

  1. Acceptance criteria

  2. Agile budgeting

  3. Agile budgeting framework

  4. Agile coach

  5. Agile community

  6. Agile cultural assessment survey

  7. Agile culture

  8. Agile education vision

  9. Agile galaxy

  10. Agile management office (AMO)

  11. Agile measures

  12. Agile metrics

  13. Agile mindset

  14. Agile principles

  15. Agile roles

  16. Agile values

  17. Arrogant certainty

  18. Attributes of a backlog


  1. Backbone

  2. Bounded authority

  3. Business

  4. Business benefit

  5. Business Model Canvas

  6. Business plan

  7. Buy a Feature


  1. Canonical form

  2. CD3

SeeCost of delay divided by duration (CD3)
  1. Challenging assumptions

  2. Coaching

  3. Collaboration

  4. Collaboration, ownership, motivation, empowerment, trust and safety (COMETS)

  5. Consequential purpose

  6. Convergent thinking

  7. Conversation

  8. Corporate strategy

  9. Cost of delay (CoD)

  10. Cost of delay divided by duration (CD3)

  11. Customer

  12. Customer 2.0

  13. Customer feedback

  14. Customer feedback loops

  15. Customer feedback vision

  16. Customer universe

  17. Customer value anti-patterns

  18. Customer Value Canvas

  19. Customer value driven engine

  20. Customer value driven framework

  21. Cutting the tail

  22. Cycle time


  1. Dashboard

  2. David Marquet, L.

  3. Decision-making

  4. Delivery axis

  5. Demo

  6. Dependencies

  7. Design thinking

  8. Development teams

  9. Discovery Canvas

  10. Discovery mindset

  11. Divergent

  12. Divergent thinking

  13. Division strategy


  1. Education

  2. Employee satisfaction

  3. Empowerment

  4. Engine of customer value

  5. Enterprise idea backlog

  6. Enterprise idea pipeline

  7. Enterprise kanban board

  8. Enthusiasm

  9. Epics

  10. Epistemic arrogance

  11. Evolutionary-teal paradigm

  12. Executives

  13. Experiencing

  14. Experimental thinking

  15. Experimenting

  16. eXtreme Programming (XP)

  17. Extrinsic motivation


  1. Facilitator

  2. Feedback loops

  3. Feedback thinking

  4. Finance

  5. Fitzpatrick, R.


  1. Gallup Q12

  2. Gamification

  3. Giving back

  4. Grooming


  1. Hierarchical axis

  2. Highest paid person’s opinion (HiPPO)

  3. Hiring

  4. Holocracy

  5. Human resources (HR)

  6. Hypothesis


  1. iAgile

  2. Idea

  3. Idea management model

  4. Increment

  5. Incremental thinking

  6. Information radiator

  7. Intrinsic motivation

  8. Iteration


  1. Jobs to be done


  1. Kanban


  1. Lagging to leading metric path

  2. Laloux, F.

  3. Law of Two Feet

  4. Leading indicators

  5. Lead time

  6. Lean Canvas

  7. Lean Coffee

  8. Learn-apply-share

  9. Learning enterprise

  10. Lifecycle profitability

  11. Lightning bolt shaped teams


  1. Manifesto for Agile Software Development

  2. Marketing

  3. Maurya, A.

  4. Measures

  5. Mentoring

  6. Metrics

  7. Middle management

  8. Motivation

  9. Move work to the team

  10. Must Have, Should Have, Could Have, Won’t Have (MOSCOW)


  1. Net promoter score (NPS)

  2. Non-disclosure agreement (NDA)

  3. Non-value-added


  1. Objectives and key results (OKRs)

  2. Open-ended questions

  3. Open Space Technology

  4. Osterwalder, A.

  5. Outcomes

  6. Ownership


  1. Patton, J.

  2. Performance objectives

  3. Personas

  4. Pink, D.

  5. Pluralistic-green paradigm

  6. Portfolio

  7. Portfolio management (PM)

  8. Pretend certainty

  9. Priority

  10. Product backlog

  11. Product owner

  12. Product owner constellation

  13. Project management office (PMO)

  14. Psychological safety


  1. Quality assurance (QA)


  1. Reading

  2. Readying the mind

  3. Realize

  4. Record

  5. Red-dot voting

  6. Refine/refining

  7. Reflect/reflecting

  8. Reinertsen, D.

  9. Release

  10. Requirements tree

  11. Research spike

  12. Return on investment (ROI)

  13. Reveal

  14. Revenue

  15. Ries, E.

  16. 5R model

  17. 6R model

  18. ROI

SeeReturn on investment (ROI)


  1. Safety

  2. Sales

  3. Scrum master

  4. Scrum of Scrums

  5. Self-management

  6. Self-organizing teams

  7. Senior management

  8. Servant leader

  9. Servant leadership

  10. Seven levels of delegation

  11. Six prisms

  12. Size

  13. Sizing

  14. Slack time

  15. Slice

  16. Spike solution

  17. Sprint backlog

  18. Sprint review

  19. Story card

  20. Story map/mapping

  21. Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT)


  1. Task

  2. Team backlog

  3. Team-based objectives

  4. Training

  5. Trust

  6. Trust relationships

  7. Turn your Ship Around

  8. Two degrees of customer separation


  1. Unconferences

  2. Unknown unknown

  3. Urgency profile

  4. Use cases

  5. User experience (UX)

  6. User story

  7. User story map/mapping

  8. UX

SeeUser experience (UX)


  1. Validation

  2. Value-added

  3. Value curve

  4. Value flow quality (VFQ)

  5. Value stream mapping

  6. Verification

  7. Voice of the customer


  1. Weighted Shortest Job First (WSJF)

  2. WIP

SeeWork in progress (WIP)
  1. Work-based education

  2. Work-based learning

  3. Work in progress (WIP)

  4. WSJF

SeeWeighted Shortest Job First (WSJF)

X, Y, Z

  1. XP

SeeeXtreme Programming (XP)
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