• African American mathematicians, 17, 81
  • Algebra, 41, 42–45
  • Algorithms, 9, 41, 55
  • Alien City project, 112–115
  • Al-Khwārizmī, Muhammad ibn Mūsā, 41
  • Annotated books, 105
  • Apollo moon mission, 57
  • Ardila, Federico, 31
  • Art and craft projects
    • Binary Bracelet, 48–49
    • Fibonacci Spiral, 58–61
    • Shape-Shifting, 64–67
    • Stitching Everest, 52–55
  • ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), 48, 49
  • Astronomical Tables (Hypatia), 9
  • Astronomy, 9
  • Australia, 85
  • Axioms, 31


  • Bar graph, 70–71
  • Betting game, 82–83
  • Binary bracelet, 48–49, 116
  • Blackwell, David, 81
  • Boolean logic, 95
  • Boole, George, 51, 95
  • Boole, Mary Everest, 51, 52, 54
  • Bracelet, binary, 48–49, 116
  • Buildings, building, 18–19
  • Butterfly effect, 73


  • Card shuffling, 89
  • Cards, mathematical magic with, 90–93
  • Cartwright’s theorem, 73
  • Catenary curves, 11
  • Chang, Alice, 23
  • Chaos theory, 73, 74–75
  • Charts. See Graphs and graph theory
  • Chung, Fan, 23, 57
  • Circular charts, 77, 78–79
  • Coin flipping, 89
  • Colombia, 31
  • Combinatorics, 23, 31, 32, 63
  • Common Business Oriented Language (COBOL), 47
  • Computers, 47, 48, 49
  • Convex shapes, 24, 25, 53
  • Conway, John, 27, 28
  • Corners, of three-dimensional shapes, 24–25
  • Cube, net of a, 19
  • Curved slot, passing a pencil through a, 14–15
  • Curve stitching, 52–55
  • Cyclic groups, 102


  • Delimiters, 48, 49, 116
  • Diaconis, Persi, 57, 89, 105
  • Diffusion, 75
  • Dots and Boxes game, 28–29


  • Edges, of three-dimensional shapes, 24–25
  • Egypt/Egyptians, 9, 11, 38
  • England, 35, 51, 75, 77, 95
  • Equilateral triangle, 20
  • Escher, M.C., 67, 105
  • Euler characteristic, 25
  • Euler, Leonhard, 25


  • Face, of three-dimensional shape, 24–25
  • Female mathematicians, 9, 13, 47, 51, 63, 73, 77, 85, 99
  • Feynman, Richard/Feynman diagram, 109
  • Fibonacci sequence/numbers/spiral, 57, 58–61, 114
  • Fifteenth type of pentagon, 63
  • Flexagons, 100–103


  • Game of Life, 27
  • Games, 27–45
    • Awesome Algebra, 42–45
    • betting (probability and statistics), 82–83
    • Dots and Boxes, 28–29
    • Mancala, 36–39, 116
    • Pigeons Love Holes, 32–33
    • using Alien City, 114–115
  • Game theory, 28, 81
  • Gardner, Martin, 27, 67, 105
  • Gateway Arch, St. Louis, Missouri, 11
  • Gender equity, 85
  • Geometry, 9–25
    • of conic sections, 9
    • corners, edges, and faces of three-dimensional shapes, 24–25
    • graph theory and, 23, 24
    • hyperbolic slot, 14–15
    • nets of shapes, 18–21
    • square wheels, 10–11
  • Gershick, Meyer A., 81
  • Girton College, 73
  • Graham, Frank Porter, 69
  • Graham, Ron, 23, 57, 58, 89
  • Graham’s number, 57
  • Graphs and graph theory, 23, 24–25, 70–71, 77, 78–79
  • Gregory, Duncan F., 95


  • Hexaflexagons, 105, 106–109, 112–115
  • Hexahexaflexagon, 106–109, 123
  • Hilbert, David, 99
  • Hindu-Arabic number system, 41
  • Hong Kong, 111
  • Hopper, Grace, 47
  • Hypatia, 9, 10
  • Hyperbola/Hyperbolic Slot, 9, 14–15, 119


  • India, 35
  • Internet, the, 23
  • Iran, 13


  • Joshi, Nalini, 85
  • Juggling, 57


  • KenKen, 97


  • Leech lattice, 27
  • LEGO bricks, bar graph made with, 70–71
  • Logic puzzles, 96–97, 117
  • Lucas, Édouard, 28


  • Magical Mathematics (Graham and Diaconis), 57, 89
  • Magic, mathematics of, 57
  • Magic tricks, 90–93, 105
  • Mancala, 36–39, 116
  • Mann, Casey, 63
  • Marbles, 32, 36–39
  • Mathemagicians/math magic, 89, 90–93, 105
  • Monty Hall Problem, 87
  • Music, 31
  • Myanmar (Burma), 85


  • Negative numbers, 7
  • Net(s) of shapes, 18–21, 120
  • Nightingale, Florence, 77
  • Nightingale rose diagrams, 77
  • Noether, Emmy, 99
  • Non-convex shapes, 24, 25
  • Nuclear bomb/reactors, 17
  • Numerical analysis, 55
  • Nursing, 77


  • Paper folding, 100–103, 105, 106–109
  • Parabola, 9
  • Pie charts, 78–79
  • Pigeonhole principle, 32–33
  • Pingala, Acharyo, 58
  • Pizza Pie Charts, 78–79, 121
  • Probability, 33, 81, 82–83, 86–87
  • Puzzles, logic, 96–97, 117
  • Pyramid(s), 11, 21, 24–25


  • Ramanujan, Srinivasa, 35
  • Randomness and randomization, 89
  • Rao, Michael, 63
  • Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU), 63
  • Rosenwald Fellowship, 81


  • Shapes. See also Names of individual shapes; Three-dimensional shapes
    • nets of, 18–21
    • relationship between edges, faces, and corners of three-dimensional, 24–25
    • “tiling a plane,” 63, 64–67
  • Sine/cosine tables, 41
  • Skepticism, 89, 105
  • Snedecor, George, 69
  • Spectral graph theory, 23
  • Spheres, 25
  • Square pyramid, 21, 24, 25
  • Square wheels, 10–11, 112
  • Statistics
    • bar graph, 70–71
    • betting game, 82–83
    • Blackwell, David, 81
    • Cartwright, Mary, 73
    • chaos theory project, 74–75
    • Cox, Gertrude Mary, 69
    • Joshi, Nalini, 85
    • Nightingale, Florence, 77
    • Pizza Pie Charts, 78–79
    • The Three Boxes Problem, 86–87
  • Stone, Arthur H., 109
  • Sudoku, 97
  • Sundials, 41
  • Surreal numbers, 27


  • Taiwan, 23, 111
  • Teaching math and science, 51, 99
  • Telegraph, 49
  • Templates, 52, 53, 116, 119–123
  • Tessellation (tiling), 67
  • Tetrahedron, 20–21
  • Theorems, 27, 35, 73, 99, 111
  • The Three Boxes Problem, 86–87
  • Three-dimensional shapes for Alien City, 112–115
    • Euler characteristic of, 25
    • relationship between edges, faces, and corners of, 24–25
  • Tiling, mathematical, 63, 64–67
  • Trampoline, 57
  • Triangular prism, 21, 116
  • Triangular pyramid, 21
  • Trihexaflexagon, 100–103, 109, 123


  • U.S. Navy Reserves, 47


  • Variables, 41, 44
  • Vertices (vertex), 24–25
  • Video games, 27


  • Wheels, square, 10–11, 112
  • Wigner, Eugene, 17
  • Wigner-Wilkins spectrum, 17
  • Wilf, Herbert, 23
  • Wilkins effect, 17
  • Wilkins, J. Ernest Jr., 17, 18
  • Winning Ways for Your Mathematical Plays, 27


  • Yau, Shing-Tung, 111
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