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“All Roads Lead to Rome” analogy, Know What We Need to Ask and Answer
“Don’t Stick to Your Knitting” pattern, The Three Systemic Patterns
“Hey, Wait...Do We Do That?” case study, Distribute decision making
“how we compete” strategy, Different Types of Strategy Require Different Approaches, Different Types of Strategy Require Different Approaches
“how we work” perspective, Perspective Change
“I Want Something” case study, The Payoff
“It’s Too Hard” pattern, “It’s Not My Job”
“Let’s Get Going” pattern, “Ahead of Yourself”
“Profile of a Collaborative Leader” case study, 3. Nurture Safe Culture
“What They Mean to Say” case study, Be Fully Present
“what we do” perspective, Perspective Change, Perspective Change
“where we compete” strategy, Different Types of Strategy Require Different Approaches, The “How” Matters


accomplishment, quote by Thomas Edison regarding, What Makes It Work Inside the Corporation Context
quote by Dan Zadra regarding, Eliminate Gaps by Owning Outcome
Air Sandwich, Preface, The Air Sandwich, Blaming People Only Works for So Long
Allen, Woody (quote regarding success), Be Fully Present


behaviors conducive to collaboration, Individual Behaviors and Attitudes in Collaborative Strategy
calling out practice, Call Out, VALUE QUESTIONS
contradiction, embracing, Embrace Contradiction
learning and discovery, constant, Naming the Systemic Issues Lets Us Fix Them, Live in a State of Discovery, First Principles of the New How, DON’T DWELL ON THE PAST
listening well, Live in a State of Discovery
perspective change required for, Perspective Change
presence, being fully present, Be Fully Present
sitting forward, Sitting Forward, Going Forward
understanding the why in decision making, Understand the Why
belief systems in organizations, Step 1: Decide What Matters, First Principles of the New How
bird singing, quote by Wendell Berry regarding, When Individuals Step Up Their Game, the Overall Game Gets Better
blaming others, Before We Fix It, Let’s Understand Why It Fails, Blaming People Only Works for So Long
anonymous quote regarding, Blaming People Only Works for So Long
anxiety about, defusing, 6. Engage Issues
avoiding, 6. Engage Issues
calling out practice without, Call Out
Bono (quote regarding raging against the lie), Blaming People Only Works for So Long
about Abraham Lincoln’s Cabinet, Embrace Contradiction
about change management, Change Management
about collaboration, Collaboration Trends and Tools
about communication in difficult situations, Embrace Contradiction, Tough Conversations
about creativity, Creativity
about decision making, Change Management
about facilitation, Creativity
about leadership, Tough Conversations
about strategy, Strategy
brainstorming, 2. Generate Ideas, Generating Options
burning the boat, Intention


cadence, managing, 1. Manage Cadence
calling out practice, Call Out, VALUE QUESTIONS
case studies
“Hey, Wait...Do we Do That?”, Distribute decision making
“I Want Something”, The Payoff
“Profile of a Collaborative Leader”, 3. Nurture Safe Culture
“What They Mean to Say”, Be Fully Present
cathedral metaphor, for process creation system, Wrapping Up
Chambers, John (CEO of Cisco Systems), regarding business climate changes, The New How: Let ‘Em Think
in business climate, examples of, The New How: Let ‘Em Think, Step 1: Decide What Matters
in strategy creation, reasons for, “Ahead of Yourself”
incentives for, Burning the Boat
managing, books about, Change Management
resistance to, MurderBoarding helping with, MurderBoarding: What Is It?
Chief of Answers role, Enabling Organizational Velocity
choices of individual
impact of, Five Practices for Busting Out
practices for, Call Out
quote by C. Wright Mills regarding, Killing Off Bad Ideas So Good Ideas Can Thrive
Cisco Systems CEO, regarding business climate changes, The New How: Let ‘Em Think
co-creator role, Each of Us: Co-Creator, VALUE QUESTIONS
co-ownership, rewarding, First Principles of the New How, ABIDE BY THE RESULT
books about, Collaboration Trends and Tools
for assigning responsibilities, Take roles and responsibilities
for fact gathering, Step 3: Sharing the Findings
for option development, Step 2: Criteria Tracking
for problem scope identification, Problem scope: Roles and responsibilities
for selecting options, Select Roles and Responsibilities
in QuEST framework, Be a Collaborative Leader
leaders’ difficulty with, Enabling Organizational Velocity
decoding, Step 3a: Reshape ideas
frequency and duration of, 1. Manage Cadence
in difficult situations, books about, Embrace Contradiction, Tough Conversations
truth of situation, informing people of, Speaking Truth with Clarity and Power
completion, determining, 5. Satisfice
communication in difficult situations, books about, Embrace Contradiction, Tough Conversations
contradiction, embracing, Embrace Contradiction
engaging, 6. Engage Issues
identifying and resolving, Organizational Principles for Collaborative Strategy
tension, handling, EMBRACE TENSION
connections, developing, 4. Develop Connections
creativity and improvisation
books about, Creativity
freedom to use, First Principles of the New How, Set clear goals and then improvise
leaders creating environment for, Transitioning to the Un-Hero, 3. Nurture Safe Culture
results driven by, Each of Us: Co-Creator
strategy creation using, How It All Works, EMBRACE TENSION, INVOLVE OTHERS
translating problems into opportunity for, Process for Collaborative Strategy, Embrace Contradiction, EMBRACE TENSION
criteria for success of potential options, Step 2: Criteria Tracking, Tips for Criteria Development
culture of organization
belief systems, Step 1: Decide What Matters, First Principles of the New How
knowing valued by, compared to learning, The Telltale Signs
risk avoidance valued by, Before We Fix It, Let’s Understand Why It Fails, The Telltale Signs
safe culture, nurturing, 3. Nurture Safe Culture
successful, requirements for, Organizations That Win Form Winning Cultures
tactical decisions ignored by, Different Types of Strategy Require Different Approaches


decision making
books about, Change Management
distributed, First Principles of the New How, Distribute decision making
importance of, “It’s Not My Job”, Naming the Systemic Issues Lets Us Fix Them
warning signs regarding, The Telltale Signs
satisficing strategy for, 5. Satisfice
decoding, Step 3a: Reshape ideas
deconstructing problems, Process for Collaborative Strategy
disambiguation, Step 3a: Reshape ideas
disconnects in traditional approach to strategy, The Air Sandwich
distinctiveness, Step 3a: Reshape ideas
doomsaying, Call Out


Edison, Thomas (quote regarding rules and accomplishment by), What Makes It Work Inside the Corporation Context
elephant hunting, in fact gathering, Fact gathering activities
Envision phase, QuEST framework, Be a Collaborative Leader, Be a Collaborative Leader, Create Options That Matter and Know Why They Matter
co-creator’s role in, Step 2: Criteria Tracking
criteria tracking, Step 2: Criteria Tracking
duration of, Be a Collaborative Leader
goal of, The Goal: Achieving Viable Options That People Believe In
leader’s role in, Leading the option development step
options, developing, Step 1: Option Development
making strategy, The Air Sandwich
experimentation, DON’T DWELL ON THE PAST


facilitation, books about, Creativity
fact gathering, Step 2: Fact Gathering
failure, quote by Henry Ford regarding, Before We Fix It, Let’s Understand Why It Fails
about being fully present, Be Fully Present, Be Fully Present
about blame, 6. Engage Issues
findings framework, Building a Findings Framework
followership, First Principles of the New How, Demand good followership
Ford, Henry (quote regarding failure), Before We Fix It, Let’s Understand Why It Fails
freedom and choices, quote by C. Wright Mills regarding, Killing Off Bad Ideas So Good Ideas Can Thrive
future, quote by Gandhi regarding, Organizations That Win Form Winning Cultures


hammer and nail, quote by Abraham Maslow regarding, Know What We Need to Ask and Answer
help, asking for when interviewing, INTERVIEWING: MINING WISDOM.


ideas, generating, 2. Generate Ideas
tips for, Tips for Interviewing
IQ and success, quote by Virender Kapoor regarding, Be Fully Present


Kapoor, Virender (quote regarding IQ and success), Be Fully Present
key strategists, leaders as, The Goal Is Repeated Wins


as Chief of Answers, Enabling Organizational Velocity
as key strategists, The Goal Is Repeated Wins
as Official Process Guide, 1. Manage Cadence
as un-heroes, transitioning to, Transitioning to the Un-Hero
cadence, managing, 1. Manage Cadence
connections, developing, 4. Develop Connections
difficulty of collaboration by, Enabling Organizational Velocity
engaging the issues, 6. Engage Issues
facilitation techniques for, books about, Creativity
ideas, generating, 2. Generate Ideas
milestones, celebrating, 1. Manage Cadence
participation of team, encouraging, Transitioning to the Un-Hero
process framework, sequencing and navigating, 7. Trace Topography
profile of Hans Grande, 3. Nurture Safe Culture, 3. Nurture Safe Culture
responsibilities of, The Seven Responsibilities
role in assigning responsibilities, Take roles and responsibilities
role in fact gathering, Step 3: Sharing the Findings
role in identifying scope of problem, Problem scope: Roles and responsibilities
role in option development, Leading the option development step
role in selecting options, Select Roles and Responsibilities
role in sharing the findings, Sharing the findings: Roles and responsibilities
safe culture, nurturing, 3. Nurture Safe Culture
satisficing decision making strategy, 5. Satisfice
smartest-guy-in-the-room approach by, Enabling Organizational Velocity
trust of, building, Transitioning to the Un-Hero
leadership, books about, Tough Conversations
learning and discovery
constant, Naming the Systemic Issues Lets Us Fix Them, Live in a State of Discovery, First Principles of the New How, DON’T DWELL ON THE PAST
openness to, 6. Engage Issues
lie, raging against, quote by Bono regarding, Blaming People Only Works for So Long
limits, quote by Arthur Schopenhauer regarding, Create Options That Matter and Know Why They Matter
behaviors conducive to, Live in a State of Discovery


Maslow, Abraham (quote regarding hammer and nail), Know What We Need to Ask and Answer
McKinsey, study regarding strategic decisions, Killing Off Bad Ideas So Good Ideas Can Thrive
meritocracy of ideas, Individual Behaviors and Attitudes in Collaborative Strategy
milestones, celebrating, 1. Manage Cadence
Mills, C. Write (quote regarding freedom and choices), Killing Off Bad Ideas So Good Ideas Can Thrive
MurderBoarding, Selecting “The One”
choosing among ideas, Step 1: Decide What Matters, Step 4: Choose
deciding what matters, Steps to MurderBoarding, Step 1: Decide What Matters
duration of, The Goal: Selecting a Winning Strategy
goal of, The Goal: Selecting a Winning Strategy
reshaping ideas, Step 3a: Reshape ideas
sorting ideas, Steps to MurderBoarding, Step 2: Sort
testing ideas, Step 1: Decide What Matters, Step 3: Test
when to use, MurderBoarding: What Is It?


Official Process Guide role, 1. Manage Cadence
organizational system
elements of, allowing collaborative strategy, Strategy in the Organizational System, Naming the Systemic Issues Lets Us Fix Them
rules of, as obstacles to collaboration, Organizational Principles for Collaborative Strategy
organizational testing, Step 3: Test
organizations making strategy, Surely, We Can Do This Important Thing Better, Surely, We Can Do This Important Thing Better


pace, setting, 1. Manage Cadence
participation and ownership
enabling in individuals, Individual Behaviors and Attitudes in Collaborative Strategy
encouragement of, by leaders, Transitioning to the Un-Hero
importance of, The Three Systemic Patterns, What Makes It Work Inside the Corporation Context
rewarding, First Principles of the New How, Reward co-ownership
warning signs regarding, The Telltale Signs
passion, regarding your work, Be Fully Present
passive-aggressive behavior, not allowing, 6. Engage Issues
personal accountability, quote by Dan Zadra regarding, Eliminate Gaps by Owning Outcome
personal aspect of business, Naming the Systemic Issues Lets Us Fix Them
power plays, not allowing, 6. Engage Issues
presence, being fully present, Be Fully Present
principles of New How, First Principles of the New How
priorities, deciding on, Steps to MurderBoarding, Step 1: Decide What Matters
deconstructing to enable distributed decision-making, Process for Collaborative Strategy
difficult, contradiction involved in, Embrace Contradiction
disconnects in traditional approach to strategy, The Air Sandwich
failed strategies, blaming others for, Before We Fix It, Let’s Understand Why It Fails, Blaming People Only Works for So Long
failed strategies, causes of, Before We Fix It, Let’s Understand Why It Fails, The Air Sandwich, Surely, We Can Do This Important Thing Better, The Three Systemic Patterns
failed strategies, effects of, Before We Fix It, Let’s Understand Why It Fails, The Air Sandwich
failed strategies, warning signs leading to, The Telltale Signs
organizational rules as obstacles to collaboration, Organizational Principles for Collaborative Strategy
scope of, identifying, Working Parts of the Question Phase
process for collaborative strategy, The “How” Matters, Surely, We Can Do This Important Thing Better, Process for Collaborative Strategy, Naming the Systemic Issues Lets Us Fix Them, How It All Works
sequencing and navigating, 7. Trace Topography


QuEST (Question, Envision, Select, Take) framework, Be a Collaborative Leader, How It All Works
benefits of, Be a Collaborative Leader, The Question Phase: How It Fits, Wrapping Up
collaboration in, Be a Collaborative Leader
Envision phase, Be a Collaborative Leader, Be a Collaborative Leader, Create Options That Matter and Know Why They Matter
co-creator’s role in, Step 2: Criteria Tracking
criteria tracking, Step 2: Criteria Tracking
duration of, Be a Collaborative Leader
goal of, The Goal: Achieving Viable Options That People Believe In
leader’s role in, Leading the option development step
options, developing, Step 1: Option Development
flexibility in, How It All Works
Question phase, Be a Collaborative Leader, Be a Collaborative Leader, The Question Phase: How It Fits
collaborator’s role in, Problem scope: Roles and responsibilities, Step 3: Sharing the Findings
duration of, Be a Collaborative Leader
fact gathering, Step 2: Fact Gathering
goal of, Working Parts of the Question Phase, The Goal: Getting Shared Understanding
leader’s role in, Problem scope: Roles and responsibilities, Step 3: Sharing the Findings, Sharing the findings: Roles and responsibilities
scope of problem, identifying, Working Parts of the Question Phase
sequence of steps in, Sequences of the Question Phase
sharing the findings of, Step 3: Sharing the Findings
Select phase, Be a Collaborative Leader, Be a Collaborative Leader, Killing Off Bad Ideas So Good Ideas Can Thrive
collaborator’s role in, Select Roles and Responsibilities
duration of, Be a Collaborative Leader, The Goal: Selecting a Winning Strategy
goal of, The Goal: Selecting a Winning Strategy
leader’s role in, Select Roles and Responsibilities
MurderBoarding process in, MurderBoarding: What Is It?
sequence of steps in, Sequences of Select
Take phase, Be a Collaborative Leader, Be a Collaborative Leader, Eliminate Gaps by Owning Outcome
collaborator’s role in, Take roles and responsibilities
duration of, Be a Collaborative Leader
goal of, Why Take Is Important, The Artifacts of the Take Phase
leader’s role in, Take roles and responsibilities
“All Roads Lead to Rome” analogy, Know What We Need to Ask and Answer
Question phase, QuEST framework, Be a Collaborative Leader, Be a Collaborative Leader, The Question Phase: How It Fits
collaborator’s role in, Problem scope: Roles and responsibilities, Step 3: Sharing the Findings
duration of, Be a Collaborative Leader
fact gathering, Step 2: Fact Gathering
goal of, Working Parts of the Question Phase, The Goal: Getting Shared Understanding
leader’s role in, Problem scope: Roles and responsibilities, Step 3: Sharing the Findings, Sharing the findings: Roles and responsibilities
scope of problem, identifying, Working Parts of the Question Phase
sequence of steps in, Sequences of the Question Phase
sharing the findings of, Step 3: Sharing the Findings
questions, asking, Be Fully Present, Live in a State of Discovery


raging against the lie, quote by Bono regarding, Blaming People Only Works for So Long
researching, in fact gathering, INTERVIEWING: MINING WISDOM.
assigning, Take roles and responsibilities
identifying, Eliminate Gaps by Owning Outcome
of leaders, The Seven Responsibilities
seven responsibilites for establishing new mindset, The Seven Responsibilities
restatement, Step 3a: Reshape ideas
results, tracking and measuring, Naming the Systemic Issues Lets Us Fix Them
co-ownership, First Principles of the New How, Reward co-ownership
common success, Naming the Systemic Issues Lets Us Fix Them
avoiding, Before We Fix It, Let’s Understand Why It Fails, The Telltale Signs
in calling out, Call Out
undermining ability to, Perspective Change
road to success, quote by Will Rogers regarding, Enabling Organizational Velocity
Chief of Answers, Enabling Organizational Velocity
co-creator, Beyond the Title, Step 2: Criteria Tracking, VALUE QUESTIONS
collaborator, Problem scope: Roles and responsibilities, Step 3: Sharing the Findings, Select Roles and Responsibilities, Take roles and responsibilities
Official Process Guide, 1. Manage Cadence
traditional compared to collaborative, Beyond the Title, Each of Us: Co-Creator
Rome, all roads leading to, analogy, Know What We Need to Ask and Answer
Rosenberg, Jonathan (speech regarding reshaping of ideas), Step 3a: Reshape ideas
rules and accomplishment, quote by Thomas Edison regarding, What Makes It Work Inside the Corporation Context


safe culture, nurturing, 3. Nurture Safe Culture
satisficing decision making strategy, 5. Satisfice
satisficing decision-making strategy, The Question Phase: How It Fits
Schopenhauer, Arthur (quote regarding limits), Create Options That Matter and Know Why They Matter
scope of problem, identifying, Working Parts of the Question Phase
scope of strategy, Different Types of Strategy Require Different Approaches
segmentation, Step 3a: Reshape ideas
Select phase, QuEST framework, Be a Collaborative Leader, Be a Collaborative Leader, Killing Off Bad Ideas So Good Ideas Can Thrive
collaborator’s role in, Select Roles and Responsibilities
duration of, Be a Collaborative Leader, The Goal: Selecting a Winning Strategy
goal of, The Goal: Selecting a Winning Strategy
leader’s role in, Select Roles and Responsibilities
MurderBoarding process in, MurderBoarding: What Is It?
sequence of steps in, Sequences of Select
sensitive information, handling, INTERVIEWING: MINING WISDOM.
sequencing, 7. Trace Topography
shared beliefs in organizations, Step 1: Decide What Matters, First Principles of the New How
sharing the findings of Question phase, Step 3: Sharing the Findings
sitting forward, Sitting Forward, Going Forward
smartest-guy-in-the-room approach, Enabling Organizational Velocity
brainstorming for, 2. Generate Ideas, Exercise #3: Exploring new models
criteria for success of, tracking, Step 2: Criteria Tracking
options for, developing, Step 1: Option Development
options for, eliminating, MurderBoarding: What Is It?
options for, selecting among, Killing Off Bad Ideas So Good Ideas Can Thrive
taking ownership of, Eliminate Gaps by Owning Outcome
strategies, Different Types of Strategy Require Different Approaches
books about, Strategy
executives making alone, The Air Sandwich
failed, blaming others for, Before We Fix It, Let’s Understand Why It Fails, Blaming People Only Works for So Long
failed, causes of, Before We Fix It, Let’s Understand Why It Fails, The Air Sandwich, Surely, We Can Do This Important Thing Better, The Three Systemic Patterns
failed, effects of, Before We Fix It, Let’s Understand Why It Fails, The Air Sandwich
failed, warning signs of, The Telltale Signs
how formed, importance of, Before We Fix It, Let’s Understand Why It Fails, The “How” Matters, The New How: Let ‘Em Think
organizations making as a whole, Surely, We Can Do This Important Thing Better, Surely, We Can Do This Important Thing Better
scope of, Different Types of Strategy Require Different Approaches
“how we compete”, Different Types of Strategy Require Different Approaches, Different Types of Strategy Require Different Approaches
“where we compete”, Different Types of Strategy Require Different Approaches, The “How” Matters
criteria for, Step 2: Criteria Tracking
organizational culture, requirements for, Organizations That Win Form Winning Cultures
principles of, First Principles of the New How
quote by Virender Kapoor regarding, Be Fully Present
quote by Will Rogers regarding, Enabling Organizational Velocity
quote by Woody Allen regarding, Be Fully Present
repeated success as goal, The Goal Is Repeated Wins, Moving On
rewarding, Naming the Systemic Issues Lets Us Fix Them
tree metaphor for, Organizations That Win Form Winning Cultures
summary of key findings document, Step 3: Sharing the Findings


tactical details of strategy, Different Types of Strategy Require Different Approaches
Take phase, QuEST framework, Be a Collaborative Leader, Be a Collaborative Leader, Eliminate Gaps by Owning Outcome
collaborator’s role in, Take roles and responsibilities
duration of, Be a Collaborative Leader
goal of, Why Take Is Important, The Artifacts of the Take Phase
leader’s role in, Take roles and responsibilities
TED Talks, 3. Nurture Safe Culture
temptation, managing, Managing Temptations Overall
believing you already know what problem needs solving, RESEARCHING: GATHERING DATA YOU CAN REFERENCE.
choosing certainty over clarity, Fact gathering: Roles and responsibilities
claiming to know what matters over trusting the group to complete the decision collectively, The Goal: Achieving Viable Options That People Believe In
saving the ideas you personally like, Leading the option development step
sharing sensitive information, INTERVIEWING: MINING WISDOM.
wanting harmony instead of productive conflict, Leading the option development step
thinking strategically
enabling in individuals, Individual Behaviors and Attitudes in Collaborative Strategy
importance of, “Ahead of Yourself”
warning signs regarding, The Telltale Signs
tossing variants, Step 3a: Reshape ideas
tree metaphor for business success, Organizations That Win Form Winning Cultures
in leaders, building, Transitioning to the Un-Hero
undermining ability to, Perspective Change
within the team, building, 3. Nurture Safe Culture
Turning Around a Big Ship case study, Step 1: Decide What Matters


un-heroes, leaders becoming, Transitioning to the Un-Hero
understanding the why in decision making, Understand the Why
us-versus-them pattern, Beyond the Title, 6. Engage Issues, Be a Collaborative Leader


value, adding as individuals, When Individuals Step Up Their Game, the Overall Game Gets Better
by co-creating strategy, Each of Us: Co-Creator
perspective change required for, Perspective Change
practices for, Call Out
winning without, When Individuals Step Up Their Game, the Overall Game Gets Better
variants, tossing, Step 3a: Reshape ideas


Zadra, Dan (quote regarding personal accountability), Eliminate Gaps by Owning Outcome
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