skeleton 12
color of 12
dead 229
disorders 245
hairless cats 120, 121
lumps on 240
Skookum 103
skull deformities 79
slanted eyes 15
slicker brushes 228
smell, sense of 13, 225
smoke coats 16, 17, 33, 46, 74, 148,
snakes 203
Snow Bengal 26
Snow Marble 94
Snowshoe 60
socialization 22, 23, 218–2211, 234
soil, as litter 204
Sokoke 91
solid coats 16, 17, 34, 44, 54–55,
68–69, 136–137
solid-white coats 16
solitary nature 218
Somali 135, 170
coat color 17
inherited disorders 245
see also Abyssinian
speed 12, 13
Sphynx 27, 119
hairlessness 15
spinal disorders 115, 245
spinal muscular atrophy 245
spine 12
spotting 18
spraying 225, 235, 246
stalking 226
sterility 77
sterilization see neutering
stimulation, of elderly cats 243
stomach upsets 215
strangers, introduction to 219
strays 23
in cats 223, 226, 234, 238
cats good for 216
stretching 9
stripes 19
stroking 217
studs 246
Suffolk 52
sunburn 203
swallowing, foreign bodies 203, 227
swirling patterns 19
tabby coats 16, 17, 19, 35, 48, 56, 75,
132, 147, 150–151
tags 205
tailless cats
Cymric 192
Manx 115
see also short-tailed cats
and balance 13, 14
signals from 13, 14, 224, 225
types 9, 14
talcum powder 229
tangles 229
tapetum lucidum 12
taurine 212
carnivorous 12
cleaning 231
temperaments, breeds and 9, 20
disputes over 220, 223, 224,
marking 13, 225, 234, 235
Thai 53
thirst, increased 240
thyroid problems 240, 243
TICA see International Cat
tick removers 228
ticked fur 17, 19
Tiffanie 160
tigers 8
tipped fur 17
toddlers 218, 219
polydactylism 10, 116, 190
walking on 12
tomatoes, green 213
Tonkinese 42
torties 16, 18, 49, 57, 77, 152–153
tortoiseshells see torties
touch sensors 12
toxoplasmosis 211, 219
Toyger 93
toys 211, 227, 234
retrieving 233
and socialization 218, 219
trade routes 10
traffic accidents 203, 240
training 232233
tricks 227, 233
founder effect 10
genetics 10–11
inherited 9
treats 215
as rewards 232, 233
and socialization 218, 219
tricks 227, 233
tricolors 18, 138, 149
Troubetskoy, Natalie 80
Turkish Angora 135, 178
Turkish Shorthair 78
Turkish Van 9, 78, 176
coat color and pattern 18
Turkish Vankedisi 177
unconsciousness 241
undercoats 12, 15, 27, 135
unneutered cats 223
Ural Rex
longhair 195
shorthair 122
urinary tract infections 240
pain passing 240
passing increased amounts of 240
scent marking 225
vaccinations 20, 22, 23, 223, 238
verbal cues 232, 233
advice on breeders 22
advice on diet 215
annual checkups 238
and breeding 246
checkups for elderly cats 243
choice of 238
costs 20
and rescue cats 23
visiting 238
Vikings 164, 173
color 13
night 12
sensitive to movement 13
visitors 219
vitamins and micronutrients 212, 215
vomeronasal 13
vomiting 240
walking on a lead 233
washing machines 202
water, drinking 213
water bowls 205, 214
water pistols 223, 235
waving 233
wavy coats see curly coats
wedge faces 14
and diet 215
gain 243
loss 240, 243
problems 243
Western colors 16
wet food 212–213
wheezing 240
whippy tails 14
whiskers 12, 13
signals from 224
white coats 16, 43
white spotting 18
wild animals, encounters with 222,
wildcats 8, 9, 12–13, 15, 27, 135
coat color 17
crossing with domestic cats 9
window screens 202
windows, falling from 223
worming 22, 23
worms, intestinal 240
checking daily 242
treatment of 240
York Chocolate 158
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