
35 mm celluloid film: film three strip 55

3D 38, 125, 128, 29, 139, 234, 248, 276, 302, 30810

Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein 117

absurdity, in comedy 132

accidents, in editing 323, 120, 168, 298

action, action adventure films; conflicts in 194; cutting on 15, 91; emphasizing action 1456; emphasizing in adventure films 145; guideposts 1401, 141f; heroes in 140; matching 1, 7, 15, 230; overcranking effect 1434; overview 139; and pace 143; trims in 48, 57, 169, 173, 213

actors see characters; dialogue

Adaptation 102

Adler, Mark 253, 271

ADR (automated dialog replacement) 244, 256, 2602, 264, 270, 309, 318; adventure films see action, action adventure films

Affairs of the Heart 298, 300

agendas behind documentaries 155, 158, 160

Alice in Wonderland 126, 160, 302

Allen, Dede 106, 210, 319

alternative treatments 83; see also nontraditional treatments

American Beauty 244

American Pie 1312

American Pie 2 132, 163

analog VU meter 289

anamorphic process 502, 52f, 309

anatomy, applied to film editing 56

anchor shot 2589

ancillary words, removal from dialogue 191

Anderson, Lindsay 108

Angels and Demons 153, 206

angles, varying 18

animals, bringing personality to 28, 126

anticipation, caused by pace and: rhythm 21415

Apatow, Judd 136

Apocalypse Now 2056, 265

Apple editing system 48, 311, 318

apprenticeship 88

approach, editorial: filling gaps 246; further diagnosis 31; overview 223; what audience learns from scene 24, 32; what scene is about 23; who scene is about 23; wrestling with material 312

Aron, Arthur 150

arousal, and horror 150

associative cuts 210, 235

attraction, and horror 150

audience expectations 297; exposition, reaction to 206; films, reaction to 3001; opening shots, reaction to 295; overlaps and expectations of 1834; what is learned from scenes by 28

audio see sound

audio tracks, for documentaries 157

Austin Powers films 1345

auteur editors 60, 160

automated dialog replacement see ADR

Avatar 116, 125, 139, 1845, 303, 308

Avid editing system: audio editing in 289; digitized media 46; frame icons 72; frame view bins 67f; lifts 1656; locators 734; as producer’s friend 57; select sequences 75; simple edits in 49; story order 712; terminology 478; transitions 2334; trimming in 166

Avid Express 48

Avid Media Composer 1, 21, 39, 46f, 50, 93, 168, 310

backing tracks 267, 269

backing up projects 174

backstory, filling in with montage 2035, 207

backwards, viewing film 3067

banners 219, 290

Barbarella 98

Battleship Potemkin, The 12, 96, 97f, 99, 224

beats 23, 889, 1001, 110, 162, 169, 1878, 211, 2201, 223, 226, 259

Because I Said So 178

bedside manner, applied to film: editing 4, 8, 178, 27384; see also politics

Bilcock, Jill 199

bins 32, 48, 67f, 68, 712, 74, 80, 157, 170, 313

Birdcage, The 4, 1345, 179, 180f, 181

Birth of a Nation, The 111, 121

black and white film 95, 108, 124, 238, 255

Blair Witch Project, The 151, 160, 198

Blazing Saddles 132

Blind Side, The 203, 207

Blink 275, 284

blocks, documentary editing as playing with 156

blowing up frames, to create insert shot 118

bluescreen compositing 1223

Bobby 205

bodily functions, in comedy 132

Bohm, David 3067

Bonnie and Clyde 106, 210

Borat 160

A Bout de Souffle (Breathless) 1045, 105f

Brando, Marlon 119, 188

Brecht, Bertolt 106

B-roll 156, 160, 244, 310

Brooks, Mel 255, 261

Bruckheimer, Jerry 260

Buber, Martin 155, 164

Buff, Conrad 191, 195; dailies 75; genres 116, 130; King Arthur 767, 77f, 81; script, importance of while editing 73; Training Day 73, 116, 191

Bullitt 109, 266

Burns, Ken 15960

Burton, Tim 266, 302

Burtt, Ben 264

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid 144

Californication 239

cameras, real-time compositing in 124

Campbell, Joseph 8, 120, 299

Canby, Vincent 204, 207

cardiology, applied to film editing 4; see also pace; rhythm

cards, the 3001

Carrie 151

Casablanca 21 celluloid film see film

CGI (computer-generated images) 108, 122, 1256, 139, 310

Chaplin, Charlie 185

character-based comedies 135

characters: close-up shots 62; determining who scene is about 30; entering scenes, treatment of 89; in family films 155; main, lack of focus on 286; multiple dialog takes for 1856; over-the-shoulder shots 10, 623, 63f, 71, 79, 193; problems with 5; 2-shots 18, 63, 122, 139, 185, 193, 210, 235; see also dialogue; rhythm

Charming 268

chase scenes 33, 86, 10910, 140, 1424, 147, 177, 265, 319

checkerboarding cuts 1823

Chew, Richard 72, 187, 205

Cinefex magazine 125

“cinema irrite´” 99

Cinema Paradiso 93

CinemaScope 51, 61, 128, 310, 314

cinema verité 109, 155, 159

circled takes 689, 71, 310

Cleopatra 107

cliche´, in student films 108; clipping 289

clips: defined 48; meaning of in editing systems 166; staggering in documentaries 157, 157f

close-ups (CU) abbreviation for 81; coverage with 623, 62f; and dialog substitution 1323 in MTV editing 147; emotional impact of 61; extraction of 250; in King Arthur 77; pace 213; transitioning with 236, 242

closing scenes, analyzing for problems 286

CMX editing system 445, 93, 168

Coburn, Arthur 144

Colavita effect 16

color, to establish emotional or environmental tone 55, 55f; film doctoring 12, 283

color digital intermediate 51, 56, 217, 233

colored pages 71

comedy; basic structure of 133; incidents that make us laugh 132 overview 1312; performance in 1334; romantic comedy 136; sight gags 133, 135; “surf the laughter” technique 135; timing in 1334

color timing 54

committing to project 2812

completion bonds 283

composers 9, 188, 199, 210, 253, 266, 270

compositing 1225, 177

computer-generated images (CGI) 122, 1256, 139

confidence, of editor 2745

conflicts, in drama 137 continuity: allowing errors in 3, 278, 856; Lethal Weapon 4 example 128; paying attention to 1, 7, 1920; Prancer example 248

continuity editing 1314, 230

contracts, job 112, 27980

contrast, in transitions 2358

control of editing process, maintaining 277

Convent, The 150

conventions, genre-related 115, 117, 152, 163

Costin, Midge 25761

Cove, The 155

coverage: achieving appropriate close-ups 62; in comedy 133; establishing shots 60; gaps [examining 75; example of 767; filling 76; overview 103, 104; shot list 789]; insert shots 64, 64f; master shots 60; medium shots 62, 62f; organizing dailies [finding order 6873; overview 667; selects 73; story order 712; synchronizing 65]; over-the-shoulder shots 63, 63f; overview 5960; reverse angles 64; 2-shots 63; wide shots 61, 61f

cowboy 60, 62

craftsmanship 278

Crank 110, 143, 216

crank effects 1436, 211, 321

cross-genre 116, 154, 160

“crossing the line” 17

CU see close-ups

cut, defined 3

cutaways 143, 152, 162, 181, 190

cuts: before (or after) people and/or [objects enter frame 18; in reverse 3067]; cutting on action 16; dialogue 1801; introducing characters by 89; letting camera settle before 15; motivated 18; in nonlinear editing 50; varying 18; when working with film 49; see also cut, defined 3

Daddy Long Legs 55, 55f

dailies: coverage 59; delivery of 65; fixing screenplay problems 2001; importance of to editor 23; organizing finding order 689 [overview 667; politics 277; selects 87; story order 712]

deferred salaries 280

Delicatessen 210, 211f

delivering film 283, 3035, 311, 313

delivery requirements 303

depth, in film 2930

de Palma, Brian 151

detail, attention to 878, 195

DI (digital intermediate) 51, 56, 75, 217, 233, 3035, 312

diagnosing films, in film doctoring 286

dialogue: cutaways 190; excessive, editing 191; exposition 184; film doctoring 2889; improvisation 191; new technique for 1856; overlaps 1812; overview 1778; performance in 187; pre-laps 237, 242; shaping performance 1945; “show don’t tell” technique 184; sound editor role in fixing 2634; substitution 1889; subtext 1789; superfluous words 191; tracking beats 1878; trims in 169; see also rhythm

Diener, Joanie 266

digital 3D 139, 302

digital audio meters 289

digital dailies 32, 75

digital intermediate see DI

digital surround sound 247, 306

digital terminology 1656

digitized film 46, 94, 312

Dinner for Schmucks 116, 134

diplomacy see politics

On Directing Film 78, 81

directors: editing by 1701, 174, 2767; influence of on comedy 135; listening to 2756; politics regarding 1679; screening rough cut with 2745, 3001; shot lists 778, 118

director’s cut 172, 266, 274, 300

dirty dupe 174

disorientation, in action adventure films 1412, 228

dissolves 124, 203, 216, 231, 2345, 240, 317

documentaries: overview 15560; playing with blocks, editing as 1567; tips for 160

Dolby 112, 129, 247, 254, 264, 303, 306

Dolby SR tracks 306, 306f

Double Roller mode, Avid editing system 167

double-system recording 65

Dracula 149, 152

drag and drop 157, 313

Drag Me to Hell 151

drama, conflicts in 194

drop frame timecode 158

dupe detection 217

dynamic editing 1415, 111, 145, 243

dynamic range 289

Eagle Eye Film Company 44, 279

Eastman Kodak 56, 934, 247, 315

Easy Rider 107, 113

Ebert, Robert 209, 228

ECU (extreme close-ups) 63, 81

edge numbers 65, 67, 313, 315

edit decision list (EDL) 127, 305, 313, 317

EditDroid editing system 45, 313, 315

Editflex editing system 315

Editing magazine 279

editing process: continuity editing 1314 [rules of 1520]; dynamic editing 1314; frame, importance of 503; Kuleshov effect 1112, 13f, 20, 28, 956, 99, 104, 125, 230; making cut 911; overview 4950; pace 2878, 300; parallel editing 95; postproduction procedures 54; profession 212, 29, 31, 46, 5960, 104, 172, 188, 286; rhythm 9; rules of [cuts motivated by cut before 14; cutting before (or after) people and/or objects enter frame 14; cutting on action 12; eyelines, maintaining 14 (see also eyelines, maintaining); letting camera settle before cutting 15, 20; matching action 1, 7, 15, 230; 1800 rule 1718, 17f, 634, 230; physical continuity 19, 85; varying cuts 14; visual bridges, creating 1213]; see also success strategies overview

editing triangle 10, 10f, 11, 19, 137, 139, 169, 218

editors: accidents 323; approaching scenes:; careers in film business 124, 149, 151, 27980; as doctor 12, 10, 2835, 81, 128, 235, 283; filling gaps 24; further diagnosis 31; health of 282; influence of on comedy 1345; as masters of timing 217; opportunities for related to documentaries 1601; overview 223; politics regarding 279; profession 212; in reediting process 299300; what audience learns from scene 28; what scene is about 234; who scene is about 23; wrestling with material 31; see also film doctoring, politics

EDL see “edit decision list”

Effects palette, Avid editing system 234

Effects tab, Final Cut Pro 234

Eight-perf splices 291

Eisenstein, Sergei 1112, 78, 956, 98104, 170, 224, 228; film time 99; theory of montage 1003

electronic systems, early 45

Elizondo, Hector 134

ellipsis 216, 313

embarrassment, in comedy 132

emphasizing action, in action adventure 139, 1457

endings, movie: Affairs of the Heart 298, 300; analyzing for problems 287; Made in Heaven 56, 238, 265, 2978; overview 2957

enlarging image, to create insert shot 118

epiphany 155, 2956

equalization, audio 290

equipment, and craftsmanship 278

Estevez, Emilio 205

Evan Almighty 132

excessive dialog, editing 190, 192

Exit Through the Gift Shop 160

expectations: audience 2978; genre-related 11819

explicate order 307

explosions 144, 146, 199, 257

exposition: in action adventure films 140; excessive 184; “show don’t tell” technique 184; and story of film 205

exterior action, anticipating 90

extract function, Avid editing system 165

extractions 112, 24950

extreme close-ups (ECU) 63, 81

extreme wide shots (EWS) 61, 81, 224

eyelines, maintaining 1, 7, 1718, 20, 63, 174

eyes of animals, bringing personality to 28, 126

fades 46, 2345, 240

Fame 60

family films 154

Family Man, The 155

Fantasy and science fiction: compositing 1245, 125f; computer-generated images 122f, 1234; motion capture 1257; overview 120; visual effects 1203

Fatal Attraction 2, 298, 301

Field, Syd 8, 205, 207

filling gaps 6, 24, 35, 756, 105, 2578, 286

film: benefits of 379; dailies 65; dialog substitution 1889; dupe detection 217; matchback 47, 316; splices 5, 154, 157, 2912, 292f; terminology, nomenclature 478

Film & Video magazine 75, 81

film business, careers in see editors, careers in film business

film doctoring: example of 1723; general discussion 13; overview 283; politics 283; problem symptoms, looking for 2867; success strategies audio issues 2889; two week trial periods 2856; video issues 2902; see also editors

film museum in Lone Pine, California 119

film time 99

filters, audio 181

Final Cut Pro 478, 93, 168, 175, 277, 313

final sound mix 303

Fink, Michael 123, 128

Fish Called Wanda, A 132

Flaherty, Robert 111, 159

flashback 23940

Flashdance 20910, 228

flatbed editing machines 42

flat deals 280

Flick, Stephen 258

flow finding 2224; seeing while watching film in reverse 3067

Foley 256, 257, 257f, 262, 313; stage 256; walkers 256, 257f

formulas, filmmaking 117, 143, 1545, 319

Forster, Marc 142

four-perf 2912, 292f

frames: defined 478; importance of to editing process 503, 523f

Francis-Bruce, Richard 146

French New Wave 104, 106, 314

fullcoat 65, 261, 288

Fuqua, Antoine 76, 191

futzing 290

gaps: examining 756; example of 768, 77f; filling 24, 76; overview 75; shot list 7881

Geneva drive 40

genre editing styles: action adventure [crank effects 1434; emphasizing action 1457; guideposts 1403, 141f; heroes in 140; overview 13940]; comedy [basic structure of 132; incidents that make us laugh 132; overview 1314; performance in 133; sight gags 135; “surf the laughter” technique 135; timing in 133]; conventions 115, 117, 152, 1545, 163, 214, 240; cross-genre 116, 154, 160; documentaries [auteur editor 1601; overview 1556; playing with blocks, editing as 15660; tips for 1601]; expectations 34, 11518, 138, 174, 274, 282, 287, 296, 298, 309; family films 1545; horror 14952 [ritual object 11719]; romantic comedy 89, 106, 136, 178, 226, 233; science fiction and fantasy [compositing 122, 122f, 124; computer-generated images 1235; motion capture 1257; overview 120; visual effects 1202, 1289]; thrillers and mystery 1524; westerns 2, 62, 95, 109, 117, 11921, 163, 243

geography, in action adventure films 140, 162

Ghostbusters 203

Gladwell, Malcolm 275, 284

gloves 117, 129

Glovin, Debbie 13f

Godard, Jean-Luc 1046, 214, 314

Godfather, The 102, 103f, 2656

Goldmember 116, 135

“goodies”, looking for in scene 87; see also selects

Gordon, Demian “Dman” 1267, 130

Graduate, The 56, 242

Gravity 124, 125f, 265

Great Dictator, The 185

Great Train Robbery, The 956, 96f, 98, 121, 317

Green, Bruce 1334, 147, 185

greenscreen compositing 77, 122, 122f, 124, 177, 314, 319

Griffith, D.W. 111, 121, 145, 145f, 147, 317

growth process, film as: evolution 199; inherited traits 1979; Romeo & Juliet example 199

guaranteed flat deals 280

Guardians of the Galaxy 236, 236f

guidepost shots, in action adventure 1401, 141f

Hall, Don 2545

Hamlet 60

handle 233

Hangover, The 132

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets 204, 207

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban 214

head beds 1567, 314

headroom 2889

health, of editors 282

Heaven’s Gate 44

Hecker, Gary 257f

Hemingway, Ernest 266, 299

Heraclites 229

heredity, applied to film editing 5, 207; see also screenplay problems

heroes: in action adventure 140; stages of initiation 120; in thrillers and mysteries 1524

high definition video 51

High Noon 2

Hitchcock, Alfred 5, 8, 12, 18, 98, 151, 154

horror 14952

Horseplayer 32, 1923, 199202, 230, 235

Hotel Chevalier 169, 178

“How to build a better action hero” article 140, 147

Hurt Locker 238

hyperbole, in comedy 132

I Am Sam 187

If. . . 108

implicate order 307

improvisation 191

in-camera effects 1213, 144

Inception 75, 214

independent production company 280

independent screenplays 198

information: filling in with montage 2037; leaving out, in screenplay 206

Inglourious Basterds 93, 99

inherited traits, in screenplays 1979; see also screenplay problems

Inland Empire 214

inner struggle, in dramas 62, 116, 169, 194

innovation see nontraditional treatments

insert edits 49

insert option, Avid editing system 1656

insert shots 64, 64f, 71, 76, 113, 11718, 122, 139, 314

insert stages 64

instruments, editing: early electronic systems 457; editing process [frame, importance of 503, 523f; importance of to movie-making 567; overview 50, 51; postproduction procedures 54]; film 379; flatbed editing machines 42; linear editing systems 379; low-cost systems 48; medical principles applied to film editing 6; Moviola 3941, 41f, 424, 467, 166, 182, 277, 307, 316, 318; nonlinear editing systems 445

intercutting 2245

interior action, anticipating exterior action 8990

interlaced video format 30, 30f

interviews, listening during 2756

Invention of Lying, The 178

Iron Man 119, 124, 140

Israel, Neal 87, 303

Jack and the Beanstalk 111

James Bond franchise 154

Jarhead 237

Jarmusch, Jim 116

J-cut 244

Jerry Maguire 178

job contracts 27980

job interviews, listening during 276

jump cuts: in action adventure films 1456; defined 15, 1046; in horror films 151; jump scares, in horror films 11516, 151; overview 1046

Karath, Kym 323

Kasdan, Lawrence 119

KEM (Keller-Elektronik-Mechanik) flatbed editing machines 407, 43f, 314

Ken Burns Effect 15960

keycodes 45

Kierkegaard, S. 126

King Arthur 73, 767, 77f, 116

Knight, Arthur 73, 767, 77f, 116

Koyaanisqatsi (Life Out of Balance) 161

Kramer, Wayne 144

Kubrick, Stanley 64, 78, 81, 123, 188

Kuleshov effect 1113, 13f, 20, 28, 956, 99, 104, 125, 230

labyrinth, filmmaking process as 3

La La Land 98

Landau, Jon 125, 130

laserdiscs 45, 168, 311, 313

latched films 303

laughter: incidents inspiring 132; lavaliers 189; as measuring device of comedy 131

Lawrence of Arabia 21, 56, 61, 2423, 243f

L-cut 244

Lean, David 21, 138, 184, 242, 265

length of shots 99100, 21416

Let Me In 152

Levinson, Wendy 275

Le Voyage Dans la Lune (A Trip to the Moon) 22, 122

Life of Pi 1223, 122f

Life Out of Balance (Koyaanisqatsi) 161

lifts: comedy example 172; defined 1715; filling gaps 76; Horseplayer example 2002; overview 165, 1715; process 11519

Lightworks editing system 47, 320

linear editing systems dialog substitution 1889; flatbed editing machines 424, 43f; Moviola 3944, 41f, 467, 567, 316; overlaps 1814; overview 379

lined script 69, 70f, 713, 277, 304

listening, in politics 31, 2756

Liveliest Art, The 121, 130

locator, Avid editing system 73

locking the picture 170

logs, for documentaries 156, 160

Lombardo, Lou 143

Lone Pine, California film museum 119

long shot 60

Lorentz, Pare 160

Los Angeles Times 140, 147, 164, 202, 228

Lost Horizon 2

Lost in Africa 193, 235

low-budget horror films 151

low-cost editing systems 48

Lucas, George 45, 110, 264, 313

Luhrmann, Baz 199

Lynch, David 214

Mac and Me 33, 86, 90, 319

Made in Heaven 56, 238, 265, 297

main characters lack of focus on 287

Mamet, David 789, 81

Manchester by the Sea 240, 240f

Mannequin Two: On the Move 1, 2930, 30f, 90, 233, 237, 260, 297

Man Trouble 222

marker system, avid 290

Markiewicz, Pete 42

mark in icon, Avid editing system 49

mark out icon, Avid editing system 49

marriage, editing as 174

Marshall, Garry 116, 1334

master shots (MAS) 601, 71, 77, 801, 98, 116, 162

matchback 47, 316

match cut 22, 835, 173, 250

match frame command 160

matching action 1, 7, 15

Matrix, The 15, 126, 129, 140, 143, 223, 319

matte photography 121

Maxim magazine 282

M&E 262

McLuhan, Marshall 1; bedside manner 4, 8; cardiology 4; editing medical principles applied to film anatomy 45; editor as doctor 210; film doctor metaphor 3 heredity 5; instruments 4, 8; overview 1, 2; psychiatry 4, 8; surgery 56

medium close-ups (MCU) 7981, 126

Medium Cool 109, 113

medium shots (MS or MED SHOT) 10, 612, 62f, 63, 69, 71, 79, 81, 118, 202, 219

medium wide shots 612

Meet the Parents 116, 1345

Méliés, Georges 1202

metacommunication 178

Michelangelo 6

microphones 1889, 266

Miracles from Heaven 269

Miss Potter 22

Modern Times 185

modular meters 289

monaural sound 108, 129, 254

monsters, in horror films 149

montage: Eisenstein’s theories of 224; general discussion 2035; Kuleshov effect 1113; in music videos 20910; as transition 242

Montage editing system 44

Moonlight 238

Moore, Michael 160, 282

More Than the Rainbow 101

MOS 262, 316

motion capture 112, 122, 1257, 139, 303, 316

motion control 186

motion effects 144

Motor Trend magazine 143, 147

movie trailers 104, 234, 304, 318

Moving Violations 52, 68, 190

Moviola 316; general discussion 3944, 41f; handmade films 44; and KEMs in same editing room 43f, 445; overlaps on 182; trimming on 166

MS see medium shots

MTV 11012, 209

multiple dialog tasks 185

Munich 567, 239

Murnau, F.W. 152

music: behind dialog 288; pace and rhythm as visual 21213; score 266; source 2534; spotting sessions 253; temp 21213; see also sound

music cues 253

music videos 1415, 87, 108, 11011, 145, 194, 213, 217, 318

mystery 1524, 207

myth-making, film as 117; see also genre editing styles

naïvete´, of editor 4

Nanook of the North 111, 159

narration 111, 1558, 204, 206, 2445, 318

narrative editing 121

National Geographic documentaries 1, 15, 155, 15860

nature, conflict of human against 194

negative cut list 445, 3045, 31617

negative cutters 1701

neutral shots 96

Newman, Maria 56

Newman, Thomas 267

New Wave see French New Wave

New Yorker, The 7, 7f, 25

New York Times, The 204, 207

Nicholson, Jack 107, 222

nitrate film 93

No Country for Old Men 194, 258

Nolan, Christopher 75

nondramatic activities, montages for 203

nondrop frame timecode 158, 320

nonfilmmakers, working with 2812

nonlinear editing (NLE) systems 456, 48, 57, 144, 157, 182, 311, 31518, 320; crank effects 1436, 145f, 211, 321; cuts 3; dialog substitution 1889; dialogue cutting 177, 185; documentaries 1415, 734, 145, 155, 15960, 177, 194, 206, 217, 243, 250; early systems 445; general discussion 37; low-cost systems 48; multiple dialog takes 185; overlaps 30, 178, 1813, 186, 242, 259; reversing action 193; rise of 44, 48, 113, 119, 122, 161, 247, 281; saving lifts 34, 76, 1735, 2012; trimming in 166; see also specific systems by name

nonlinear storytelling 213

nontraditional treatments 83; continuity errors 19, 85; looking for “goodies” in scene 87; match cut 22, 835, 173, 250; off-camera characters 90; overview 83

North by Northwest 154

Nosferatu 152

Obrow, Jeffrey 241

Observer Effect 159

OCN (original camera negative) 65, 304, 317

O’Connor, D. 24

off-camera characters 90

offline editing 45

1.85:1 aspect ratio 50, 291

180° rule 1718, 17f, 634, 230

One-Eyed Jacks 119, 188

16x9 aspect ratio 50, 310

online editing 45

opening scenes: analyzing for problems 2868; audience reaction to 131

optical printer 51, 122, 124, 194, 233, 311, 317

organizing dailies: finding order 68; overview 6671; selects 74; story order 71

original camera negative (OCN) 65, 304, 317

O’Steen, Sam 242

outtakes see lifts

overcranked footage 757

overdosing, transitions 234

overlaps 30, 178, 1813, 186, 242, 259

overstatement, of pace 216

over-the-shoulder shots (OV/SH) 10, 623, 63f, 71, 7980, 186, 193

overwrite edits/overwrite option, Avid editing system 49, 74, 157, 167, 186, 189

pace: anticipation 21416; cutaways 190; fixing problems with 288; general discussion 45, 910, 21314; MTV editing 111; overstatement 216; overview 20910; power of 21314; temp music 21213; and trimming 169; use of 213; visual music 20913

paper cuts 156, 182

parallel editing 95

Parker, Trey 203

Pathe´, 56

pay off, in comedy 19

Pearson, Richard: dailies 72; film doctoring 286; guidepost shots 1413; screening rough cut 301; script, importance of while editing 72; spending time on set 4; trimming process 169; visual effects 124

Peckinpah, Sam 143

Penn, Arthur 106, 210

perceived time 99

perfectly cut films 85

performance: in comedy 134; importance of 6; and rhythm 2224; see also dialogue

performance capture 1256

persistence of vision 40, 317

personality, bringing to animals 28

physical continuity see continuity editing

Pickford, Mary 55, 55f, 145f, 185

pickups 76, 86, 118, 317

Pinter, Harold 152

pirating 122

placement, sound 17, 253, 255, 290

plates 1245, 318

playhead, Avid editing system 49

playing with blocks, editing documentaries as 156

Plow That Broke the Plains, The 160

point of view (POV) 2, 5, 26, 778, 119, 245, 318

Poison Ivy: The New Seduction 146, 282

politics, bedside manner: committing to project 2812; communication 275; craftsmanship 278; dailies and rough cuts 274, 277; film doctoring 283; financial considerations 27981; general discussion 8; listening 2756; maintaining control of editing process 277; overview 2735; producers and directors 168; screening rough cut 274; strength of weak ties 281; taking yes for an answer 278

Poll, Jon 116, 134, 147, 283; comedy, film doctoring 147; film doctors 283; genre 116; performance issues 134; “surf the laughter” technique 135; timing in comedy 134

Porter, Edwin S. 95, 121, 317

postproduction procedures, by editor 54

POV (point of view) 2, 5, 26, 778, 119, 245, 318

Prancer 248, 27f, 155, 2957

prefiguring action 90

pre-laps 237, 242

Pride and Prejudice 22

Princess Bride, The 89

Prize Winner of Defiance, Ohio, The 234

problem symptoms, looking for 2868

producers, politics regarding 274, 279

Producers, The 203

profession, film editing 1718

progressive scan 38

protagonists see characters; heroes

ProTools 21, 65, 262

psychiatry, applied to film editing 46; see also dialogue

psychological time 98, 170

Pudovkin, Vsevolod 12, 20, 789, 81, 956

Pulp Fiction 99100, 100f

punch line, in comedy 1334, 227

pushes 88, 234

puzzle, filmmaking process as 3, 6, 245, 767, 87, 150, 231

Quantum of Solace 4, 1413, 142f

questionnaires, audience 300

questions, asking in order to solve issues 224

radio cuts 156, 318

Raffill, Stewart 260

Raimi, Sam 151

reaction shots 135, 179, 181, 190, 231

reality, in documentaries 155, 15960

real-time compositing 124

recurring situations, and pace 214

Red Dawn 286, 301

Red Hot Chili Peppers 254

reediting 286, 2989

reel vs. roll 40

reinforcing ideas, through montage 203

Reitman, Jason 85

repetition, and pace 21317

reports, comparing to script supervisor’s notes 6871, 70f

revealing information, in thrillers and mysteries 153

reverse angles 64

reversing action 193

rewind, viewing film in 3067

rhythm: anticipation 21416; cutaways 190; Eisenstein’s theories 224; finding flow 2224, 306; general discussion 45, 910, 21718; The Graduate example 56; influence of 21820; intercutting 2245; MTV editing 11012, 209; overview 20910; scene-to-scene transitions [banners 219, 290; fades 231; narration 244; overdosing 234; overview 22931; pre-laps 237, 2423; shot size 2357, 236f]; temp music 21213, 253, 2667; varying by slowing pace 216; visual music 20910

Richman, Geoffrey 282

ritual objects, genre-related 117, 119

Roach, Jay 116

Rock, The 140, 146, 257, 260

Rocky Horror Picture Show, The 117, 215

rolls 40

romantic comedy 71

Romeo & Juliet 199

roomtone 260, 264, 31819, 321

Rope 5, 8, 18, 998, 154

Rosenberg, Frank P. 119

rotoscope 124, 319

rough cuts: banners in 219; politics 277; reediting 299300; screening 2747

Rudolph, Alan 265

Rule of Three sequence 20, 238

rules of film editing 20; accidents 323; breaking 28; cutting before (or after) objects enter frame 16; cutting on action 15; eyelines, maintaining 18; letting camera settle before cutting 15, 20; matching action 15; motivated cuts 18; 1800 rule 1718, 17f, 634, 230; physical continuity 19, 85; varying cuts 18; visual bridges, creating 16, 16f, 20

Runaway Bride 116, 134

Running Scared 144

running times 122, 158

rushes 59, 312; see also dailies

Rush Hour 116

Russian Ark 5, 8, 154

Ryan’s Daughter 138, 184, 265

salaries, deferred 280

Scary Movie franchise 116

scene bins or folders 712

scene order 68

scenes: defined 910; filling gaps 24; flawed, and politics 2734; further diagnosis 31; importance of when overlapping 1814; intercutting 1, 98, 108, 121, 139, 2247; looking for “goodies” in 87; narration 111, 1558, 204, 206, 2445; overdosing 100, 234 [pre-laps 237, 242; shot size 101, 188, 2357, 245]; overview 223, 22931; scrapping 32; taking into account while working with improvisation 191; transitions [between banners 219, 290; fades 46, 2345, 240]; what audience learns from scene 28; what scene is about 234; who scene is about 23; wrestling with material 31; see also rhythm

Schindler’s List 108, 266

Schmidt, Arthur 4, 22, 134, 147, 179

schneid 42

science fiction: compositing 1225; computer-generated images 1226; motion capture 122, 1257; overview 120; visual effects 1203

scores 21, 2667

scrapping scenes 32

screening: dailies 75; rough cuts 301

screenplay problems: expository dialog 1845, 203, 206, 244, 302; inherited traits 1979; montages 2035; overview 1979; Romeo & Juliet example 199; story problems 2057; translation process, film as 199

scripts 116, 198, 209, 230; see also screenplay problems

script supervisor 19, 33, 6972, 70f, 190, 249

ScriptSync, Avid editing system 72

Searchers, The 109, 120

select rolls 724

selects 16, 49, 73

select sequences 72

Serrurier, Iwan 40, 316

Serrurier, Mark 42

Servant, The 152

setpiece, montage as 77, 205, 319

set up, in comedy 133

7.1 surround sound 129

Sharkey, Betsy 140, 147

Sherlock Holmes 1534

shock cuts 1067, 319

shooting order 679

shooting script 6971, 1978, 319

shot list 7880, 118

shots: achieving pace and rhythm through use of 5; length of 5; pickups 76; rhythm 5; size of, and transitions 2356; variety of in action adventure films 13940

“show don’t tell” technique 184

sight gags 133, 135

Silence of the Lambs, The 154, 194

silent movies 152, 185

Silverado 119

single roller mode, Avid editing system 167

single stripe sprocketed sound film 65

sit-coms 131

slate 40, 65, 69, 72, 189, 320

slow motion 10, 103, 107, 1434, 223

Slumdog Millionaire 116, 198

Social Network, The 22

Solow, Sid 95

Some Like It Hot 239

sound: in action adventure films 78; audio tracks for documentaries 1556, 160; evolution of 108, 129; film doctoring 28890; pre-laps 242; quality of, and dialog substitution 1889; specialists 2535; subjective influence of 254; in transitions 243; visual dominance 16

sound editors 108, 199, 2538, 2612, 2645, 288, 302, 305

sound effects 33, 48, 108, 110, 2545

sound mix, in comedy 135

Sound of Music, The 21, 32, 88

soundtracks 8, 108, 247, 264, 2667, 269, 306, 306f

source music 2534

Source/Record toggle icon, Avid editing system 74, 74f

special effects film 219

Speed 90, 216, 258

Spielberg, Steven 239

splice-in edit, Avid editing system 49

splices 5, 154, 157, 2912, 292f

spotting sessions 253, 268

springboards 63, 223, 239, 253

Staenberg, Zach 223

staggered clip method, for: documentaries 157, 157f

Stalker 224

standard definition video 38, 46, 311, 319

Star Wars 61, 72, 109, 120, 122, 126, 194, 233, 245, 264, 266; Return of the Jedi 110, 110f

static master shots 60

stealing shots 28, 320

Steenbeck flatbed editing machines 42, 47, 307, 320

stereophonic sound 129

Stieglitz, Alfred 2589, 259f

stock footage 76, 103, 219, 320

Stone, Oliver 116

stop effect 120

stories: in documentaries 15861; keeping in mind organizing dailies 689; problems with in screenplay 2057; reediting 286, 2989; see also genre editing styles; rhythm; screenplay problems

storyboard layouts 71

story order 689, 712

Street of Crocodiles 214

strength of weak ties 281

student films, cliché in 108

studio films 1979

stupidity, in comedy 172, 184

sub-clip 48

substandard coverage 59

substitution, dialog 1889

subtext 56, 169, 17881

success strategies overview 1; principles of medicine applied to film editing [anatomy 45; bedside manner 4, 8; cardiology 4; editor as doctor 210; film doctor metaphor 3; heredity 5; instruments 4, 8; overview 1, 2; psychiatry 4, 8; surgery 56]

Suicide Kings 225

superfluous words, editing 2, 158, 191, 241, 287

“surf the laughter” technique 135

surgery, applied to film editing 56; surround sound 1289, 155, 247, 306; trimming surprise, versus suspense 151; see also lifts

surveys, audience 3001

suspense: anticipation 21416; films 1523; and film time 99100

synchronizing 65, 101, 170, 182, 189, 309; dailies 668; dialog to picture 1889

tail slates 69

Taken 194

takes: circled 689, 71, 310; defined 10; multiple dialog 185

Tarantino, Quentin 99100

Tarkovsky, Andrei 224

Team America 203

technical necessity, and innovation 105, 108

Technicolor 55

Techniscope 50, 52, 310

Technology and substandard coverage 59; understanding of 307

telecine 65, 75, 313, 315, 320

television: anamorphic process 501, 52f, 30910

temp dub 212, 253, 265, 2889

temp music 21213, 253, 2667

temporality, in action adventure films 140

Thank You for Smoking 85

There’s Something About Mary 132

Three for Three (3 for 3) 162

thrillers 1524

time, and rhythm 2245

timecodes 15860, 168

timing: in comedy 133; editors as masters of 217; in thrillers and mysteries 152; in trimming process 169

titles 238

Totally Blonde 89, 226

trailers 104, 123, 234, 318

Training Day 73, 116, 191

translation process, film as: inherited traits 2, 197; Romeo & Juliet example 199

transitions, scene-to-scene: banners 219, 290; fades 46, 2345, 240; intercutting 1, 98, 108, 121, 139, 2247; narration 111, 1558, 204, 206, 2445; overdosing 100, 234; overview 22931; pre-laps 237, 242; shot size 101, 188, 2357, 245

triage see film doctoring

trimming defined 1669; examples of in Tarantino films 99100; fixing faulty lifts by 174; importance of 16871; overview 1669, 167f; practical considerations 1667

Trim mode, Avid editing system 1667, 167f, 183

Trip to the Moon, A (Le Voyage Dans la Lune) 122

Tucci, Jim 44, 57

Twain, Mark 275

Twilight series 152, 266

2-shots 18, 63, 122, 139, 185, 193, 210, 235

two-perf formats 501

two-perf splices 2912, 292f

2001; A Space Odyssey 44, 119, 123, 215

2010 44

two week trial periods 285

uncanny valley 1267

undercranked footage 1434, 321

uninflected shots 79

Up in the Air 23, 102, 206, 230, 239

vampires 117, 138, 152, 162

variety, in rhythm 223

Variety magazine 150, 164, 209, 228, 308

video issues, film doctoring 2901

videotape: dupe detection 217; overlaps on 1814

video tracks, for documentaries 1578

villains: in action adventure films 89, 140; in thrillers and mysteries 1513

VistaVision 51, 310, 314

visual bridges, creating 16, 16f, 20

visual dominance 16

visual effects 120; compositing 1225, 125f, 311, 31617, 319; computer-generated images 1226, 155, 310; development of 1203; motion capture 112, 122, 1257, 139, 303, 316; overview 23940

visual music, pace and rhythm as 21012

voiceovers, in documentaries 1556

volume, audio 2546, 28890

von Stroheim, Erich 262, 316

Wall-E 132

Wallerstein, Norman 174

Walls, Tom 87

weak ties, strength of 281

Wechsler, Dan, 101

wedges 56

westerns 2, 62, 95, 109, 117, 11921, 163, 243

Wexler, H. askell 109, 113

white gloves 48, 56

Wicker Man, The 111

widescreen processes 51, 30910

wide shots (WS): abbreviation for 81; and dialog substitution 1889; general discussion 613, 61f; pace 213

Wild Bunch, The 143

wild sound 256, 321

Wilson, Larry 121

Winters, Ralph 279

wipes 102, 124, 2334, 317

Wiseman, John 298, 308

workflow, filmmaking 3035

workprints 44, 479, 65

World War II newsreels 159

Wright, John 90

Young Frankenstein 255

Zanuck, Darryl 61

Zero Dark Thirty 238

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