Notes and Resources


Chapter 1

1 C. Brogan and J. Smith, Trust Agents: Using the Web to Build Influence, Improve Reputation, and Earn Trust (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2009).

2 C. Shirky, “Keynote address on social software at the O’Reilly Emerging Technology Conference, Santa Clara, CA, April 24, 2003, retrieved June 17, 2010 at

3 S. Boyd, Interview with authors, 2009.

4 For more on social learning theory, see B. Elkjaer, “Social Learning Theory: Learning as Participation in Social Processes,” in The Black-well Handbook for Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management, ed. M. Easterby-Smith and M. A. Lyles (Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2003).

5A. Bandura, Social Learning Theory (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1977).

6 J. Piaget, Psychology of Intelligence, Routledge Classics, trans. M. Piercy and D.E. Berlyne (London: Routledge, 2001).

7P. Berger and T. Luckman, The Social Construction of Reality: The Treatise in the Sociology of Knowledge (London: Penguin, 1967).

8V. Landau, E. Clegg, and D. Engelbart, The Engelbart Hypothesis: Dialogs with Douglas Engelbart, 2d ed. (Berkeley, CA: Next Press, 2009).

9 ASTD (American Society for Training & Development), The Rise of Social Media: Enhancing Collaboration and Productivity Across Generations, Research Report (Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press, 2010).

10 For more on women’s use of social media, see She’s Connected Multimedia Corporation, “The Power of Social Networking for Women: A Compilation of Primary and Secondary Research,” 2009, retrieved June 21, 2010 at

11 W. Hodgins, “The Snowflake Effect: The Future of Mashups and Learning, “Becta Emerging Technologies Report, 2009, retrieved June 17, 2010 at .php?rid=14146.

12 A. Toffler, The Third Wave (New York: Bantam Books, 1980).

13 T.L. Friedman, The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century, 3d ed. (New York: Picador, 2007).

14 B. Picciano, Interview, 2009.

15 C. Li, Open Leadership: How Social Technology Can Transform the Way You Lead (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2010).

16 The 70/20/10 learning concept was developed by Morgan McCall, Robert W. Eichinger, and Michael M. Lombardo at the Center for Creative Leadership and is specifically mentioned in The Career Architect Development Planner, 3rd edition, by Michael M. Lombardo and Robert W. Eichinger. It is adopted by Princeton University as part of their Learning Philosophy. For more information, see Model and

17 E. Wenger,

18 elearningcoach, “Informal Learning: An Interview with Jay Cross,” retrieved June 18, 2010 at elearning2-0/informal-learning-an-interview-with-jay-cross/.

19 M.J. Rosenberg, Interview with Pat Galagan, 2009.

20 H. Jarche, “Work Is Learning, Learning Work,” 2009, retrieved June 18, 2010 at -learning-work/.

21 H. Rheingold, The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier, rev. ed. (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2000).

22 J. Surowiecki, The Wisdom of the Crowds: Why Many Are Smarter Than the Few and How Collective Wisdom Shapes Business, Economies, Societies, and Nations (New York: Little, Brown, 2004).

23 E. Wagner, Interview with authors, 2009.

24 A. Rossett, Interview with authors, 2009.

25 C. Rasmussen, Interview with authors, 2009.

26 G. Fowler, Interview with authors, 2009.

Chapter 2

1 P. Romeo, Interview with authors, 2009.

2 W.S. Smith, Decoding Generational Differences: Fact, Fiction…Or Should We Just Get Back to Work? Deloitte Development LLC, 2008, retrieved July 22, 2010 at Local%20Assets/Documents/us_Talent_DecodingGenerational Differences.pdf.

3 Quote from blog in Chet Wood’s D Street profile.

4 R. Happe, Interview with authors, 2009.

5 For more information about The Community Value Project see a20c1f852568db004efc90/47d70b4f5634346685256e200067b05a?Ope nDocument and

6To learn more EMC’s internal online community, see http://

7 D. Cohen and L. Prusak, In Good Company: How Social Capital Makes Organizations Work (Boston: Harvard Business Press, 1991).

8 R.J. Light, Making the Most of College: Students Speak Their Minds (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001).

9 W.S. Smith, Decoding Generational Differences.

10 S. Silverthorn, “Understanding Users of Social Networks,” September 14, 2009, retrieved July 22, 2010, at item/6156.html.

11 P. Galagan, “Letting Go,” T+D, September 2009.

12 R. Merrifield, Rethink: A Business Manifesto for Cutting Costs and Boosting Innovation (Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2009).

13C. Thompson, “Brave New World of Digital Intimacy,” The New York Times, September 5, 2008.

14 C. Shirky, “A Speculative Post on the Idea of Algorithmic Authority,” 2009, retrieved June 18, 2010 at weblog/2009/11/a-speculative-post-on-the-idea-of-algorithmic-authority/.

15 P. Thornton, Interview with authors, 2009.

16Booz Allen Hamilton, “Employees Connect, Contribute on Enterprise 2.0 Portal,” 2009, retrieved June 18, 2010 at http://www.boozallen .com/about/article_news-ideas/42033790.

17 G. Koelling, Interview with authors, 2009.

18 L. Fitton, Interview with authors, 2009.

19 C. Figallo, Hosting Web Communities: Building Relationships, Increasing Customer Loyalty, and Maintaining A Competitive Edge (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 1998).

20IBM, “Pfizer’s ‘Idea Farm’ Harvest Innovative Solutions to Business Problems,” Case Study, 2009, retrieved June 18, 2010 at http:// ?OpenDocument&Site=default&cty=en_us.

21A. Adamson, “Companies Should Encourage Social Networking Among Employees,” 2009, retrieved June 18, 2010 at http://www -cmo-network-adamson.html.

22Society for New Communication Research, Beeline Research, and Deloitte, “The Tribalization of Business,” 2009, retrieved June 18, 2010 at

23 J. Bancroft, Interview with authors, 2009.

24 J. Pappas, Interview with authors, 2009.

25 J. Walton, Interview with authors, 2009.

26 B. Kaliski, Interview with authors, 2009.

Chapter 3

1 D. Pontefract, Interview with authors, 2009.

2 T. Vander Wal, “Folksonomy Coinage and Definition,” 2007, retrieved June 21, 2010 at

3 T. Davenport and J. Beck, The Attention Economy: Understanding the New Currency of Business (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2001).

4 Accordent, “Marathon Oil Corporation Taps Rich Vein of Streaming Media Content for Educating and Communicating with Its Global Workforce,” Case Study, retrieved June 18, 2010 at http://www

5 T. Starner, “Video Nation,” Human Resource Executive Online, 2007, retrieved June 18, 2010 at .jsp?storyId=33267457.

Chapter 4

1 M. Flinsch, Interview with authors, 2009.

2 E. Turner, Interview with authors, 2009.

3 A. Silvers, Interview with authors, 2009.

4 D. Wilkins, Interview with authors, 2009.

5 D. Pogue, “Twittering Tips for Beginners,” Pogue’s Posts, January 15, 2009, retrieved July 22, 2010 at http://pogue.blogs.nytimes .com/2009/01/15/twittering-tips-for-beginners/?pagemode=print.

6 B. Betts, Interview with authors, 2009.

7 G. Hegenbart, Interview with authors, 2009.

8 F. LeGendre, Interview with authors, 2009.

9 M. Mohan and T. Stone, Interview with authors, 2009.

10 J. Hart, Interview with authors, 2009.

11 M. Lentz, Interview with authors, 2009.

12 G. Minks, Interview with authors, 2009.

13 C. Miro, Interview with authors, 2009.

14 B. Picciano, Interview, 2009.

15 These examples of how government has been using Twitter are cited in S. Israel, Twitterville: How Businesses Can Thrive in the New Global Economy (New York: Portfolio, 2009).

16K. Forrister, Interview with authors, 2009.

17 D. Cathy, Interview with authors, 2009.

18 B. Ives, Interview with authors, 2009.

19 J. Dorsey, “Jack Dorsey Presents Twitter,” May 30, 2008, retrieved July 22, 2010 at

Chapter 5

1 S. Dennehy, Interview with authors, 2009.

2 D.C. Andrus, “The Wiki and the Blog: Toward a Complex Adaptive Intelligence Community,” Studies in Intelligence 49(3), retrieved June 20, 2010 at

3 D. Burke, Interview with authors, 2009.

4 M. Calabresi, “Wikipedia for Spies: The CIA Discovers Web 2.0.,” Time, April 8, 2009, retrieved June 20, 2010 at time/nation/article/0,8599,1890084,00.html.

5A. Levin, “BookBlog,” 2009, retrieved June 20, 2010 at http://

6V. Landau, E. Clegg, and D. Engelbart. The Engelbart Hypothesis: Dialogs with Douglas Engelbart, 2d ed. (Berkeley, CA: Next Press, 2009).

7M. Eggebrecht, “Social Networking Takes Flight at NASA,” 2009, retrieved June 20, 2010 at -Studies/Social-Networking-Takes-Flight-at-NASA.html.

8 A. Andersson, Interview with authors, 2009.

9 T+D. “Igniting a Passion for Learning,” October 2008: 42-4.

10 J. Sullivan, Interview with authors, 2009.

11 R. Ruffolo, “IBM Uses Wiki Approach to Corporate Training,” IT World Canada, November 19, 2008, retrieved June 20, 2010 at http://www.itworld

12 S. Mader, Wikipatterns (Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons, 2008).

13 E.E. Kim, Interview with authors, 2009.

Chapter 6

1 K. Renner, Interview with authors, 2009.

2 K. Olbrish, Interview with authors, 2009.

3 E. Driver, “Immersive Internet,” 2008, retrieved June 20, 2010 at

4 D. Thomas and J. Seely Brown, “Learning for a World of Constant Change: Homo Sapiens, Homo Faber & Homo Ludens Revisited,” in University Research for Innovation (Glion Colloquium Series), ed. L. Weber and J. Duderstadt (Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Economica, 2010).

5 K. Kapp and T. O’Driscoll, Learning in 3D: Adding a New Dimension to Enterprise Learning and Collaboration (San Francisco: Pfeiffer, 2010).

6 For more on simulations, see C. Quinn, Engaging Learning: Designing e-Learning Simulation Games (San Francisco: Pfeiffer, 2005).

7 Olbrish, Interview.

8 M. Oehlert, Interview with authors, 2009.

9 For a full case study of Loyalist College’s program, see Linden Research Inc., “Virtual World Simulation Prepares Real Guards on the U.S.-Canadian Border: Loyalist College in Second Life,” Case Study (San Francisco: Linden Research Inc., 2009), retrieved July 13, 2010 at

10 Linden Research Inc., “Virtual World Simulation.”

11 Linden Research Inc., “Virtual World Simulation.”

12 Oehlert, Interview.

13 C. Hamilton, Interview with authors, 2009.

14 Olbrish, Interview.

15 B. Carey, “Standing in Someone Else’s Shoes, Almost for Real,” The New York Times, December 1, 2008, retrieved June 20, 2010 at http://

16 Carey, Standing in Someone Else’s Shoes.

17 Synapse 3Di. “3D Training Learning Collaboration: A Virtual Worlds Conference LIVE from DC,” Conference notes, 2009, retrieved June 20, 2010 at -3di/3d-training-learning-collaboration-a-virtual-worlds-conference -live-from-dc/83612663001.

18 M. Regan, “Diversity 2017: What Does the Future Hold?” Profiles in Diversity Journal, July/August 2007, retrieved June 20, 2010 at www

19 A. Derryberry, Interview with authors, 2009.

20B. Reeves, “How Video Games Build Leaders,” On Leadership Video Transcript, The Washington Post, April 6, 2010, retrieved June 20, 2010 at video/2010/04/07/VI2010040701157.html.

21 Hamilton, Interview.

22ASTD (American Society for Training & Development), Transforming Learning with Web 2.0 Technologies, Research Report (Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press, 2010).

23 K. Kapp, Interview with authors, 2009.

24 G. Schreck, Interview with authors, 2009.

25 J. Miller, Interview with authors, 2009.

26 Oehlert, Interview.

Chapter 7

1 S. Kaplan, Interview with authors, 2009.

2 J. Foner, Interview with authors, 2009.

3 O. Mitchell, Interview with authors, 2009.

4 R. Scoble, “Twitter and the Mark Zuckerberg Interview,” WebProNews, March 11, 2008, retrieved June 20, 2010 at http://www.webpronews .com/blogtalk/2008/03/11/twitter-and-the-mark-zuckerberg-interview.

5 Weber Shandwick, “2009 Global Five Star Events,” a poll conducted by Weber Shandwick, January 26, 2009, retrieved July 13, 2010 at http://www LeadershipConferencesStillInDemandandGrowingDespiteEconomicRecession AccordingtoNewWeberShandwickStudy.

6 G. Koelling, Interview with authors, 2009.

7 D. Sharesky, Interview with authors, 2009.

8 R. Happe, Interview with authors, 2009.

9 J. Veen, Interview with authors, 2009.

10 L. Lawley, “Confessions of a Backchannel Queen,” Mamamusings blog post, March 30, 2004, retrieved June 20, 2010 at _queen.php.

11 L. Fitton, Interview with authors, 2009.

12 Veen, Interview.

13 P. Gillin, “While I Talked, People Twittered,” Pistachio Consulting blog post, September 11, 2008, retrieved June 20, 2010 at http://

14 G. Brown-Martin, Interview with authors, 2009.

15 T. Uhl, Interview with authors, 2009.

16 To learn more about the process Tracy Hamilton used to create the DevLearn 2009 Conference Tweetbook, see http://discovery-thru-elearn html. To download the DevLearn 2009 Conference Tweetbook, visit

17 S. Berkun, Confessions of a Public Speaker (Sebastopol, CA: O’Reilly Media, 2009).

18 J. Andrade, “What Does Doodling Do?” Applied Cognitive Psychology 24(1): 100-6.

19 E. Eckman, Interview with authors, 2009.

20 K. Hamlin, Interview with authors, 2009.

For Further Reading

Allen, D. Getting Things Done: The Art of Stress-Free Productivity. New York: Penguin, 2002.

Ben Betts Is Stoatly Different: A Stoatly Different eLearning Blog. http://

Brogan, C. Social Media 101: Tactics and Tips to Develop Your Business Online. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2010.

Brogan, C.

Cross, J. Informal Learning: Rediscovering the Natural Pathways that Inspire Innovation and Performance. San Francisco: Pfeiffer, 2007.

Cross, J. Working Smarter: Informal Learning in the Cloud. Berkeley, CA: Internet Time Group, 2010.

Doug Engelbart Institute.

Fitton, L., M. Gruen, and L. Poston. Twitter for Dummies. Indianapolis, IN: John Wiley & Sons, 2009.

Gillin, P. Secrets of Social Media Marketing: How to Use Online Conversations and Customer Communities to Turbo-Charge Your Business! Fresno, CA: Quill Driver Books, 2008.

Gillin, P. The New Influencers: A Marketer’s Guide to the New Social Media. Fresno, CA: Linden, 2009.

Hagel, III, J., J. Seely Brown, and L. Davison. The Power of Pull: How Small Moves, Smartly Made, Can Set Big Things in Motion. Philadelphia, PA: Perseus Books, 2010.

Israel, S. Twitterville: How Businesses Can Thrive in the New Global Neighborhoods. New York: Portfolio, 2009.

Jean Piaget Society.

Lave, J., and E. Wenger. Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1991.

Li, C., and J. Bernoff. Groundswell: Winning in a World Transformed by Social Technologies. Boston: Harvard Business Press, 2008.

Light, R. The College Experience: A Blueprint for Success. Retrieved June 18, 2010 at index.html.

Quinn, C. mLearning. San Francisco: Pfeiffer, 2010.

Rheingold, H. Smart Mobs: The Next Social Revolution. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Books Group, 2002.

Robbins, S., and M. Bell. Second Life for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2008.

Rosenberg, M.J. E-Learning: Strategies for Delivering Knowledge in the Digital Age. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.

Rosenberg, M.J. Beyond E-Learning: Approaches and Technologies to Enhance Organizational Knowledge, Learning, and Performance. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, 2006.

Scoble, R., and S. Israel. Naked Conversations: How Blogs Are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2006.

Seely Brown, J., and P. Duguid. The Social Life of Information. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2000.

Shirky, C. Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations. New York: Penguin Press, 2008.

Shirky, C. Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age. New York: Penguin Press, 2010.

Solis, B. Engage: The Complete Guide for Brands and Businesses to Build, Cultivate, and Measure Success in the New Web. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2010.

Tapscott, D. Grown Up Digital: How the Net Generation Is Changing Your World. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2008.

Wenger, E. Communities of Practice: Learning, Meaning, and Identity. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1999.

Wenger, E., N. White, and J.D. Smith. Digital Habitats: Stewarding Technology for Communities. Portland, OR: CPSquare, 2009.

Yngve, V. On Getting a Word in Edgewise. Papers from the Sixth Regional Meeting [of the] Chicago Linguistic Society, 1970, p. 568.

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