

3NF (third normal form) models ch1¶21

ERDs (entity-relationship diagrams) ch1¶22
normalized 3NF structures ch1¶23

4-step dimensional design process ch2¶11, ch3¶5


abnormal scenario indicators ch8¶97

abstract generic dimensions ch2¶249

geographic location dimension ch11¶52

accessibility goals ch1¶303

accidents (insurance case study), factless fact tables ch16¶77

accounting case study ch7¶3

budgeting ch7¶36
fact tables, consolidated ch7¶80
G/L (general ledger) ch7¶7
chart of accounts ch7¶9
currencies ch7¶20
financial statements ch7¶34
fiscal calendar, multiple ch7¶31
hierarchies ch7¶59
journal entries ch7¶24
period close ch7¶16
periodic snapshot ch7¶9
year-to-date facts ch7¶22
fixed depth ch7¶53
modifying, ragged ch7¶70
ragged, alternative modeling approaches ch7¶74
ragged, bridge table approach ch7¶78
ragged, modifying ch7¶70
ragged, shared ownership ch7¶67
ragged, time varying ch7¶68
ragged, variable depth ch7¶58
variable depth ch7¶62
OLAP and ch7¶86

accumulating grain fact tables ch1¶40

accumulating snapshots ch2¶53, ch4¶30, ch6¶89

claims (insurance case study) ch16¶65
complex workflows ch16¶101
timespan accumulating snapshot ch16¶78
ETL systems ch19¶132
fact tables ch4¶41, ch13¶201
complementary fact tables ch4¶33
milestones ch4¶42
OLAP cubes ch4¶45
updates ch4¶44
healthcare case study ch14¶16
policy (insurance case study) ch16¶40
type 2 dimensions and ch6¶96

activity-based costing measures ch6¶60

additive facts ch1¶35, ch2¶38

add mini dimension and type 1 outrigger (SCD type 5) ch2¶150

add mini-dimension (SCD type 4) ch2¶147

add new attribute (SCD type 3) ch2¶144, ch5¶51, ch5¶62

multiple ch5¶61

add new row (SCD type 2) ch2¶140, ch5¶36

effective date ch5¶44
expiration date ch5¶44
type 1 in same dimension ch5¶50


ASCII ch8¶26
CRM and, customer dimension ch8¶20
Unicode ch8¶27

add type 1 attributes to type 2 dimension (SCD type 6) ch2¶153

admissions events (education case study) ch13¶17

aggregate builder, ETL system ch19¶157

aggregated facts

as attributes ch2¶228
CRM and, customer dimension ch8¶35

aggregate fact tables ch2¶59

clickstream data ch15¶54

aggregate OLAP cubes ch1¶27, ch2¶59

aggregate tables, ETL system development ch20¶114

agile development ch1¶132

conformed dimensions and ch4¶96

airline case study ch12¶2

bus matrix ch12¶4
calendars as outriggers ch12¶37
class of service flown dimension ch12¶30
destination airport dimension ch12¶33
fact tables, granularity ch12¶7
origin dimension ch12¶33
passenger dimension ch12¶14
sales channel dimension ch12¶18
segments, linking to trips ch12¶20
time zones, multiple ch12¶42

aliasing ch6¶14

allocated facts ch2¶188

allocating ch6¶59

allocations, profit and loss fact tables ch2¶191

ALTER TABLE command ch1¶59


big data management ch21¶19
GA (Google Analytics) ch15¶57
in-database, big data and ch21¶45

analytic solutions, packaged ch9¶28

AND queries, skill keywords bridge ch9¶59


big data best practices
backflow ch21¶35
boundary crashes ch21¶38
compute resources ch21¶44
data highway planning ch21¶28
data quality planning ch21¶33
data value ch21¶34
ecosystems ch21¶32
fact extractor ch21¶31
in-database analytics ch21¶45
performance improvements ch21¶40
prototypes ch21¶23
streaming data ch21¶37
DW/BI alternatives ch1¶100
enterprise data warehouse bus architecture ch1¶77, ch4¶52
hub-and-spoke CIF architecture ch1¶107, ch1¶110
hybrid hub-and-spoke Kimball architecture ch1¶112
independent data mart architecture ch1¶103, ch1¶104, ch1¶105, ch1¶106
MapReduce/Hadoop ch21¶14
RDBMS, extension ch21¶8
real-time processing ch20¶127

archiving ch19¶23, ch19¶174

artificial keys ch3¶116

ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) ch8¶26

atomic grain data ch1¶59, ch3¶25


aggregated facts as ch2¶228
bridge tables, CRM and ch8¶64
changes ch20¶89
detailed dimension model ch18¶40
expiration ch9¶11
flags ch2¶87
indicators ch2¶87
numeric values as ch2¶179
pathstring, ragged/variable depth hierarchies ch2¶169
product dimensions ch4¶82
SCD type 3 (add new attribute) ch5¶51
multiple ch5¶61

audit columns, CDC (change data capture) ch19¶43

audit dimensions ch2¶252, ch6¶85

assembler ch19¶78
insurance case study ch16¶32
key assignment ch20¶70

automation, ETL system development

errors ch20¶120
exceptions ch20¶120
job scheduling ch20¶116


backflow, big data and ch21¶35

backups ch19¶305

backup system, ETL systems ch19¶171

archiving ch19¶174
compliance manager ch19¶26
dependency ch19¶195
high performance ch19¶302
lights-out operations ch19¶304
lineage ch19¶195
metadata repository ch19¶215
parallelizing/pipelining system ch19¶22
problem escalation system ch19¶197
recovery and restart system ch19¶179
retrieval ch19¶174
security system ch19¶204, ch19¶205
simple administration ch19¶303
sorting system ch19¶192
version control system ch19¶185
version migration system ch19¶187
workflow monitor ch19¶189

banking case study ch10¶4

bus matrix ch10¶4
household ch10¶20
mini-dimensions ch10¶28, ch10¶33
multivalued, weighting ch10¶21
too few ch10¶7
facts, value banding ch10¶39
heterogeneous products ch10¶43
hot swappable dimensions ch10¶52
user perspective ch10¶45


customers, CRM and ch8¶70
sequential, step dimension and ch8¶78
study groups ch2¶225, ch8¶71

behavior tags

facts ch8¶43
time series ch2¶222, ch8¶38

BI application design/development (Lifecycle) ch17¶98, ch17¶211

BI applications ch1¶80

BI (business intelligence) delivery interfaces ch19¶27

big data

architecture best practices
backflow ch21¶35
boundary crashes ch21¶38
compute resources ch21¶44
data highway planning ch21¶28
data quality planning ch21¶33
data value ch21¶34
ecosystems ch21¶32
fact extractor ch21¶12
in-database analytics ch21¶45
performance improvements ch21¶40
prototypes ch21¶23
streaming data ch21¶37
data governance best practices ch21¶60
dimensionalizing and ch21¶47
privacy ch21¶62
data modeling best practices
data structure declaration ch21¶56
data virtualization ch21¶60
dimension anchoring ch21¶52
integrating sources and confined dimensions ch21¶48
name-value pairs ch21¶58
SCDs (slowly changing dimensions) ch21¶55
structured/unstructured data integration ch21¶54
thinking dimensionally ch21¶49
management best practices
analytics and ch21¶19
legacy environments and ch21¶20
sandbox results and ch21¶23
sunsetting and ch21¶26
overview ch21¶3

blobs ch21¶10

boundary crashes, big data and ch21¶38

bridge tables

customer contacts, CRM and ch8¶68
mini-dimensions ch10¶33
time varying ch2¶219
multivalued dimensions ch2¶216, ch19¶144
ragged hierarchies and ch7¶79
ragged/variable depth hierarchies ch2¶166
sparse attributes, CRM and ch8¶67

bubble chart, dimension modeling and ch18¶31

budget fact table ch7¶39

budgeting process ch7¶36

bus architecture ch4¶53

enterprise data warehouse bus architecture ch2¶121

business analyst ch17¶201

Business Dimensional Lifecycle ch17¶5

business-driven governance ch4¶91

business driver ch17¶202

business initiatives ch3¶7

business lead ch17¶203

business motivation, Lifecycle planning ch17¶19

business processes

characteristics ch3¶5
dimensional modeling ch2¶15, ch11¶13
retail sales case study ch3¶21
value chain ch4¶4

business representatives, dimensional modeling ch18¶12

business requirements

dimensional modeling ch18¶17
Lifecycle ch17¶9, ch17¶42
documentation ch17¶57
forum selection ch17¶32, ch17¶38
interviews ch17¶48, ch17¶72
launch ch17¶47
prioritization ch17¶60
representatives ch17¶42

business rule screens ch19¶69

business sponsor ch17¶18

Lifecycle planning ch17¶18

business users ch17¶204

perspectives ch10¶45

bus matrix

accounting ch7¶3
airline ch12¶4
banking ch10¶4
detailed implementation bus matrix ch2¶127
dimensional modeling and ch18¶48
enterprise data warehouse bus matrix ch2¶124
healthcare case study ch14¶3
HR (human resources) ch9¶28
insurance ch16¶2, ch16¶10
detailed implementation ch16¶57
inventory ch4¶7
opportunity/stakeholder matrix ch4¶69
order management ch6¶6
procurement ch5¶4, ch5¶18
telecommunications ch11¶4
university ch13¶4
web retailers, clickstream integration ch15¶63


calculation lag ch6¶97

calendar date dimensions ch2¶93

calendars, country-specific as outriggers ch12¶37

cannibalization ch3¶101

cargo shipper schema ch12¶27

case studies

accounting ch7¶3
budgeting ch7¶38
consolidated fact tables ch7¶83, ch7¶89
G/L (general ledger) ch7¶8, ch7¶8, ch7¶9, ch7¶9, ch7¶10, ch7¶16, ch7¶22
hierarchies ch7¶59, ch7¶60
OLAP and ch7¶86
airline ch12¶2
calendars as outriggers ch12¶43
class of service flown dimension ch12¶35
destination airport dimension ch12¶38
fact table granularity ch12¶7
origin dimension ch12¶38
passenger dimension ch12¶16
sales channel dimension ch12¶21
time zones, multiple ch12¶40
CRM (customer relationship management)
analytic ch8¶11
bridge tables ch8¶59
complex customer behavior ch8¶74
customer data integration ch8¶106, ch8¶107, ch8¶112
customer dimension and ch8¶17
fact tables, abnormal scenario indicators ch8¶97
fact tables, satisfaction indicators ch8¶93
fact tables, timespan ch8¶85
low latency data ch8¶122
operational ch8¶11
step dimension, sequential behavior ch8¶81
education ch13¶4, ch13¶17
accumulating snapshot fact table ch13¶6, ch13¶41
additional uses ch13¶38
admissions events ch13¶17
applicant pipeline ch13¶7
attendance ch13¶37
change tracking ch13¶20
course registrations ch13¶18, ch13¶28
facility use ch13¶33
instructors, multiple ch13¶29
metrics, artificial count ch13¶22
research grant proposal ch13¶14
student dimensions ch13¶20
term dimensions ch13¶19
electronic commerce
profitability, sales transactions and ch15¶65
financial services ch10¶2, ch10¶4, ch10¶21
dimensions, household ch10¶17
dimensions, too few ch10¶6
healthcare ch14¶3, ch14¶6
billing ch14¶12
claims ch14¶12
date dimension ch14¶23
diagnosis dimension ch14¶26
EMRs (electronic medical records) ch14¶7
HCPCS (Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System) ch14¶10
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) ch14¶9
ICD (International Classification of Diseases) ch14¶10
images ch14¶49
inventory ch14¶50
measure type dimension ch14¶38, ch14¶40
payments ch14¶12
retroactive changes ch14¶49
subtypes ch14¶35
supertypes ch14¶35
text comments ch14¶48
HR (Human Resources Management)
bus matrix ch9¶28
employee hierarchies ch9¶37
employee profiles ch9¶3, ch9¶12, ch9¶17, ch9¶23
hierarchies ch9¶37, ch9¶45
managers key ch9¶41, ch9¶46
packaged data models ch9¶28, ch9¶34, ch9¶36
periodic snapshots ch2¶22, ch4¶7
survey questionnaire ch9¶67, ch9¶74
insurance ch16¶2, ch16¶4, ch16¶7
accident events factless fact table ch16¶76
accumulating snapshot ch16¶37, ch16¶65
bus matrix ch16¶14, ch16¶61
claim transactions ch16¶67, ch16¶70, ch16¶73, ch16¶78
conformed dimensions ch16¶45
conformed facts ch16¶46
degenerate dimension ch16¶30
dimensions, audit ch16¶32
dimensions, low cardinality ch16¶31
dimensions, multivalued ch16¶27
junk dimensions ch16¶61
mini-dimensions ch16¶26
multivalued dimensions ch16¶48
NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) ch16¶29
numeric attributes ch16¶30
pay-in-advance facts ch16¶47
periodic snapshot ch16¶42
policy transaction fact table ch16¶33
policy transactions ch16¶17, ch16¶34
premiums, periodic snapshot ch16¶43
SCDs (slowly changing dimensions) ch16¶21
SIC (Standard Industry Classification) ch16¶29
supertype/subtype products ch16¶39, ch16¶51
timespan accumulating snapshot ch16¶69
value chain ch16¶10
accumulating snapshot ch4¶31
fact tables ch4¶16, ch4¶37, ch4¶41
periodic snapshot ch4¶7
semi-additive facts ch4¶13, ch4¶16, ch4¶17
transactions ch4¶25, ch4¶38, ch4¶40
order management ch6¶6
accumulating snapshots ch4¶31, ch4¶45, ch4¶48
audit dimension ch6¶92
customer dimension ch6¶26, ch6¶28, ch6¶32
deal dimension ch6¶40
header/line pattern ch6¶49
header/line patterns ch6¶49, ch6¶51
invoice transactions ch6¶75
junk dimensions ch6¶46
lag calculations ch6¶97
multiple currencies ch6¶52
product dimension ch6¶20, ch6¶21, ch6¶275, ch6¶22, ch6¶206
profit and loss facts ch6¶87
transaction granularity ch6¶84
transactions ch6¶11, ch6¶47
units of measure, multiple ch6¶99
procurement ch5¶4, ch5¶7
bus matrix ch5¶7
complementary procurement snapshot fact table ch5¶18
transactions ch5¶7, ch5¶9
retail sales ch3¶16
business process selection ch3¶23
dimensions, selecting ch3¶32
facts, derived ch3¶38
facts, non-additive ch3¶41
fact tables ch3¶43
frequent shopper program ch3¶108
grain declaration ch3¶25
POS schema ch3¶103
retail schema extensibility ch3¶107
telecommunications ch11¶4

causal dimension ch3¶85, ch10¶200

CDC (change data capture)

ETL system ch19¶8
audit columns ch19¶43
diff compare ch19¶45
log scraping ch19¶46
message queue monitoring ch19¶47
timed extracts ch19¶44

centipede fact tables ch2¶176, ch3¶144

change reasons ch9¶15

change tracking ch5¶19, ch5¶23

education case study ch13¶20
HR (human resources) case study, embedded manager's key ch9¶41
SCDs ch5¶21

chart of accounts (G/L) ch7¶9

uniform chart of accounts ch7¶13

checkpoints, data quality ch20¶95

CIF (Corporate Information Factory) ch1¶107, ch1¶110

CIO (chief information officer) ch16¶8

claim transactions (insurance case study) ch16¶60

claim accumulating snapshot ch16¶65
junk dimensions and ch16¶62
periodic snapshot ch16¶73
timespan accumulating snapshot ch16¶69

class of service flown dimension (airline case study) ch12¶30

cleaning and conforming, ETL systems ch19¶201

audit dimension assembler ch19¶78
conforming system ch19¶84
data cleansing system ch19¶62
quality event responses ch19¶57
quality screens ch19¶52
data quality improvement ch19¶58
deduplication system ch19¶80
error event schema ch19¶71

clickstream data ch15¶1

dimensional models ch15¶19, ch15¶26
aggregate fact tables ch15¶54
customer ch15¶31, ch15¶33
event dimension ch15¶26
GA (Google Analytics) ch15¶57
page dimension ch15¶21
page event fact table ch15¶41
referral dimension ch15¶29
session dimension ch15¶27
session fact table ch15¶30
step dimension ch15¶58
session IDs ch15¶15
visitor identification ch15¶18
visitor origins ch15¶11
web retailer bus matrix integration ch15¶63

collaborative design workshops ch2¶8

column screens ch19¶67

comments, survey questionnaire (HR) ch9¶74

common dimensions ch4¶76

compliance, ETL system ch19¶11

compliance manager, ETL system ch19¶26

composite keys ch1¶42

computer resources, big data and ch21¶44

conformed dimensions ch2¶109, ch4¶76, ch11¶33

agile movement and ch4¶96
drill across ch4¶77, ch4¶79
grain ch4¶81
identical ch4¶80
insurance case study ch16¶42
limited conformity ch4¶88
shrunken on bus matrix ch4¶86
shrunken rollup dimensions ch4¶82
shrunken with row subset ch4¶84

conformed facts ch2¶44, ch4¶14

insurance case study ch16¶43
inventory case study ch4¶11

conforming system, ETL system ch19¶84


adaptability ch1¶200
goals ch1¶9

consolidated fact tables ch2¶160

accounting case study ch7¶80

contacts, bridge tables ch8¶68

contribution amount (P&L statement) ch6¶201

correctly weighted reports ch10¶22

cost, activity-based costing measures ch6¶60


country-specific calendars as outriggers ch12¶37

course registrations (education case study) ch13¶18

CRM (customer relationship management) ch8¶1

analytic ch8¶11
bridge tables
customer contacts ch8¶68
multivalued ch8¶61
sparse attributes ch8¶67
complex customer behavior ch8¶70
customer data integration ch8¶100
multiple customer dimension conformity ch8¶105
single customer dimension ch8¶101
customer dimension and ch8¶17
addresses ch8¶26
addresses, international ch8¶27
counts with Type 2 ch8¶49
dates ch8¶34
facts, aggregated ch8¶35
hierarchies ch8¶54, ch8¶55
names ch8¶26
names, international ch8¶27
outriggers, low cardinality attribute set and ch8¶51
scores ch8¶36
segmentation ch8¶36
abnormal scenario indicators ch8¶103
satisfaction indicators ch8¶98
timespan ch8¶89
low latency data ch8¶115
operational ch8¶11
overview ch8¶5
social media and ch8¶8
step dimension, sequential behavior ch8¶78

currency, multiple

fact tables ch2¶194
G/L (general ledger) ch7¶8
order transactions ch6¶52

current date attributes, dimension tables ch3¶56

customer contacts, bridge tables ch8¶68

customer dimension ch6¶23, ch6¶24, ch6¶29, ch6¶34

clickstream data ch15¶32
CRM and ch8¶17
addresses ch8¶26
addresses, international ch8¶27
counts with Type 2 ch8¶49
dates ch8¶35
facts, aggregated ch8¶35
hierarchies ch8¶52, ch8¶56
names ch8¶26
names, international ch8¶27
outriggers, low cardinality attribute set and ch8¶51
scores ch8¶36
segmentation ch8¶36
factless fact tables ch6¶34
hierarchies ch6¶24
multiple, partial conformity ch8¶15
single ch8¶11
single versus multiple dimension tables ch6¶29

customer matching ch8¶14

customer relationship management. case study. See CRM ch8¶5


data architect/modeler ch17¶206

data bags ch21¶9

database administrator ch17¶227

data cleansing system, ETL system ch19¶62

quality event responses ch19¶70
quality screens ch19¶65

data compression, ETL system ch19¶55

data governance ch4¶89

big data best practices ch21¶27
dimensionalizing ch21¶47
privacy ch21¶62
business-driven governance ch4¶91
objectives ch4¶95

data handlers, late arriving ch19¶148

data highway planning ch21¶27

data integration

conformed dimensions ch4¶76
CRM and ch8¶17
multiple customer dimension conformity ch8¶105
single customer dimension ch8¶101
ETL system ch19¶8
MDM (master data management) ch8¶108
structure/unstructured data ch21¶52
value chain integration ch4¶4

data latency, ETL system ch19¶21

data mart, independent data mart architecture ch1¶103, ch1¶104, ch1¶105, ch1¶106

data mining

DW/BI system and ch8¶46
null tracking ch3¶97

data modeling, big data best practices

data structure declaration ch21¶54
data virtualization ch21¶58
dimension anchoring ch21¶50
integrating sources and conformed dimensions ch21¶48
name-value pairs ch21¶56
SCDs (slowly changing dimensions) ch21¶55
structured/unstructured data integration ch21¶52
thinking dimensionally ch21¶47

data models, packaged ch9¶28

data profiling

ETL system ch19¶37
tools ch18¶19

data propagation, ETL system ch19¶162

data quality

checkpoints ch20¶95
ETL system ch19¶13
improvement ch19¶58
planning, big data and ch21¶33

data steward ch17¶210

data structure, analysis time ch21¶54

data value, big data and ch21¶34

data virtualization, big data and ch21¶58

data warehousing versus operational processing ch1¶8

date dimension ch3¶45, ch11¶25

calendar date ch2¶93
clickstream data ch15¶32
current date attributes ch3¶56
fixed time series buckets and ch11¶26
healthcare case study ch14¶23
populating ch20¶48
relative date attributes ch3¶56
role playing ch6¶18
smart keys ch3¶124
textual attributes ch3¶55
time-of-day ch3¶59


CRM and, customer dimension ch8¶34
dimension tables ch3¶84
timespan fact tables ch8¶85
transaction fact table ch6¶9, ch6¶15
foreign key ch6¶10
role playing ch6¶20


GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) ch12¶40
time zones, multiple ch12¶40
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time ch12¶40

date/time dimensions ch19¶115

date/time stamp dimensions ch10¶201

deal dimensions ch6¶36

decision-making goals ch1¶201

decodes, dimensions ch11¶30

decoding production codes ch20¶32

deduplication system ch19¶80

degenerate dimension ch2¶78, ch10¶202, ch11¶27

insurance case study ch16¶30
order number ch6¶38
retail sales case study ch3¶11
surrogate keys ch3¶123
telecommunications case study ch11¶27
transaction numbers ch3¶11

demand planning ch5¶6

demographics dimension ch10¶35

size ch5¶68

denormalized flattened dimensions ch2¶81

dependency analysis ch19¶315

dependency, ETL ch19¶195


Lifecycle ch17¶18
OLAP ch1¶29

derived facts ch3¶38

descriptions, dimensions ch11¶30

descriptive context, dimensions for ch2¶21

destination airport dimension (airline case study) ch12¶33

detailed implementation bus matrix ch2¶127, ch16¶57

detailed table design documentation ch18¶44

diagnosis dimension (healthcare case study) ch14¶24

diff compare, CDC (change data capture) ch19¶45

dimensional modeling ch1¶18

3NF (third normal form) models ch1¶21
4-step design process
business process ch3¶5
dimensions ch3¶13
facts ch3¶15
grain ch3¶24
atomic grain data ch1¶59
benefits of thinking dimensionally ch1¶126
business processes ch11¶13
business representatives ch18¶12
calendar coordination ch18¶19, ch18¶24
clickstream data ch15¶19
data profiling tools ch18¶19
bubble chart ch18¶31
detailed model development ch18¶33
documentation finalization ch18¶57
validation ch20¶34
dimension tables ch1¶44
attributes ch1¶47
hierarchical relationships ch1¶52
snowflaking ch1¶52
extensibility ch1¶58
additive facts ch1¶35
composite keys ch1¶42
FK (foreign keys) ch1¶41
grains ch1¶34
numeric facts ch1¶35
textual facts ch1¶38
fact tables ch1¶31
grain categories ch1¶38
business processes ch11¶15
business requirement gathering ch2¶2
collaborative workshops ch2¶8
data realities gathering ch2¶2
descriptive context ch2¶21
facts ch2¶25
four-step dimensional design process ch2¶11
grain ch4¶89
model extensions ch2¶31
star schemas ch2¶28
Lifecycle data track ch17¶86
mistakes to avoid ch16¶78
myths ch1¶115
departmental versus enterprise ch1¶119
integration ch1¶125
predictable use ch1¶122
scalability ch1¶120
summary data ch1¶117
naming conventions ch18¶20
OLAP (online analytical processing) cube ch1¶25
deployment considerations ch1¶29
overview ch18¶4
participant identification ch18¶12
reports ch1¶60
simplicity in ch1¶57
sources ch11¶12
star schemas ch1¶25
terminology ch1¶54
tools ch18¶17

dimensional thinking, big data and ch21¶47

dimension manager system ch19¶154


anchoring, big data and ch21¶50
attributes ch20¶89
aggregated facts as ch2¶228
bridge tables, CRM and ch8¶65
changes ch20¶91
detailed dimension model ch18¶42
expiration ch9¶12
flags ch2¶87
indicators ch2¶87
numeric values as ch2¶69
pathstring, ragged/variable depth hierarchies ch2¶169
product dimensions ch4¶82
SCD type 3 (add new attribute) ch5¶51, ch5¶61
See also attributes ch2¶84
audit dimension ch2¶252, ch6¶85, ch6¶87, ch6¶88, ch16¶33
assembler ch19¶78
insurance case study ch16¶2
average number in model ch10¶9
calendar date ch2¶93
change reasons ch9¶15
class of service flown (airline case study) ch12¶35
conformed ch2¶109, ch4¶76, ch4¶80
agile movement and ch4¶106
drill across ch4¶77, ch4¶79
grain ch4¶89
identical ch4¶88
insurance case study ch16¶2
limited conformity ch4¶98
shrunken, bus matrix and ch4¶86
shrunken rollup dimensions ch4¶82
shrunken with row subset ch4¶84, ch4¶85
customer dimension ch5¶67, ch6¶23, ch6¶29
conformity ch8¶105
factless fact tables ch6¶37
hierarchies ch6¶28
single ch8¶107
single versus multiple dimension tables ch6¶32
data governance, big data and ch21¶61
date dimension ch2¶93, ch10¶201, ch11¶25
fixed time series buckets and ch11¶28
healthcare case study ch14¶3
populating ch20¶51
role playing ch6¶20
date/time stamp ch10¶201
deal dimension ch6¶36
decodes ch11¶30
degenerate ch2¶78, ch10¶202, ch11¶27
order number ch6¶43
demographic ch10¶35
size ch5¶68
denormalized flattened ch2¶81
descriptions ch11¶30
destination airport (airline case study) ch12¶38
detailed dimension model ch18¶40
diagnosis (healthcare case study) ch14¶26
dimensional design models ch3¶13
drilling across ch2¶115
event dimension, clickstream data ch15¶26
generic, abstract ch2¶249
geographic location ch11¶52
granularity, hierarchies and ch11¶19
fixed depth position hierarchies ch2¶160
ragged/variable depth with hierarchy bridge tables ch2¶166
ragged/variable depth with pathstring attributes ch2¶169
slightly ragged/variable depth ch2¶163
hot swappable ch2¶246, ch10¶52
household ch10¶17
insurance case study ch16¶2
degenerate dimension ch16¶30
mini-dimensions ch16¶26
multivalued dimensions ch16¶48
numeric attributes ch16¶30
SCDs (slowly changing dimensions) ch16¶21
junk dimensions ch2¶99, ch6¶42, ch10¶204
keys, natural ch5¶83
late arriving ch2¶255
low cardinality, insurance case study ch16¶31
measure type ch2¶240
healthcare case study ch14¶3, ch14¶15, ch14¶16, ch14¶17, ch14¶25
mini-dimensions ch10¶28, ch10¶33
bridge tables ch10¶38
insurance case study ch16¶2, ch16¶10, ch16¶21, ch16¶22, ch16¶26
type 5 SCD and ch5¶74
bridge table builder ch19¶144, ch19¶146
bridge tables and ch2¶216
insurance case study ch16¶2, ch16¶10, ch16¶21, ch16¶22, ch16¶26
weighting ch10¶21
origin (airline case study) ch12¶38
outrigger ch2¶105
page dimension, clickstream data ch15¶21
passenger (airline case study) ch12¶16
product dimension
characteristics ch6¶24
operational product master ch6¶206
order transactions ch6¶7, ch6¶9, ch6¶12, ch6¶23, ch6¶26, ch6¶57
rapidly changing monster dimension ch2¶147
referral dimension, clickstream data ch15¶29
retail sales case study ch3¶31
role-playing ch10¶245
sales channel, airline case study ch12¶18
service level performance ch6¶74
session dimension, clickstream data ch15¶27
shrunken ch2¶112
shrunken rollup ch4¶82
special dimensions manager, ETL systems ch19¶116
date/time dimensions ch19¶115
junk dimensions ch19¶116
mini-dimensions ch19¶118
shrunken subset ch19¶120
static ch19¶122
user-maintained ch19¶123
static dimension, population ch20¶48
status ch10¶203
step dimension ch2¶243
sequential behavior ch8¶81
student (education case study) ch13¶24
term (education case study) ch13¶23
text comments ch2¶234
too few ch10¶6
transaction profile dimension ch2¶99, ch6¶43
combine from separate sources ch20¶30
decode production codes ch20¶32
relationship validation ch20¶33
simple data ch20¶29
surrogate key assignment ch20¶38
value chain ch2¶118

dimension surrogate keys ch2¶69

dimension tables ch1¶44

attributes ch1¶46
calendar date dimension ch2¶93
changed rows ch20¶81
date dimension ch3¶45, ch3¶55, ch3¶60, ch3¶124
current date attributes ch3¶55
smart keys ch3¶123, ch3¶126
textual attributes ch3¶54
time-of-day ch3¶58
dates ch3¶84
degenerate dimensions ch2¶78
transaction numbers ch3¶99
denormalized flattened dimensions ch2¶81
drilling down ch2¶75
durable keys ch2¶72
extracts ch20¶78
fact tables, centipede ch3¶144
hierarchical relationships ch1¶53
hierarchies, multiple ch2¶84, ch3¶77
historic data population ch20¶26
holiday indicator ch3¶54
indicators ch2¶87, ch3¶55
junk dimensions ch2¶99
loading ch20¶42
loading history ch20¶44
natural keys ch2¶72, ch3¶116
new rows ch20¶81
null attributes ch2¶90
outrigger dimensions ch2¶105
outriggers ch3¶140
product dimension ch3¶61
attributes with embedded meaning ch3¶67
drilling down ch3¶71
many-to-one hierarchies ch3¶61
numeric values ch3¶68
promotion dimension ch3¶85
null items ch3¶93
role-playing ch2¶96
snowflaking ch1¶53, ch2¶102, ch3¶133
store dimension ch3¶76
structure ch2¶66
supernatural keys ch2¶72, ch3¶122
surrogate keys ch2¶69, ch3¶116
transaction profile dimensions ch2¶99
weekday indicator ch3¶55

dimension terminology ch1¶54

dimension-to-dimension table joins ch2¶213


detailed table design ch18¶44
dimensional modeling ch18¶58
ETL development ch20¶9, ch20¶14
sandbox source system ch20¶24
Lifecycle architecture requirements ch17¶72
Lifecycle business requirements ch17¶59

draft design

exercise discussion ch11¶37
remodeling existing structures ch11¶51

drill across ch2¶115, ch4¶77

drill down ch2¶75, ch3¶72

ETL development ch20¶9
hierarchies ch20¶15
table schematics ch20¶17
G/L (general ledger) hierarchy ch7¶33
management hierarchies ch9¶45

dual date/time stamps ch8¶92

dual type 1 and type 2 dimensions (SCD type 7) ch2¶156

duplication, deduplication system ch19¶80

durable keys ch2¶72

supernatural keys ch3¶122

DW/BI ch1¶1

alternative architecture ch1¶100
data mining and ch8¶46
goals ch1¶9
international goals ch8¶32
Kimball architecture ch1¶64
BI applications ch1¶81
ETL (extract, transformation, and load) system ch1¶69
hybrid hub-and-spoke Kimball ch1¶112
operational source systems ch1¶68
presentation area ch1¶75
restaurant metaphor ch1¶83
publishing metaphor for DW/BI managers ch1¶12
system users ch1¶7

dynamic value bands ch2¶231, ch10¶39


ecosystems, big data and ch21¶32

case study ch13¶4, ch13¶14


accumulating snapshot fact table ch13¶6
additional uses ch13¶38
admissions events ch13¶17
applicant pipeline ch13¶7
attendance ch13¶37
bus matrix ch13¶4, ch13¶5
change tracking ch13¶19
course registrations ch13¶18, ch13¶28
facility use ch13¶33
instructors, multiple ch13¶29
metrics, artificial count ch13¶22
research grant proposal ch13¶14
student dimension ch13¶17, ch13¶24
term dimension ch13¶19

effective date, SCD type 2 ch5¶36

EHR (electronic health record) ch14¶6

electronic commerce case study ch15¶1

embedded manager's key (HR) ch9¶41

embedding attribute meaning ch3¶67

employee hierarchies, recursive ch9¶37

employee profiles ch9¶3

dimension change reasons ch9¶15
effective time ch9¶10
expiration ch9¶10
fact events ch9¶22
type 2 attributes ch9¶22

EMRs (electronic medical records), healthcare case study ch14¶6, ch14¶36

enterprise data warehouse bus architecture ch1¶77, ch2¶121, ch4¶52

enterprise data warehouse bus matrix ch2¶124, ch4¶59

columns ch4¶63
hierarchy levels ch4¶72
common mistakes ch4¶70
opportunity/stakeholder matrix ch4¶69
procurement ch5¶7
retrofitting existing models ch4¶72
narrowly defined ch4¶202
overly encompassing ch4¶201
overly generalized ch4¶203
shrunken conformed dimensions ch4¶86
uses ch4¶64

ERDs (entity-relationship diagrams) ch1¶22

error event schema, ETL system ch19¶71

error event schemas ch2¶265

ETL (extract, transformation, and load) system ch1¶66, ch19¶1

archiving ch19¶23
BI, delivery ch19¶27
business needs ch19¶9
cleaning and conforming ch19¶301
audit dimension assembler ch19¶66
conforming sytem ch19¶81, ch19¶86
data cleansing system ch19¶49, ch19¶52, ch19¶57
data quality, improvement ch19¶58
deduplication system ch19¶80, ch19¶83
error event schema ch19¶58
compliance ch19¶11
data integration ch19¶18
data latency ch19¶21
data propagation manager ch19¶162
data quality ch19¶13
delivering ch19¶88, ch19¶317
aggregate builder ch19¶157
dimension manager system ch19¶144
fact provider system ch19¶156
fact table builders ch19¶125
hierarchy manager ch19¶112
late arriving data handler ch19¶148
multivalued dimension bridge table builder ch19¶144
SCD manager ch19¶91
special dimensions manager ch19¶114, ch19¶120
surrogate key generator ch19¶110
surrogate key pipeline ch19¶136
design ch19¶1
Lifecycle data track ch17¶87
developer ch17¶207
development ch20¶6
activities ch20¶13
aggregate tables ch20¶114
default strategies ch20¶13
high-level plan ch20¶7
incremental processing ch20¶94, ch20¶101, ch20¶111
OLAP loads ch20¶111
one-time historic load data ch20¶25
specification document ch20¶19
system operation and automation ch20¶1115
ETL architect/designer ch17¶208
extracting ch19¶350
CDC (change data capture) ch19¶41, ch19¶43, ch19¶44, ch19¶45, ch19¶46, ch19¶47
data profiling ch19¶37, ch19¶39, ch19¶40
extract system ch19¶48, ch19¶53, ch19¶55
legacy licenses ch19¶33
lineage ch19¶23
managing ch19¶217, ch19¶64
backup system ch19¶171
job scheduler ch19¶166
OLAP cube builder ch19¶160
process overview ch20¶3
security ch19¶15
skills ch19¶30
subsytems ch20¶31

event dimension, clickstream data ch15¶26

expiration date, type 2 SCD ch5¶44

extended allowance amount (P&L statement) ch6¶205

extended discount amount (P&L statement) ch6¶216

extended distribution cost (P&L statement) ch6¶207

extended fixed manufacturing cost (P&L statement) ch6¶208

extended gross amount (P&L statement) ch6¶209

extended net amount (P&L statement) ch6¶210

extended storage cost (P&L statement) ch6¶211

extended variable manufacturing cost (P&L statement) ch6¶212

extensibility in dimensional modeling ch1¶58

extracting, ETL systems ch19¶215

CDC (change data capture) ch19¶31
audit columns ch19¶43
diff compare ch19¶45
log scraping ch19¶46
message queue monitoring ch19¶47
timed extracts ch19¶44
data profiling ch19¶37
extract system ch19¶48

extraction ch1¶67

extract system, ETL system ch19¶48


fact extractors ch21¶11

big data and ch21¶31

factless fact tables ch2¶56, ch3¶112, ch6¶34

accidents (insurance case study) ch16¶76
admissions (education case study) ch13¶19
attendance (education case study) ch13¶42
course registration (education case study) ch13¶21
facility use (education case study) ch13¶31
order management case study ch6¶34

fact provider system

ETL system ch19¶156

facts ch1¶31, ch1¶39, ch3¶15, ch3¶43

abnormal scenario indicators ch8¶97
accumulating snapshots ch2¶53, ch4¶41, ch13¶7
additive facts ch1¶35, ch2¶38
aggregate ch2¶59
as attributes ch2¶69, ch2¶228, ch3¶68
CRM and customer dimension ch8¶36, ch8¶37
allocated facts ch2¶188
allocating ch6¶59
behavior tags ch8¶43
budget ch7¶36
builders, ETL systems ch19¶125
centipede ch2¶176, ch3¶144
compliance-enabled ch19¶209
composite keys ch1¶42
consolidated ch2¶62
currency, multiple ch2¶194
derived ch3¶38
detailed dimension model ch18¶42
dimensional modeling process and ch2¶25
drill across ch4¶77
employee profiles ch9¶22
enhanced ch4¶18
FK (foreign keys) ch1¶41
granularity, airline bus matrix ch12¶7
header/line fact tables ch2¶185
historic ch20¶53
incremental processing ch20¶92, ch20¶111
invoice ch6¶69
joins, avoiding ch8¶110
lag/duration facts ch2¶182
late arriving ch2¶209
loading ch20¶71
mini-dimension demographics key ch5¶65
multiple units of measure ch2¶197
non-additive ch2¶38, ch3¶41
normalization, order transactions ch6¶7
numeric facts ch1¶35
numeric values ch2¶179, ch3¶68
page event, clickstream data ch15¶41
partitioning, smart keys ch3¶127
pay-in-advance, insurance case study ch16¶44
periodic snapshots ch2¶50, ch4¶37
policy transactions (insurance case study) ch16¶17, ch16¶34
profitability ch15¶65
profit and loss ch6¶78
profit and loss, allocations and ch2¶191
real-time ch2¶262
referential integrity ch1¶41
reports ch1¶60
retail sales case study, identifying ch3¶16, ch3¶21, ch3¶31, ch3¶35, ch3¶98, ch3¶101, ch3¶106
satisfaction indicators ch8¶93
semi-additive ch2¶38, ch4¶13
service level performance ch6¶74
session, clickstream data ch15¶30
set difference ch3¶114
shrunken rollup dimensions ch4¶82
single granularity and ch11¶17
snapshot, complementary procurement ch5¶18
structure ch2¶35
supertype ch2¶259, ch10¶44
surrogate keys ch2¶173, ch3¶130
terminology ch1¶54
textual facts ch1¶38
time-of-day ch3¶59
timespan ch8¶85
timespan tracking ch2¶206
transactions ch2¶47, ch4¶23, ch4¶34, ch4¶36
dates ch3¶83
single versus multiple ch5¶9
transformations ch20¶57
value banding ch10¶39
year-to-date ch7¶21
YTD (year-to-date) ch2¶200

fact-to-fact joins, avoiding with multipass SQL ch2¶203

feasibility in Lifecycle planning ch17¶20

financial services case study ch10¶2

bus matrix ch10¶4
hot-swappable ch10¶52
household ch10¶20
mini-dimensions ch10¶32, ch10¶38
multivalued, weighting ch10¶21
too few ch10¶7
facts, value banding ch10¶39
heterogeneous products ch10¶43
OLAP ch7¶86
user perspective ch10¶44

financial statements (G/L) ch7¶34

fiscal calendar, G/L (general ledger) ch7¶31

fixed depth position hierarchies ch2¶160, ch7¶55

fixed time series buckets, date dimensions and ch11¶26

FK (foreign keys). See foreign keys (FK) ch1¶41


as textual attributes ch2¶87
dimension tables ch3¶55
junk dimensions and ch6¶42

flattened dimensions, denormalized ch2¶81

flexible access to information ch17¶23

foreign keys (FK)

demographics dimensions ch10¶36
fact tables ch1¶41
manager's employee key as ch9¶38
mini-dimension keys ch5¶66
null ch3¶95
order transactions ch6¶10
referential integrity ch1¶41

forum, Lifecycle business requirements ch17¶35

frequent shopper program, retail sales schema ch3¶108

FROM clause ch1¶62


GA (Google Analytics) ch15¶57

general ledger. See G/L (general ledger) ch7¶7

generic dimensions, abstract ch2¶249

geographic location dimension ch11¶52

G/L (general ledger) ch7¶7

chart of accounts ch7¶9
currencies, multiple ch7¶23
financial statements ch7¶34
fiscal calendar, multiple ch7¶31
hierarchies, drill down ch7¶33
journal entries ch7¶24
period close ch7¶15
periodic snapshot ch7¶8
year-to-date facts ch7¶21

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) ch12¶40

goals of DW/BI ch1¶9

Google Analytics (GA) ch15¶57


business-driven ch4¶91
objectives ch4¶95

grain ch2¶18

accumulating snapshots ch2¶53
atomic grain data ch3¶25
budget fact table ch7¶40
conformed dimensions ch4¶81
declaration ch3¶24
retail sales case study ch3¶17, ch3¶23, ch3¶30, ch3¶96
dimensions, hierarchies and ch11¶19
fact tables ch1¶31, ch1¶34, ch1¶40, ch1¶41, ch1¶61
accumulating snapshot ch1¶40
periodic snapshot ch1¶40
transaction ch1¶40
periodic snapshots ch2¶50
single, facts and ch11¶17
transaction fact tables ch2¶47

granularity ch11¶15

GROUP BY clause ch1¶62


Lifecycle ch17¶19
market growth ch3¶202


Hadoop, MapReduce/Hadoop ch21¶14

HCPCS (Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System) ch14¶9

HDFS (Hadoop distributed file system) ch21¶12

headcount periodic snapshot ch9¶23

header/line fact tables ch2¶185

header/line patterns ch6¶51, ch6¶65

healthcare case study ch14¶3

billing ch14¶11
claims ch14¶11
date dimension ch14¶23
diagnosis dimension ch14¶24
EMRs (electronic medical records) ch14¶7
HCPCS (Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System) ch14¶10
HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) ch14¶9
ICD (International Classification of Diseases) ch14¶10
images ch14¶44
inventory ch14¶45
measure type dimension ch14¶38
payments ch14¶11
retroactive changes ch14¶49
subtypes ch14¶32
supertypes ch14¶32
text comments ch14¶43

heterogeneous products ch10¶43


accounting case study ch7¶74
customer dimension ch6¶24, ch8¶54
dimension granularity ch11¶19
dimension tables, multiple ch3¶77
drill down, ETL development ch20¶15
employees ch9¶37
ETL systems ch19¶113
fixed-depth positional hierarchies ch2¶160
G/L (general ledger), drill down ch7¶32
management, drilling up/down ch9¶45
many-to-one ch3¶62
matrix columns ch4¶204
multiple ch2¶84
nodes ch7¶58
ragged/variable depth ch2¶166
slightly ragged/variable depth ch2¶163
trees ch7¶58

high performance backup ch19¶302

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) ch14¶8

historic fact tables

extracts ch20¶51
statistics audit ch20¶53

historic load data, ETL development ch20¶25

dimension table population ch20¶26

holiday indicator ch3¶54

hot response cache ch8¶201

hot swappable dimensions ch2¶246, ch10¶52

household dimension ch10¶17

HR (human resources) case study ch9¶1

bus matrix ch9¶26
employee profiles ch9¶3
dimension change reasons ch9¶17
effective time ch9¶12
expiration ch9¶12, ch9¶13
fact events ch9¶23
type 2 attributes ch9¶23
management ch9¶1, ch9¶3
recursive ch9¶37
managers key
as foreign key ch3¶93
embedded ch9¶41
packaged analytic solutions ch9¶28
packaged data models ch9¶28
periodic snapshots, headcount ch9¶23
skill keywords ch9¶54, ch9¶59, ch9¶61
text string ch9¶68
survey questionnaire ch9¶67, ch9¶74
text comments ch9¶74

HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol) ch15¶16

hub-and-spoke CIF architecture ch1¶107, ch1¶110

hub-and-spoke Kimball hybrid architecture ch1¶112

human resources management case study. See HR (human resources) ch9¶1

hybrid hub-and-spoke Kimball architecture ch1¶112

hybrid techniques, SCDs ch2¶150

SCD type 5 (add mini-dimension and type 1 outrigger) ch2¶150, ch5¶73
SCD type 6 (add type 1 attributes to type 2 dimension) ch2¶153, ch5¶76, ch5¶80, ch5¶81
SCD type 7 (dual type 1 and type 2 dimension) ch2¶156, ch5¶82, ch5¶87

hyperstructured data ch21¶9


ICD (International Classification of Diseases) ch14¶9

identical conformed dimensions ch4¶80

images, healthcare case study ch14¶44

impact reports ch10¶24

incremental processing, ETL system development ch20¶77

changed dimension rows ch20¶81
dimension attribute changes ch20¶89
dimension table extracts ch20¶78
fact tables ch20¶92
new dimension rows ch20¶81

in-database analytics, big data and ch21¶45

independent data mart architecture ch1¶103, ch1¶104, ch1¶105, ch1¶106


abnormal, fact tables ch8¶97
as textual attributes ch2¶87
dimension tables ch3¶55
junk dimensions and ch6¶42
satisfaction, fact tables ch8¶93

Inmon, Bill ch1¶107

insurance case study ch16¶2

accidents, factless fact tables ch2¶56
accumulating snapshot, complementary policy ch16¶37
bus matrix ch16¶56, ch16¶57
detailed implementation ch16¶58
claim transactions ch16¶60, ch16¶62, ch16¶65, ch16¶69, ch16¶73, ch16¶74
claim accumulating snapshot ch16¶73
junk dimensions and ch16¶61
periodic snapshot ch16¶42, ch16¶82
timespan accumulating snapshot ch16¶78
conformed dimensions ch16¶42
conformed facts ch16¶43
dimensions ch16¶20
audit ch16¶21
degenerate ch16¶30
low cardinality ch16¶31
mini-dimensions ch16¶26
multivalued ch16¶28
SCDs (slowly changing dimensions) ch16¶21
NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) ch16¶29
numeric attributes ch16¶29
pay-in-advance facts ch16¶44
periodic snapshot ch16¶39
policy transactions ch16¶16, ch16¶33
premiums, periodic snapshot ch16¶40
SIC (Standard Industry Classification) ch16¶29
supertype/subtype products ch16¶36, ch16¶47
value chain ch16¶10

integer keys ch3¶116

sequential surrogate keys ch3¶125


conformed dimensions ch4¶76
customer data ch8¶100, ch8¶101, ch8¶105
customer dimension conformity ch8¶105
single customer dimension ch8¶101
dimensional modeling myths ch1¶124
value chain ch4¶48

international names/addresses, customer dimension ch8¶26

interviews, Lifecycle business requirements ch17¶48

data-centric ch17¶55

inventory case study ch4¶6

accumulating snapshot ch4¶30
fact tables, enhanced ch4¶18
periodic snapshot ch4¶6
semi-additive facts ch4¶13
transactions ch4¶23

inventory, healthcare case study ch14¶48

invoice transaction fact table ch6¶67


job scheduler, ETL systems ch19¶166

job scheduling, ETL operation and automation ch20¶116


dimension-to-dimension table joins ch2¶213
fact tables, avoiding ch8¶110
many-to-one-to-many ch8¶111
multipass SQL to avoid fact-to-fact joins ch2¶53

journal entries (G/L) ch7¶24

junk dimensions ch2¶99, ch6¶42

airline case study ch12¶31
ETL systems ch19¶116
insurance case study ch16¶62
order management case study ch6¶42

justification for program/project planning ch17¶21



dimension surrogate keys ch2¶69
durable ch2¶72
foreign ch3¶93, ch10¶38
managers key (HR) ch9¶46
natural keys ch2¶72
supernatural keys ch2¶72
smart keys ch3¶127
subtype tables ch10¶47
supernatural ch2¶72
supertype tables ch10¶47
surrogate ch2¶173, ch3¶116, ch3¶119, ch3¶220, ch3¶120, ch11¶29
assigning ch2¶125
degenerate dimensions ch2¶78
fact tables ch1¶31, ch1¶34, ch1¶40
generator ch19¶110
lookup pipelining ch20¶63

keywords, skill keywords ch9¶54

bridge ch9¶59
text string ch9¶61

Kimball Dimensional Modeling Techniques. See dimensional modeling

Kimball DW/BI architecture ch1¶64

BI applications ch1¶80
ETL (extract, transformation, and load) system ch1¶66
hub-and-spoke hybrid ch1¶112
presentation area ch1¶73
restaurant metaphor ch1¶82
source systems, operational source systems ch1¶65

Kimball Lifecycle ch17¶5

DW/BI initiative and ch17¶6

KPIs (key performance indicators) ch4¶101


lag calculations ch6¶97

lag/duration facts ch2¶182

late arriving data handler, ETL system ch19¶148

late arriving dimensions ch2¶255

late arriving facts ch2¶209

launch, Lifecycle business requirements ch17¶47

Law of Too ch17¶21

legacy environments, big data management ch21¶22

legacy licenses, ETL system ch19¶33


BI applications ch17¶98, ch17¶101
development ch17¶101, ch17¶104
specification ch17¶98
business requirements ch17¶9, ch17¶33, ch17¶35, ch17¶41
documentation ch17¶57
forum selection ch17¶31
interviews ch17¶48
interviews, data-centric ch17¶48, ch17¶55
launch ch17¶47
prioritization ch17¶60
representatives ch17¶42
data ch17¶85
dimensional modeling ch17¶86
ETL design/development ch17¶95
physical design ch17¶87
deployment ch17¶106
maintenance ch17¶109
pitfalls ch17¶111
evaluation matrix ch17¶80
market research ch17¶81
protoypes ch17¶83
program/project planning ch17¶8, ch17¶17, ch17¶18, , ch17¶19, ch17¶20, ch17¶21, ch17¶23, ch17¶24, ch17¶26, ch17¶29
business motivation ch17¶19
business sponsor ch17¶18
development ch17¶29
feasibility ch17¶20
justification ch17¶21
planning ch17¶29
readiness assessment ch17¶17
scoping ch17¶21
staffing ch17¶24
technical architecture ch17¶10, ch17¶64, ch17¶69, ch17¶70, ch17¶71, ch17¶73, ch17¶74, ch17¶75, ch17¶76
implementation phases ch17¶74
model creation ch17¶74
plan creation ch17¶77
requirements ch17¶72, ch17¶73
requirements collection ch17¶71
subsystems ch17¶76
task force ch17¶70

lift, promotion ch3¶301

lights-out operations, backup ch19¶304

limited conformed dimensions ch4¶88

lineage analysis ch19¶306

lineage, ETL system ch19¶23, ch19¶195

loading fact tables, incremental ch20¶100

localization ch12¶43

location, geographic location dimension ch11¶52

log scraping, CDC (change data capture) ch19¶46

low cardinality dimensions, insurance case study ch16¶31

low latency data, CRM and ch8¶115


maintenance, Lifecycle ch17¶19


ETL systems ch19¶217, ch19¶164
backup system ch19¶171
job scheduler ch19¶166

management best practices, big data ch21¶19, ch21¶22, ch21¶25

analytics ch21¶19
legacy environments ch21¶20
sandbox results ch21¶23
sunsetting and ch21¶25

management hierarchies, drilling up/down ch9¶45

managers, publishing metaphor ch1¶12

many-to-one hierarchies ch3¶62

many-to-one relationships ch6¶29

many-to-one-to-many joins ch8¶111

MapReduce/Hadoop ch21¶14

market growth ch3¶202

master dimensions ch4¶76

MDM (master data management) ch4¶95, ch8¶102, ch19¶18

meaningless keys ch3¶116

measurement, multiple ch2¶197

measure type dimension ch2¶240

healthcare case study ch14¶38

message queue monitoring, CDC (change data capture) ch19¶47

metadata coordinator ch17¶228

metadata repository, ETL system ch19¶215

migration, version migration system, ETL ch19¶187

milestones, accumulating snapshots ch4¶42

mini-dimension and type 1 outrigger (SCD type 5) ch5¶74

mini-dimensions ch10¶28

bridge tables ch10¶33
ETL systems ch19¶118
insurance case study ch16¶25
type 4 SCD ch5¶62


benefits of thinking dimensionally ch1¶126
dimensional ch1¶18, ch1¶44, ch1¶54, ch1¶57, ch1¶58, ch1¶59, ch1¶60, ch1¶115
atomic grain data ch1¶59, ch1¶60
dimension tables ch1¶44, ch1¶47, ch1¶52, ch3¶54
extensibility ch1¶59
reports ch1¶61
simplicity in ch1¶58
terminology ch1¶54

multipass SQL, avoiding fact-to-fact table joins ch2¶203

multiple customer dimension, partial conformity ch8¶105

multiple units of measure ch2¶197, ch6¶99

multivalued bridge tables ch2¶219

CRM and ch8¶59
time varying ch2¶219

multivalued dimensions

bridge table builder ch19¶144
bridge tables and ch2¶216
CRM and ch8¶59
education case study ch13¶4
financial services case study ch10¶21
healthcare case study ch14¶24
HR (human resources) case study ch9¶54
insurance case study ch16¶28, ch16¶49
weighting factors ch10¶21

myths about dimensional modeling ch1¶115

departmental versus enterprise ch1¶118
integration ch1¶124
predictable use ch1¶121
scalability ch1¶119
summary data ch1¶116



ASCII ch8¶26
CRM and, customer dimension ch8¶20, ch8¶34, ch8¶35
Unicode ch8¶27

name-value pairs ch21¶56

naming conventions ch18¶22

natural keys ch2¶72, ch3¶116, ch3¶122, ch5¶83

supernatural keys ch3¶122

NCOA (national change of address) ch8¶103

nodes (hierarchies) ch7¶58

non-additive facts ch2¶38, ch3¶39

non-natural keys ch3¶116

normalization ch1¶109, ch11¶20

centipede ch3¶144
order transactions ch6¶7, ch6¶9, ch6¶12, ch6¶23
outriggers ch3¶140
snowflaking ch3¶133

normalized 3NF structures ch1¶23

null attributes ch2¶90

null fact values ch20¶57

null values

fact tables ch2¶41
foreign keys ch3¶93

number attributes, insurance case study ch16¶29

numeric facts ch1¶35

numeric values

as attributes ch2¶179, ch3¶68
as facts ch2¶179, ch3¶68


off-invoice allowance (P&L) statement ch6¶205

OLAP (online analytical processing) cube ch1¶27, ch2¶28

accounting case study ch7¶86
accumulating snapshots ch4¶44
aggregate ch2¶59
cube builder, ETL system ch19¶160
deployment considerations ch1¶29
employee data queries ch9¶46
financial schemas ch7¶86
Lifecycle data physical design ch17¶92
loads, ETL system ch20¶111
what didn't happen ch13¶37

one-to-one relationships ch6¶29

operational processing versus data warehousing ch1¶8

operational product master, product dimensions ch6¶22

operational source systems ch1¶65

operational system users ch1¶6

opportunity/stakeholder matrix ch2¶130, ch4¶69

order management case study ch6¶1

accumulating snapshot ch6¶89, ch6¶92
type 2 dimensions and ch6¶106
allocating ch6¶59
audit dimension ch6¶85
bus matrix ch6¶4
currency, multiple ch6¶52
customer dimension ch6¶23, ch6¶24, ch6¶29, ch6¶34
factless fact tables ch6¶37
single versus multiple dimension tables ch6¶32
date ch6¶9, ch6¶15
foreign keys ch6¶9
role playing ch6¶20
deal dimension ch6¶36
degenerate dimension, order number and ch6¶38
fact normalization ch6¶7
header/line patterns ch6¶51, ch6¶65
junk dimensions ch6¶42
product dimension ch6¶20

order number, degenerate dimensions ch6¶38

order management case study, role playing ch6¶19

origin dimension (airline case study) ch12¶33

OR, skill keywords bridge ch9¶59

outrigger dimensions ch2¶105, ch3¶84, ch3¶140

calendars as ch12¶37
low cardinality attribute set and ch8¶51
type 5 and type 1 SCD ch5¶74

overwrite (type 1 SCD) ch2¶137, ch5¶26

add to type 2 attribute ch5¶76
type 2 in same dimension ch5¶49


packaged analytic solutions ch9¶28

packaged data models ch9¶28

page dimension, clickstream data ch15¶21

page event fact table, clickstream data ch15¶41

parallelizing/pipelining system ch19¶202

parallel processing, fact tables ch20¶107

parallel structures, fact tables ch20¶109

parent/child schemas ch2¶185

parent/child tree structure hierarchy ch7¶60


fact tables, smart keys ch3¶127
real-time processing ch20¶133

passenger dimension, airline case study ch12¶14

pathstring, ragged/variable depth hierarches ch2¶169

pay-in-advance facts, insurance case study ch16¶44

payment method, retail sales ch3¶99

performance measurement, fact tables ch1¶31, ch1¶39

additive facts ch1¶35
numeric facts ch1¶35
textual facts ch1¶38

period close (G/L) ch7¶15

periodic snapshots ch2¶50, ch4¶6, ch4¶37

education case study ch13¶13, ch13¶30
ETL systems ch19¶129
fact tables ch04¶37, ch04¶41, ch04¶44, ch04¶47
complementary fact tables ch4¶46
G/L (general ledger) ch7¶8
grain fact tables ch1¶40
headcount ch9¶23
healthcare case study ch14¶15
insurance case study ch16¶39
claims ch14¶11
premiums ch16¶40
inventory case study ch4¶6
procurement case study ch5¶4

perspectives of business users ch10¶44

physical design, Lifecycle data track ch17¶87

aggregations ch17¶92
database model ch17¶90
database standards ch17¶89
index plan ch17¶91
naming standards ch17¶89
OLAP database ch17¶92
storage ch17¶93

pipelining system ch19¶202

planning, demand planning ch5¶6

P&L (profit and loss) statement

contribution ch6¶87
granularity ch6¶84

policy transactions (insurance case study) ch16¶16

fact table ch16¶33

PO (purchase orders) ch5¶6

POS (point-of-sale) system ch3¶18

POS schema, retail sales case study ch3¶16
transaction numbers ch3¶101

presentation area ch1¶73

prioritization, Lifecycle business requirements ch17¶60

privacy, data governance and ch21¶62

problem escalation system ch19¶197

procurement case study ch5¶7, ch5¶18

bus matrix ch5¶7
snapshot fact table ch5¶18
transactions ch5¶7, ch5¶9

product dimension ch3¶61

attributes with embedded meaning ch3¶67
characteristics ch6¶21
drilling down ch3¶72
many-to-one hierarchies ch3¶62
numeric values ch3¶68
operational product master ch6¶206
order transactions ch6¶206, ch6¶52
operational product master ch6¶206

production codes, decoding ch20¶32


heterogeneous ch10¶43
evaluation matrix ch17¶80
market research ch17¶81
prototypes ch17¶79

profit and loss facts ch6¶78, ch15¶65

allocations and ch2¶191
granularity ch6¶84

program/project planning (Lifecycle) ch17¶8

business motivation ch17¶19
business sponsor ch17¶18
development ch17¶29
feasibility ch17¶20
justification ch17¶21
planning ch17¶29
readiness assessment ch17¶17
scoping ch17¶21
staffing ch17¶24
task list ch17¶29

project manager ch17¶218

promotion dimension ch3¶85

null values ch3¶97

promotion lift ch3¶301


big data and ch21¶39
Lifecycle ch17¶83

publishing metaphor for DW/BI managers ch1¶12


quality events, responses ch19¶70

quality screens, ETL systems ch19¶65

questionnaire, HR (human resources) ch9¶67

text comments ch9¶74


ragged hierarchies

alternative modeling approaches ch7¶74
bridge table approach ch7¶78
modifying ch7¶70
pathstring attributes ch2¶169
shared ownership ch7¶67
time varying ch7¶68
variable depth ch7¶58

rapidly changing monster dimension ch2¶147

RDBMS (relational database management system) ch2¶28

architecture extension ch21¶8
blobs ch21¶10
fact extractor ch21¶11
hyperstructured data ch21¶9

real-time fact tables ch2¶262

real-time processing ch20¶121

architecture ch20¶127
partitions ch20¶133

rearview mirror metrics ch6¶105

recovery and restart system, ETL system ch19¶179

recursive hierarchies, employees ch9¶37

reference dimensions ch4¶76

referential integrity ch1¶41

referral dimension, clickstream data ch15¶29


dimension tables ch1¶53
many-to-one ch6¶29
many-to-one-to-many joins ch8¶111
one-to-one ch6¶29
validation ch20¶33

relative date attributes ch3¶56

remodeling existing data structures ch11¶47


correctly weighted ch10¶22
dimensional models ch1¶60
dynamic value banding ch2¶231
fact tables ch1¶60
impact ch10¶24
value band reporting ch10¶39

requirements for dimensional modeling ch18¶16

restaurant metaphor for Kimball architecture ch1¶82

retail sales case study ch3¶16, ch3¶98

business process selection ch3¶21
dimensions, selecting ch3¶34
facts ch3¶15, ch3¶35
derived ch3¶37
non-additive ch3¶39
fact tables ch3¶43
frequent shopper program ch3¶108
grain declaration ch3¶24
payment method ch3¶100
POS (point-of-sale) system ch3¶18
POS schema ch3¶16
retail schema extensibility ch3¶18
SKUs ch3¶18

retain original (SCD type 0) ch2¶134, ch5¶24

retrieval ch19¶174

retroactive changes, healthcare case study ch14¶49

reviewing dimensional model ch18¶50

RFI measures ch8¶38

RFP (request for proposal) ch17¶81

role playing, dimensions ch2¶96, ch3¶84, ch6¶18, ch10¶245

airline case study ch12¶13
bus matrix and ch6¶19
healthcare case study ch14¶23
insurance case study ch16¶20
order management case study ch6¶9


sales channel dimension, airline case study ch12¶18

sales reps, factless fact tables ch6¶34

sales transactions, web profitability and ch15¶65

sandbox results, big data management ch21¶23

sandbox source system, ETL development ch20¶23

satisfaction indicators in fact tables ch8¶93

scalability, dimensional modeling myths ch1¶119

SCDs (slowly changing dimensions) ch2¶133, ch5¶21, ch19¶91

big data and ch21¶53
detailed dimension model ch18¶43
hybrid techniques ch5¶70, ch5¶74
insurance case study ch16¶21
type 0 (retain original) ch2¶134
type 1 (overwrite) ch2¶137, ch5¶26, ch5¶29, ch5¶32, ch5¶34
ETL systems ch19¶54
type 2 in same dimension ch5¶49
type 2 (add new row) ch2¶140, ch5¶36, ch5¶40, ch5¶43, ch5¶44
accumulating snapshots ch6¶106
customer counts ch8¶53
effective date ch5¶44
expiration date ch5¶44
type 1 in same dimension ch5¶50
type 3 (add new attribute) ch2¶144, ch5¶51, ch5¶61
ETL systems ch19¶54
multiple ch5¶62
type 4 (add mini-dimension) ch2¶147, ch5¶62
ETL systems ch19¶54
type 5 (add mini-dimension and type 1 outrigger) ch2¶150, ch5¶74
ETL systems ch19¶55
type 6 (add type 1 attributes to type 2 dimension) ch5¶76
ETL systems ch19¶55
type 7 (dual type 1 and type 2 dimension) ch2¶156, ch5¶82
ETL systems ch19¶55

scheduling jobs, ETL operation and automation ch20¶116

scoping for program/project planning ch17¶21

scoring, CRM and customer dimension ch8¶37


ETL systems
business rule screens ch19¶69
column screens ch19¶67
structure screens ch19¶68
quality screens ch19¶65

security ch19¶230

ETL system ch19¶16, ch19¶24
goals ch1¶9

segmentation, CRM and customer dimension ch8¶36

segments, airline bus matrix granularity ch12¶9

linking to trips ch12¶20

SELECT statement ch1¶62

semi-additive facts ch2¶38, ch4¶13

sequential behavior, step dimension ch2¶243, ch8¶78

sequential integers, surrogate keys ch3¶125

service level performance ch6¶74

session dimension, clickstream data ch15¶27

session fact table, clickstream data ch15¶30

session IDs, clickstream data ch15¶15

set difference ch3¶114

shared dimensions ch4¶76

shipment invoice fact table ch6¶73

shrunken dimensions ch2¶112

attribute subset ch4¶82
on bus matrix ch4¶86
row subsets and ch4¶84, ch4¶85
rollup ch4¶82
subsets, ETL systems ch19¶120

simple administration backup ch19¶303

simple data transformation, dimensions ch20¶29

single customer dimension, data integration and ch8¶101, ch8¶104

single granularity, facts and ch11¶17

single version of the truth ch17¶23

skill keywords ch9¶54

bridge ch9¶58
AND queries ch9¶59
OR queries ch9¶59
text string ch9¶61

skills, ETL system ch19¶30

SKUs (stock keeping units) ch3¶17

slightly ragged/variable depth hierarchies ch2¶163

slowly changing dimensions. See SCDs ch5¶21

smart keys

date dimensions ch3¶124
fact tables, partitioning ch3¶127


accumulating ch2¶53, ch4¶30, ch6¶89
claims (insurance case study) ch16¶73, ch16¶75, ch16¶78
education case study ch13¶4
ETL systems ch19¶54
fact tables, complementary ch4¶46
healthcare case study ch14¶3
inventory case study ch4¶4, ch4¶7, ch4¶101
order management case study ch6¶1, ch6¶11, ch6¶23, ch6¶37, ch6¶40, ch6¶43
procurement case study ch5¶4
type 2 dimensions and ch6¶96
incremental processing ch20¶100
periodic ch2¶50
education case study ch13¶4
ETL systems ch19¶54
fact tables, complementary ch4¶6
G/L (general ledger) ch7¶9
headcounts ch9¶23, ch9¶25
insurance case study ch16¶39, ch16¶73, ch16¶74, ch16¶75
inventory case study ch4¶6, ch4¶7, ch4¶9, ch4¶11
premiums (insurance case study) ch16¶2, ch16¶10

snowflaking ch1¶53, ch2¶102, ch3¶133, ch19¶113

outriggers ch3¶140

social media, CRM (customer relationship management) and ch8¶8


international information ch8¶301

source systems, operational ch1¶65

special dimensions manager, ETL systems ch19¶114

date/time dimensions ch19¶115
junk dimensions ch19¶116
mini-dimensions ch19¶118
shrunken subset ch19¶120
static ch19¶122
user-maintained ch19¶123

specification document, ETL development ch20¶19

sandbox source system ch20¶23

SQL multipass to avoid fact-to-fact table joins ch2¶203

staffing for program/project planning ch17¶26

star joins ch1¶55

star schemas ch1¶25, ch2¶28

static dimensions

ETL systems ch19¶122
population ch20¶48

statistics, historic fact table audit ch20¶53

status dimensions ch10¶203

step dimension ch2¶243

clickstream data ch15¶52
sequential behavior ch8¶78

stewardship ch4¶89

storage, Lifecycle data ch17¶93

store dimension ch3¶76

strategic business initiatives ch3¶7

streaming data, big data and ch21¶37

strings, skill keywords ch9¶61

structure screens ch19¶68

student dimension (education case study) ch13¶20

study groups, behavior ch2¶225

subsets, shrunken subset dimensions ch19¶120

subtypes ch10¶45

fact tables
supertype common facts ch10¶44
healthcare case study ch14¶32
insurance case study ch16¶35, ch16¶47
schemas ch2¶259

summary data, dimensional modeling and ch1¶116

sunsetting, big data management ch21¶25

supernatural keys ch2¶72, ch3¶122


fact tables ch10¶47, ch10¶51
subtype common facts ch10¶45
healthcare case study ch14¶32
insurance case study ch16¶36, ch16¶47
schemas ch2¶259

surrogate keys ch2¶173, ch3¶119, ch11¶29

assignment ch20¶38
degenerate dimensions ch3¶123
dimension tables ch3¶116
ETL system ch19¶136, ch19¶139
generator ch19¶110
fact tables ch3¶130
fact table transformations ch20¶220
late arriving facts ch20¶98
lookup pipelining ch20¶61

survey questionnaire (HR) ch9¶67

text comments ch9¶74

synthetic keys ch3¶116


tags, behavior, in time series ch2¶222

team building, Lifecycle business requirements ch17¶39

representatives ch17¶42

technical application design/development (Lifecycle) ch17¶12

technical architect ch17¶217

technical architecture (Lifecycle) ch17¶10, ch17¶64

architecture implementation phases ch17¶74
model creation ch17¶73
plan creation ch17¶76
collection ch17¶70
documentation ch17¶77
requirements collection ch17¶70
subsystems ch17¶75
task force ch17¶69

telecommunications case study ch11¶4

term dimension (education case study) ch13¶19

text comments

dimensions ch2¶234
healthcare case study ch14¶43

text strings, skill keywords ch9¶61

text, survey questionnaire (HR) comments ch9¶74

textual attributes, dimension tables ch3¶55

textual facts ch1¶38

The Data Warehouse Toolkit (Kimball) ch1¶8, ch3¶46

third normal form (3NF) models ch1¶21

entity-relationship diagrams (ERDs) ch1¶22
normalized 3NF structures ch1¶23


GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) ch12¶40
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) ch12¶40

timed extracts, CDC (change data capture) ch19¶44

time dimension ch3¶46

clickstream data ch15¶32

timeliness goals ch1¶210


dimension ch3¶60
fact ch3¶60

time series

behavior tags ch2¶222, ch8¶38
fixed time series buckets, date dimensions and ch11¶26

time shifting ch3¶211

timespan fact tables ch8¶85

dual date/time stamps ch8¶92

timespan tracking in fact tables ch2¶206

time varying multivalued bridge tables ch2¶219

time zones

airline case study ch12¶42
GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) ch12¶40
multiple ch2¶237
number of ch12¶41
UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) ch12¶40


dimensional modeling ch18¶17
data profiling tools ch18¶20
ETL development ch20¶9

transactions ch2¶47, ch4¶34, ch6¶43

claim transactions (insurance case study) ch16¶60, ch16¶74
claim accumulating snapshot ch16¶73
junk dimensions and ch16¶61
periodic snapshot ch16¶73, ch16¶74, ch16¶75
timespan accumulating snapshot ch16¶69, ch16¶70, ch16¶72
fact tables ch1¶40, ch5¶8
healthcare case study ch14¶14
inventory transactions ch4¶23
invoice transactions ch6¶67
journal entries (G/L) ch7¶24, ch7¶24
numbers, degenerate dimensions ch3¶101, ch3¶103, ch3¶105
order management case study
allocating ch6¶66
deal dimension ch6¶40
degenerate dimension ch6¶38
header/line patterns ch6¶49, ch6¶51, ch6¶65
junk dimensions ch6¶46
product dimension ch3¶60, ch3¶61, ch3¶67, ch3¶68, ch3¶71, ch6¶23
order transactions ch6¶6
audit dimension ch6¶85, ch6¶87, ch6¶88
customer dimension ch6¶26, ch6¶28, ch6¶32
fact normalization ch6¶9
multiple currency ch6¶52
policies (insurance case study) ch16¶17
procurement ch5¶4, ch5¶18
transaction profile dimension ch2¶99, ch6¶43

transportation ch12¶1

airline case study ch12¶2
cargo shipper schema ch12¶27
localization and ch12¶43
travel services flight schema ch12¶28

travel services flight schema ch12¶28

trees (hierarchies) ch7¶58

parent/child structure ch7¶60
type 0 (retain original) SCD ch2¶134
retain original ch5¶24

type 1 (overwrite) SCD ch2¶137

add to type 2 dimension ch5¶76
ETL system ch19¶94
overwrite ch5¶26
type 2 in same dimension ch5¶49

type 2 (add new row) SCD ch2¶140, ch5¶36, ch5¶44, ch5¶50

accumulating snapshots ch6¶96
customer counts ch8¶50
effective date ch5¶44
employee profile changes ch9¶22
ETL system ch19¶97
expiration date ch5¶44
type 1 in same dimension ch5¶50

type 3 (add new attribute) SCD ch2¶144, ch5¶51, ch5¶61

ETL system ch19¶14
multiple ch6¶52

type 4 (add mini-dimension) SCD ch2¶147

ETL system ch19¶16

type 5 (add mini-dimension and type 1 outrigger) SCD ch2¶150

type 5 (add mini-dimension and type outrigger) SCD ch5¶74

ETL system ch19¶17

type 6 (add type 1 attributes to type 2 dimension) SCD ch2¶153, ch5¶76

ETL system ch19¶18

type 7 (dual type 1 and type 2 dimension) SCD ch2¶156, ch5¶82, ch5¶88

as of reporting ch5¶88
ETL system ch19¶19


Unicode ch8¶27

uniform chart of accounts ch7¶13

units of measure, multiple ch6¶99

updates, accumulating snapshots ch4¶44

user-maintained dimensions, ETL systems ch19¶123

UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) ch12¶40


validating dimension model ch18¶50

validation, relationships ch20¶33

value band reporting ch10¶39

value chain ch2¶118

insurance case study ch16¶10
integration ch4¶48
inventory case study ch4¶4

variable depth hierarchies

pathstring attributes ch2¶169
ragged ch7¶58
slightly ragged ch7¶57
variable depth/ragged hierarchies with bridge tables ch2¶166
variable depth/slightly ragged hierarchies ch2¶163

version control ch19¶308

ETL system ch19¶185

version migration system, ETL system ch19¶187

visitor identification, web sites ch15¶18


weekday indicator ch3¶55

WHERE clause ch1¶62

workflow monitor, ETL system ch19¶189

workshops, dimensional modeling ch2¶8


YTD (year-to-date) facts ch2¶200

G/L (general ledger) ch7¶21
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