
  • A
  • Accomplishments:
    • of team members, 99
    • of teams, 114–115
  • Actions:
    • aligning, with shared values, 6
    • Align Your Actions with Shared Values worksheet, 35–37
    • Select Actions worksheet, 38
  • Advice, taking, 87
  • Alignment:
    • Align Your Actions with Shared Values worksheet, 35–37
    • between personal and organizational values, 32
  • Application activities, 2
    • Challenge the Process, 69–79
    • Enable Others to Act, 87–96
    • Encourage the Heart, 104–116
    • Inspire a Shared Vision, 48–59
    • Model the Way, 28–39
  • Appreciation, showing, 10. See also Recognition, of others
  • Ask Questions, Listen, and Take Advice worksheet, 87
  • Assumptions, limiting, 69–71
  • B
  • Behavior, modeling, 6–7. See also Model the Way
  • Bennett, Don, vii–viii
  • Build and Affirm Shared Values worksheet, 33–34
  • Build Social Support worksheet, 116
  • C
  • Celebrate Team Accomplishments worksheet, 114–115
  • Celebrations, 10–11, 99, 114–115
  • Challenges, 131–132
  • Challenge the Process, ix, 8–9, 65–80
    • Application activities, 69–79
    • Check for Limiting Assumptions worksheet, 69–71
    • Check the Fit worksheet, 75
    • Encourage Initiative in Others worksheet, 79
    • examples of, 66–67
    • Implications activities, 80
    • Innovate and Create worksheet, 73–74
    • Look Outside worksheet, 72
    • Reflection activities, 68–69, 124–126
    • Take the Initiative worksheet, 76–78
  • Change, 14
  • Check for Limiting Assumptions worksheet, 69–71
  • Check the Fit worksheets:
    • Challenge the Process, 75
    • Inspire a Shared Vision, 50
    • Model the Way, 31–32
  • Clarify Your Values worksheet, 28–30
  • Collaboration, fostering, 9–10, 81
  • Community, building, 10–11
  • Competence:
    • Develop Competence and Confidence worksheet, 90–91
  • Confidence:
    • Develop Competence and Confidence worksheet, 90–91
  • Conflict:
    • between personal and organizational values, 32
    • between personal and organizational vision, 50
  • Connections, making, 94–96
  • Constraints, 70–71
  • Contributions, recognizing individual, 104–107
  • Cooperative goals:
    • Develop Cooperative Goals worksheet, 92–93
  • COVID‐19 pandemic, 116
  • Creativity, 73–74. See also Innovation
  • Critical incidents, 35–36
  • D
  • Discover Common Ground worksheet, 51
  • Dreams, Personal Best Leadership Experiences, 7–8
  • E
  • Enable Others to Act, ix, 9–10, 81–97
    • Application activities, 87–96
    • Ask Questions, Listen, and Take Advice worksheet, 87
    • Develop Competence and Confidence worksheet, 90–91
    • Develop Cooperative Goals worksheet, 92–93
    • Ensure Self‐Leadership worksheet, 88–89
    • examples of, 82–83
    • Implications activities, 96–97
    • Make Connections worksheet, 94–96
    • Reflection activities, 84–86, 126–127
  • Encourage Initiative in Others worksheet, 79
  • Encouragement, 10–11
  • Encourage the Heart, ix, 10–11, 99–117
    • Application activities, 104–116
    • Build Social Support worksheet, 116
    • Celebrate Team Accomplishments worksheet, 114–115
    • examples of, 100–101
    • Implications activities, 117
    • Recognize Individual Contributions worksheet, 104–107
    • Reflection activities, 102–103, 127–128
    • Tell the Story worksheet, 108–113
  • Enlisting others, 56–57
  • Ensure Self‐Leadership worksheet, 88–89
  • Experimentation, 9
  • F
  • Find Your Theme worksheet, 48–49
  • Fitness check:
    • Challenge the Process, 75
    • Inspire a Shared Vision, 50
    • Model the Way, 31–32
  • The Five Practices and Ten Commitments of Leadership, 11, 12t
  • Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership®, viii–ix, 5–12
    • Applied to real projects, 119
    • Challenge the Process, 8–9
    • Enable Others to Act, 9–10
    • Encourage the Heart, 10–11
    • Inspire a Shared Vision, 7–8
    • Model the Way, 6–7
    • and Ten Commitments of Leadership, 11, 12t
  • Future, envisioning, 53–55
  • G
  • Give Life to the Vision worksheet, 52–57
  • Goals, cooperative, 92–93
  • I
  • Implications activities, 2
    • Challenge the Process, 80
    • Enable Others to Act, 96–97
    • Encourage the Heart, 117
    • Inspire a Shared Vision, 64
    • Model the Way, 38–39
  • Individual contributions, 104–107
  • Initiative:
    • encouraging others to take, 79
    • taking, 76–78
  • Innovation:
    • Innovate and Create worksheet, 73–74
    • as risk, 8
    • sources of, 65
  • Inspire a Shared Vision, ix, 7–8, 41–64
    • Application activities, 48–59
    • Check the Fit worksheet, 50
    • defining vision, 42
    • Discover Common Ground worksheet, 51
    • examples of, 42–44
    • Find Your Theme worksheet, 48–49
    • Give Life to the Vision worksheet, 52–57
    • Implications activities, 64
    • Reflection activities, 45–47, 123–124
    • Try It Out worksheet, 62–63
    • Vision Statement worksheet, 58–59
  • K
  • Kudos for a Colleague worksheet, 106–107
  • L
  • Language selection, 37
  • Leaders:
    • focusing on others, 9–10
    • as pioneers, 8
    • vision of, 7
  • Leadership:
    • challenges along path of, 131–132
    • as dialogue, 8
    • earning, x
    • exhibited by everyone, xi
    • and personal credibility, 35
    • Reflection activities, 128–130
    • as relationship, 87
    • research on, 5–6
    • self‐leadership, 88–89
  • Leadership Practices Inventory (LPI), ix
  • Learning, 9
  • Limiting assumptions, 69–71
  • Listening, 87
  • Look Outside worksheet, 72
  • LPI (Leadership Practices Inventory), ix
  • M
  • Make Connections worksheet, 94–96
  • Metaphor, 55–56
  • Model the Way, ix, 6–7, 23–39
    • Align Your Actions with Shared Values worksheet, 35–37
    • Application activities, 28–39
    • Build and Affirm Shared Values worksheet, 33–34
    • Check the Fit worksheet, 31–32
    • Clarify Your Values worksheet, 28–30
    • examples of, 24–25
    • Implications activities, 38–39
    • Reflection activities, 26–27, 122–123
    • Select Actions worksheet, 38
  • O
  • Opportunities:
    • for Personal‐Best Leadership Project, 15
    • projects as, x
    • searching for new, 66, 73–74
  • Organizational values, 31
  • Organizational vision, 50
  • Outsight, 72
  • P
  • Personal‐Best Leadership Experience, viii–ix
  • Personal‐Best Leadership Project:
    • criteria for, 13–14
    • Personal‐Best Leadership Project worksheet, 16–21
    • Reflection activities, 119–130
    • selection of, 13–21
    • spreading enthusiasm for, 8
  • Personal development, xi
  • Personalized recognition, 104
  • Power Profiles, 88–89
  • Priorities, setting, 30
  • Projects. See also Personal‐Best Leadership Project
    • context provided by, ix–x
    • defining, 13–14
    • Reflection activities, 128–130
  • Project teams, 17–19
    • building and affirming shared values in, 33–34
    • building shared vision in, 51
    • celebrating accomplishments of, 114–115
  • Q
  • Questions, asking, 87
  • R
  • Recognition, of others, 10, 36, 99, 104–108
  • Recognize Individual Contributions worksheet, 104–107
  • Reflection activities, 2
    • Challenge the Process, 68–69, 124–126
    • Enable Others to Act, 84–86, 126–127
    • Encourage the Heart, 102–103, 127–128
    • Inspire a Shared Vision, 45–47, 123–124
    • Model the Way, 26–27, 122–123
    • Personal‐Best Leadership Project, 119–130
  • Relationships:
    • facilitating, 9–10, 82
    • leadership as, 87
  • Risks, taking, 9, 65
  • Rokeach, Milton, 28
  • S
  • Select Actions worksheet, 38
  • Self‐leadership, 88–89
  • Shared motivations, 92–93
  • Shared values:
    • aligning actions with, 6
    • Align Your Actions with Shared Values worksheet, 35–37
    • Build and Affirm Shared Values worksheet, 33–34
    • modeling, 23
  • Social support, 116
  • Sociograms, 94–96
  • Stakeholders, 19–20
  • Storytelling, 36, 108–113
  • T
  • Take the Initiative worksheet, 76–78
  • Team members:
    • building relationships with, 87
    • celebrating accomplishments of, 99
    • enabling, to act, 81
    • mutual respect for, 81
  • Tell the Story worksheet, 108–113
  • Theme, finding your, 48–49
  • Time, allocating, 35–37
  • Trends, 49
  • Trust, in leaders, 10
  • Try It Out worksheet, 62–63
  • V
  • Values. See also Shared values
    • celebrating, 10–11, 99
    • clarifying yours, in Model the Way, 6, 23–24
    • Clarify Your Values worksheet, 28–30
    • identifying, 28–29
    • organizational, 31
    • recognition of individuals embodying, 104
  • Victories, celebrating, 10–11, 99
  • Vision:
    • defining, 42
    • enlisting others, 7–8
    • Give Life to the Vision worksheet, 52–57
    • of leaders, 7, 41–42
    • personal and organizational, 50
  • Vision statement:
    • developing, 52–57
    • Vision Statement worksheet, 58–59
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