Chapter 41

Your Nexus Query Chameleon

“Anything you can do needs to be done, so pick up the tool of your choice and get started.”

– Ben Linder

Table of Contents Chapter 41 – Your Nexus Query Chameleon

The Old Nexus Logo

The New Nexus Logo

Watch the Video on the new Nexus Super Join Builder

How to Customize your System Tree View

Introducing the new Nexus Super Join Builder

Define your Joins and tell Nexus to “Add and Remember Me”

Nexus knows what Tables Join together

Nexus Presents Tables and their columns in Color

Nexus Builds your SQL Automagically

Nexus can Cube a Table and Join to Everything Possible

The Cube SQL created Automagically

Manipulate the Columns with the Columns Tab

Single Click and ORDER BY using the Sort Tab

Using the Joins Tab of Nexus

The SQL Tab reflects the changes we make in all other Tabs

WHERE Tab shows Tables Indexes

The Answer Set Tab shows the Results

The Metadata Tab shows Metadata

Nexus Makes a View look like a Table

Nexus Joins Views to other Views in seconds

Nexus can Cube a View and Join to all other related Views

Nexus Cubes Views in Seconds

The Cube SQL created on Views is done Automagically

Views with the Underlying Indexes of the Base Tables

WHERE Tab shows Views Underlying Base Table Indexes

After an Answer Set Returns you can do many things

After an Answer Set Returns Perform OLAP Calculations

After an Answer Set Returns you can Graph and Chart


Bisualize Builds Dynamic Charts

Saving an Answer Set in another Format

Sandbox – How to Create a Sandbox (1 of 5)

How to Compress the Tables in an Entire Database

How to Compress A Single Table

Compression Reports

Let Nexus Build your Load Scripts with SmartScript

SmartScript Building a FastLoad

The Teradata DBA Launchpad

Convert Teradata DDL to Another Database Vendor

Replicate Data from One Teradata System to Another

Compare and Synchronize with SmartSync

Compare Data on Two tables with SmartSync

Compare Data and See the Results with SmartSync

Synchronize the Data with SmartSync

Compare DDL with SmartSync

Play Games and Learn Teradata SQL

Play Games and Learn Teradata Architecture

Watch the Video on India

The Old Nexus Logo


This was the original logo of the Nexus, but after partnering with Microsoft to build the next generation Query Tool they created the new logo for us (seen on the next page).

The New Nexus Logo


Download the Nexus for a free trial at

Microsoft created the new logo for us to represent the Nexus as an Enterprise tool.

Watch the Video on the new Nexus Super Join Builder


Tera-Tom Trivia

Tom Coffing has been one of the first teachers of Teradata data warehousing in remote places like Johannesburg Africa. In Africa, after Apartheid Tom trained both black and white students together which was a first time experience for many of the students.

Click on the link below or place it in your browser and watch the video on the Nexus Super Join builder.





How to Customize your System Tree View




Introducing the new Nexus Super Join Builder


The Super Join Builder has 9 Tabs that are all there for your single query. Manipulate through the tabs and make changes to your query. The Super Join Builder does amazing things!

Define your Joins and tell Nexus to “Add and Remember Me”


Drag two tables inside Nexus and define the Join Columns. Click on “Add and Remember Join” and its in the Join Menu permanently. Check out the cool Join Menu on the next page.

Nexus knows what Tables Join together


How would you like to NEVER write another Join again? The Nexus makes that possible with the Nexus Super Join Builder. Just Right Click on a table and the menu tells you what other table(s) are eligible in the join. Then when you click on the next table Nexus writes the Join SQL automatically.

Nexus Presents Tables and their columns in Color


All Three tables we wish to join appear now with their columns and data types. Each table is a different color so when users utilize the other Tabs they see the columns in color to indicate which table there from. The Join SQL is already built, but we can use the other tabs to customize the SQL. The next picture will show the SQL already built!

Nexus Builds your SQL Automagically


By clicking on the SQL Tab you can see the SQL generated by the Nexus. All we did was click on the Objects Tab to select the tables and then we clicked on the columns we wanted on our report. In seconds the Nexus built this beautiful SQL.

Nexus can Cube a Table and Join to Everything Possible


When you click on the left side of a table in the Objects Tab and select CUBE the Nexus will create the SQL to join every table in the entire relationship together. Watch what happens on the next slide.

Nexus can Cube a Table and Join to Everything Possible


After hitting Cube with all Columns all tables in the relationship are joined.

The Cube SQL created Automagically


Manipulate the Columns with the Columns Tab


Rearrange the columns in the SELECT list by clicking and dragging. Control Click highlights multiple columns and Shift Click highlights an entire range of columns.

Single Click and ORDER BY using the Sort Tab


Double-Click or drag any column to sort by that column(s) in ASC or DESC mode.

Using the Joins Tab of Nexus


The Joins Tab shows all Join Conditions and allows you to change them to Outer Joins.

The SQL Tab reflects the changes we make in all other Tabs


This is the SQL generated after we changed our Join to a Right Outer Join in the Joins Tab and in the Sort Tab dragged columns Claim_Id and Street for our ORDER BY.


WHERE Tab shows Tables Indexes




The Answer Set Tab shows the Results


To get here we put the Sales_Table inside the Super Join Builder. Then we selected the columns we wanted and then went to the Analytics Tab. There we built our RANK report and pressed Execute. Then (above) we received the Answer Set.



The Answer Set Tab shows the Results


To get here we put the Sales_Table inside the Super Join Builder. Then we selected the columns we wanted and then went to the Analytics Tab. There we built our RANK report and pressed Execute. Then (above) we received the Answer Set.

The Answer Set Tab shows the Results


The Answer Set Tab shows the Results


The Metadata Tab shows Metadata


The Metadata tab allows a company to create Metadata for each table or object. This can be a word document, Power Point slide or whatever the company decides.

Nexus Makes a View look like a Table


Views in the Super Join Builder look like tables and can join to other views in a menu-driven fashion. Views looking like tables is brilliant and quite beneficial.

Nexus Joins Views to other Views in seconds


Views looking like tables is brilliant and quite beneficial. We can even join views to other views in seconds and pick the columns we want on our report.

Nexus can Cube a View and Join to all other related Views


When you click on the left side of a View in the Objects Tab and select CUBE the Nexus will create the SQL to join every View in the entire relationship together. Watch what happens on the next slide.

Nexus Cubes Views in Seconds


After hitting Cube with all Columns all Views in the relationship are joined.

The Cube SQL created on Views is done Automagically


Views with the Underlying Indexes of the Base Tables


We have just placed a view called Employee_V inside the Super Join Builder. We have selected all the columns. Now watch what happens when we go to the WHERE Tab.

WHERE Tab shows Views Underlying Base Table Indexes


After an Answer Set Returns you can do many things


After the Answer Set returns the Nexus allows you to manipulate the results further. You can perform OLAP calculations, Rank and many more.

After an Answer Set Returns Perform OLAP Calculations


We just performed OLAP on the answer set. Now the report comes (above in yellow), but what is amazing is that all calculations were performed internally by Nexus.

After an Answer Set Returns you can Graph and Chart


After the Answer Set returns the Nexus allows you to manipulate the results further. You can use Bisualize to Graph and Chart your answer set dynamically.



Bisualize Builds Dynamic Charts


Saving an Answer Set in another Format


You can save an Answer Set directly to Excel or to many different formats.

Sandbox – How to Create a Sandbox (1 of 5)


Sandbox – Join Answer Sets from different Systems (2 of 5)


Sandbox – Join Answer Sets from different Systems (3 of 5)


Sandbox – Join Answer Sets from different Systems (4 of 5)


Sandbox – Join Answer Sets from different Systems (5 of 5)


How to Compress the Tables in an Entire Database


How to Compress the Tables in an Entire Database


How to Compress A Single Table


How to Compress a Single Table


Compression Reports


Let Nexus Build your Load Scripts with SmartScript


SmartScript Building a FastLoad


SmartScript Building a FastLoad


The Teradata DBA Launchpad


Convert Teradata DDL to Another Database Vendor


Replicate Data from One Teradata System to Another


Compare and Synchronize with SmartSync


Compare Data on Two tables with SmartSync


Compare Data and See the Results with SmartSync


Synchronize the Data with SmartSync


Compare DDL with SmartSync


Play Games and Learn Teradata SQL


Just go to the DBA button and then select Tera-Trivia. You will have the option of playing Teradata Basics or Teradata SQL games. These are very advanced games designed to test and teach your Teradata skills.

Play Games and Learn Teradata Architecture


Just go to the DBA button and then select Tera-Trivia. You will have the option of playing Teradata Basics or Teradata SQL games. These are very advanced games designed to test and teach your Teradata skills.

Watch the Video on India


Tera-Tom Trivia

Tom Coffing has taught Teradata classes in China, India, Africa, Malaysia, Europe, Canada, Mexico and throughout the United States. Tom has taught over 1,000 live Teradata classes in his 20 years of Teradata experience.

Click on the link below or place it in your browser and watch the video on Tera-Tom's trip to India

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