Approach agents intelligently
by knowing what they do and
dont want.
Not long ago I sat in on a panel of ten literary agents.
Here is the gist of what they said:
What Agents Want in an Author:
Give me a fresh voice.
Give me a one-line hook that makes me want to
read more.
The first couple of pages must draw me in.
I want a client who is at least 95 percent “ready.
I don’t have the time to work with you if you’re
only 80 percent ready.
Write whats in you.
On the Elusive Concept of “Voice”:
Its a combination of character, setting, and page
A distinctive style, like a Sergio Leone film.
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Its who you are.
Its personality on the page.
Its something written from your deepest truth.
It is your expression as an artist.
Pet Peeves:
Unrealistic comparisons to popular authors.
When the synopsis doesn’t tell me how the book
Sloppiness in presentation.
Ty pos .
Proposals sent to the wrong agent.
Agent’s name is misspelled.
Not following an agents submission guidelines.
Omission of details: word count, genre, contact
information including phone number.
Cover letters that give your “life story.”
Obvious scattershot approach, rather than tar-
geting the right agent.
Opening pages that are mostly backstory, not
actually a scene.
Obvious first drafts.
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On E-Mail Submissions:
Treat it just like a printed submission. No fancy
fonts and graphics.
Make the cover letter a business letter, with con-
tact information just as if on paper.
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