About This Book


PROC DS2: SAS® Programming Methods at Work introduces a new SAS procedure. New in SAS 9.4, PROC DS2 provides programming concepts that can be used for the first time by many SAS programmers. Through examples, the book helps SAS DATA step programmers learn about PROC DS2 features such as data types, methods, packages, and threads.

Is This Book for You?

PROC DS2: SAS® Programming Methods at Work is for anyone interested in learning this new SAS procedure. This book explains the basic concepts from the ground up.


PROC DS2: SAS® Programming Methods at Work assumes that the reader has at least a basic understanding of SAS DATA step programming.

Scope of This Book

PROC DS2: SAS® Programming Methods at Work covers the basic concepts of PROC DS2 so that DATA step programmers can quickly take advantage of the new procedure.

It discusses more advanced uses of PROC DS2 for high-performance procedures or in-database computing.

About the Examples

Software Used to Develop the Book's Content

PROC DS2: SAS® Programming Methods at Work was developed using the third maintenance release for SAS 9.4.

Example Code and Data

All code in this book was created using the SAS program files that are provided. No other external data are needed.

You can access the example code and data for this book by accessing the author’s page at http://support.sas.com/publishing/authors. Click the name of the author. Then, look for the thumbnail image of this book. Select Example Code and Data to display the SAS program files that are included in this book.

If you are unable to access the example code and data, send email to [email protected].

SAS University Edition

If you are using SAS University Edition to access data and run your programs, then check the SAS University Edition page at http://support.sas.com/software/products/university-edition/index.html to ensure that you have the products that you need to run the example code.

Output and Graphics Used in This Book

In the book, all output goes to the default Results window. No special drivers are required.

Additional Help

Although this book illustrates many analyses that are regularly performed in businesses across industries, you might have specific questions. To fully support you, SAS and SAS Press offer you the following resources:

•   For questions about topics covered in this book, contact the author through SAS Press.

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•   SAS maintains a comprehensive website with up-to-date information. One page that is particularly useful to both the novice and the seasoned SAS user is the Knowledge Base. Search for relevant notes in the “Samples & SAS Notes” section of the Knowledge Base at http://support.sas.com/resources.

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