


Above-the-line deductions, 12

ACA. See Affordable Care Act (ACA)

Accelerated depreciation method, 251, 257

Accrual accounting method, 182

Acquisition debt, 296

Adjusted Gross Income (AGI), 11, 57, 64, 81, 94, 137, 142, 150, 173, 186, 237, 282, 299, 340

education expenses, 318

medical-expense limitation, 328

Adoption credit, 309

Affordable Care Act (ACA), 72, 120, 166, 238, 282

AGI. See Adjusted Gross Income (AGI)

Agriculture and livestock development, 108

Alimony, 77, 78

Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT), 17, 20, 61, 96, 167, 239, 282, 327, 340

itemized deduction, 328, 329

standard deduction, 328

strategies to reduce

business-expense deductions, 330

employee expense reimbursement plan, 329

medical expenses, 329

overpayment of state taxes, 330

standard deduction, 329

tax rates, 330

“tax-free” municipal bond, 329

American Opportunity Credit, 320

AMT. See Alternative Minimum Tax (AMT)

Annuity, 68

Automatic contribution, of employer, 155


Bartering, 84

Below-the-line deductions, 12, 13

Beneficiary IRA, 72

Bond swap, 124

Bonus depreciation, 252

Buffett, Warren, 25

Build America Bonds, 95


deduction, education expenses, 319

income, 85

tax implications

health exchanges, 348

penalties and limitations, 348

tax credit, 349

wellness programs, 349

Business taxation

income and expense recognition

accrual accounting method, 182

cash accounting method, 182

criteria, 182

legitimate business, 181

losses and hobby rules

deductions, 184

income sources, 183

IRS, 183

profit motive, 184

personal expenses, 181

Business Use of the Home (BUH)

AGI, 186

appurtenant, 188

appurtenant rules, 191

customers, 190

deductible expenses

directly related expenses, 194

indirectly related expenses, 194

unrelated expenses, 196

deductions, claim

business owner/employee, 192

daycare service, 193

storage space, 192


first-year depreciation percentage rates, 199

home value, 197

housing market, 197

real-estate tax bill, 198

rules, 196

standard annual depreciation rate, 198

dwelling unit, 188

excess interest, 186

exclusive space, 189

Form 2106, 199

Form 8829, 199

gross business income, 200

Home Office deduction, 185

income-making-activity, 187

IRS, 199

mileage deduction, 186

mortgage interest and real-estate taxes, 200

mortgage interest deduction, 186

multiple places of business, 201

personal deductions, 186

positive net income, 200

principal place of business

administrative and management activities, 190

non-administrative and non-managerial activities, 190

regular use, 189

small-business owners, 187

tax code, 185

unused deductions, 200


audited deductions, 204

business property, 203

double-deduct expenses, 206

floor plan, 205

future tax rates, 204

home ownership tax benefits, 202

IRS statistics, 204

log book, 206

losses, multiple years of, 206

marginal tax bracket, 204

pictures, 205

real estate, 205

recaptured depreciation, 203

tax code, 203


Capital gains, 28

income, 111, 112, 124

Affordable Care Act, 120

capital losses, from sales, 114

collectibles, special rules for, 119

double-dipping, 119

long-term vs. short-term arbitrage, 117

rigged tax code, 122

wash sales, 115

tax, 95, 118

Capital losses, from sales, 114

Cash accounting method, 182

Catch-up contribution, 100, 156

CDs. See Certificates of Deposit (CDs)

Certificates of Deposit (CDs), 135

Charitable contributions


appreciated assets, 315

of money, 312

of service, 314

tax benefit, 316

non-money gifts, 313

Child care credit, 307


additional child tax credit, 307

adoption credit, 309

child care credit, 307

child tax credit, 305

tax-saving strategy, 241

Child support tax rules, 78

Child tax credit, 305

Collectibles, special rules for, 119

Cost basis, of asset, 112

Coverdell Educational Savings Accounts, 143


meaning, 19

non-refundable, 18

refundable, 21


Debt forgiveness, 79

Declining balance method, 250

Deductions, 11, 19

Deferred compensation, 174

Deferred income, 29, 61

Defined benefit plan, 174

Dependency exemptions, 36

Dependents, 35, 36

exemptions, 36

Qualifying Child, 36

Qualifying Non-Relative, 38

Qualifying Relative, 37

Depreciation, 249, 250

asset, selling/disposal of, 256

accelerated depreciation, 257

basis, 256

sales price, 256

straight-line depreciation, 257

bonus, 252

declining balance method, 250

deductions, 196

IRS, 251

non–real estate assets, 257

real estate, 271

Section 179 Deduction, 253

3-, 5-, 7-, and 10-year recovery periods, 252

Disability income, 86

Dividend income, 122

Dividends, 28

Double-dipping, in tax code, 119

Double-taxation, 131


Early withdrawals, penalties for, 164

Earned income, 55. See also Employment income

Earned vs. unearned income, 32

Educational assistance programs, 236

Education expenses

American Opportunity Credit, 320

business deduction, 319

lifetime learning credit, 321

student loan debt forgiveness, 323

student loan interest deduction, 322

tuition and fees deduction, 318

Education investment strategy, 141

coordination, 146

Coverdell ESAs, 143

Education Savings Bonds, 145

529 plans, 141

gifting appreciated items, 147

IRAs, 146

QTPs, 141

Roth IRAs, 146

Education IRAs. See Coverdell Educational Savings Accounts

Education Savings Bonds, 145

Effective tax rate, 17

EIF. See Ever Increase Fund (EIF)

Emotional distress, 90

Employee benefits

educational assistance programs, 236

fringe benefits

adoption assistance, 234

athletic facilities, 234

De Minimis Benefits, 235

employee discounts, 235

life insurance, 235

no-additional-cost services, 235

medical expenses and health insurance

health care tax credit, 238

HRAs, 238

self-employed health insurance, 237

tax deductions, 236

personal expenses, 233

Employee business expenses, 56

Employer contributions

automatic, 155

matching, 155

profit-sharing, 155

Employment income, 55, 85. See also Earned income

defer/postpone income, 61

employee business expenses, 56

expenses, claiming, 59

insurance premiums, from pre-tax, 60

Entertainment, 229

Ever Increase Fund (EIF), 128

Exemptions, from tax. See Tax exemptions

Expenses, claiming, 59


Fair market value (FMV), 87

Federal tax return, 6

Fellowships, tax-free, 88

Filing status, 35, 38

HofH, 40

MFJ, 40

MFS, 40

QW, with dependent, 41

rules, 41

single (S), 39

Flexible Spending Account (FSA), 347

Foreign tax credit, 135, 136

Form 1040, 68

Fringe benefits

adoption assistance, 234

athletic facilities, 234

De Minimis Benefits, 235

employee discounts, 235

life insurance, 235

no-additional-cost services, 235


Gambling winnings and losses, 81

Gifted assets, 86

Gifting appreciated items, 147


business, 230

charitable contributions

appreciated assets, 315

of money, 312

non-money gifts, 313

of service, 314

tax benefit, 316

Grants, tax-free, 88


Harvesting losses, 115

Head of Household (HofH), 40

Health care reform, tax implications

business, 348

health exchanges, 348

penalties and limitations, 348

tax credit, 349

wellness programs, 349

health insurance plans, 349

individuals, 344

HSA and FSA withdrawals, 347

medical expense deductions, 345

penalty tax, 346

refundable credit, 347

Health insurance plans, 349

Health insurance premium deductions, 60

Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRAs), 238, 245

Health Savings Accounts (HSAs), 31, 99, 172

AMT, 286

annual contribution limits, 287

benefit of, 286

doctor bills, 287

human resource department, 288

over-the-counter medications, 288

penalty on, 347

tax treatment, 285

unqualified withdrawal from, 337

Home equity debt, 297

Home improvements, for disabled, 301

Home ownership, 105, 108

Home sale exemption, 302

HSAs. See Health Savings Accounts (HSAs)

I, J, K

Income, 10, 25. See also Specific Income

deferred, 29

dividend (see Dividend income)

earned vs. unearned, 32

employment (see Employment income)

from unemployment benefits, 83

interest (see Interest income)

ordinary, 26

passive, 33

penalized, 31

potentially/partially taxed, 30

preferred, 27

taxable, 15

tax-exempt, 27

wealthy taxpayers, great secret of, 34

Income tax, 20

Income tax system, 16

Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), 61, 146, 154, 160

Inherited assets, 86, 88

Inherited IRA, 72

Insurance premiums, from pre-tax income, 60

Insurance proceeds. See Life insurance proceeds

Interest income, 123

capital gains and bond swaps, 124

OIDs, 125

zero-coupon bonds, 127

Investment income. See also Tax-free investment income

deductions from, 133

foreign tax credit, 135

investment interest, 134

miscellaneous deductions, 136

professional trader status, 137

withdrawal penalties, 135

sources of income, 85

Investment interest, 134

Investment interest expense, 134

IRAs. See Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs)

IRS Publication 590, 71

Itemized deductions, 1214


Law of Unintended Consequences, 43

Lawsuit proceeds, 90

Legal damages, awards for, 83

Life insurance proceeds, 89

Lifetime learning credit, 321

Limited Partnership (LP), 130

Long-term capital gains, 28

Long-term capital gains tax rates, 113

Long-term vs. short-term arbitrage, 117

Long-term vs. short-term sale, 112

LP. See Limited Partnership (LP)


MAGI. See Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI)

Marginal vs. effective tax rates, 16

Married Filing Jointly (MFJ), 40

Married Filing Separately (MFS), 40

Matching contribution, of employer, 155



employer convenience, 228

employer events, 228

goodwill, 229

minimal value, 229

reimbursement, 229

W-2 form, 229

entertainment expense, 225


IRS, 227

marginal tax bracket, 227

receipts, 227

tax benefits, 227

tax deduction, 223

travel expense

actual-expense method, 224

business associate, 225

per diem rates, 224

spending habits, 225

standard daily amount, 224

Medical and dental expenses

health care coverage tax and credit, 289


AGI, 286

AMT, 286

annual contribution limits, 287

benefit of, 286

doctor bills, 287

human resource department, 288

over-the-counter medications, 288

tax treatment, 285

itemized deductions

AGI, 282

AMT, 282

health and dental insurance premiums, 284

home improvements, 284

long-term care insurance, 284

meals, 284

qualified expenses, 282

vehicle’s mileage, 284

qualified medical expenses, 290

Medical expenses and health insurance

health care tax credit, 238

HRAs, 238

self-employed health insurance, 237

tax deductions, 236

Medicare surtax, 120

Miscellaneous Itemized Deductions, 57

Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI), 98, 121, 144, 161, 166, 263

Mortgage interest deduction

acquisition debt, 296

home equity debt, 297

insurance premiums, 299

itemized deductions, 298

“point” payment, 299

Municipal bond interest, 123

Municipal bonds, 94, 95

Mutual funds, 127


Nonbusiness Energy Property Credit, 301

Non-money gifts, 313

Non-refundable credits, 18

Non-refundable tax credit, 300


OIDs. See Original Issue Discounts (OIDs)

Ordinary income, 26, 75

alimony, 77

bartering, 84

debt forgiveness, 79

gambling winnings and losses, 81

legal awards, 83

royalties, 83

state tax refunds, 75

unemployment income, 83

Original Issue Discounts (OIDs), 125


Passive income, 33

Payroll taxes, 55, 57

Penalized income, 31

Penalties and interest, 335

failure to file, 332

failure to pay, 332

IRS, 334

penalty abatement, 338

retirement accounts

early withdrawal from, 335

employer-sponsored plans, 335

excess contribution, 337

non-employer–sponsored plans, 336

underpayment of tax, 333

unqualified withdrawal, HSA account, 337

withdrawal penalties, 135

Pensions, 68

Phase-outs, 48

absolute cutoff, 49

deduction/credit, smooth transition, 49

tiered/stepped version, 49

Potentially/partially taxed income, 30

Preferred income, 27

Premium deductions. See Health insurance premium deductions

Private activity bonds, 96

Professional traders, 137

Profit-sharing contribution, of employer, 155

Property tax deduction, 300

Provisional income, 6467


QTPs. See Qualified Tuition Programs (QTPs)

Qualified acquisition debt, 296

Qualified dividends, 28

Qualified Principal Residence Indebtedness, 303

Qualified Tuition Programs (QTPs), 141

Qualified Widow (QW), with dependent, 41


Real estate

active participation rules, 263

income and deductions

allowable expenses, 269

depreciation, 271

rent recognition rules, 268

repairs vs. improvements, 270

self-renting, 272

travel, 272

Real Estate Professional Designation, 264

treatment of passive losses, 262

Real-Estate Investment Trust (REIT), 130

Real Estate Professional Designation, 264

Record keeping, 227

Refundable credits, 21

REIT. See Real-Estate Investment Trust (REIT)

Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), 69, 70, 152


credit, energy efficiency, 300

credit for energy efficiency

Nonbusiness Energy Property Credit, 301

Residential Energy Efficient Property Credit, 300

definition of, 297

disabled, home improvements for, 301

foreclosures and short sales, 303

home sale exemption, capital gains, 302

mortgage interest deduction

acquisition debt, 296

home equity debt, 297

itemized deductions, 298

mortgage insurance, 299

“point” payment, 299

tax code, 297

property tax deduction, 300

Retirement accounts, 69, 335

early withdrawal from, 335

employer-sponsored plans, 335

excess contribution, 337

non-employer–sponsored plans, 336

Retirement income, 63

annuity, 68

pensions, 68

retirement accounts, 69

RMD, 69

social security income, 64

Retirement investment strategy, 149, 169

agriculture, 176

deductible plans, 154

401(k) plans, 155

403(b) plans, 155

457(b) plans, 155

SEP IRA plans, 157


traditional IRA, 160

deferred compensation, 174

defined benefit plan, 174

early withdrawals, penalties for, 164

HSAs, 172

land, 176

livestock, 176

Retirement Savings Contribution Credit, 166

self-directed IRA accounts, 170

subtle penalty, 166

tax-deductible contributions, 150

tax-deferred growth, 151

Retirement Savings Contribution Credit, 166

Rigged tax code, 122

RMDs. See Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs)

Roth IRAs, 146

Roth retirement accounts, 96

traditional IRA to Roth IRA conversion, 101

working, 98

Royalty income, 83


Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE), 139

Scholarships, tax-free, 88

Second homes and vacation rentals

home swapping, 273

personal use vs. fair market rents, 274

pro-rated deductions, 276

tax-free income, 273

Self-directed IRA, 170

Self-renting, 272

SEP. See Simplified Employee Pension (SEP)

SEP IRA plans, 157

Short sales, 303

Short-term gains, 28

Short-term vs. long-term arbitrage, 117

Short-term vs. long-term sale, 112

SIMPLE. See Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE)


Simplified Employee Pension (SEP), 139

Social Security income, 64, 95. See also Potentially/partially taxed income

Standard deductions, 12, 14

State and municipal bond interest, 94

Build America Bonds, 95

capital gains tax, 95

social security, 95

State tax refunds, 75

Straight-line depreciation, 257

Student loan interest deduction, 322

Surtax, 120


Tax, 340342


additional child tax credit, 307

adoption credit, 309

child care credit, 307

child tax credit, 305

preparers, 339, 340

Taxable income, 10, 15

Taxable investment income, 111

capital gains income, 111

Affordable Care Act, 120

capital losses, from sales, 114

collectibles, special rules for, 119

double-dipping, 119

long-term vs. short-term arbitrage, 117

rigged tax code, 122

wash sales, 115

dividend income, 122

interest income, 123

capital gains and bond swaps, 124

OIDs, 125

zero-coupon bonds, 127

Limited Partnership, 130

mutual funds, 127

REITs, 130

Taxable Legal awards, 83

Tax benefits

employing children, 241

IRA, 243, 244

IRS, 244

employing your parents, 246

employing your spouse, 245

Health Reimbursement Arrangements, 245

retirement account contributions, 246

gifts, 316

Tax bracket, 16

Tax burden, reduction of, 72

Tax code, 3

double-dipping in, 119

factors, 44

purpose of, 11

real secret, 4

rigged, 43, 122

phase-outs, 48

simplification, 51

tax formula, key components of, 5

tax insight, 4

unintended tax consequences, 44

Tax-deductible contributions, 150

Tax deductible plans. See Retirement investment strategy

Tax deferral, 30, 62

Tax-deferred growth, 151

Tax-exempt income, 27

Tax-exempt investment income, 94

Tax exemptions, 14

Tax formula, 4, 5, 9

Tax-free investment income, 93

home ownership, 105, 108

Roth retirement accounts, 96

traditional IRA to Roth IRA conversion, 101

working, 98

state and municipal bond interest, 94

Build America Bonds, 95

capital gains tax, 95

social security, 95

Tax implications

business, 348

health exchanges, 348

penalties and limitations, 348

tax credit, 349

wellness programs, 349

health insurance plans, 349

individuals, 344

earned and unearned income, 344

HSA and FSA withdrawals, 347

low-income households, refundable credit for, 347

medical expense deductions, 345

uninsured, penalty tax for, 346

Tax insight, 4

Tax return, 23, 35

Tax-saving strategy, hiring family members

children, 241

parents, 246

spouse, 245

Traditional IRA, 160, 165

Travel expenses

business activities schedule, 222

convention agenda, 220

conventions and luxury water travel, 213

cruise ship, 221

IRS, 207

luxury water travel, 219

mileage and vehicle expenses

actual-expense method, 208

after-tax costs, 207

business miles, 211

depreciation, 209

employees, 211

high tax bracket, 208

loan interest, 210

parking fees, 210

personal commuting miles, 211

recordkeeping requirement, 209

standard deduction, 210

straight-line method, 209

temporary assignment, 211

tolls, 210

value-based tax, 210

North America area, 220

record keeping and audit risk

business reason, 212

date, 212

ending odometer reading, 212

starting odometer reading, 212

taxpayer’s records, 213

vehicle mileage, 212

United States

business day, 218

entirely for business, 215

primarily business, 213

primarily personal, 214

tax consequences, 219

transportation days, 216

Walter’s travel schedule and business purpose, 217

weekends and holidays, 216

written statement, 221

U, V

Unearned income

vs. earned income, 32

surtax on, 121

Unemployment income, 83

Unintended consequences, tax code, 44

Unordinary income, 85

fellowships, 88

gifts, 86

grants, 88

inherited assets, 86, 88

insurance proceeds, 89

lawsuit proceeds, 90

scholarships, 88

W, X, Y

Wash sales, 115, 116

Wealthy taxpayers, great secret of, 34

Withdrawal penalties, 135

Workers’ Compensation income, 86


Zero-coupon bonds, 127, 145

Zero taxable income, 21

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