

Abbreviated report

Abnormal behavior, assessing usual behavior vs.

Acceptance: and across-the-board low scores; and Authority; and communication style; defining, as a relational Need; and the global workplace; high/low, meaning of; and Needs; of ourselves and others, importance of; preferences about, pointing to; and Stress; and Usual Behavior

Accomplishment, truths about, revealed by the Birkman

Activity: and Advantage; as an antidote to Stress; defining, as a relational Need; and leadership style; level of, preferences about, pointing to; meaning of; and Needs; and sports teams scores; and Structure; as an unexpected factor in hiring

Additional reports

Administrator/Analyzer. See also Yellow quadrant

Advantage: and across-the-board high scores; and Activity; and Challenge; defining, as a relational Need; diversity and; and Esteem; and the global workplace; high/low, meaning of; and Interests; and leadership style; meaning of; and Needs; and reversal in score; and sports teams scores; and Stress; and team building; and Usual Behavior

African Americans, integration of

African culture

Agena, Dave

Age-old questions

Altena, Stephan

American idealism

American Red Cross

Analysis paralysis, addressing

Andreen, Wendy




Areas of Interests: by quadrant; ranking

Artistic interest. See also Blue quadrant

Asian culture

Athletic departments, team building case involving

Attachment issues

Authority: and Acceptance; and Challenge; changing face of; defining, as a relational Need; direct approach to; and diversity; and Empathy; and Esteem; executive coaching and; and Freedom; and the global workplace; high/low, meaning of; and hiring decisions; indirect approach to; and leadership style; measuring; and Needs; of the new boss, addressing; in a one-man show; preferences about, pointing to; stereotype of; and Stress; and Structure; and Usual Behavior

Awareness, heightened, importance of. See also Self-awareness


B2T Training

Baker, Ron

Balance: in Acceptance; achieving; in Challenge; emotional; in Empathy; in Esteem; in Freedom and Change, trend towards; in life; seeking; in Structure; work-life

Behavior: ability to change; abnormal, assessing normal productive behavior vs.; normal socialized, continuum of. See also Usual Behavior

Bell, Joshua

Bennis, Warren

Bergstresser, Janice

Birkman International

Birkman Method: ability of the; and accessing the questionnaire; accuracy of the; beginnings of the; benefits of the; core motto of the; core of the; crafting of the; direction provided by the; and the free profile received; and its focus on strategy vs. tactics; philosophy at the heart of the; purpose of the; and reading the results; relationships captured by the; statistical reliability of the; and taking the questionnaire; tracking precision of the; translation of the; varied uses of the; and various other reports available; and what it captures; and what it measures; and what it reveals. See also Case studies; Life Style Grid

Birkman, Roger W.

Blue quadrant: and commission-based jobs; corporate transition case involving the; and diversity; group training exercise involving the; Interests in the; and leadership style; life transition case involving the; Needs in the; negotiation case involving the; as part of the progression that puts ideas into practice; personality type of the; team building case involving the. See also Life Style Grid; Yellow-Blue half

Bolling, Bob

Boundaries, drawing

Brandenbarg, Jan

Brewer, Bob

Burger King


Burton, Mary Ruth



Campbell Soup

Campus Crusade for Christ (Cru)

Capella, Jenny

Capodice, Peter

Career development

Career fields, compatible, by personality type

Career paths: pointing to; right, discovering, case studies of

Carrison, Claire

Case studies: of corporate transitions; of couples counseling; of diversity; of executive coaching; of the global workplace; of life transitions; of negotiations; of nonprofit organizations; of pointing to career paths; of team building

CD One Price Cleaners

Challenge: and Advantage; and Authority; average score for; and balance; and the broad view it measures; defining, as a relational Need; and disparate scores, addressing; and Freedom; high, addressing; high/low, meaning of; low, addressing; meaning of, and its significance; and next-stage life transitions; and Stress; and when coaching is needed

Change: balancing; defining, as a relational Need; and Empathy; and Freedom; high/low score for, meaning of; measuring; and Needs; and Stress; and Structure; working with

Changing ourselves: and knowing what we can and cannot change; range vs., as an approach

Chapelwood United Methodist Church, Houston

Charles, Connie

Clerical interest. See also Yellow quadrant

Coaching; employee, for team building; executive, case studies of

Coaching sports teams

Cole, Betsy

College majors, choosing

Color grouping, in training

Color type. See Blue quadrant; Green quadrant; Red quadrant; Yellow quadrant

Comfort Inn

Comfort zones: capturing, through the Birkman; and where it is found. See also Needs

Communication skills, good, importance of

Communication styles: analytical look at; clash between; couples counseling and; described; in the Life Style Grid. See also Acceptance; Esteem

Compatible job candidates, determining, way of

Competitive blind spots

Competitive need. See Advantage


Components: function of the; and Interests; as invaluable tools for hiring and promotion; and the Life Style Grid; list of, named as relational Needs; mapping out issues tied to the; and Needs; negotiations and the; overview of the; ranking the; scoring and analyzing the, results from; and Stress; and Usual Behavior. See also Acceptance; Activity; Advantage; Authority; Challenge; Change; Empathy; Esteem; Freedom; Structure; Thought


Conflicts: instant and intense; tendency to escalate, scores pointing to

Connor, Scott

Consultants, use of. See also specific consultants and case studies

Cornwell, Steve

Corporate culture: adopting leadership style to suit; mapping out issues to match results with

Corporate transitions, case studies of

Corrao, Michael

Counseling, marital/couples

Counters. See also Yellow quadrant

Couples counseling: case studies of; and opposing Structure scores

Crossley, Celia

Cru (Campus Crusade for Christ)

Crying/in tears

Cultural context, in identical scoring

Cultural gaps. See also Diversity; Global workplace


Database size

Davis, Edward

Davis, Suzanne A.

Decision making, factors in. See also Empathy; Thought

“Development of a Personality Test Using Social and Self-Perception Inventories” (Birkman)

Differences: generational; number of, determining compatibility or incompatibility based on; recognizing, and then creating harmony; visibility of. See also Diversity

Differences to watch, highlighting

Direct communication. See also Extroverts; Green quadrant; Red quadrant

Discovery groups

Disneyland trip, hypothetical, training exercise involving

Diversity: adding, importance of; and Advantage; allure of; and Authority; broad definition of; case studies of; complexity of; and Empathy; in the global workplace; increased; need for; and Needs; presence of, importance of, to put ideas into practice; push for, philosophy at the heart of; and Stress; of teams; and Usual Behavior. See also Differences; Global workplace

DNA profiles, comparing the Birkman to

Doers. See also Red quadrant

Dorsett, Tommie

Due diligence vs. overthinking


Emotional intelligence

Emotions: balancing our; and decision making; and Esteem; and performance reviews. See also Empathy

Empathy: and Authority; balance in; and Change; defining, as a relational Need; and diversity; as a factor in decision making; and the global workplace; high, meaning of; and leadership style; low, meaning of; meaning of; measuring; and Needs; negotiation case involving; spectrum of; and Stress; too much, questioning, addressing; and Usual Behavior

Energy, regaining. See Recharging

Enjoyment/employment patterns

Esteem: and Advantage; and Authority; common score pattern for; and communication style; and couples counseling; defining, as a relational Need; and emotions; and the global workplace; high/low, meaning of; and Needs; preferences about, pointing to; and Stress; and Usual Behavior

European culture

Exclusion, atmosphere of

Executive coaching, case studies of

Extroverts. See also Acceptance; Esteem; Green quadrant; Red quadrant; Usual Behavior


Farmer, Cy


Feelings, hidden. See also Emotions; Empathy

Ferrell, Beroz

First Methodist Church, Houston

“Food for thought” exercises

Foster, Steven

4C Hotel

Freedom: and Authority; balancing; and the broad view it measures; and Challenge; and Change; defining, as a relational Need; and the global workplace; high/low, meaning of; and hiring; and Needs; negotiation case involving; and nonprofit organizations; and Stress; and Structure; and Usual Behavior

Frustration. See also Stress

Full feedback report


Garth’s Auctions, transition at

Gender integration. See also Diversity

General Electric

Generational differences, example of

GI Bill

Global workplace: benefits of the Birkman for the; case studies of the; diversity in the

Golden Rule, issue with the

Green quadrant: and commission-based jobs; corporate transition case involving the; and diversity; executive coaching case involving; Interests in the; and leadership style; as part of the progression that puts ideas into practice; personality type of the; team building and the. See also Life Style Grid; Red-Green half

Green-Blue side. See also People-oriented focus

Gregoire, Randi

Group Life Style Grid


Hadley, Mark

Haggquist, Jeffrey P.

Hammell, Shelley

Hansen, Patti Corbett

Hart, Lisa

Harvard Business School

Heifer International


Hiring: the components as invaluable tools in; former military people; freedom component in; problem in; and retention; the right talent, presumptions about; for structural variety

Hofstede, Geert

Holiday Inn Express

Human nature

Hyatt, Trent

Hyatt, Vivian

Hyundai Motor Co.


IBM mainframe

Iceberg metaphor

Implementer/Expediter. See also Red quadrant


Incentives, pointing toward. See also Advantage

Inclusion efforts, case study involving. See also Diversity

Incompatible job candidates, determining, way of

Independence, need for. See Freedom

Indian culture

Indirect communication. See also Blue quadrant; Introverts; Yellow quadrant

Individuality, need for. See Freedom

InnerChange Freedom Initiative

Insistence. See Structure

Integration, racial and gender. See also Diversity

Interests: and advantage; areas of; assigning partnership roles based on; the Birkman as a measure of; buried; capturing, through the Birkman; care in meeting our; consistency of, over time; couples counseling and; defining; differences in, solving; importance of knowing your; influence of; in the Life Style Grid; mapping out issues tied to; meaning of; nonprofits discovering; playing off, in negotiations, example of; pointing to career paths; by quadrant; ranking; and the relational components; tending to needs and exploring, outside of work; and Usual Behavior; and visibility of differences; as a way to recharge. See also specific interests

Interpersonal strengths, identifying. See also Life Style Grid

Introverts. See also Acceptance; Blue quadrant; Esteem; Usual Behavior; Yellow quadrant


Issues to watch, highlighting

Italian culture


Japanese manufacturing techniques

Jeanjean, Philippe

Jeffers, Amelia

Jeffers, Richard “Jeff”

Jigsaw puzzle analogy

Job Families Report

Judgments, quick, making

Jung, Carl

Just-in-time methodologies


Kentucky Fried Chicken


Kessler, Bayley

Kupersmith, Jonathan


Labeling, simple, rejecting. See also Stereotyping

Lara, Jorge

Lazar, John B.

Leadership development, aiding in

Leadership, reality about

Leadership styles: generational changes in; wide variety of. See also Authority

Leadership succession plan

Leadership transitions

Learning style

Leonard, Doug

Leonard, Michael J.

Life Style Grid: advantages and disadvantages revealed by the; areas of interests in the; concentrated markers in the; group; left and right sides of the; markers spread around the; nuances of different leadership styles revealed by the; and the progression that puts ideas into practice; quadrants in the; and the relational components; symbols in the; top and bottom halves of the; triangle in the. See also Blue quadrant; Green quadrant; Interests; Needs; Red quadrant; Stress; Usual Behavior; Yellow quadrant

Life Style Grid Report: abbreviated; and additional reports available; full

Life transitions, next-stage, case studies of

Literary interest. See also Blue quadrant

Love and acceptance, need for


M&H Marketing

Maintenance mode

Marriage counseling

Married business partners, partnership complicated by

Mason, Stacey

Matchmaking database

MBA degree, having an, and differences in empathy

Mechanical interest. See also Red quadrant


Michael, Jonathan

Middle Eastern culture

Midlife crisis

Military career, translating, to a civilian career

Morriss, Anne

Musical interest. See also Blue quadrant



Nathoo, Al-karim

National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I

Needs: and Acceptance; and Activity; and Advantage; assumption about; and Authority; the Birkman as a measure of; care in meeting our; and Change; and the components; constancy of; deeper view of, ability for; defining; different, acceptance of; difficulty meeting our; and diversity; and Empathy; and Esteem; and Freedom; and the iceberg metaphor; in the Life Style Grid; meaning of; nonprofits discovering; pointing to career paths; relational components named as; scoring; sharing, at work, to discover opportunities; and Structure; taking responsibility for meeting our; tending to, and exploring interests outside of work; and thought; in training programs, using the Birkman to address; and Usual Behavior; and visibility of differences. See also Components

Needs, unmet: cartoon involving; effect resulting from. See also Stress

Negotiations, case studies of

Nonprofit organizations, case studies of

Normal productive behavior vs. abnormal behavior, assessing

Normal socialized behavior, continuum of

Normal standard, fallacy of a

North American profiles, common

Numerical interest. See also Yellow quadrant


One-man show, problem with the

Outdoor interest. See also Red quadrant

Overthinking: and analysis paralysis, addressing; vs. due diligence


Pakistani culture

Palmer, Tony

Partnerships, forming, Structure issues in, addressing

Passions. See Interests

Pennsylvania State University

People-oriented focus. See also Blue quadrant; Green quadrant

Perceptions: exaggerated by Stress; getting a proper perspective of; influence of

Perceptual filter, overarching. See also Challenge

Perez, Ervis Duardo

Performance reviews, for team building

Personality markers. See Components

Personality surveys: distinctions between the Birkman and; popularity of, reason for

Personality types: leveraging the; and unique combination of traits, embracing our; universal, described. See also Life Style Grid

Persuader/Communicator. See also Green quadrant

Persuasive interest. See also Green quadrant

Pina, Tamara

Porter, Carolyn

Porter, Tom

Positive aspects, keeping to

Post–World War II American idealism

Power vs. empowering

Powers, Esther S.

Prisons, case study involving

Process, structured, need for. See Structure

Procter & Gamble

Professional Learning Partners

Promotion, aiding in

Purpose in life, exploring one’s

Puzzle analogy


Racial integration. See also Diversity

Range vs. change, as an approach

Rardin, Richard

Recharging; and how much alone time is needed for; obligations crowding out time for

Red Cross, American

Red quadrant: and commission-based jobs; and diversity; group training exercise involving the; Interests in the; and leadership style; as part of the progression that puts ideas into practice; personality type of the; team building and the; Usual Behavior in the. See also Life Style Grid

Redefine Hotel Management

Red-Green half. See also Direct communication

Red-Yellow side. See also Task-oriented focus


Relational components. See Components

Relationships: capturing, through the Birkman; entrenched patterns in, avoiding; importance of; strong, building; trusting, importance of communication to; truths about, revealed by the Birkman

Retention: addressing; as a critical issue


Rivard, Joanne

Road map: the Birkman as a; need for. See also Career paths

Robinson, Barbara


Russell, Patricia A.


Satisfaction, truths about, revealed by the Birkman

Scannell, Dana

Scientific interest. See also Red quadrant


Self-criticism. See also Challenge



Service-oriented organizations, case studies of

Shields, Sonya

Social service interest. See also Green quadrant

Sollengerger, Stacy L.

Standard, normal, fallacy of a

Standards, set, issue with

Start-up teams, building


Strategy vs. tactics

Strengths: capturing, through the Birkman; flip side of defining; importance of knowing your; interpersonal, identifying; leveraging your; powerful, at both ends of the spectrum; prioritizing; team building and identifying. See also Life Style Grid

Stress: and Acceptance; and Advantage; athletes and; and Authority; avoiding, way of; and Challenge; and Change; cumulative nature of; deeper view of, ability for; defining; and determining who handles the money in marriage; diversity and; and Empathy; and Esteem; exaggerating perceptions; and the flip side of our strengths; and Freedom; and the iceberg metaphor; of incarceration; inertia caused by, overcoming; in the Life Style Grid; and the relational components; scoring; source of; and Structure; team building and awareness of; and thought; and Usual Behavior; and visibility of differences. See also Needs

Structure: and Activity; and Authority; balance in; and Change; and clarity in communicating the details; compartmentalizing; and corporate transitions; corporate transitions and; defining, as a relational Need; and Freedom; and the global workplace; high/low, meaning of; and leadership style; messy compromises over; and Needs; powerful strengths of, at both ends of the spectrum; relaxing control over; and Stress; and Usual Behavior

Summit Management Corporation

Swift, Tony


Tactics vs. strategy

Talkers. See also Green quadrant


Task-oriented focus. See also Red quadrant; Yellow quadrant

Teague, Norwood

Team building: case studies of; exercises for; at Wal-Mart

Team leadership, effective, creating

Team structure, lack of

Teams: adopting leadership styles to suit, and each member; diversity of; formation or reconfiguration of, speed of

Thinker/Designer. See also Blue quadrant

Thompson, Nancy

Thought: allowing for; defining, as a relational Need; as a factor in decision making; family differences in; high/low styles of, meaning of; and leadership style; and Needs; and Stress; and Usual Behavior

360-degree review

Training and education: facilitating, in nonprofit organization; outlining goals for; that fails or is missing; tools for, importance given to, reasons for; within Wal-Mart


Turnover, avoiding. See Retention


Union negotiation

United Kingdom, culture of the

United States, culture of the

Universality of human nature

University of Minnesota

University of Southern California

University of Texas

Usual Behavior: and Acceptance; adaptability of; and Advantage; and Authority; the Birkman as a measure of; and couples counseling; deeper view of, ability for; defining; and diversity; and Empathy; and Esteem; and Freedom; and the iceberg metaphor; and Interests; in the Life Style Grid; meaning of; nationalities and; and Needs; obvious and not so obvious, combining; prisoners changing their; and the relational components; and roles, exercise demonstrating, based on color; scoring; and Stress; and Structure; and thought; using scores in, during job interviews; and visibility of differences

Uterstaedt, Todd A.


Value, in all types

Variety/change, need for. See Change

Veterans Administration

Veterans transitions

Virani, Tasneem

Virginia Commonwealth University



Weaknesses, recognizing

Weiss, Phillip

Western Ontario District Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada

“Whisperer” phenomenon

White, Karyl

Whitfield, Ian

Women: and emotions; integration of

Wong, Wilson

Woods, Bob

Woods, Carleen

Woolward, Shannon

Work environment, improving, way to

Work style, preferences in, and focus. See also Life Style Grid

Workplace: age-old questions of the; entrenched patterns in, avoiding; as a gathering place; mythology built around the; success of the, factor essential to; transitioning from the military to the. See also Global workplace


Yellow quadrant: and Change; corporate transition case involving the; and diversity; Freedom and Structure in the; group training exercise involving the; Interests in the; as part of the progression that puts ideas into practice; personality type of the; Usual Behavior in the. See also Life Style Grid; Red-Yellow side

Yellow-Blue half. See also Indirect communication

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