To continuously deploy or to continuously deliver?

Should we use the continuous deployment (CDP) or the continuous delivery (CD) process? That's a hard question to answer which mainly depends on your internal processes. There are a few questions that might guide us.

  1. Are your applications truly independent and can be deployed without changing anything else in your cluster?
  2. Do you have such a high level of trust in your automated tests that you are confident that there's no need for manual actions?
  3. Are the teams working on applications authorized to make decisions on what to deploy to production and when?
  4. Are those teams self-sufficient and do not depend on other teams?
  5. Do you really want to upgrade production with every commit to the master branch?

If you answered with no to at least one of those questions, you cannot do continuous deployment. You should aim for continuous delivery, or not even that. Continuous delivery is almost as hard to practice as continuous deployment. The chances are that you cannot get there any time soon. If you can't, that's still not the end of the world. The lessons from this chapter can be easily modified to serve other processes.

If you answered with no to the second question (the one about tests), you cannot do either of those two processes. It's not that one requires less confidence in tests than the other. The level of trust is the same. We do not use continuous delivery because we trust our tests less, but because we choose not to deploy every commit to production. Our business might not be ready to deploy every production-ready release. Or, maybe, we need to wait for a marketing campaign to start (I'm ignoring the fact that we'd solve that with feature toggles). There might be many reasons to use continuous delivery instead of deployment, but none of them is technical. Both processes produce production-ready releases, and only one of them deploys it to production automatically.

Now, if you do NOT trust your tests, you need to fall back to continuous integration. Fortunately, the pipeline can be very similar. The major difference is that you should create one more repository (call it k8s-test) and have a similar Jenkinsfile inside it. When you think you're ready, you'll bump the versions in that repo and let Jenkins upgrade the test environment. From there on, you can let the army of manual testers do their work.

They will surely find more problems than you're willing to fix but, once they stop finding those that impede you from upgrading the production, you can bump those versions in the repository that describes your production environment (k8s-prod). Apart from different Namespaces and, maybe, reduced number of replicas and Ingress hosts, the two repositories should contain the same Chart with similar dependencies, and changes to their master branch would result in very similar automated processes. You can even skip having the k8s-test repository and create a test-env branch in k8s-prod. That way, you can make changes to test-env, deploy them to the cluster, run manual testing, and, once you're confident that the release is production-ready, merge the branch to master.

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