Abbott, Jim, 136

Abdul-Jabbar, Kareem, 212

Abecasis, Goncola, 78–79

ability: credit for recombination and, 112–13; diversity vs., 105; hiring by, 98; prediction error and, 72; tools and, 98, 104

AB InBev, 197

academic research: authors’ cognitive diversity and conventional papers, 180–81; authors’ cognitive diversity and novel papers, 180–81; teams and, 176, 177. See also scientific research; social science research

access and legitimacy paradigm, 265n20

acquired diversity, 54

additive improvements, 107

additive tasks, 43, 45

adjacent possibles: categorization and, 62–63; perspective and, 61; value of diversity and, 119

advertising, identity diversity bonuses and, 190–91

affirmative action, xiv, 196–97, 201, 265–66n22

African Americans: disparities in education, income, and employment and, 193–94; identity diversity and women, 141; institutional discrimination and, 267n5; mathematics and science careers and, 26

age identity, 136

Ahern, Kenneth, 168

airplane design, potential diversity bonuses and, 46–47

algorithm development, 36

algorithms: Cinematch, 32, 34, 35, 51; go, 118; machine learning, 70–71, 81–83; Netflix Prize, 33; predicting race and gender, 259n26; random forest, 81, 82

Allen, Danielle, xvi

Allstate, 197

Alphabet (Google), 187, 207

Alphabet of the Famous Test, 90–93

Al Qaeda, xiii

Alternative Uses Task, 87

Amazon shipping costs, potential diversity bonuses and, 47

American Bar Association, 213

American corporations, repatriation of monies, 199–200

analogy, identity and choice of, 135

analytic tradecraft, diversity bonuses and, 123–24

Anthony, Susan B., 56

Antonio, A. L., 233

Apostle, Tom, 99

Apple, 175; creativity and, 85; diversity initiative at, 209; emojis, 87; iPhone, 96; repatriation of monies, 199–200

Aristotle, 14, 75, 137

artificial intelligence, diversity and, 81–83

Asian Americans, identity diversity and, 138–39, 140, 148

assume a can opener heuristic, 110

assume what you need heuristic, 110

Atlanta Hawks, 212

backgammon, strategies for, 117–18

bagging, 82, 83

Bakke case, 197

Bank of England, workforce diversity and, 104

Bank of New York Mellon, workforce diversity and, 265n11

Bath, Patricia, 157–58

Beaner’s, 191, 265n11

behavior: diversity bonuses and, 5, 6; identity diversity and group, 230–36

behavioral diversity, 54

Bell, Bradford S., 179

Bell, Robert, 36

Bell Canada, 218

BellKor’s Pragmatic Chaos team, 34–37, 51

BellKor team, 34–36, 75

Ben and Jerry’s, 175

Bendor, Jon, 15

Bernard, Robert O., 259n31

Berry, Wendell, 196

Best Buy, prediction markets and, 84

best practices, improvements in, 97, 105–7

BET (Black Entertainment Television), 158–59, 160

Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate, 216

Bezos, Jeff, 199

bias: accumulation of, 214–16; discrimination and, 267n6; selection, 138–39, 182; Tom Hanks Is Busy experiment, 152–53

bias reduction, 213–16

bias variance decomposition theorem, 254n8

Big Chaos team, 34

Biggby’s, 265n11

Bill of Rights, xiii

binders, representation of women and, 152

bioprospecting, 125

Black Board of Directors Association, 119

Black Lives Matter movement, 130

BlackRock, 205–7

Bletchley Park, 50

Bloomberg, 197, 207

board diversity: business case for, 204–5; CEO hiring and, 119–20; financial performance and, 165; women and, 165–66, 167–71, 172, 204–5, 261nn14, 16

Bock, Laszlo, 144, 219, 220

Boeing, 46–47, 186, 197, 198, 207, 213

boosting, 82–83, 84

Bork, Robert, 124

bottom-line benefits of diversity, xiv, 1, 197–99. See also business case for diversity and inclusion

Boulding, Kenneth, 110

Bourke, Juliet, 120–21

Bourke model, 120–23

Bowie, David, 159

breakthrough solutions, problem solving and, 96–97, 98–105

brick test, 87–88, 89

Bridgewater and Associates, 217, 220

Brin, Sergey, 175, 217

bromine extraction, 97

Brusselator limit cycle model, 109, 257n53

Bullock, Sandra, 151, 152, 153

bundle-of-sticks analogy, 141, 259n11

business: defined, 264n3; mission of, 184

business case for diversity and inclusion, xv, 184–208, 223–24; business case in full, 203–5; demographic trends and, 185; diversity and inclusion on Wall Street, 205–7; growing belief in diversity bonuses, 187–88; identity and repertoires, 192–93; multiple tasks and, 120–23; need for evidence of, 243–44; normative and demographic arguments, 193–95; organizations and identity diversity bonuses, 188–92; special power of diversity bonuses, 195–203

Calculus (Apostle), 99

calculus problems, solving, 98–99

candidate selection, 124

Cantor, Nancy, 195

Cartesian coordinate system, 60–61

casting decisions, race and, 152–53

categories, identity, 136–38

categorization: cognitive repertoires and, 60, 62–63; defined, 62; identity-based, 146, 161; models and, 65; prediction and, 75–81; tradecraft and, 123

Caterpillar, 207

causality, evidence between diversity and performance and, 167–71

causal models, prediction and, 70–71

causal studies, demonstrating diversity bonuses, 164

CEO hiring, 119–20

Cerf, Vint, 219

CERN, 164

chemical systems, well-mixed, 108–10

Chicago Daily Tribune (newspaper), 96–97

Chipotle, McDonald’s investment in, 120–21

Cinematch algorithm, 32, 34, 35, 51

citations in scientific research papers, 180–82, 263–64n48

civil rights, diversity and, xiii

Cleveland Cavaliers, 212

climate change models, 70, 78

cloud framework, 11, 134, 142–43, 149

cognitive differences, stereotypical identity-based, 145–49

cognitive diversity, 2–3; assumption of from identity diversity, 230–36; Bourke model and, 121, 122–23; defined, 14; drug discovery and, 126; evidenced in patents, 180; evidenced in scientific papers, 180–82; identity diversity as source of, xvi, 229–30; identity diversity bonuses and, 188–89, 224–25; identity diversity in technical fields and, 154–56; inclusion and, 25; informational diversity and, 226, 227; linked to identity diversity, 9–10, 11–12, 24–26, 134–36, 143–50, 238–41; performance in knowledge economy and, 7–11; perspective taking and, 172; relevance to task and, 163–64, 169; social category diversity and, 228; team performance and, 11–12; venture capital evaluations and, 124–25. See also evidence of cognitive and identity diversity benefits

cognitive diversity bonus. See diversity bonuses

cognitive economy, diversity bonuses and, 101. See also knowledge economy

cognitive nonroutine tasks: diversity bonuses and, 39, 40–43; inclusive cultures and, 218

cognitive repertoires, 8, 52–67; building diverse, 133; as collection of tools, 15–17; defined, 11; gender and, 240; the group as the union of repertoires, 66–67; growing belief in hiring for diverse, 187–88; heuristics, 58–59; identity bundles and, 150–61; identity diversity and, 150–62; identity diversity bonuses and, 192–93; inclusive culture and, 216; information and, 56–57; knowledge and, 57–58; linking identities and, 143–50; mapping to outcomes, 55; mental models and frameworks, 63–66; overview, 52–56; of potential employees, 213, 266n3; representations, 59–63; teams and, 163

cognitive routine tasks, 39, 41; additive nature of, 45; diversifying workforce for, 195; diversity bonuses and, 43

cohorts, selecting, 8–9

Cold Stone Creamery, 216

collaborative filtering, 33

collective action problem, 196

collective error, in diversity prediction theorem, 72–74, 247–48, 249

collective intelligence, diversity bonuses and, 50

college admissions, diversity bonuses and, 128–29

committees, decisions by, 119–20

community of communities, trust and, xv–xvi

complexity: diversity bonuses and, 27–28

complex tasks: diverse teams and, 209–10; diversity bonuses and, 15–24, 46–48, 68, 221

conditions for diversity bonuses, 37–48; no bonus tasks, 42–46; tasks with diversity bonuses, 46–48

Condorcet’s jury theorem, 258n69

congruence effect, on functionally diverse teams, 238–41

consumer product advertising, diversity and, 153

contributions, identity diversity and, 5

Cook, Tim, 199, 200

Cope, George, 218

correlations, evidence for diversity bonuses and, 164, 165–67

costs of practicing diversity and inclusion, 172–73, 212–13

creative search, 112

creative tasks, 3, 85–96; Alphabet of the Famous Test, 90–93; diversity bonuses and, 85–96, 88–89; innovation and, 111–13; measuring creativity, 86–87; Medici effect, 93–95; no test exists, 95–96; subadditive nature of, 94; superadditivity and, 94; trend toward teams in, 162–63

Credit Suisse, 205, 206, 207

Crick, Francis, 97, 175

critical thinking in groups, social category diversity and, 233

cross-functional teams, 237–43

crowd beats the average law, 247

crowdsourced prediction contest, 37

crystallized intelligence, 143–44

Cuarón, Alfonso, 151–52

cultural diversity, economic performance and, 166

culture: supporting diverse teams, 3, 4; supporting diversity, 5

Cummins, 207

Curie, Marie, 175

Curie, Pierre, 175

Curry, Stephen, 212

daily bonuses, 48–49

Dalio, Ray, 217, 220

data: diversity bonuses and large amounts of, 78; information as interpretable, meaningful, 56; machine learning techniques and, 71; mental models and, 65–66; models and, 68, 254n1

Davies, Robertson, 159

da Vinci, Leonardo, 132

de Bono, Edward, 120

decision making: Bourke model of, 120–23; stages of, 120

Deming, W. Edwards, 3

demographic arguments for diversity and inclusion, 193–96, 198; financial service firms and, 206

demographic trends, business case for diversity and inclusion and, 185

“Demography and Diversity in Organizations” (O’Reilly), 237

Dennis, Cathy, 163

design: cognitive diversity and, 14; diversity bonuses and, 127

design patents, 112

Difference, The (Page), 1, 211

Dinosaur Planet team, 33, 35

disciplines, diversity spanning, 131

discrimination: bias reduction and, 213–14, 267n6; institutional, 267n5; race and workplace, 213, 267n6

discrimination and fairness paradigm, 265n20

disruption, performance and, 261–62n18

dissent, inclusive culture and, 217

distribution model, 107, 108

Dittmar, Amy, 168

diverse teams: characteristics of successful, 221–22; complex tasks and, 209–10; creating, 211–13; culture supporting, 3, 4; empirical studies of performance and, 171–74; potential for diversity bonuses and, xiv–xv, 131, 225–26. See also teams

diverse workforce: financial service firms and, 206; Microsoft and, 205

diversity: ability vs., 105; acquired, 54; behavioral, 54; common good and, xiii; costs of, 172–73, 212–13; credit for recombination and, 112–13; culture supporting, 5; defining, 226–28; disagreement over value of, xi–xiii; excellence and, 9–10; informational, 54, 171, 226–27; inherent, 54; knowledge, 171; knowledge integration and, 113–16; motivation for, xv–xvi; necessity of proving benefits of, 243–44; performance and, 7; personality, 54; prediction and, 72–75; presentation on, 1–2, 4–5; reasons for promotion of, 185; skill, 171; social category, 54, 171, 172, 226–27, 228, 233; too much information and too much knowledge and, 23–24; value, 54. See also business case for diversity and inclusion; cognitive diversity; identity diversity; organizational diversity, value of

Diversity 1.0, Diversity 2.0, Diversity 3.0, 266n27

diversity and inclusion programs, 209–22; bias reduction, 213–16; inclusive cultures, 216–18; people or team analytics, 218–20; practice and, 211–13; progress and practice, 221–22; six Ms, 210

diversity and inclusion statements, 5

diversity bonuses, xiv–xvii, 2, 13–51; adopting approach seeking, 198–99; assumptions for emergence of, 244–45; behavior producing, 5, 6; business case as multiple tasks, 120–23; categorization and, 62–63; cognitive repertoires and, 53, 54–56; complexity and, 27–28; complex tasks and, 15–24, 68, 221; conditions for, 37–48; creative tasks and, 85–96; daily bonuses, 48–49; diverse teams and potential for, 225–26; diversity prediction theorem and, 73–75; domain-specific bonuses, 123–30; evidence for team diversity and, 174–82; financial service firms and, 206; growing belief in, 187–88; heuristics and, 59; hiring practices and, 3–4, 8–9, 13–14, 124; identity and cognitive diversity and, 24–27; (inapt) portfolio analogy, 28–31; innovation and, 111–13; in knowledge economy, 1, 7–11; knowledge integration and, 113–16; Netflix Prize example, 31–37, 50–51; originating, 49; predictive tasks and, 70–85, 173–74, 183; problem solving and, 96–108; relevance of, 10; scientific research and, 50, 108–10; situational factors important for capturing, 237–43; social justice and, 6–7; strategic play and, 116–20; toolbox model and, 27–28, 99–105. See also business case for diversity and inclusion; frameworks; identity diversity bonuses

diversity-bonus logic, 68–69, 130–32, 161; cognitively diverse team performance on complex tasks and, 195–96; connection with business case, 199–205

diversity fatigue, 4

Diversity LSAT, 114–16

diversity prediction theorem, 72–75, 81, 82, 247–49, 254n10

DNA sampling, 257n55

DNA structure, 97, 175

domain-specific bonuses, 123–30

Dow, Willard, 97

Draper, Foy, 195

DREAMers, xiii

Dreamliner airplane, design of, 46–47

drug discovery, diversity bonuses and, 125–26

Dutch, tallness among, 137, 258n7

Dyson, Frank Watson, 70

earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT), executive board diversity and, 165

East of Eden (Steinbeck), 175

eBay, 214

econometricians, 102

economic growth, problem solving and, 96

Economist (magazine), 4

Eddington, Arthur, 70

Edison, Thomas, 39–40, 50, 175

education, categories used and, 80

Einstein, Albert, 70, 175

Eli Broad Institute (MIT), 78–79

Eliot, T. S., 6

Ellison, Ralph, 51

Ely, Robin, 265n20

emergency room doctors, diversity bonuses and, 48

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 159

emojis, designing, 87

energy usage and transmission improvements, potential diversity bonuses and, 47–48

engineering, use of teams in, 176, 177, 178, 263n45

ensemble team, 35, 36, 37, 51

equity funds, success of team-run, 178

error, diversity prediction theorem and, 72–74, 247–48, 249

essentialism, identity and, 136–37

ethnic diversity, financial performance and, 165

ethnicity, 136

evaluation tasks, cognitive repertoires and, 55

evidence of cognitive and identity diversity benefits, 162–83; causality, 167–71; fifty years of empirical research, 171–74; growth of teams, 162–63; overview, 164–66; team performance, 174–82

experience: creativity and richness of, 86; prediction and diverse, 76–77

experimental studies, evidence for diversity bonuses from, 165, 171–74

Facebook, 194

facts, mental models and, 65–66

fame problem, 87

farnesyltransferase (FTase) inhibitor tasks, 92–93

Federal Open Market Committee, 70

Federal Reserve, 188

Fierke, Carol, 92

financial service firms: cognitive diversity and, 186; diversity and inclusion and, 205–7

Fink, Larry, 205–6, 207

Fischer, Franz, 97

Fisher case, 197

Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 175

Fleming, Alexander, 125, 126

fluid intelligence, 143–44, 173–74

folk medicines, drugs derived from, 125, 126

folk models, 64

Ford, Henry, 93

Ford Foundation, 267n6

Ford Motor Company, 70, 84, 148, 197, 198, 265n11

Foresight Group, 22

frameworks: cloud, 11, 134, 142–43, 149; iceberg, 11, 134, 138–40; mental models and, 63–66; timber-framed house, 11, 134, 140–42, 148, 261n14

Freeman, Richard, 179

friendships, identity groups and, 144

functional background diversity on teams, 237–43

Furman, Jill, 211

games, strategic play, 116–20

Gardipee, Flo, 257n55

Gardner, Howard, 53

Gawande, Atul, 59

gender: attitudes toward risk and, 192; behavior and diversity in, 135; board diversity and, 165–66, 167–71, 172, 204–5, 261nn14, 16; cognitive repertoires and, 240; disparities in education and employment and, 193–94; essential characteristics and, 136

gender identity, 136

Genentech, 198, 207

General Electric, 84

General Mills, 190–91

genotype identification models, 78–79

geography, identity and, 151

ghost atoms, 109–10

Gilead, 198, 207

Glenn, John, xi

GM (General Motors), 198

goals, cross-functional teams and common and clear, 241

Goldman Sachs, 194, 205, 207

Golgi apparatus, analogies for, 135

Good Judgment Project, 173

Goodyear Tire Company, 187

Google, 175, 207; corporate blunder, 191; diversity initiatives at, 209; diversity of nationalities and, 265n11; emphasis on cognitive diversity and, 186; hiring of Vint Cerf, 219; hiring practices, 9, 95, 187, 188; identity attributes and searches, 151; inclusive culture and, 217; lack of minority employees, 194; prediction and, 70; prediction markets and, 84; reliance on teams, 217; upside-down video uploads, 144–45

Google Ads, 147

Google Translate software, 81

Grand Prize Team, 35

Gravity (film), 151–52

Grossmann, Marcel, 175

groups: composition of high-ability, 104–5; creativity of, 88–89; features of predictive, 74–75; to make iterative improvements, 106–7; role of identity diversity in, 228–29; special understandings of identity, 144–45; as union of repertoires, 66–67. See also diverse teams; homogeneous groups; teams

group selection: identity diversity and, 154–56; no test exists for, 95–96

group size, ability measure and, 256–57n51

Grutter v. Bollinger, xv, 197

Hamilton (musical), 211

Hanks, Tom, 152–53

Hastings, Reed, 31

Haubegger, Christy, 159–60

Hayek, Friedrich A., 75

height, of Dutch, 137, 258n7

Hemingway, Ernest, 175

heuristics: cognitive repertoires and, 58–59; defined, 58; identity and, 193; problem solving and combining, 107–8; scientific research and, 108, 110

Hidden Figures (film), xi, 195, 218

high dimensionality in tasks, 46–48

hiring: by ability, 98; bias reduction and, 213–14, 215–16; CEO, 119–20; diversity bonuses and diversity in, 3–4, 8–9, 13–14, 124; at financial service firms, 206; growing belief in hiring for diverse cognitive repertoires, 187–88; International Monetary Fund and diversity in, 103–4; for routine tasks, 45–46; rubrics for, 9, 188, 214; for teams, 219; using teams for, 188

homeland security industry, cognitive diversity and, 186

home mortgage crisis, lack of identity diversity on Wall Street and, 149–50

homogeneous groups: diversity and, 149–50; familiarity and trust and, 45; performance of, 211

HP, 84–85, 190–91

Huang, Wei, 179

human egg fertilization, 153–54

Hurwicz, Leo, 110

Hussein, Saddam, 123

IBM, 207

iceberg framework, 11, 134, 138–40

idea generation, creativity and, 89, 93–94

identity: categories of, 136–38; links between knowledge and, 90–93

identity attributes: causal effects of manipulating race and gender, 167; inseparability of, 141–42

identity-based opportunity bonuses, 157–60

identity-bundle-to-cognitive-repertoire mapping, 150

identity diversity, 2, 133–61, 226; assumption of cognitive diversity from, 230–36; benefits of, 228–37; business case for, 184–85; categorization and, 80; the cloud analogy, 134, 142–43; contributions and, 5; defined, 15, 133–34; functional differences and, 230; iceberg analogy, 134, 138–40; identity-based cognitive differences by task and, 150–61; identity primer and, 136–38; linked to cognitive diversity, 9–10, 11–12, 24–27, 134–36, 143–50, 238–41; overview, 133–36; perspective taking and, 172; political discussions and, 130; resistance to increasing, 236–37; routine tasks and, 172; scientific research and, 153–57; as source of cognitive diversity, xvi, 229–30; team performance and, 11–12; timber-framed house analogy, 134, 140–42; truth verification and, 115–16. See also evidence of cognitive and identity diversity benefits

identity diversity bonuses, 224–25; cognitive repertoires and, 192–93; organizations and, 188–92. See also diversity bonuses

identity groups, special understandings of, 144–45

IDEO, 191

IHOP, 191

immigration, debate over, xii–xiii

implicit bias, identity-diverse groups and, 188

inclusion: bottom-up, 5; cognitive diversity and, 25; type of tasks and, 3. See also diversity

inclusive cultures, 216–18

indecomposability of complex tasks, 46–48

inferences: categorization and, 62; cloud framework and, 142–43

information: cognitive repertoires and, 56–57; defined, 56; identity and collection of, 145–49; knowledge vs., 57; models and, 65; prediction and, 75–81

informational diversity, 54, 171, 226–27

in-group, social category diversity and, 228

inherent diversity, 54

innovation: cognitive repertoires and, 55; diversity bonuses and, 111–13; identity-based opportunity bonuses and, 157–60

institutional discrimination, 267n5

integration problems, solving, 98–99

Intel, 217

intelligence: crystallized, 143–44; fluid, 143–44, 173–74

Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity, 173

intelligence analysis, 262n27

intelligence community, identity diversity bonuses and, 189–90, 265n9

interactions, identity diversity and, 160

International Monetary Fund (IMF), potential hires, 103–4

International Panel on Climate Change, 70, 78

Internet, 111; as information source, 56–57

intersectionality theory, 141–42

inventions, problem solving and, 96–97, 98–105

investment portfolios, diversity bonuses and, 28–31

Invisible Man (Ellison), 51

iPhone, 96, 107

iPod, 85

IQ scores, 52–53

ISIS, xiii

Issacs, Ryan, 257n68

iterative improvement, problem solving and, 105–7

jobs, categories of, 39–40

Jobs, Steve, 175

John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, 267n6

Johnson, James, 130

Johnson, Katherine, 218

Johnson, Magic, 212

Johnson, Robert, 158–59, 160

Jolie, Angelina, 151

Jones, Benjamin F., 176, 179

Juicy J, 163

Jurvetson, Steve, 124–25

jury decision making, racial diversity and, 233

Kaggle, 37

Kauffman, Stuart, 61

Knight, Jack, 130

knowledge: cognitive repertoires and, 57–58; defined, 57; identity and collection of, 145–49; information vs., 57; links between identity and, 90–93

knowledge diversity, 171

knowledge economy: diversity bonuses and, 1, 7–11; people and, 199–203

knowledge integration, diversity bonuses and, 113–16, 257n68

knowledge structures: in mathematics, 19–21; on obesity, 22–23

Knox, Grahame, 113

Koren, Yehuda, 36

Kotecha, Savan Harish, 163

Kozlowski, Steve W. J., 179

Kresge Foundation, 267n6

Kristof, Nicholas, xii–xiii

Krysztofowitz, Wladislaw, xii

Laserphaco Probe, 157

Latina (magazine), 160

Latinas, mathematics and science careers and, 26

Latinos, disparities in education, income, and employment and, 193–94

law school admissions: affirmative action in, 197, 266n22; identity diversity and, 128–29

leadership support, for cross-functional teams, 242–43

learning curves, 44–45

Lennon, John, 162, 175

Levin, Richard, 71

Lewis, Earl, 195

liberal model, 66

Liljenquist, K. A., 234–35, 236

Lincoln, Abraham, 13–14

literature, identity diversity and interpretation of, 129–30

logic problems, Diversity LSAT, 114–16, 257n68

Los Angeles Lakers, 211–12

Lost at Sea exercise, 113–14

Loyd, D. L., 231–32, 233–34

machine learning algorithms, 70–71; artificial intelligence and, 81–83

magical thinking, 43, 44

managing teams to achieve diversity bonuses, 210

manual nonroutine tasks, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45

manual routine tasks, 39–42

mapping outcomes to cognitive repertoires, 55

marketers, identity diversity bonuses and, 191

markets: allocation of goods and, 38; prediction, 83–85

Marshall, Thurgood, 213

mastery of craft, 43–45

mathematics: identity diversity and cognitive diversity in, 24–26; relationships between topics in, 20–21

May, Theresa, xii

Mazda Miata design, 127

McCartney, Paul, 162, 175

McDonald’s, 120–21, 184, 203

McKee, Bonnie, 163

McKinsey, 217; analyses of management teams, 165

McNamara, Robert, 252n1

measurement: of creativity, 86–87; of diversity, 255n29; of performance, 210

Medici effect, 93–95

medicine: diversity bonuses and practice of, 48–49; drug discovery, 125, 126; practitioner identity diversity and, 191–92; surgeons and clusters of tools, 102; surgical intervention predictions, 71

Mellers, Barb, 173, 220

Melville, Herman, 129

mental models, 63–66; identity and, 192–93; prediction and, 75–81; tradecraft and, 123

mentors for underrepresented employees, 210

meringue making, mastery of, 43–44

merit, tying inclusive behaviors to, 210

meritocracy: diversity and, 206–7; of ideas, 217

meritocratic fallacy, 128

message of diversity and inclusion from the top, 210

Metcalfe, Ralph, 195

Michelangelo, 175

Microsoft Corporation, 204, 207

Middle East, discussion of politics in, 130

Mill, John Stuart, 223, 243

Milton, John, 23–24

Milton problem, 102

Miranda, Lin-Manuel, 211

Mismatch (Sander & Taylor), 266n22

mission: of business or organization, 184; of for-profit entities, 187; linking diversity to, 210; of team, 176; of universities, 186–87

Moby Dick (Melville), 129–30

model aggregation procedures, 36

models, 2; data and, 254n1; defined, 64; folk, 64; prediction and causal, 70–71; scientific research and, 108–10; strategic play and diversity of, 116–20. See also mental models

mood ring, invention of, 85, 255n22

Most Creative Group Problem, 88–89, 95–96

motivation for diversity and inclusion, xv–xvi. See also business case for diversity and inclusion

movie ratings, predicting consumers’. See Netflix Prize competition

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 175

MTV, 158–59

multiple intelligences, 53

NASA, xi, xiv, 70, 154, 155, 156, 186, 195, 209

National Academy of Sciences, 21, 176

National Basketball Association, 211

nationalism, xii

National Science Foundation, xv, 26, 182

natural experiment, gender requirements for Norwegian boards of directors, 167–71

Neale, M. A., 234–35, 236

negative correlation, 30

negative externalities, markets and, 38

neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), 48–49

nepotism, 214

Netflix Prize competition, 31–37, 50–51, 75, 78, 173, 253n11

Newton, Isaac, 175

New York Times (newspaper), xii

Nivet, Mark, 266n27

nonroutine tasks: cognitive, 39, 40–43, 218; diversity bonuses and, 39, 42; manual, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45

normative arguments for diversity and inclusion, 193–95, 197–98, 200–203

Norwegian boards of directors, gender requirements for, 167–71, 204, 261n14

no test exists results, 95–96, 104, 171, 219

not half-bad rule, 81

Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 218

Obama, Barack, 260n34

obesity epidemic, diversity and study of, 22–23, 24, 131

O’Connor, Sandra Day, xv, 197

O*NET survey, 260n9

Opera Solutions team, 35

O’Reilly, Charles, 237

organizational culture supporting diversity, 186

organizational diversity, value of, 223–45; benefits of identity diversity, 228–37; defining diversity, 226–28; situational factors, 237–43

organizations: identity diversity bonuses and, 188–92; support for cross-functional teams, 242–43; support for diversity and inclusion, 186–87

originating diversity bonuses, 49

Our Compelling Interests: The Value of Diversity for Democracy and a Prosperous Society (Lewis & Cantor), xv

out-group, social category diversity and, 228

overfitting data, 33

Owens, Jesse, 195

Page, Larry, 175, 199, 217

panel, diversity bonuses and selection of, 127–28

parable of the bikes, 211

patents: creators’ cognitive diversity evidenced in, 180; recombinations predominating in, 112–13; success of team-generated, 175, 177–78

payoffs in games, 116

penicillin, discovery of, 125, 126

people analytics, 188, 218–20

people and profits, diversity-bonus logic and, 199–203

PepsiCo, 207

Pérez, Armando Christian (Pitbull), 163

performance: causal relationship between diversity and, 167–71; disruption and, 261–62n18; diversity correlations with, 7, 11–12, 164, 165–67; functional background diversity and, 237–38; gender diversity and, 172. See also team performance

Perkins, Maxwell, 175

personality diversity, 54

perspectives: cognitive repertoires and, 59–62; defined, 60

perspective taking, cognitive and identity diversity and, 172

phantom islands, 110

Phillips, Katherine W., xv, 231–32, 234–35, 236. See also organizational diversity, value of

physical capabilities, identity and, 136

physical world, iceberg model and, 139

PIMCO, 213

plant patents, 112

play, strategic, 116–20

polar coordinate system, 60–61

politics, identity and cognitive diversity and discussions of, 130

Pop, Denniz, 163

portfolio analogy, diversity and, 28–31

possibilities, creative task and set of, 85

practice in creating and supporting diverse teams, 211–13

Prada, 94–95

pragmatic theory team, 34

Pratt, Wes, 5

prediction: analytic tradecraft and, 123; cognitive diversity and, 15; evidence of diversity bonuses, 162; innovation and, 111–13; models and, 65; strategic play and, 116–18; in venture capital evaluations, 124–25

prediction markets, 83–85

predictive diversity, 247–49

predictive groups, features of, 74–75

predictive tasks, 3; artificial intelligence, 81–83; cognitive repertoires and, 55; diversity bonuses and, 70–85, 173–74, 183; diversity prediction theorem, 72–75; information, categories, and mental models and, 75–81; portfolio analogy and, 30–31; predictive markets, 83–85

Prigogine, Ilya, 257n53

problem difficulty, diversity bonuses and, 105

problem solving, 96–108; calculating probability of, 256n43; cognitive diversity and, 15; cognitive repertoires and, 55; combining heuristics, 107–8; diversity bonuses and, 96–108; innovation and, 111–13; iterative improvements and, 105–7; strategic play and, 116; toolbox model and, 98–105

problem solving teams, portfolio analogy and, 30–31

product design, identity diversity bonuses and, 191

profits and people, diversity-bonus logic and, 199–203

psychological tests measuring creativity, 86–87

qualitative predictions, 80

quantitative predictions, 76–80

quinine, discovery of medical properties of, 125

race: casting decisions and, 152–53; cognitive differences and, 147–48; disparities in education and employment and, 193–94; social construction of, 137; workplace discrimination and, 213, 267n6

race identity, 136

racial categories, 137

racial diversity, 135; economic performance and, 166; effect on jury decision making, 233; O*NET survey, 260n9

radical candor, inclusive cultures and, 217

Rand Corporation, 36

random forest algorithms, 81, 82

Raphael, 175

Reagan, Ronald, 124

real estate market, negative externalities and, 38

realist model, 66

recombinations: creativity and, 85–86; Medici effect and, 93–95; predominating in patent data, 112–13

references, cognitive diversity and academic paper and patent, 180–82, 263–64n48

REI, 184

representation: benefits of diverse, 229, 230; cognitive repertoires and, 59–63; scientific research and, 108–10; tradecraft and, 123

reproducibility, of experimental studies, 171, 262n19

return on equity (ROE), executive board diversity and, 165

Ride of the Valkyries (Wagner), 153–54

risk, gender and attitudes toward, 192

Romney, Mitt, 152

Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 196

routine tasks: cognitive, 39, 41, 43, 45, 195; diversity bonuses and, 39–40, 42, 45; diversity imposing costs on, 45; identity diversity and, 172; manual, 39–42

rubrics, hiring, 9, 188, 214

rules of thumb, 58, 59; not half-bad rule, 81. See also heuristics

Sadoway, Donald, 98

Sandberg, Carl, 10

Sandberg, Martin (Max Martin), 163, 164

Sandberg, Sheryl, 199

Sander, Richard, 266n22

Sanger Institute (Harvard), 78–79

Scalia, Antonin, 196

Schembechler, Bo, 263n33

science, Summers on women in, 240

scientific research: diversity bonuses and, 50, 108–10; identity and, 135; identity diversity and, 153–57; teams and, 50, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179–82, 263n45. See also academic research; social science research

Scott, Diego, 191

Scott, Kim, 217

scripts, Kaggle and, 37

sculling, learning, 156

segregation, xi

selection bias, 138–39, 182

Seller, Jeffrey, 211

semiroutine tasks, diversity bonuses and, 43–45

service sectors, identity diversity and, xv

sexual orientation, as identity category, 136

Silicon Valley, diversity and, xiv

Simon, Herb, 120

single-attribute mapping, 146

“The Sins of Kalamzoo” (Sandberg), 10

situational factors, diversity bonuses and, 237–43

skill diversity, 171

Slinky, invention of, 111

Smith, Patti, 175

social category diversity, 54, 171, 172, 226–27, 228, 233. See also identity diversity

social construction of race, 137

social identities, team diversity and, xiv

social justice: diversity and inclusion and, 2, 6–7; diversity bonus and, 196, 197–98, 200, 201–2; financial service firms and diversity and, 206

social network effects, bias and, 214

social relationships, identity diversity and motivation to maintain balance in, 234–35

social science research: relationship between models and data in, 254n1; teams and, 176, 177, 178. See also academic research; scientific research

Sommers, S., 233

songwriting, use of teams in, 162–63

sparse data, 32

Springsteen, Bruce, 175

Sprint, 191

state of the world, 29–30

status differences, cross-functional teams and diminishing, 242

status quo, business case for diversity and power of, 226

Steinbeck, John, 175

STEM, workforce diversity and, xv–xvi, 194

stereotypes, 136–37, 140

stereotype threat, identity-diverse groups and, 188

stereotypical identity-based cognitive differences, 145–49

storycentric design, 191

strategic play, diversity bonuses and, 116–20

strategizing tasks, cognitive repertoires and, 55

Streep, Meryl, 153

subadditivity, creativity and, 94

Summers, Larry, 240

superadditivity: creativity and, 94; improvements and, 107; recombinations and, 85–86

superforecasters, fluid intelligence and, 173–74

surgical intervention predictions, 71

synthetic oil process, 97

Tacitus, Cornelius, 90

tasks: classifying, 3, 39, 40; identities influencing how accomplished, 161; identity-based cognitive differences by, 150–61; inclusion and type of, 3; semiroutine, 43–45; strategizing, 55. See also complex tasks; creative tasks; predictive tasks; problem solving; routine tasks

Taylor, Stuart, 266n22

team analytics, 218–20

team performance: cognitive diversity and, 11–12, 179–82; empirical studies of, 171–74; identity diversity and, 11–12

teams, 174–82; Bourke model of decision making and, 120–23; cognitive repertoires and diversity of, 8, 53; complex tasks and diversity of, 17–23; cross-functional, 237–43; evidence for diversity bonuses and, 164–65; growth of, 162–63, 174–77; hiring decisions using, 188; hiring for, 219; individual cognitive tools and diversity of, 15–19; knowledge economy and, 11; selecting best performing, 13–14; success of, 177–78; toolbox model and, 99–101; use in engineering, 176, 177, 178, 263n45; use in scientific research, 50, 176, 177, 178, 179–82, 263n45. See also diverse teams; groups

technology, economic growth and, 96

testing data, 35

testing set, 33

Tetlock, Phil, 173, 220

theory, for diversity bonuses, 37–38

thinking, identity and, 135

thinking hats, 120

Third International Gender Innovation Summit North America, xv–xvi

Thomas, David, 265n20

three-point shot, in professional basketball, 211–12

timber-framed house framework, 11, 134, 140–42, 148, 261n14

Tom Hanks Is Busy experiment, 152–53

toolbox model, 15–19, 108; complexity and diversity bonuses and, 27–28; problem solving and, 98–105

tool clusters, 102–5

too much information (TMI), 23

too much knowledge (TMK), 23

tourist problem, 86–87

track-and-field relay team, as no-bonus team, 194–95

tradeoff framing, 196–97

training set, 33

Tropsch, Hans, 97

Trump administration, 199, 200

trust: community of communities and, xv–xvi; homogenous teams and, 45; on teams, 176; types of tasks and, 3

truth: discerning, 3; identity diversity and verification of, 115–16; tradecraft and, 123–24

Twitter, 194

UCLA, admissions at, 95

US Patent and Trademark Office, 112

U.S. Steel, 216

US Supreme Court: on affirmative action, 196–97; nominees to, 124

universities: affirmative action in admissions, 265–66n22; diversity and inclusion statements, 203; supporting diversity and inclusion, 186–87

University of California–Los Angeles, 8, 9

University of Delaware, 148

University of Michigan, 79; affirmative action cases at, xiv, 196–97; hiring using teams at, 188; mission of, 184

University of Wisconsin–Madison, mission statement, 186–87

utility patents, 112

Uzzi, Brian, 176, 179

value diversity, 54

Van Buskirk, Eliot, 37

Vandelay Industries team, 35

Vaughan, Dorothy, 218

venture capital, evaluating startups, 124–25

verification tasks, cognitive repertoires and, 55

Verizon, 190–91

Vermont Oxford Network, 48–49, 50

virtual world, iceberg model in, 139–40

Volinsky, Chris, 36

W. K. Kellogg Foundation, 267n6

Wagner, Richard, 153–54

Wall Street, diversity and inclusion on, 205–7

Wal-Mart, 203

Walter, Henry Russel (Cirkut), 163

Washington, Denzel, 152–53

Waste Management Corporation, 203–4

Watson, James, 97, 175

weak learners, 81

well-mixed systems, 108–10

Wernick, Marvin, 255n22

William Davidson Foundation, 267n6

Wolfe, Thomas, 175

women: board diversity and, 165–66, 167–71, 172, 204–5, 261nn14, 16; mathematics and science and discrimination against, 25–26; Summers on women in science, 240

workforce, classification of, 39–42

workforce diversity: lack of and need for, 193–95; STEM firms and, xv–xvi, 194

workplace discrimination, race and, 213, 267n6

Worthy, James, 212

Wozniak, Steve, 175

Wright brothers, 175

Wuchty, Stefan, 176, 179

Wykoff, Frank, 195

YouTube, 144

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