Input action.

    Set the Question to Date and tap Show More so you can change the Input Type to Date and Time. This defaults to the current date and time when you run the Shortcut, which should make life easier.

  2. Add an Ask for Input action.

    Set the Question to Amount, and under Show More, change the Input Type to Number. This adds a 0 you can’t delete, but when you run the shortcut and start to type a number, it disappears.

  3. Add another Ask for Input action.

    Set the Question to Details. The Input Type is already Text so we don’t have to make any changes there.

  4. Add a Text action.

    This is where we format the data. First tap the magic wand and select the Provided Input from our Date action. Then tap Provided Input and rename the variable (refer back to Magic Variables for details). I chose Date and Time as my name. Next we need to add a comma, space, and a $ (, $). Then we can insert another magic variable and this time select Provided Input from our step 2 action, the Amount. We should rename this to Amount as well, to avoid confusion later. Add another comma and space (,) and then add our final magic variable—Provided Input from step three. Rename this to Details. Now your text action should look like Figure 57.

    Figure 57: The Text action with all the magic variables renamed.
    Figure 57: The Text action with all the magic variables renamed.
  5. Add an Append to File action.

    The action should automatically choose to [Append] [Text]. Tap Show More and set the File Path to Expenses.csv. Make sure Make New Line is toggled on.

  6. Tap Next, give the shortcut a name and icon, and tap Done.

Install Log Expense shortcut: https://alt.cc/shle

Tip Calculator

Calculating a tip can be tricky business, and I personally hate it when I give the wrong amount, so I end up pulling out a calculator to make sure I get it right. Shortcuts has built-in actions that can do calculations, and we can take advantage and get a little nerdy with our dining out. I’ve stretched the boundaries here of what you might desire from a simple tip calculator, as this is a great shortcut to show off some cool features. Here are the instructions:

  1. Add an Ask for Input action.

    Set the Question to Amount and tap Show More so you can set the Input Type to Number.

  2. Add a List action.

    Replace “One” with 20 and “Two” with 25, add a new item and set this to 30.

  3. Add a Repeat with Each action.

  4. Right under “Repeat with each item in List,” Add a Calculate action.

    Set this to divide the Repeat Item by 100.

  5. Next, still within the repeat loop, add another Calculate action.

    Set this to multiply the Provided Input (from step 1) by the Calculation Result (from step 4). To do so, first, tap Calculation Result, tap Select Magic Variable, and then tap Provided Input. Tap Number and set it to Calculation Result. Then rename Calculation Result to As %, and rename Provided Input to Amount so you don’t get confused later.

  6. Right after that, add a Round Number action.

    Use a magic variable to set this to round the Calculation Result(from step 5) to Hundredths. Then rename the Calculation Result to Rounded Tip.

  7. Next, add another Calculate action.

    Set this to add the Rounded Tip (a magic variable from step 6) to the Amount (from step 1).

  8. Add a Text action beneath Rounded Tip action and above the End Repeat. Set the Text to:

    Repeat Item%: $Rounded Tip (Total = $Total)

    Rounded Tip is from step 6. To get Total, tap Variables, then Select Magic Variable, and tap Calculation Result from step 7—then rename Calculation Result to Total.

  9. Immediately after End Repeat, add a Choose from List action.

    This list uses Repeat Results—the text action at the end.

  10. Add a Match Text action.

    This action uses a regular expression. Replace [0-9a-zA-Z] with $(d+.{0,1}d*))—this looks in the Chosen Item (from step 9) for a dollar sign followed by an amount (with optional decimal places).

  11. Add a Get Group from Matched Text action.

    This should automatically set itself to Get [Group at Index] [1] in Matches.

  12. Add a Round Number action.

    This should automatically set itself to Round Text to Ones Place, so we can give a whole dollar amount. If you tap Show More, you can change the rounding method to always round up or down (I left mine as Normal).

  13. Add an Alert action.

    Replace Do you want to continue? with Rounded: $[Rounded Number] (the rounded number comes from step 12). Tap Show More and turn Show Cancel Button to off.

  14. Tap Next, give the shortcut a name and icon, and tap Done.

Install Tip Calculator shortcut: https://alt.cc/shtc

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