
8-bit imaging, 463–4

16-bit imaging, 463–4

Aberrations, 175–80

Abney effect, 96

Absolute colorimetry, 87–9, 100

Absolute spectral power distribution, 100–101

Absorption filters, 194–5

Accelerators, 256

see also Alkalis

Acceptance angles, 233–5

Acceptor dopants, 157–8

Acetateebutyrate, 8

Achromatic colours, 78, 92

Achromat lenses, 182

Achromatopia, 69

Acquisition devices, 383–5

Actinic exposure, 150

Active pixel sensors, 164

Acutance, 256

ADC, see Analogue-to-digital conversion

Additive colour photography, 98, 393–5, 412–13

Additive mixing, 10

Adobe RGB (red, green, blue) 1998, 385–6, 419

AE, see Automatic exposure

Aerial cameras, 203, 204

Afocal converter lenses, 191–2

After-images, 95

Airy discs, 32, 33–5

Aliases/aliasing, 135, 136, 137

Alkaline cells, 223

Alkalis, 256, 258

Allyl diglycol carbonate, 103

Amacrine cells, 66

Amplification: image sensors, 164–6

Amplitudes: light theory, 22–3, 28–9

Analogue systems, 2–4, 13, 206, 273–4

see also Silver halide imaging

Analogue-to-digital conversion (ADC), 162, 164–6, 207, 231, 240

Analysis stages of colour image control, 6

Anastigmat lenses, 183–4

Angle of view, 5, 180–81

Angular limits of resolution, 34

Angular temporal frequencies, 25

Anhydrous sodium sulphite, 257–8

Animal vision, 75, 76

Anomalous vision, 69–70

Anti-aliasing filters, see Optical low pass filters

Antibloom drains, 168–9

Anti-foggants, 258

Anti-reflection coatings, 104–5, 115–16, 194–5

Apertures, 111, 112, 180, 228, 229

Apochromatic lenses, 176, 193

Appearance colour reproductions, 100

Arbitrary density, 142–3

Archiving, 329–43, 470, 471–3

Arithmetic operations, 507

L-Ascorbic acid, 257

Aspherical mirrors, 108–9

Assisted focusing autofocus modes, 217

Astigmatism, 71, 178, 179

Atmospheric gases, 336

Atoms: light theory, 40–42

Autocorrelation functions, 437, 439

Auto-exposure, 273

Autofocus systems, 217–19, 273

Automatic cameras, 206–7, 208

Automatic exposure (AE), 95, 219

Automatic flash exposure, 54, 55

Average gradients, 146–7

Average reflectance, 229–30

Averaging luminance values, 240

Axial chromatic aberrations, 105, 175–6

Axial lighting, 55

Axial myopia, 71

Back focal distance (BFD), 185–6, 190

Background colour, 97, 101

Band-pass/stop filters, 527–9

Bare-bulb technique, 48

Barrel distortions, 108, 181

BartlesoneBreneman effects, 97

Battery-capacitor circuits, 51

Battery power, 222–3

Bayer patterns, 11–12, 172

Beam candle power (BCP), 52

Beamsplitters, 103, 106

Bellows extensions, 215–16

Bessel function, 33

BezoldeeBrücke hue shift, 96

BFD, see Back focal distance

Binocular vision, 73

Bipolar cells, 66

Bit-depths, 13–16, 286, 389–91, 463–4

Bit-plane coding, 543

Black-and-white photography, 128, 129, 195

Black body radiation, 20

Black-body radiation, 37–9

Black-body radiators, 44

Black light, 36–7

Blooming, 168–9

Blur, 209

Bohr model, 40–41, 155–6

Brewster angle, 196

Bridge digital cameras, 279

Brightness, 78, 503–4

see also Tone reproduction

Bruch’s membrane, 61

Buffers, 258

Cadmium sulphide (CdS) photoresistors, 229–30, 233, 234

Cadmium sulphide cells, 219

Callier coefficients, 141–2

Calotype processes, 7

Camera backs, 279–80

Camera flare, 115

Camera lenses, 175–97

aberrations, 175–80

achromats, 182

afocal converter lenses, 191–2

anastigmats, 183–4

catadioptric lenses, 192

close-up lenses, 192

compound lenses, 181–2

development, 182, 184

double Gauss lenses, 184

doublet lenses, 181–3

fish-eye lenses, 186

long-focus lenses, 186–8

macro lenses, 191

modern camera lenses, 184–5

optical attachments, 191–4

optical filters, 194–7

Petzval lenses, 182

retrofocus lenses, 186

simple lenses, 181

symmetrical-derivative lenses, 185–6

symmetrical doublet lenses, 182–3

teleconverters, 193–4

triplet lenses, 184

wide-angle lenses, 185–6

Camera obscura, 6

Camera shake, 209, 223–4

CAMs, see Colour appearance models

Candela units, 46

Carbon–zinc cells, 223

Cardinal planes, 106–7

Cartesian sign conventions, 107–8

Catadioptric lenses, 176, 187–8

Cathode ray tube (CRT) displays, 12, 125–6, 289–93, 381–2

CATs, see Chromatic adaptation transformations

‘Cat’s-eyes’, 75

CCDs, see Charge-coupled devices

CCMs, see Colour correction matrices

CdS, see Cadmium sulphide photoresistors

Cellulose triacetate, 8

Cemented achromatic doublet lenses, 175, 176

Central processing units (CPUs), 206–7

Centre-weighted average metering, 237–8

Ceramic oscillators, 207

CFAs, see Colour filter arrays

Characteristic curves, 143–6, 149–50

Characterization models, 425–6

Charge-coupled devices (CCDs):

colour science, 100–101

detective quantum efficiency, 452–3

digital cameras, 266–8

exposure/image control, 230, 232, 233

image formation, 120, 125, 128, 129, 137–8

image sensors, 159–65, 167–72

imaging process, 3, 4, 10–11

readouts, 161–4

sensitivity/speed, 374–5

spectral sensitivity, 366

Charge transfer, 160, 162–3

Chemical development, 256

Chemical fog, 145, 256

Chemical sensitization, 251

Chief ray angles (CRAs), 169

Chlorobromide materials, 251

Chlorolabe, 66

Choroid, 61–2

Chroma, 78

Chromatic aberrations, 175–7

Chromatic adaptation, 94

Chromatic adaptation transformations (CATs), 95, 97–8

Chromatic colours, 78

Chromatic corrections, 181

Chromaticity diagrams, 88–91

CIE standard illuminants, 81–2

see also Commission Internationale de l’Éclarage

Ciliary body, 61

Circular aperture diffraction, 32–4

Circular polarization, 29–30, 197

Closed-loop management systems, 476–7

Close-up depth of field, 111

Close-up lenses, 192

Close-up photography, 108, 114

CMOS, see Complementary metal oxide semiconductors

CMSs, see Colour management systems

CMY (cyan, magenta, yellow), 10, 15, 393

CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black), 413, 496–7

Coding redundancy, 537, 544–6

Coherent wavefronts, 30–32

Coincidence-type rangefinders, 216–17

Cold mirror filters, 195

Collimated light, 27

Collodion, 7

Colorimetry, 142–3, 408–9, 414

basics, 84–94

chromaticity diagrams, 88–91

colour differences, 91–2

colour matching functions, 86–7

colour science, 82, 84–94, 99–101

metamerism, 92–4

photographic colour reproduction, 408–9

spectral data, 87–8

standard observers, 86–7

tristimulus values, 87–8

uniform colour spaces, 91–2


anomalous vision, 69–70

appearance spaces, 414

blindness, 69–70

camera lenses, 195

capture, 11–12, 269–72

colourfulness, 78

constancy, 95

demosaicing, 274–5

densitometers, 153–4

digital printing, 309–312

displays, 300–301

encoding, 316

human visual system, 69

image sensors, 171–2

imaging process, 5, 6, 9–10, 11–12

light theory, 38

negative film, 372

rendering, 277

sensitivity, 367

space conversion profiles, 487–8

speed, 372–3

temperature, 44–6

Colour appearance models (CAMs), 97–8

Colour correction matrices (CCMs), 172

Coloured ‘gels’, 6

Colour filter arrays (CFAs), 172, 270–71

Colour management systems (CMSs), 6, 317, 464–6, 475–99

closed-loop management, 476–7

CMYK, 496–7

colour space conversion profiles, 487–8

device profiles, 487, 489–95

digital camera profiling, 492

digital image workflow, 464–6

display profiles, 490–91

early-binding workflow, 496

input profiles, 491–2

intermediate colour spaces, 497

late-binding workflow, 496

open-loop management, 476–7

output profiles, 493–5

profile connection space, 479

profile processing models, 484–6

profile structure, 486–9

proofing images, 497–8

rendering, 479–81, 495–6

RGB, 496–7

scanner profiling, 492

soft-proofing images, 497–8

tasks, 475–6

using profiles, 483–4, 492–3

workflow, 495–8

Colour rendering indices (CRIs), 45

Colour reproduction, 98–100, 347

Colour reversal film, 372–3

Colour science, 77–102

chromatic adaptation transformations, 97–8

colorimetry, 82, 84–94, 101

colour appearance, 94–8

colour matching functions, 86–7

colour reproduction, 98–100

illuminating geometries, 80–81

measurement instruments, 100–101

models, 97–8

object colour, 78–80

perceptual attributes, 78, 79

physics, 77

standard illuminants/sources, 81–2

terminology, 77–8

viewing conditions, 101–2

viewing geometries, 80–81

vision models, 82–3, 84

Colour silver-based materials, 372–3

Column parallel readouts, 268

Coma: camera lenses, 178

Commercial photography, 471–2

Commission Internationale de l‘Éclarage (CIE), 6, 77–102, 413

Compact cameras, 190–91, 200–201, 278–9

Compact-source iodide (CSI) lamps, 50

Compensation, 188, 189

Complementary metal oxide

semiconductors (CMOS):

detective quantum efficiency, 452–3

digital cameras, 266–8

exposure/image control, 230

image formation, 120, 125, 128, 129

image sensors, 159–65, 167–72

imaging process, 3, 11

readouts, 161, 164

spectral sensitivity, 366

Complex lenses, 106–7

Compound lenses, 106–7, 181–2

Compound mirrors, 108–9

Compression, see Image compression

Computer monitors, 12

Conduction bands, 41

Conductors, 155–6

Cone receptors, 9–10, 62–6, 68–9, 75

Conjunctiva, 60

Constant phases: light theory, 27

Constructive interference, 30, 31

Continuous image functions, 13

Continuous quantities: light theory, 38

Continuous spectra, 43

Continuous tone images, 12

Contouring, 390


camera lenses, 181, 195

colour science, 83, 96

displays, 299

human visual system, 68

image formation/photographic process, 255–6, 259

imaging process, 5, 8–9

photographic optics, 114–15

sensitometry, 143–5, 147, 150–51

spatial image processing, 503–4

tone reproduction, 386–8

see also Tone reproduction

Contrast sensitivity functions (CSFs), 74, 83

Conversion profiles, 487–8

Convolution, 123–4, 127–8, 133, 134, 523–4

Cornea, 59, 60, 75

Corpuscular theory, 19–20

Correction of eyesight, 70–71

Correction filters, 195

Corresponding colour reproduction, 100

Cortical magnification, 73

Cosine (cos) waves, 23–5, 120–22, 129–30, 134–6

Cosine law of illumination, 47

Coupled rangefinder systems, 217

Coupler-incorporated films, 402–3

Covalent bonds, 156–7

Covering power, 181

CPUs, see Central processing units

CRAs, see Chief ray angles

CRIs, see Colour rendering indices

Crispening, 96

Critical states, 41

Cropping, 276

CRT, see Cathode ray tube displays

Crystalline lenses, 59, 61

Crystalline optical materials, 103–4

Crystalline sodium sulphite, 257

CSFs, see Contrast sensitivity functions

CSI, see Compact-source iodide lamps

Curvature of field, 178

Curvilinear distortions, 178–80

Custom device profiles, 489–95

‘Cut-off’, 112

Cyanolabe, 66

D/A converters, see Digital-to-analogue converters

Daguerreotype, 7

Dark adaptation, 68–9, 94–5

Dark chambers, 6

Dark fading, 331–3

Darkroom work, 260

Daylight, 48–9, 94–5, 165

Daylight series, 82

Densitometers, 152–4

Density, 114, 140–43, 153, 369, 508–9

Depletion regions, 158–9

Depth of field, 111

Depth of focus, 111

Depth-of-field autofocus modes, 217

Destructive interference, 30–31, 32

Detective quantum efficiency (DQE), 450–53

Deutans, 69

Deuteranopia, 69

Developers, 256

Developing agents, 256, 257

Developing solutions, 256–7

Development, 256, 259, 260

Development latitude, 150

Device colour characterization, 420–26

Device dependent colour spaces, 413, 414

Device profiles, 487, 489–95

Diaphragms, 111

Dichroic filters, 11

Dichromacy, 69

Dictionary techniques, 546–7

Differential coding, 543–4

Diffraction, 20, 26, 32–4

Diffuse density, 140–42

Digestion sensitization, 251

Digital acquisition devices, 383–5

Digital cameras, 190–91, 240–42, 263–88, 366–7, 492

analogue processing, 273–4

auto-exposure, 273

autofocus control, 273

bridge digital cameras, 279

camera backs, 279–80

colour capture, 269–72

colour management systems, 492

colour rendering, 277

compact types, 278–9

dynamic ranges, 268–9

exposure, 240–42, 273

image control, 240–42

image sensors, 266–8

large formats, 279–80

medium formats, 279–80

optics, 265–6

processing, 272–3, 274–7

profiling, 492

rendered camera processing, 272–3

scanners, 280–87

shutter systems, 268

single-lens reflex cameras, 279

specialist cameras, 280

spectral sensitivity, 366–7

still cameras, 263–5

tone rendering, 277

types, 277–80

unrendered camera processing, 272–3

zone systems, 242

zoom lenses, 190–91

Digital colour reproduction, 411–32

Digital control, 206–7, 208

Digital half-tones, 14

Digital imaging, 2–4, 10–12

artefacts, 350–51

bit depth, 13, 14–15

colour capture, 11–12

colour image control, 6

colour representation, 15

early digital images, 10–11

evaluating image quality, 17

exposure/image control, 232

file formats/sizes, 15, 315–28

image quality/system performance, 350–51

image representation, 12–15

longevity/storage, 339–43

processing, 521–34

spatial image processing, 501–2

spatial resolution, 13, 14

workflow, 457–73

Digital input device characterization, 428–9

Digital Negative (DNG) formats, 322

Digital printing, 303–314

Digital print life expectancies, 336–9

Digital processing, 274–7

Digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) cameras, 279

Digital still cameras (DSCs), 128, 129, 263–5

Digital-to-analogue (D/A) converters, 207

1,4-Dihydroxybenzene, 257

Diode lasers, 57

Diodes, 158–9, 161

Dirac combs, 134–5

Dirac delta functions, 130–31, 132

Direct density, 140–41

Direct Fourier transformations, 439–40

Direct-vision optical finders, 213

Discontinuous spectra, 43

Discounting the illuminant, 95

Discrete convolution, 503

Discrete Fourier transforms (DTFs), 134–8

Discrete image functions, 13

Discrete wavelet transforms, 533–4


camera lenses, 177, 187

light theory, 19–20, 27–8, 33, 36–7

photographic optics, 105

Display characterization, 426–8

Display profiles, 490–91

Displays, 289–302

artefacts, 301–2

cathode ray tube displays, 289–93

characteristics, 297–302

colour, 300–301

contrast ratios, 299

flexible displays, 297

image displays, 289

liquid crystal displays, 293–6

luminance, 299

organic light-emitting displays, 296–7

plasma display panels, 296

refresh rates, 297–8

resolution, 298–9

response times, 297–8

viewing angles, 299–300

viewing conditions, 302

Distortion, 17, 108, 181, 351, 547–8

Dithering, 310

DNG, see Digital Negative formats

Donor dopants, 157–8

Doped silicon, 11

Doping, 156–8

Dorsal streams, 72–3

Dots per inch (dpi), 14

Double diffuse density, 140–41

Double-Gauss lenses, 184

Double-helical focusing mounts, 215

Doublet lenses, 181, 182–3

Down-sampling, 14

Dpi, see Dots per inch

DQE, see Detective quantum efficiency

Drum scanners, 12, 282

DSCs, see Digital still cameras

DSLR, see Digital single-lens reflex cameras

DTFs, see Discrete Fourier transforms

Dual slope integration, 165

Dye sensitization, see Spectral sensitization

Dynamic ranges, 5, 8, 285–6, 386–8

Early-binding workflow, 496

Early digital images, 10–11

ED, see Extra-low dispersion

Edge detection filters, 514–17

Edge input methods, 446

Edge spread functions (ESFs), 126

EDM, see Electronic distance measurement

EDOF, see Extended depth of field

Effective focal length (EFL), 180

Electric field strengths: light theory, 25

Electromagnetic radiation, 20–21, 22–37, 41–2

Electron beam coatings, 116

Electronic cameras, see Digital cameras; Digital imaging

Electronic distance measurement (EDM), 217–18

Electronic flash:

automatic flash exposure, 54, 55

circuitry, 52

duration/exposure, 53

exposure/image control, 54, 55, 238–9

integral flash units, 54

light sources, 48, 52–5

output/power, 52–3

portable units, 53

red-eye avoidance, 55

studio flash, 53–4

Electronic Photography (EP), 318–19

Electronic system noise, 441–2

Electrons, 40–41, 155–6, 157–8

Electrophotographic (EPG) printers, 305–6

Electrostatic attractions, 40

Elementary colour vision, 69

Elements, see Pixels

Elliptical polarization, 30

Emission theory, 19

Emissive stimuli, 93

Emulsification, 251


colour sensitivity, 367

image formation, 125, 251–3

image sensors, 165

photographic process, 252–3

photography origins, 7–8

present day imaging, 8–9, 10

sensitometry, 149

Encapsulated PostScript (EPS) format, 326–7

Enhancement of photographic colour reproduction, 407, 408

Entropy, 540

EP, see Electronic Photography

EPG, see Electrophotographic printers

EPS, see Encapsulated PostScript format

Equivalent colour reproduction, 100

Erythrolabe, 66

EV, see Exposure values

Evaluative metering, 238

Evaporation coatings, 116

Exact colour reproduction, 100

Exchangeable Image File Format (EXIF), 317

Excited states: light theory, 41–2

Expendable flashbulbs, 50–51

‘Exposing to the right’, 241

Exposure, 139–40, 150, 227–43

digital cameras, 240–41, 273

electronic flash, 238–9

high-dynamic-range imaging, 242–3

image sensors, 170–71

in-camera metering modes, 237–8

latitude, 147, 150, 232

light measurement, 237

logarithms, 228–9

meters, 232–6

optics, 114

optimum exposure, 232, 233

reciprocity law failure, 236–7

reflected light measurement, 239–40

relationships, 228–9

sensitometry, 139–40, 146–7

sensor dynamic ranges, 230–2

subject luminance ratios, 229–30

techniques, 240–41

transfer functions, 232, 233

zone systems, 241–2

Exposure metering systems, 219–22

Exposure values (EV), 219–21, 222, 235, 236

Extended depth of field (EDOF), 532

Extended sensitivity materials, 250

Extension tubes, 215–16

Extra-low dispersion (ED), 177, 187

Extrastriate cortex, 72

Extreme infrared radiation, see Infrared

Extrinsic semiconductors, 157

Eye movements, 70, 71–2

Eye performance, 73–5

Eye structure, 59–68

Faceted mirrors, 108–9

FADs, see Fully automatic diaphragms

‘Faithful’ colour reproduction, 99

Far-field diffraction, 32

Far infrared radiation, see Infrared

Farnsworth–Munsell 100 hue test, 69

Far-sightedness, 70–71

Fast Fourier transforms (FFT), 137, 523

Fast panchromatic film, 128, 129

Fidelity, 351–2

Field angle of view, 5, 180–81

Field depth, 111

Field stops, 111

Field of view (FOV), 180–81

Film based supports, 252

Film scanners, 283

Film sensitivity, 374–5

Fine grain film, 129

First ripening, 251

Fish-eye lenses, 186

Fixed density, 369

Fixed-focal-length lenses, 189

Flash factors, see Guide numbers

Flashguns, 48

Flash synchronization, 209–211

Flat-bed scanners, 12, 282–3, 284

Flat mirrors, 108–9

Flexible displays, 297

Flexible ‘gel’ filters, 103

Flextight scanners, 284

Fluorescence, 41–2

Fluorescent lamps, 50

Fluorescent series, 82

Fluorite, 177

Flux, 21, 101

Focal length of lenses, 4–5

Focal plane arrays (FPAs), 45

Focus depth, 111

Focusing systems, 70–71, 110, 181, 214–17

‘Fog effect’ filters, 193

Fog levels, 144

Folding-baseboard technical cameras, 203

Forensic imaging, 472

Fourier theory of image formation, 119–20, 122–30, 134–8

Fourier transforms, 130–33, 439–40, 522–3

Four-spot anti-aliasing filters, 266

FOV, see Field of view

Fovea, 65

Foveon™ sensors, 12

FPAs, see Focal plane arrays

Fractional gradients, 370

Frame finders, 213

Frame-interline charge-coupled devices, 268

Frame-transfer charge-coupled devices, 268

Frame transfers, 163

Fraunhofer diffraction, 32, 33–4

Frequency-domain filtering, 524–7

Fresnel diffraction, 32

Fresnel lens, 48, 49

Front principal focus, 107

Full-frame camera formats, 267

Full-frame charge-coupled devices, 268

Full frame transfers, 163

Full radiators, 44

Fully automatic diaphragms (FADs), 213

Gallic acid, 7

Gallium arsenide phosphide photodiodes (GPDs), 229–30, 233

Gamma, 145–6, 377–9

Gamma correction, 389–91, 505–6

Gamma-radiation, 37, 248–9

Gammaetime curves, 145

Gamut mapping, 429–32

Gamuts of colour, 6, 12

Ganglion cells, 62–3, 66

Gases, 41, 336

Gaussian functions, 132

Gaussian planes, 106–7

Gelatin, 7–9, 103, 194, 195, 251

‘Gel’ filters, 103

General-service lamps, 49

Geometrical optics, 103, 106–111

Geometric optics models, 22

Geometric transformations, 512

Germanium, 156–7

GIF, see Graphic Interchange Format

Glare spots, 196

Glycin, 257

GPDs, see Gallium arsenide phosphide photodiodes


sensitometry, 146–7

speed, 369–70

Graduated filters, 114, 196

Graininess, 9, 120, 255, 348, 434–6

Granularity, 255, 436

Graphic Interchange Format (GIF), 15, 323–4

Grassman’s laws, 86–8, 92–3

Grey level resolution, 13

Greyscale imaging, 3, 14–15

Ground-glass screens, 214, 216

Ground states, 41

Guide numbers, 51–2, 238–9

Gyro-stabilizers, 224

Half-tones, 14, 310–311

Halide family of atoms, 41

Hand-held exposure meters, 233, 234

Harmonic waves, 23–5, 28–9

‘Haze effect’ filters, 193

HDR, see High-dynamic-range imaging

Heat maps, see Thermography

Helical focusing mounts, 215

Helmholtz–Kohlrausch effect, 96–7

Helson and Judd effect, 96

Herepathite, 103

High-boost filters, 527

High-contrast materials, 145

High-dynamic-range (HDR) imaging, 232, 242–3, 387

High-intensity reciprocity law failure, 236–7

Highlight luminance measurements, 240

High-pass frequency-domain filtering, 526–7

Histograms, 231, 507–8, 509–512

HMI, see Hydragyrum metal iodide lamps

Homogenous media, 27

Honeycomb metering, 238

Horizontal cells, 66

HSL (hue, saturation, lightness), 413

Hue, 77, 78, 92, 96, 413

Huffman coding, 545–6

Human eye structure, 59–68

Human visual system (HVS), 59–76, 228, 346, 360

Hunt and Stevens effects, 97

Hybrid imaging chains, 16

Hydragyrum metal iodide (HMI) lamps, 50

Hydroquinone, 257

4-Hydroxyphenylaminoacetic acid, 257

Hyperopia, 70–71

Iceland spar, 103

Illuminance, 113–14

Illuminant metamerism, 94

Illumination, 46–7, 112–13

Image acquisition, 466–7

Image archiving/storage, 329–43, 470

Image compression, 316, 359, 360, 535–52

Image control, 3–5, 6, 227–43

Image displays, see Displays

Image editing, 469

Image encoding systems, 381–6

Image fidelity, 17–18

Image formation, 111–16, 119–38, 245–61

Image histograms, 231, 240–41

Image magnification, 108

Image motion compensation (IMC), 223, 224

Image noise, 348, 433–4, 437–41

Image quality, 345–63

Image quantization/thresholding, 504–5, 507

Image restoration, 529–32

Image scanners, see Scanners

Image sensors, 155–73, 266–8

Image stabilization, 223–4

Image states, 414–16

Image Technology (IT), 319

Imaginary primaries, 86–7

Imaging chains, 15–17, 345–6, 378–9, 457–63

Imaging equations, 127–8, 523

Imaging optics, 265–6

Imaging process, 1–18

complementary metal oxide semiconductors, 11

digital imaging, 10–15

image control, 3–6

image quality, 17–18

imaging chains, 15–17

photography origins, 6–8

present day photography, 8–10

IMC, see Image motion compensation

In-camera metering modes, 237–8

Incandescent light, 94–5, 165

Incident light measurement, 237

Inertia, 144, 369

Information theory, 433, 453–5, 536, 539–42

Infrared (IR), 35, 36, 195–6, 233, 250

Inkjet printing, 16, 303–5, 308–9

In phase oscillations, 22–3

Input profiles, 491–2

Input-referred sensor dynamic ranges, 230

Input resolution, 14

Instant return mirrors, 202

Insulators, 155–6

Integral density, 142–3, 153

Integral flash units, 54

Integral tripacks, 395–6, 400

‘Intensity-scale’ factors, 152

Intensity transformations, 503–6, 507

Interactive restoration, 532

Interference, 20, 26, 30–32

Interference filters, 194

Interline-transfer charge-coupled devices (ITCCDs), 268

Interline transfers, 163–4

Intermediate colour spaces, 497

Intermediate infrared radiation, see Infrared

Intermittency effect, 152

Internal focusing, 215

International Color Consortium (ICC), 478–9, 481–95

International Organization for Standardization (ISO), 8

exposure/image control, 227–8

image sensors, 171

sensitivity/speed, 370–74

sensitometry, 153–4

Interpolation, 424–5, 460–62

Inverse filtering, 529–31

Inverse square law of illumination, 47, 113–14, 238

Iodobromide materials, 251

Iodopsin, 66

Ionization levels, 41

IR, see Infrared

Iris, 60–61

Iris diaphragms, 211–13

Irradiance, 27

ISO, see International Organization for Standardization

Isotropic systems, 27, 126

IT, see Image Technology

ITCCDs, see Interline-transfer charge-coupled devices

Jacob’s membrane, 64

JNDs, see Just-noticeable differences

Joint Photographic Experts Group 2000 (JPEG 2000), 15, 320, 551–2

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG), 15, 319–20, 385–6, 549–51

Just-noticeable differences (JNDs), 228, 355–7

Just resolvable resolution/separation limits, 34–5

Kelvin scale, 44

Kepler telescopes, 213–14

Keystoning, 225

Key tones, 239–40

Kirchhoff’s Radiation Law, 37

Kodak cameras, 8

Kodakchrome, 10

Lambert’s cosine law of illumination, 47, 113–14

Lamellae, 65, 66

Landscape lenses, 182

Laplacian convolution filters, 67

Large format digital cameras, 279–80

Late-binding workflow, 496

Latent images, 2–3, 7–9, 247–8

Lateral chromatic aberrations, 105, 106, 176–7

Lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), 72

Lateral magnification, 108

Law of illumination, 113–14

LCAs, see Longitudinal chromatic aberration

LCD, see Liquid Crystal Display technology

Lead screens, 249

Leaf shutters, 209, 210

LEDs, see Light-emitting displays

Left circular polarization, 29–30

Lens barrels, 215

Lens flare, 114–15

Lens hood attachments, 192–3

Lens reversing rings, 216

Lens shading, 169

LGN, see Lateral geniculate nucleus


adaptation, 94–5

detection, 155–60, 161

fading, 333–4

intensity, 73, 74

measurement, 237, 239–40

scatter, 140–42

sources, 43–57

theory, 19–42

Light-emitting displays (LEDs), 55–7, 206, 207

Lighting, 5

Lightness, 78, 413

see also Tone reproduction

Light-sensitive materials/sensors, 251–2

Linear filtering, 512–17, 523–4

Linear polarization, 23, 29, 30

Linear, spatially invariant systems, 124

Linear systems theory, 503

Linear transformation functions, 503–4

Line spectra, 43

Line spread functions (LSFs), 34, 126, 127

Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) technology, 293–6

exposure/image control, 240

image formation, 125–6

imaging process, 12

photographic camera systems, 206, 207

tone reproduction, 382

Lithium cells, 223

Lithography, 313

Logic operations, 507

Long-focus lenses, 186–8

Longitudinal chromatic aberrations (LCAs), 105, 106

Longitudinal magnification, 108

Look-up tables (LUTs), 424–5

Lossless compression, 542–7

Lossy compression, 547–52

Low-intensity reciprocity law failure, 236

Low-pass frequency-domain filtering, 526

Lumens, 46–7

Luminaires, 47–8


colour science, 87, 92

displays, 299

exposure/image control, 228–30, 239

human visual system, 73–4

light theory, 21, 22

photographic optics, 112–13

Luminescence, 37, 41–2

Luminosity, 78

Luminous flux, 21, 22

Luminous intensity, 21, 22

LUTs, see Look-up tables

Lux units, 46–7

Mach banding, 14

Macro lenses, 185, 191

Macula, 65

MAE, see Mean absolute error

Magnetic storage, 340

Matrix metering, 219, 221–2, 238

Mavica camera, 10–11

Maximum entropy reconstruction, 531–2

Maximum filters, 520

Maxwell’s additive colour photographic process, 394

Mean absolute error (MAE), 547

Mean noon sunlight, 49

Mean squared error (MSE), 547

Measuring display transfer functions, 382–3

Mechanical compensation, 188, 189

Mechanical vignetting, 112

Median filters, 518–20

Medical imaging, 472–3

Medium format digital cameras, 279–80

Medium speed film, 128, 129

Melanin, 60–61

Memory colour, 6, 95

Mercury button cells, 223

Mesopic vision, 64

Metadata, 317

Metal-halide lamps, 50

Metal oxide semiconductors (MOS), 11, 160, 207

Metamerism, 85, 92–4

4-Methylaminophenol sulphate, 257

Metol, 257

Michelson’s formulae, 389

Microdensitometers, 153, 255

Microflash units, 53

Microlasers, see Diode lasers

Microlens arrays, 169

Microprism arrays, 214

Microprism grids, 217

Micro-saccade eye movement, 71

Microwave regions, 35

Middle grey surface measurements, 239–40

Minimum filters, 520

Minimum useful gradients, 369–70

Mired scales, 46

‘Mirror lenses’, see Catadioptric lenses

Mirrors, 108–9

Miscellaneous additions to developers, 258–9

Miscellaneous additions to developing solutions, 256–7

Mixed lighting, 45

Modern camera lenses, 184–5

Modulation of sinusoidal waves, 121, 122

Modulation transfer functions (MTFs), 442

cascading, 133

corrections, 447

digital cameras, 266

edge input methods, 446–7

image formation, 120, 128–30, 132–4, 137–8

image quality, 449–50

image quality/system performance, 347–8

measurements, 445

optical systems, 447, 449

slanted edge functions, 446–7, 448

Monochromatic waves, 25, 27, 30–32

Monochrome digital images, 11

Monochrome printers, 260

Monochrome process, 3

Monorail technical cameras, 201, 203

MOS, see Metal oxide semiconductors

Motion-detection autofocus modes, 217

Movement, 70, 71–3, 110, 209

MSE, see Mean squared error

M-synchronization, 210–211

MTFs, see Modulation transfer functions

Multi-layer anti-reflection coatings, 194–5

Multi-mode cameras, 219–20

Multiplier lenses, 193

Multi-spectral scanners, 284

Multi-zone metering, 238

Myopia, 71

Nasal visual pathway fields, 72

Natural mica, 103–4

Natural quartz, 103–4

‘Natural vignetting’, 113–14

ND, see Neutral density filters

Near-field diffraction, 32

Near infrared radiation, see Infrared

Near-sightedness, 71

Negative characteristic curve main regions, 143–4

Negative film, 372

Negative granularity, 436–7

Negatives, 140–42, 146, 147

Negativeepositive processes, 3, 4, 7, 396–400, 403–5

Neighbourhood processing, 512

Neutral density (ND) filters, 196

Nitrocellulose, 103

Noble gases, 41

Nocturnal animals, 75

Noise, 276–7, 348, 359–60, 374, 433–42

Noise power spectra, 437–9

Non-dispersive media, 26

‘Non-imaging’ cell layers, 66

Non-linear quantization, 389–91

Non-linear spatial filtering, 517–20

Non-substantive colour reversal processes, 402

Normalized colorimetry, 87–8

N-type doping, 157–8

N-type semiconductors, 158–9

Nuclei, 40–41, 155–6

Numerical models, 422–3

Nyquist frequencies, 135

Object colour, 78–80, 93

Objective colour reproduction, 100

Objective image evaluation, 119

Objective image quality, 345–50

Objective tone reproduction, 377

Observer metamerism, 94

Ocelli, 75

OECFs, see Opto-electronic conversion functions

Off-centre receptive fields, 67

Off-the-film (OTF) metering, 53–4, 219

OLEDs, see Organic light-emitting displays

OLPFs, see Optical low pass filters

Ommatidium, 75, 76

On-centre receptive fields, 67

One dimension imaging equation, 128

Opacity, 140, 141

Open-loop colour management systems, 476–7

Opponent theory of colour vision, 9–10, 69

Optical attachments, 191–4

Optical compensation, 188

Optical disc storage, 340–42

Optical filters, 6, 194–7

Optical low pass filters (OLPFs), 265–6

Optical transfer functions (OTFs), 133

Optic chiasm, 72

Optic nerve, 62

Optic radiations, 72

Optics, 21–2, 103–117, 265–6

Optimal filtering, 531

Optimization workflow, 470–71

Optimum exposure control, 232

Opto-electronic conversion functions (OECFs), 144, 242, 366–7, 383–5

Opto-kinetic reflex eye movement, 71, 72

Orbits, 156

Organic light-emitting displays (OLEDs), 296–7

Organic restrainers, 258

Original-referred colour encoding, 415–16

Orthochromatic materials, 9, 249

Orthoscopic lenses, 178–9

Oscillations, 22–3, 24, 29, 30

Ostwald ripening, 251

OTF, see Off-the-film

OTFs, see Optical transfer functions

Output profiles, 493–5

Output-referred colour encoding, 415

Output-referred sensor dynamic ranges, 230, 231

Output resolution, 14

Overall gamma, 378

Overall transfer functions, 378

Overexposure, 231, 232, 233

Panchromatic materials, 9, 249–50

Panoramic cameras, 205

Paper, 148–51, 308–9

Paper based supports, 252

Paper contrast, 150–51

Parallax, movement, 73

Paraphenylenediamine, 257

Parasympathetic system, 70

Partial area metering, 237

Partially polarized light, 30

Passive focusing aids, 216

PC, see Perspective control

PCD, see Photo CD formats

PDF, see Portable Document Format

PDFs, see Probability density functions

PDPs, see Plasma display panels

PE, see Polyethylene coated papers

Peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), 547–8

PECVs, see Piezo-electric ceramic vibrators

Pellicle beamsplitters, 103

Pentaprism viewfinders, 202, 203

Perceptibility tolerances, 92

Perceptual intent reference media, 481

Performance trade-offs in image sensors, 167–9

Permanence factors, 338–9

Perspective control (PC) lenses, 225

Petzval lenses, 182

Pewter images, 7

Phase detection autofocus, 218

Phase differences, 25, 28–9

Phase-shifted sine waves, 120

Phase velocity, 27–8

Phenidone, 257

1-Phenyl-3-pyrazolidone, 257

Phosphors, 50

Photoabsorption, 158

Photo CD (PCD) formats, 325–6

Photocells, 51, 229–30

Photodiodes, 161

Photoelectric effect, 20, 39–40

Photoemission, 158

Photoflood lamps, 49

Photogates, 160

Photogenic printing, 7

Photographic camera systems, 199–225

automatic cameras, 206–8

battery power, 222–3

camera features, 207, 209–210

camera movement, 224–5

camera shake, 223–4

camera types, 199–204

exposure metering systems, 219–22

image formats, 199

image stabilization, 223–4

special purpose cameras, 204–5

Photographic colour reproduction, 393–409

Photographic emulsions, 367

Photographic lamps, 49

Photographic media life expectancies, 329–36

Photographic noise, 434–7

Photographic optics, 111–16

Photographic process, 245–61, 452

chemistry, 256–9

detective quantum efficiency, 452

latent images, 247–8

materials, 251–6

printing, 259–60

silver halides, 245–7

spectral sensitivity/sensitization, 246, 248–51

superadditivity, 246, 257, 259

Photolithography, 159

Photomacrography, 108

see also Close-up photography

Photometry, 21, 111–16

Photons, 20–21, 39–42, 156

Photopic vision, 21, 64, 68–9

Photoreceptors, 9–10

Photoshop Document (PSD) format, 15, 325

Physical development, 256

Physical models, 22, 420–22

Physical ripening, 251

Pictography, 308

Piecewise linear functions, 504

Piezo-electric ceramic vibrators (PECVs), 217

Pincushion distortion, 108, 181

Pixel parallel/serial readouts, 268

Pixels, 3, 11–15, 98, 120, 161

Planckian radiators, 44

Planck’ Law, 38–9

Plane mirrors, 108–9

Plane of polarization, 28

Plane polarization, 29

Plane waves, 27, 28

Planographic printing, 313

Plasma display panels (PDPs), 296

Plate retarders, 30, 103–4

PMMA, see Polymethylmethacrylate

PNG, see Portable network graphics

Point processing, 503–6, 507–512

Point spread functions (PSFs), 120, 123–4, 126, 127–8

Polarization, 26, 28–30, 105, 106

Polarizing filters, 196–7

Polycarbonate, 103

Polydispersal, 8–9

Polyethylene (PE) coated papers, 252, 253

Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA), 103

Portable Document Format (PDF), 327

Portable electronic flash units, 53

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) format, 324–5

Portrait photography, 192, 193

Portrait studios, 7

Posterization, 391

PostScript (PS) format, 326

Potassium bromide, 258

Potassium metabisulphite, 258

Power, 21

Power-law transformations, 505–6

P-polarization, 196

Predictive autofocus modes, 217

Preferred colour reproduction, 100

Preferred image quality criteria, 17–18

Pre-flashing, 260

Preservatives, 256, 257–8

Primaries, 10, 45, 85–7, 91, 393

see also RGB

Primary visual cortex, 72–3

Prime lenses:

see also Fixed-focal-length lenses

Principle of Superposition, 30, 122–3

Print characteristic curves, 149–50

Printing, 303–314

darkroom work, 260

development, 260

image archiving/storage, 336–9

image formation, 259–60

imaging chains, 16

permanence factors, 338–9

photographic process, 259–60

photography origins, 7

sensitometry, 142, 143

tone reproduction, 386

transfer functions, 386

Printing presses, 312–13

Prints, 150–51, 405–7, 436

Prisms, 19–20, 36, 37

Probability density functions (PDFs), 387–8, 508–9

Probability distribution functions, 508–9

Profile connection space (PCS), 479

Profile processing models, 484–6

Programmed exposure modes, 219–21

Progressive waves, 25

Proofing images, 497–8

Propagation numbers, 25

Protanopia, 69

Protans, 69

Proximal fields, 101

PS, see PostScript format

PSD, see Photoshop Document format

Pseudo-isochromatic plates, 70

PSFs, see Point spread functions

PSNR, see Peak signal-to-noise ratio

Psychophysical colour reproduction, 100

Psychophysical experiments, 17–18

Psychophysical phenomena, 77

Psychophysics, 346, 354–7, 358

Psychovisual redundancy, 537–8

P-type doping, 157–8

P-type semiconductors, 158–9

Pulsed xenon lamps, 50

Pupils, 60–61, 111–12

Purkinje shifts, 68–9

Purple boundaries, 89–90

QE, see Quantum efficiency

Quadrant diagrams, 379–80

Quanta, 20–21

Quantum efficiency (QE), 170

Quantum optics, 22

Quarter-wave plates, 30, 103–4, 197

Quartz, 103–4

Quartz oscillators, 207

Quartzeiodine (QI) lamps, 50

Quasi-fish-eye lenses, 186

Quasimonochromatic harmonic waves, 25

Quasi-Planckian light sources, 45

Quinol, 257

Radially graduated ND filters, 196

Radiant flux, 20

see also Electromagnetic radiation

Radiating states, 41

Radiometry, 21

Radio waves, 35

Random access memory (RAM), 206

Rangefinder cameras, 202

Raster graphics, 315–16

RAW files, 15, 320–22, 467–9

Rayleigh criteria, 34–5

RC, see Resin-coated papers

Read-only memory (ROM), 206, 207

Rear curtain synchronization, 211

Rear principal focus, 4–5, 107

Receptive fields, 67–8

Recess printing, 313

Reciprocal functions: image formation, 132

Reciprocity law failure (RLF), 151–2, 236–7

Recommended Exposure Indices (REI), 373, 374

Rectangular functions, 130, 131

Rectilinear focusing mounts, 215

Red-eye avoidance, 55

Redundancy, 543–7

Reference media, 353, 481


colour science, 79–80, 93

exposure/image control, 229–30, 237, 239–40

light sources, 47–9

light theory, 19

photographic optics, 104, 105, 115–16

sensitometry, 152


camera lenses, 177

imaging process, 2, 4–5

light theory, 19, 27–8

photographic optics, 104

Refractive indices, 4–5, 27–8

Refresh rates, 297–8

Regression: digital colour reproduction, 423–4

Related colours, 78

Relative apertures, 229

Relative colorimetry, 87, 88–9

Relative light flux, 101

Relative spectral power distribution, 101

Relief printing, 312–13

Rendered camera processing, 272–3

Rendering intents, 479–81

Rendering options, 495–6

Residual curvilinear distortions, 181

Resin-coated (RC) papers, 252, 253

Resizing, 276

Resolution, 433, 442–50

digital image workflow, 459–63

digital printing, 309, 311–12

displays, 298–9

image quality/system performance, 347

image scanners, 284–5

imaging process, 9, 13, 14

light theory, 33–5

Resonance states, 41

Response curves, 148–50

Restrainers, 256, 258

Retina, 59, 61–4, 73

Retrofocus lenses, 186

Reversal film, 372–3

Reversal processes in colour reproduction, 399–400, 402–3

Reversed Galilean type finders, 213, 214

RGB (red, green, blue), 393

colour capturing, 10

colour management systems, 496–7

colour representation, 15

colour science, 86, 91

digital colour reproduction, 412–13, 416–19

Rhodopsin, 65

Right circular polarization, 29–30

RIMM (Reference Input Medium Metric) RGB, 419

Ring flash, 239

RLF, see Reciprocity law failure

Rod receptors, 62–3, 64–6, 68–9, 75

Roll film, 8

Rolling shutters, 170–71

ROM, see Read-only memory

ROMM RGB (red, green, blue), 419

Rotating panoramic cameras, 205

Rounding errors, 165, 389, 391

Run-length encoding, 543

Rutherford model, 40, 155–6

SA, see Spherical aberrations

Saccade eye movement, 71, 72

Salt screens, 249

Sampling, 134–7, 284–5

Saturation, 78, 90, 373, 413

Scaling methods, 356–7

Scalloped images, 14

Scanners, 263, 280–87

bit depths, 286

characteristics, 284–7

colour management, 492

drivers, 286–7

drum scanners, 282

dynamic ranges, 285–6

film scanners, 283

flatbed scanners, 282–4

flextight scanners, 284

image sensors, 166–7

image transfers, 286

imaging process, 12

multi-spectral, 284

resolution, 284–5

sampling, 284–5

speed, 286

types, 282–4

Scene dependency, 357–61

Scene-referred colour encoding, 414–15

Scheimpflug Rule, 225

Sclera, 59

Scotopic vision, 64, 68–9

Secondary colours, 393

Second ripening, 251

Segmented metering, 238

Segmented photocells, 219, 221–2

Selenium cells, 219, 229–30, 233

Self-developing material cameras, 204

Self-propagating waves, 20

Selwyn’s law, 437

Semi-automatic diaphragms, 213

Semiconductors, 11, 155–9

see also Complementary metal oxide semiconductors; Metal oxide semiconductors

Sensitivity, 365–8

charge-coupled devices, 374–5

colour, 367

digital cameras, 366–7

film, 374–5

ISO, 370–72, 374

unknown photographic emulsions, 367

wedge spectrograms, 367–8

Sensitometry, 139–54

average gradients, 146–7

Callier coefficients, 141–2

characteristic curves, 143–6

contrast indices, 147

densitometers, 152–4

density, 140–43

exposure, 139–40, 146–7, 150

light scatter, 140–42

light sources, 49

negatives, 140–42, 146–7

opacity, 140, 141

paper, 148–50

print requirements, 150–1

reciprocity law failure, 151–2

response curves, 148–50

sensitometers, 152

transmittance, 140, 141

Sensor colour encoding, 414

Sensor dynamic range, 230–32

Sequential colour, 172, 270

‘Shading’, 112, 113–14

Shadow luminance measurements, 240

Shah functions, see Dirac combs

Shannon’s theorem, 540–42

Sharpened cone responsivities, 98

Sharpening/sharpness, 14, 277, 433, 442, 449–50, 514–17

image formation/photographic process, 256

image quality/system performance, 347–8

imaging process, 9

Shells: light theory, 41

Shifts: photographic camera systems, 224–5

Short-wave radiation, 248–9

Shutter systems, 207, 209, 228, 229, 268

Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), 440–41, 453, 547

Silicon, 156–7

Silicon photodiodes (SPDs), 229–30, 233, 234

Silver-based materials, 372–3

Silver bromoiodide, 7

Silver halide imaging, 2–4, 7–9, 15–16, 245–7

Silver iodide, 7

Silver nitrate, 7

Silveredyeebleach processes, 406–7

Simple cameras, 199–200

Simple finders, 213

Simple harmonic motion, 23–5

Simple lenses, 106, 181

Simultaneous contrast, 96

Sinc functions, 33–4

Sine (sin) waves, 23–5, 120–23, 129–30

Sine-wave methods, 445

Single-beam densitometers, 152, 153

Single-frame panoramas, 205

Single-lens reflex (SLR) cameras, 202, 203, 214, 216, 218–19, 265

Single slit diffraction, 32–4

Single-use cameras (SUC), 200

Sinusoidal waves, 22–5, 120–25, 129–30, 132–3

Skylight, 49

Slanted edge methods, 446–7, 448

Slave units, 51

SLR, see Single-lens reflex cameras

Smearing, 163–4

Smoothing spatial filters, 514

Smooth pursuit eye movement, 71, 72

Snell’s Law, 19

SNR, see Signal-to-noise ratio

Sodium hyposulphite, 7

Sodium sulphite, 257–8

Soft-focus attachments, 193

Soft-proofing images, 497–8

Solid glass anti-reflection coatings, 194

SOS, see Standard output sensitivity

Spatial contrast sensitivity, 83

Spatial frequencies, 9, 23

Spatial image processing, 501–520

Spatial limits of resolution, 34–5

Spatially invariant systems, 124

Spatial periods, 23

Spatial redundancy, 537, 538, 543–4

Spatial resolution, 13, 14

SPDs, see Silicon photodiodes

Specialist digital cameras, 280

Special purpose cameras, 204–5

Special strobe flash units, 53

Spectral absorptance, 79–80

Spectral colour reproduction, 99

Spectral data, 87–8

Spectral density, 142

Spectral loci, 89–90

Spectral luminous efficiency function, 21

Spectral power distribution curves, 43–4

Spectral quality, 43

Spectral responsivity, 65–6

Spectral sensitivity, 9, 65–6, 366–7

Spectral sensitization, 249–51

Spectral transmission, 181

Spectrophotometry, 101

Spectroradiometry, 100–101

Specular density, 140–41

Speed of imaging systems, 365, 368–75

Spherical aberrations (SA), 177–8, 187, 188

Spherical mirrors, 108–9

Split-image rangefinders, 214, 217

S-polarization, 196

Spot filters, 114

Spotlights, 48

Spot metering, 234, 237

Spread functions, 120, 123–8, 133

Spreading: colour science, 96

Square-wave methods, 445–6

SRGB transfer functions, 385–6

Stage theory, 82–3

Standard colour space, 416–19

Standard observers, 86–7, 170

Standard output sensitivity (SOS), 374

Standing waves, 38

States of polarization, 29

Stationary states: light theory, 41

Statistical operations: spatial image processing, 507–512

Status M densitometry, 153–4

StefaneBoltzmann Law, 38

Steradian units, 46

Stereopsis, 73

Stevens’ psychometric scales, 355

Stopped-down modes, 219

Stops, 111–12, 228

Storage, 329–43

Striate cortex, 72

Studio flash units, 53–4

Subjective colour reproduction, 100

Subjective image quality, 345–50

Subjective judgement in image formation, 119

Subjective tone reproduction, 377, 378–9

Subject luminance ranges/ratios: exposure/image control, 228–30

Subject movement, see Movement

Subtractive-based colour spaces, 412, 413

Subtractive colour mixing, 10

Subtractive colour reproduction, 98–9, 393, 395

Subtractive image dyes, 396, 397

SUC, see Single-use cameras

Successive approximation, 165

Sunshade attachments, 192–3

Superachromat lenses, 176

Superadditivity, 246, 257, 259

The Super Charge-Coupled Device™, 271–2

Supplementary lenses, see Close-up lenses

Surround fields, 101–2

Swings: photographic camera systems, 224–5

Symmetrical-derivative lenses, 185–6

Symmetrical doublet lenses, 182–3

Synchronization, 209–211, 229

Synergesis, 246, 257, 259

Synthesis stages, 6

Synthetic quartz, 103–4

System performance, 345–63

digital image artefacts, 350–51

fidelity, 351–2

objective image quality, 345–50

psychophysics, 354–7

reference images, 353

scene dependency, 357–61

subjective image quality, 345–50

test charts, 353–4

test scenes, 353, 354, 358, 359, 360–61

Tabular crystals, 250–52

Tactile theory, 19

Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), 15, 317–19

Tapetum, 61

TCAs, see Transverse chromatic aberrations

Technical cameras, 203–4

Telecentric lenses, 265

Teleconverters, 193–4

Telephoto converters, 191

Telephoto lenses, 186–7, 190

Telephoto wide-angle lenses, 190

Tele-zoom lenses, 189

Temperature, 44–6

Temporal contrast sensitivity, 83

Temporal frequencies, 23, 25

Temporal periods, 23

Temporal visual pathway fields, 72

Test charts, 353–4

Test image targets, 388–9

Test scenes, 353, 354, 358–61

The Foveon™ sensor, 272

Thermodynamic scales, 44

Thermography, 35, 307–8

Thick lenses, 106–7

Three-sensor cameras, 269–70

Threshold systems, 369

Through printing, 313

Through-the-finder (TTF) metering, 213, 214

Through-the-lens (TTL) metering, 114, 189, 219, 220

TIFF, see Tagged Image File Format

Tilts, 224–5

‘Time-scale’ factors, 152

TLR, see Twin-lens reflex cameras

T-numbers, 115

Tone distributions, 222

Tone in imaging process, 5

Tone mapping, 242

Tone rendering, 277

Tone reproduction, 377–91

Adobe RGB transfer functions, 385–6

bit-depth requirements, 389–91

contrast ratios, 386–8

CRT displays, 381–2

dynamic ranges, 386–8

gamma, 377–9

gamma correction, 389–91

image encoding systems, 381–6

image quality, 346–7

imaging devices, 381–6

imaging process, 5, 14

JPEG transfer functions, 385–6

liquid crystal displays, 382

measuring display transfer functions, 382–3

non-linear quantization, 389–91

optimum gamma, 378–9

overall gamma, 378

overall transfer functions, 378

printers, 386

quadrant diagrams, 379–80

sRGB transfer functions, 385–6

subjective tone reproduction, 378–9

system performance, 346–7

test image targets, 388–9

theory, 377–80

transfer functions, 377–8, 381–6

uniform area contrast, 388–9

viewing conditions, 378–9

Toner materials, 309

Toning, 336

Total scene luminance, 239

Transfer functions:

acquisition devices, 383–5

digital acquisition devices, 383–5

exposure/image control, 232, 233

image quality/system performance, 346–7

printers, 386

tone reproduction, 377–8, 381–6

see also Modulation transfer functions

Transistors, 159


colour science, 79–80, 93

photographic optics, 104, 105

sensitometry, 140, 141, 152

Transparencies, 405–7

Transverse chromatic aberrations (TCAs), 105, 106, 176–7

Transverse magnification, 108

‘Triangle of colour’, 79, 80

Trichromacy, 10, 11, 69, 82–3, 85

Tripacks, 395–6, 400

Triplet lenses, 181, 184

Tristimulus values, 85, 86, 87–8, 98

True fish-eye lenses, 186

TTL, see Through-the-lens metering

Tungsten lamps: light sources, 45–6, 49–50

Tunics, 60

Turbid emulsions, 125

Twin-lens reflex (TLR) cameras, 202, 214

UCS, see Uniform chromaticity scales

Ultraviolet (UV), 36–7, 195–6, 249

Ultrawide-angle cameras, 203–4

Uncompressed image file sizes, 535

Underexposure, 231, 232, 233

Undersampling, 134, 135, 136

Underwater cameras, 204

Uniform area contrast, 388–9

Uniform chromaticity scales (UCS), 89, 90–91

Uniform colour spaces, 91–2

Uniform pre-exposures, 260

Unique hues, 92

Unit focusing, 215

Unkown photographic emulsions, 367

Unpolarized light, 28, 29

Unrelated colours, 78

Unrendered camera processing, 272–3

Up-sampling, 14

UV, see Ultraviolet

Vacuum, 20, 23, 26, 36

Valence bands, 156, 157–8, 160

Valencies, 41

Van Albada finders, 213

Variable contrast, 150–51, 259

Variable contrast papers, 259

Variable flash output, 239

Variable-length coding, 544–6

Varifocal lenses, 188, 189–90

Vector graphics, 315–16

Veiling glare, 114–15

see also Lens flare

Ventral streams, 72–3

Vergence eye movement, 71

Vestibular-ocular reflex eye movement, 71–2

Viewfinder systems, 213–14

Viewing angles, 299–300

Viewing environments/conditions, 101–2

Virtual images, 107

Visible light spectra, 20, 36

Visible radiation, 249

Vision models, 82–3, 84

Visual acuity, 74–5

Visual cortex, 72–3

Visual density, 142

Visual pathways, 72–3

Vitamin C, 257

Vitreous cavity, 61

Vitreous humour, 59, 61

Von Kies hypothesis, 98

Wavefronts, 27, 28, 30–32

Wavelets, 27, 532–4

Wave optics models, 22

Wave recordings, 445–6

Wave theory, 22–35

Waveeparticle duality, 20

Weber fraction of contrast, 389

WebereFechner Law, 73, 74, 228

Wedge spectrograms, 367–8

Well capacity, 160

Wet-collodion process, 7

White balance setting, 275–6

White light, 9–10, 19–20, 36, 37

White points, 90, 95

Wide-angle converters, 191

Wide-angle lenses, 185–6, 190

Wiener filtering: digital image processing, 531

Wien’s Displacement Law, 38

Windowing, 164

X-rays, 37, 248–9

X-synchronization, 210–211

YCC (luminance, chrominance 1, chrominance 2), 413, 418

Young–Helmholtz theory, 9–10, 69, 82–3

Zero padding, 137

Zone systems, 241–2

Zonules of Zinn, 59, 70

Zoom, 185, 188–91, 276

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