
application (app) A program used for specific tasks. Apps as discussed in this book run within the Facebook site and usually enable you to connect with and share experiences with your friends. Most applications are built by third-party developers.

call to action The statement in the advertisement that tells the reader what action you want them to complete, such as “Buy 10 Cookies” or “Visit Our Store.”

Check-in Deal A campaign requiring customers to indicate online that they are at a business or event in the real world in exchange for a special deal or similar incentive.

click-through rate (CTR) The rate, expressed as a percentage, in which someone clicks on an online advertisement.

cost per click (CPC) The cost paid per click for an online advertisement.

cost per thousand impressions (CPM) The cost of placing an advertisement on a site based on every 1,000 views it is assumed the ad will receive. For example, a website with 10,000 customers would sell a banner ad slot at this price times 10.

daily budget The maximum amount you would spend per day for your online advertising campaign.

decay The length of time your posts are on Facebook. The fresher the posts, the less decay.

destination URL The URL address for the page or website users are sent to once they click on your Facebook advertisement.

Event A Facebook item associated with an offline event, such as a wedding, celebration, rally, or simple get-together, that enables you to invite people to the event and to communicate with the attendees.

Facepile A plug-in that displays the Facebook profile pictures of users who have connected to your Page or signed up for your site.

friend (noun) A person on Facebook with whom you’ve agreed to share information.

friend (verb) To connect with another Facebook user by becoming that person’s friend.

group A collection of people who share a common interest, such as a hobby, a passion, a cause, a protest, or just something fun or silly.

impressions The number of times your advertisement has been displayed on active web browsers.

landing page The destination page users arrive at in their browsers after clicking on an advertisement.

lifetime budget The total budget you allocate for the life of your advertisement.

like (verb) To indicate that you have a positive response toward a Facebook item or an item on a third-party website by clicking the “Like button” associated with it.

Like button An icon that appears on Facebook next to an item, such as a comment or Page, or on a third-party website that, when clicked, alerts the owner of the account the item is associated with and potentially those who view the item that you like that item.

Livestream A plug-in that enables Facebook users to view and potentially interact with an event in real time.

News Feed The automated collection of stories generated by the activities of your friends, the Pages you like, the groups you’ve joined, and the Events you’re attending.

notification A message that Facebook sends to you whenever someone else does something on Facebook that relates to you, such as requesting to be your friend, accepting your friend request, commenting on a story, or sending you a message.

Page A special, nonpersonal Facebook profile designed to help businesses communicate with customers, organizations to communicate with users, and public figures or entities to communicate with fans.

Page design tool An editor you can use to create and edit the elements of your Facebook Page.

profile The collection of information about yourself that you’ve shared on Facebook, including your location, relationship status, interests, activities, education, work history, and contact info.

profile picture The picture (or logo) you use to represent your profile on your Facebook Page and personal Page.

pull media relations A strategy of having robust content and information wherein journalists seek you out for commentary and interviews.

push media relations A strategy of using press releases and other outreach to contact media and solicit their coverage of you.

share To add a friend’s story to your Timeline or to share a link to another site on your profile, typically using the Share button.

social plug-in A website feature that enables you to interact with that website via your Facebook account and view items shared or liked by your friends. Examples include the Like button and a Facebook login.

Sponsored Stories Posts from your friends that an advertiser pays to have amplified so that there’s a better chance of you seeing them.

Subscribe button A social plug-in that enables users to subscribe to your public updates on Facebook. This differs from the Like button in that it does not indicate a preference for your updates, Page, cause, and so on.

tag To identify a Facebook user in a photo, video, or place.

Timeline A showcase of status updates (including photos and anything else you might post) indexed by date. With the Timeline, you can scroll through these updates, post updates based on times in the past, and post status updates with dates in the past.

weight The value assigned to a post or other item on Facebook based on how much interaction, such as comments and likes, the item generates.

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