Chapter 13

Distinct Vs Group By

“All things will be clear and distinct to the man who does not hurry; haste is blind and improvident.”

– Titus Livius

Table of Contents Chapter 13 – Distinct Vs Group By

The Distinct Command

Distinct vs. GROUP BY

Rules of Thumb for DISTINCT Vs GROUP BY

Quiz – How many rows come back from the Distinct Example

Answer – How many rows come back from the Distinct

The Distinct Command


DISTINCT eliminates duplicates from the returning in the Answer Set.

Distinct vs. GROUP BY



Distinct and GROUP BY in the two examples return the same answer set.

Rules of Thumb for DISTINCT Vs GROUP BY


Rules for Distinct Vs. GROUP BY

(1) Many Duplicates – use GROUP BY

(2) Few Duplicates – use DISTINCT

(3) Space Exceeded – use GROUP BY

Distinct and GROUP BY work similarly, but utilize both for different situations.

Quiz – How many rows come back from the Distinct Example


How many rows will come back from the above SQL?

Answer – How many rows come back from the Distinct

SELECT   Distinct Class_Code, Grade_Pt
FROM  Student_Table
ORDER BY   Class_Code, Grade_Pt;

Class_Code Grade_Pt
? ?
FR 0.00
FR 2.88
FR 4.00
JR 1.90
JR 3.95
SO 2.00
SO 3.80
SR 3.00
SR 3.35

No Rows have the exact same Class_Code and Grade_Pt. Each row is Distinct!

How many rows will come back from the above SQL? 10. All rows came back. Why? Because there are no exact duplicates that contain a duplicate Class_Code and. Duplicate Grade_Pt combined. Each row in the SELECT list is distinct.

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