AI Artificial intelligence

ALM Application life cycle management

API Application programming interface

APO Advanced planning and optimisation

ATDD Acceptance test-driven development

ATF Automated test framework

ATT Automated testing tool

AUT Application under test

AWS Amazon Web Services

BAU Business as usual

BDD Behaviour-driven development

CapEx Capital expenditure

CBA Cost-benefit analysis

CC Change control

CI Continuous integration

CI/CD Continuous integration and continuous delivery

CIT Component integration testing

CMDB Configuration management database

COTS Commercial off-the-shelf

CRM Customer relationship management

CSV Comma separated value

CT Component testing

CTO Chief technology officer

DDD Detailed design document

DDT Defect detection trends

DL Deep learning

DMT Data migration testing

DOM Document Object Model

DRY Don’t repeat yourself

E2E End-to-end

ELS Early life support

ERP Enterprise resource planning

ESB Enterprise service bus

ETL Extract, transform, load

FAT Factory acceptance testing

FOSS Free and open-source software

FT/FP Fixed time and fixed price

GDPR General Data Protection Regulation

GIS Geographic information system

GPL General Public Licence

GPS Global Positioning System

gTAA Generic Test Automation Architecture

GUI Graphical user interface

HIPAA Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act

HLD High-level design

HR Human resources

HTML HyperText Markup Language

HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol

HTTPS HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure

I18N Internationalisation

IaaS Infrastructure as a service

IAM Identity and access management

IE Internet Explorer

IP Internet Protocol

ISCP International supply chain planning

ISEB Information System Examination Board

ISO International Organization for Standardization

ISTQB International Software Testing Qualifications Board

IT Information technology

ITSC IT service continuity

JAWS Job Access With Speech

JD Job description

JS JavaScript

KPI Key performance indicator

L10N Localisation

LLD Low-level design

LOE Level of effort

ML Machine learning

MRD Manufacturing, retail and distribution

MS Multi-supplier

MS Microsoft

MTS Managed testing services

MV Multi-vendor

MVP Minimum viable/valuable product

OAT Operational acceptance testing

OEM Original equipment manufacturer

OOP Object-oriented programming

OpEx Operational expenditure

OS Operating system

PaaS Platform as a service

Pen test Penetration testing

PHP Hypertext Preprocessor

PII Personal identifiable information

PoC Proof of concept

PoT Proof of technology

PPR Payroll parallel run

PVT Performance and volume testing

Q&A Question and answer

QA Quality assurance

QTP QuickTest Professional

RACI Responsible, accountable, consulted and informed

RAG Red, amber and green

RAID Risks, assumptions, issues and dependencies

RBT Risk-based testing

REST Representational state transfer

ROI Return on investment

RPA Robotic process automation

RPO Recovery point objective

RTM Requirement traceability matrix

RTO Recovery time objective

RUP Rational Unified Process

SaaS Software as a service

SDLC Software development life cycle

SI System integrator

SIT System integration testing

SLA Service level agreement

SME Subject matter expert

SOA Service-oriented architecture

SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol

SQL Structured Query Language

SSO Single sign on

ST System testing

STAF Software test automation framework

STLC Software test life cycle

SUT System under test

T&M Time and materials

TaaS Testing as a service

TAS Test automation solution

TDD Test-driven development

TFS Team Foundation Server

TMMi Test Maturity Model integration

UAT User acceptance testing

UFT Unified Functional Testing

UI User interface

UT Unit testing

UX User experience

VSTS Visual Studio Team Services

VUs Virtual users

W3C World Wide Web Consortium

WCAG Web Content Accessibility Guidelines

WMI Windows Management Instrumentation

WORA Write Once, Run Anywhere

WORE Write Once, Run Everywhere

WSH Windows Scripting Host

XML Extensible Markup Language

XP Extreme programming

XSS Cross-site scripting

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