
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


AIs (Artificial Intelligence Laboratories), The Early Hackers
Apple, The Rise of Unix
ARPAnet, The Early Hackers
electronic mailing lists and, The Early Hackers
Artificial Intelligence Laboratories (AIs), The Early Hackers


C language, The Rise of Unix
Carnegie-Mellon University (CMU), The Early Hackers
category killer, Fetchmail Grows Up
cathedral development style, The Cathedral and the Bazaar, The Cathedral and the Bazaar, The Importance of Having Users, Release Early, Release Often, The Social Context of Open-Source Software
Linus’s Law and, Release Early, Release Often
vs. bazaar mode, On Management and the Maginot Line
Chester County InterLink (CCIL), The Mail Must Get Through
CMU (Carnegie-Mellon University), The Early Hackers
code reuse, The Mail Must Get Through
core developers, communicating with collaborators, How Many Eyeballs Tame Complexity
Cray, Seymour, Prologue: The Real Programmers


DEC (Digital Equipment Corporation), The Early Hackers
Delphi effect, Release Early, Release Often
Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC), The Early Hackers


egoless programming, The Social Context of Open-Source Software
EMACS program editor, The Early Hackers
Lisp code and, The Importance of Having Users
Emacs VC (version control), The Importance of Having Users


fetchpop, The Mail Must Get Through
Free Software Foundation (FSF)
HURD project, failure of, The Proprietary-Unix Era
Lisp archives and, Release Early, Release Often
origins of, The End of Elder Days
FSF (see Free Software Foundation)


GNU (Gnu’s Not Unix) project, The End of Elder Days
GNU Emacs Lisp library, The Importance of Having Users
GNU project
Emacs editor and , On Management and the Maginot Line
open-source development and, The Cathedral and the Bazaar, The Mail Must Get Through
Gosling, James, Release Early, Release Often


as users, The Importance of Having Users
prehistory of, Prologue: The Real Programmers
Hacker’s Dictionary, The Early Hackers
innovations of, The Early Hackers
Harris, Carl (programer), The Mail Must Get Through


IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol), The Mail Must Get Through, When Is a Rose Not a Rose?
Incompatible Time-sharing System (see ITS)
Intel 386 chip, The Proprietary-Unix Era
Linux developers and, The Cathedral and the Bazaar, Release Early, Release Often
popular discovery of, The Great Web Explosion
Unix development and, The Social Context of Open-Source Software
ITS (Incompatible Time-sharing System), The Early Hackers
breakdown of, The Proprietary-Unix Era


Jargon File (The Hacker’s Dictionary), The Early Hackers
Jolitz, William and Lynne, The Early Free Unixes


Kropotkin, Pyotr Alexeyvich, The Social Context of Open-Source Software


Linus’s law, Release Early, Release Often
kernels, early releases of, Release Early, Release Often
open source and, The Cathedral and the Bazaar
origins of, The Early Free Unixes
stable and unstable versions, Release Early, Release Often
World Wide Web and, The Great Web Explosion
code archives, evolution of, The Importance of Having Users
LISP (AI language), The Early Hackers


MACRO-10, The Early Hackers
MATLAB, The Importance of Having Users
Memoirs of a Revolutionist (Kropotkin), The Social Context of Open-Source Software
MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions), Fetchmail Grows Up
Minix, The Mail Must Get Through
Andy Tanenbaum and, Fetchmail Grows Up
MIT, The Early HackersThe Early Hackers
Motorola 68000 microchip, The End of Elder Days
Multics, The Rise of Unix
Mythical Man-Month (Brooks), The Mail Must Get Through, Release Early, Release Often


Oh, Seung-Hong (programer), The Mail Must Get Through
Ohio State Emacs Lisp arcive, Release Early, Release Often
open source, Prologue: The Real Programmers
fixing bugs and, How Many Eyeballs Tame Complexity


Palo Alto Research Center (XEROX PARC), The Early Hackers
PARC (Palo Alto Reasearch Center), The Early Hackers
PDP-1, The Early Hackers
PDP-10, The Early Hackers
electronic mailing lists and , The Early Hackers
PDP-11, The Rise of Unix
personal computers
origins of, The Rise of Unix
personal computers, origins of, The Proprietary-Unix Era
POP (Post Office Protocol), The Mail Must Get Through
popclient, The Mail Must Get Through, When Is a Rose Not a Rose?
becoming fetchmail, Popclient becomes Fetchmail
Psychology of Computer Programming (Weinberg), The Social Context of Open-Source Software


Real Programmers, Prologue: The Real Programmers
Ritchie, Dennis, The Rise of Unix
RMS (see Stallman, Richard M.)


SAIL (Stanford University’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, The Early Hackers
Saint-Exupéry, Antoine de, Popclient becomes Fetchmail
SF-LOVERS list, The Early Hackers
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol), The Mail Must Get Through
adding to popclient, Popclient becomes Fetchmail
innovations of, The Early Hackers
Stallman, Richard M. (RMS), The End of Elder Days, The Importance of Having Users, Release Early, Release Often
Stanford University’s Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (SAIL), The Early Hackers
Sun Microsystems, The End of Elder Days


Tanenbaum, Andy (creator of Minix), Fetchmail Grows Up
Thompson, Ken, The Rise of Unix
TOPS-10, The Early Hackers
Torvalds, Linus, The Early Free Unixes, The Cathedral and the Bazaar
Linus’s law, Release Early, Release Often
Linux kernels, early releases of, Release Early, Release Often
releasing stable and unstable kernels, Release Early, Release Often
reusing code for Linux, The Mail Must Get Through


Wall, Larry (inventor of Perl), Popclient becomes Fetchmail
Weinberg, Gerald (author), The Social Context of Open-Source Software
Windows operating system, The Proprietary-Unix Era
workstations, first generation of, The End of Elder Days


X window system, The Proprietary-Unix Era
XEROX PARC (Palo Alto Research Center), The Early Hackers
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