

  • abuse case testing, 164–165
  • access control, 34–36, 115, 188–189, 201–202
  • access control list (ACL), 24, 88
  • accountability, 96, 128
  • Active Directory (AD), 127, 174, 175–176, 202
  • administrative access control, 34, 35
  • Adobe, 157
  • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), 55, 68
  • advocate training and awareness, 140–144
  • agent-based DLP, 76
  • Agile Manifesto, 147
  • Agile methodology/software development, 147, 221, 222
  • AICPA service organization control (SOC) reports, 285
  • AICPA SOC 2, 217
  • Akamai, 171
  • algorithm, 68
  • Amazon API Gateway, 171
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS)
    • Cloud Formation, 14
    • cloud orchestration with, 13
    • CloudShark, 130
    • CloudTrail, 124
    • CloudWatch, 124
    • as defining regions, 44
    • Identity and Access Management (IAM), 127, 175
    • Inspector, 124
    • Lambda, 47, 187
    • Management Console, 113, 190
    • in multi-cloud deployment, 21
    • as offering ability to use their infrastructure in an isolated VPC, 105
    • as offering GDPR-compliant services, 11
    • as providing quantum computing service, 31
    • Relational Database (RDS), 64
    • as running data centers all over the world, 113
    • Service Health Dashboard, 243
    • shared responsibility model for, 7
    • shared responsibility model of, 237
    • Simple Storage Service (S3), 65, 91
    • VPC Traffic Monitoring, 130
    • Well-Architected Framework of, 50
    • Xen hypervisor, 108
  • American Institute of CPAs (AICPA), 217, 285
  • analysis, 45, 81, 99–100, 120–122, 163–164, 245–247, 289
  • Apache, 167
  • API gateway, 169, 171
  • Apple FileVault, 94
  • application capability types, 16
  • application programming interfaces (APIs), 21, 47, 62, 65, 165–166
  • Application Security Verification Standard (ASVS) (OWASP), 157
  • application testing, 161–162
  • application virtualization and orchestration, 173
  • application-level encryption, 69
  • Architecture, Threats, Attack surfaces, Mitigations (ATASM), 155–156
  • archive phase controls, 60
  • artificial intelligence (AI), 28, 29, 79
  • Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Privacy Framework (APEC), 260, 264
  • assessment, 119–120, 131, 135, 211, 214–215, 280–281, 307–308, 309
  • assurance, of cloud software, 158–165
  • at-rest data monitoring, 76
  • attributed-based access control (ABAC), 112
  • AU-3, 129
  • audit controls, internal and external, 282–283
  • audit mechanisms, 128–130
  • audit planning, 290–291
  • audit process, 281–299
  • audit reports, 285
  • audit requirements, 283–284
  • audit scope restrictions, 288
  • audit scope statements, 288–289
  • auditability, 26, 96
  • Australian Privacy Act, 273
  • authentication, 127, 177
  • authorization, in cloud environments, 127
  • authorization to operate (ATO), 290
  • autoscaling, 187
  • availability management, 226–227
  • availability zones, 44
  • AWS (Amazon Web Services). See Amazon Web Services (AWS)
  • Azure. See Microsoft Azure


  • backup and restoration functions, 207–208
  • bare-metal hypervisor, 108
  • baselines/baselining, 42, 195–196
  • binary large object (blob) storage, 65
  • black-box testing, 161
  • blockchain, 29–30
  • blocks, 29
  • breach notification, 302
  • bring-your-own-device (BYOD) environment, 174, 178
  • building block technologies, 11–14
  • Bundesdatenschutzgesetz, 263
  • business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR), 215
  • business continuity (BC), 9, 131–138
  • business continuity plan (BCP), 44, 131–132, 134–138
  • business impact analysis (BIA), 45
  • business impact assessment (BIA), 131, 135, 214–215, 280
  • Business Operation Support Services (BOSS), 51


  • cache poisoning, 193
  • California Consumer Protection Act (CCPA), 274, 277
  • capacity management, 227–228
  • capital expenditures (CapEx), 3, 11
  • CAPTCH authentication, 28
  • cardholder data environment (CDE), 84
  • Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute (SEI), Incident Management Capability Assessment, 253
  • categorization, 83
  • Center for Internet Security (CIS), 26, 185–186, 196, 264
  • certificates, 77
  • chain of custody, 100, 230
  • change advisory board (CAB), 213
  • change control board (CCB), 213
  • change management, 213–214
  • cheat sheets (OWASP), 97–98, 129, 157
  • Cisco, 113
  • CISO Mind Map, 240
  • Citrix XenServer, 39
  • Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act (U.S. CLOUD Act), 233, 258, 274
  • cloud access security broker (CASB), 31, 127, 175, 178–179
  • cloud application architecture, 168–174
  • cloud application security, 140–144
  • cloud attacks, 122–123
  • cloud auditor, 15
  • cloud broker, 15
  • cloud carrier, 15
  • cloud computer, roles and responsibilities, 3–7
  • cloud computing
    • activities of, 14–15
    • CSA's top threats to, 142
    • defined, 2–3
    • key characteristics of, 7–11
    • other threats to, 41
    • security concepts relevant to, 33–36
    • service and deployment models in, 3
  • cloud service broker, 4–5
  • cloud service categories, 17–18
  • cloud service customer (CSC), 4
  • cloud service partner, 4
  • cloud service provider (CSP), 4, 15, 51–56
  • cloud shared responsibilities, 21–27
  • cloud software, assurance and validation of, 158–165
  • cloud threats, 122–123
  • cloud vulnerabilities, 122–123, 142–144
  • Cloudflare, 171
  • cloud-native organizations, 14
  • cloud-specific incident management, 252
  • cluster management agent, 197
  • clustered hosts, 197
  • code peer reviews, 162
  • code review, 162
  • collision, use of term, 70
  • command-line interface (CLI), 188, 190
  • Common Criteria (CC), 54–55, 308
  • Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs), 218
  • communications, 106–107, 125–126, 234–239
  • community cloud, 3, 20, 105
  • compliance, 122, 297–298
  • computer-based training (CBT), 142
  • confidential computing, 32
  • Confidential Computing Consortium, 32
  • confidentiality, integrity, and availability (CIA), 66, 143, 149, 216
  • configuration item (CI), 224
  • configuration management (CM), 224–225
  • configuration management database (CMDB), 158, 202, 224
  • conformance assessment body (CAB), 309
  • Consensus Assessments Initiative Questionnaire (CAIQ), 54
  • consumer-grade IRM (DRM), 87
  • container orchestration, 173
  • container security, 39–40
  • containerized application, 12
  • containers, 173, 223
  • containers/containerization, 30–31, 39, 223
  • content analysis, 81
  • content and file storage, 65
  • content delivery network (CDN), 65
  • continual service improvement management, 217–218
  • continuity management, 214–216
  • continuity of operations plan (COOP), 131
  • continuous audit trail, 88
  • continuous deployment (CD), 222
  • continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), 213, 222
  • continuous monitoring, 244
  • contract clauses, 312–313
  • contract design, 309–316
  • contract management, 312–313
  • contracts, components of, 271–272
  • contractual private data, 268–271
  • contractual requirements, 264
  • control frameworks, 292–293
  • controls, use of term, 303
  • correlation, 99, 129–130, 246
  • cost-benefit analysis, 45
  • countermeasures, 303
  • create phase controls, 59
  • Critical Security Controls (CSC), 264
  • cross-site scripting (XSS), 143, 169, 170
  • cryptographic coprocessor, 183
  • cryptographic erase/cryptographic erasure, 37, 94
  • cryptographic key establishment and management, 126
  • cryptography, 33–34, 171–172
  • cryptoshredding, 12, 37, 61, 94
  • CSA Enterprise Architecture (CSA EA), 50–51
  • CSA Security, Trust, Assurance, and Risk (STAR) registry, 54, 113, 287, 300, 308
  • CSA Top Threats Working Group, 142
  • cyber hygiene, 41
  • cyber risk insurance, 313–314
  • cyber-physical systems (CPS), 145
  • Cybersecurity Framework (CSF) (NIST), 217, 289, 293


  • data anonymization, 73
  • data archiving, 89, 94–95
  • data center, 113–119
  • data classification, 82–87
  • data controller, 261, 301
  • data corruption, 67
  • data custodian/processor, 301–302
  • data de-identification, 73
  • data deletion, 89, 93–94
  • data destruction, 67
  • data discovery, 78–82
  • data dispersion, 61–62
  • data disposal, 90
  • data events, 96–101
  • data flow diagram (DFD), 62
  • data flows, 62–63
  • data formats, 92–93
  • data labels, 80–81, 86
  • data lake, 78
  • data leakage prevention (DLP), 74
  • data location, 82
  • data loss prevention (DLP), 60, 74–76
  • data mapping, 85–86
  • data mart, 79
  • data masking, 72
  • data mining, 79
  • data model, 80
  • data obfuscation, 71–72
  • data owner/controller, 301–302
  • data privacy, jurisdictional differences in, 277
  • data processor, 261, 301
  • data retention, 89–93, 95–96
  • data sanitization, 36–37
  • data science, 27–28
  • data security, as distinct from privacy, 261
  • Data Security Standard (PCI Council), 53
  • data security strategy, 293–294
  • data security technologies and strategies, 67–78
  • data subject, 261, 301
  • data type, 83
  • data warehouse, 78
  • data-at-rest encryption, 171
  • database activity monitoring (DAM), 170
  • database as a service (DBaaS), 17
  • database management system (DBMS), 70
  • database-level encryption, 69–70
  • databases, 13, 64
  • data-in-motion encryption, 171, 172
  • Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), 186
  • defensible destruction, 93
  • deletion, as obfuscation method, 71
  • denial of service, 66
  • denial-of-service protection, 126
  • dependencies, 163
  • deployment management, 222–223
  • deployment models, 3, 18–21
  • design principles (of secure cloud computing), 43–51
  • destroy phase controls, 61
  • DevOps, DevSecOps as evolution of, 32
  • DevOps security, 51
  • DevSecOps, 32–33
  • Diffie-Hellman, 194
  • digital evidence, collection, acquisition, and preservation of, 231–232
  • digital forensics, 228–234, 267
  • digital rights management (DRM), 87
  • direct identifiers, 73
  • disaster recovery (DR), 9, 131–138
  • disaster recovery plan (DRP), 44–45, 132, 134–138
  • discretionary access control (DAC), 89
  • disk storage, 64
  • disposal, improper, 67
  • distributed information technology model, 298–299
  • Distributed Resource Scheduling (DRS), 198–199
  • DNS attacks, 193
  • DNS security extensions (DNSSEC), 193
  • DNS spoofing, 193
  • Docker, 12, 39, 168
  • domain name system (DNS), and DNS security extensions, 193
  • downtime, 122
  • DREAD mnemonic, 154
  • Dropbox, 3, 9, 17, 75, 127, 295
  • Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST), 161–162
  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), 192
  • dynamic policy control, 88


  • EA Working Group, 51
  • edge computing, 31–32
  • eDiscovery, 265–266
  • Egregious 11 (CSA), 41, 123, 142, 149, 150, 156
  • egress monitoring, 38–39
  • elasticity, rapid, 9–10
  • Electronic Communication Privacy Act, Title II, 276
  • emojis, 163
  • encryption, 55, 67–70, 72, 171, 172
  • encryption-based transmission, 8
  • endpoint, 76
  • enterprise risk management, 299–309
  • enterprise-grade IRM, 87
  • environmental design (of data center), 117–118
  • ephemeral computing, 40
  • ephemeral storage, 63–64
  • Equifax data breach (2017), 205
  • erasure coding, 61
  • EUCS, 309
  • European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR), 273
  • European Economic Area (EEA), 275
  • European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA), 305–306, 309
  • European Union General Data Protection Regulation (EU GDRP). See General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU)
  • event attribution, 97–98
  • event sources, 97–98
  • events, as distinct from incidents, 218
  • everything as a service (XaaS), 17
  • evidence collection, 232, 233
  • evidence management, 230–234
  • evidence preservation, 233–234
  • extensible markup language firewalls, 170–171
  • Extensible Markup Language (XML), 170
  • Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT), 170
  • extract, transform, load (ETL), 78


  • Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) (US), 263
  • Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), 52, 55–56, 68, 71
  • Federal Information Security Modernization Act (FISMA) (US), 264
  • Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP), 52, 54, 264, 290, 300
  • Federal Trade Commission (FTC) (US), 274
  • federated identity, 175
  • federated identity management (FIM), 175
  • Fibre Channel/Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE), 184
  • file integrity monitoring, 70
  • File Transfer Protocol (FTP), 8
  • file-level encryption, 69
  • Financial Private Rule (US), 276
  • firewalls, 209–210
  • forensic data collection methodologies, 228–230
  • forensic requirements, 267
  • fully qualified domain name (FQDN), 193
  • functional security requirements, 46–48
  • functional testing, 159–160


  • gap analysis, 289
  • Gartner, 115
  • gateway-to-gateway VPNs, 194
  • G-Cloud (UK), 54
  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (EU), 11, 23, 26, 28, 52, 61–62, 73, 92, 170, 238, 256–257, 258, 261–262, 263, 264, 268, 272–273, 279–280, 302, 303
  • Generally Accepted Privacy Principles (GAPP), 264, 278–279
  • GitHub, 13
  • global user ID (GUID), 80
  • Google Cloud Cloud Console, 190
  • Google Cloud Identity and Access Management, 175
  • Google Cloud Platform, 7, 11, 13, 105, 171
  • Google Cloud Status Dashboard, 243
  • Google Docs, 17
  • Google Drive, 75
  • Google Workspace, 13, 88, 115, 127
  • governance, as cloud shared consideration, 24
  • governance, risk management, and compliance (GRC), 47
  • government cloud standards, 53–54
  • Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), 5, 26, 274, 276, 302
  • gray-box testing, 161
  • guest operating systems (OSs), 188, 199–200
  • Guidance for Organisations Engaging Cloud Service Providers (Irish Data Protection Commission), 6
  • Guidance on HIPAA & Cloud Computer (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services), 6
  • Guidance on the use of cloud computer (UK Information Commissioner's Office), 5
  • Guidelines for Media Sanitization (NIST), 61


  • handling, use of term, 43, 60
  • hardening, 182, 195–196
  • hardware monitoring, 206–207
  • hardware security modules (HSMs), 34, 68, 69, 183–184
  • hardware-specific security configuration requirements, 182–185
  • hash functions, 70
  • hashing, 70–71, 81
  • Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act, 298, 302
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), 23–24, 26, 73, 92, 122, 170, 216, 262, 263, 264, 269, 274, 276, 298, 302
  • heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), 117
  • high availability (HA), 198
  • high-availability (HA), 9
  • homomorphic encryption, 72
  • honeynets/honeypots, 211
  • host-based intrusion detection system/intrusion prevention system (HIDS/HIPS), 211
  • hosted hypervisor, 108
  • HTTP Secure (HTTPS), 8
  • hybrid cloud, 3, 20
  • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), 8
  • Hyper-V, 39, 108
  • hypervisor, 12, 30, 108–109, 186
  • hypervisor security, 39


  • IBM
    • as providing quantum cloud computing, 31
    • as running data centers all over the world, 113
  • IBM Cloud, 50
  • IBM Cloud Computing Reference Architecture (CCRA), 14
  • IBM Cloud Orchestrator, 14
  • IBM Lotus Notes, 47
  • identification, authentication, authorization, and accountability (IAAA), 127
  • identification, in cloud environments, 127
  • identity, 34
  • identity and access management (IAM) system, 35, 114, 115, 121, 127, 128, 174–179
  • identity as a service (IDaaS), 115, 127, 201–202
  • identity provider (IdP), 175–176
  • IEEE802.1Q, 191
  • immutable architecture, 42, 223–224
  • improper disposal, as threat to storage type, 67
  • incident, 248, 249
  • incident management, 218–219, 248–249, 252
  • incident management plan, 248
  • incident management standards, 252–253
  • incident response phases, 249–251
  • incident response plan (IRP), 248
  • incident response team (IRT), 219, 248–249
  • incidents, events as distinct from, 218
  • indirect identifiers, 73
  • industrial control system (ICS), 32, 145, 248
  • information rights management (IRM), 60, 69, 87–89
  • information security management, 216–217
  • information security management system (ISMS), 52, 216, 291–292
  • information storage and management, 65
  • infrastructure, as code, 225
  • infrastructure as a service (IaaS), 3, 15, 17, 18, 49, 63–65, 107, 108
  • infrastructure as code (IAC), 42, 187
  • infrastructure capability types, 16–17
  • ingress monitoring, 38–39
  • in-motion data monitoring, 75–76
  • instant-message tools, 75
  • instructor-led training (ILT), 142
  • integration testing, 159
  • Interactive Application Security Testing (IAST), 162, 168
  • internal information security controls system, 292–293
  • International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board, 287
  • International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), 52
  • international legislation, as conflicting, 256–257, 258
  • International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
  • International Standard on Assurance Engagement (ISAE), 287
  • Internet Key Exchange v2, 194
  • Internet of Things (IoT), 30, 145
  • Internet service provider (ISP), role of cloud carrier as often performed by, 15
  • interoperability, 21, 47, 88
  • interruption, use of term, 251
  • intrusion detection system (IDS), 210, 244
  • intrusion detection system/intrusion prevention system (IDS/IPS), 244
  • intrusion prevention system (IPS), 210
  • in-use data monitoring, 76
  • IP security (IPSec), 123–124, 194
  • Irish Data Protection Commission, 6
  • iSCSI, 184
  • ISO/IEC 11889, 183
  • ISO/IEC 27001:2013, 292
  • ISO/IEC 27036-1:3032, 315
  • ISO/IEC 27036-2:2014, 315
  • ISO/IEC 27036-3:2013, 315
  • ISO/IEC 27036-4:2016, 315
  • ISO/IEC 27037:2012, 267
  • ISO/IEC 27041:2015, 267
  • ISO/IEC 27042:2015, 267
  • ISO/IEC 27043:2015, 267
  • ISO/IEC 31000:2018, 120
  • IT Operations & Support (ITOSS), as CSA EA domain, 51
  • IT service management (ITSM), 212, 225, 227
  • ITIL (formerly Information Technology Infrastructure Library), 213, 219, 221


  • Java Virtual Machine, 31
  • Jira ticket, 17


  • Kayboard Video Mouse (KVM), 189–190
  • Kerckhoffs, Auguste (cryptographer), 68
  • Kerckhoffs' principle, 68
  • key management, 33–34
  • key management encryption, 171
  • key management service (KMS), 34, 171
  • key performance indicators (KPIs), 218
  • Kubernetes (K8s), 14, 21, 168, 173


  • laws and regulations, compliance requirements of, 263–265
  • legal, risk, and compliance, 256–316
  • legal constraints, 83
  • legal frameworks and guidelines, 258–263
  • legal hold, 95–96, 229
  • legal requirements, 256–267
  • lexical analysis, 81
  • Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), 174
  • live migration, 197
  • log capture and analysis, 245–247
  • log centralizations, 130
  • log collection, 129
  • log management, 247–248
  • logging, 97–100, 129
  • logical design (of data center), 114–115
  • logical unit number (LUN), 64
  • long-term storage, 64
  • loosely coupled storage, 199
  • LXC, 39


  • machine learning (ML), 27, 28, 79
  • malware, 67
  • management console, 212
  • management plane, 111–113, 212
  • management plane protection (MPP), 113
  • mandatory access control (MAC), 89
  • manual testing, 163
  • masking, 72
  • master services agreement (MSA), 25, 309, 310
  • maximum tolerable downtime (MTD), 133
  • mean time to contain (MTTC), 307
  • mean time to detect (MTTD), 307
  • media sanitization, 36–37
  • metadata, 80
  • microsegmentation, 210
  • Microsoft
    • as running data centers all over the world, 113
    • as SAFECode partner, 157
  • Microsoft Azure
    • Active Directory (Azure AD), 127, 175–176, 202
    • API management, 171
    • Blob Storage, 65, 91
    • as CSP, 4, 13
    • Databases, 64
    • as defining regions, 44
    • Functions, 47, 187
    • Hyper-V hypervisor, 108
    • in multi-cloud deployment, 21
    • Network Watcher, 130
    • as offering ability to use their infrastructure in an isolated VPC, 105
    • as offering GDPR-compliant services, 11
    • Portal, 190
    • as providing quantum computing service, 31
    • as publishing security reference architectures, 113
    • Sentinel, 241
    • shared responsibility model for, 7, 237
    • status, 243
    • Well-Architected Framework of, 50
  • Microsoft BitLocker, 94
  • Microsoft Corp. v. United States, 233
  • Microsoft Exchange, 47
  • Microsoft Hyper-V, 284
  • Microsoft Office, 88
  • Microsoft Operations Management Suite (OMS), 14
  • Microsoft SQL Server, 64
  • Microsoft Virtual Machine Manager (VMM), 199
  • ML/AI training data, 79
  • mobile device management (MDM), 174
  • monitoring, 75–76, 205–206, 206–207
  • multi-cloud deployment strategy, 3, 20–21
  • multifactor authentication (MFA), 9, 15, 36, 127, 135, 176–177, 201
  • multiregion plans, 44
  • multitenancy, 9
  • multivendor pathway connective, 118–119
  • Mundie, Craig, 257


  • National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
  • national vulnerability database (NVD), 144
  • network, in cloud infrastructure, 106–107
  • network configuration, 184–185
  • network interface card (NIC), 37–38, 184
  • network security, 37–39
  • network security controls, 208–211
  • network security groups (NSGs), 37–38, 209–210
  • network-attached storage (NAS), 12
  • network-based intrusion detection system/intrusion prevention system (NIDS/NIPS), 210–211
  • networking, as building block technology, 13
  • New York Department of Financial Services (NY DFS), 264
  • next-generation firewalls (NGFW), 210
  • nondisclosure agreement (NDA), 26, 117–118
  • non-functional testing, 160
  • nonrepudiation, 100–101
  • normalization, 78
  • North American Electric Reliability Corporation Critical Infrastructure Protection (NERC/CIP), 298
  • nullification, 71


  • OAuth2, 174
  • object storage, 64
  • object-level encryption, 69
  • Okta, 127
  • OMB Cloud Working Group, 312
  • OneDrive, 9
  • one-way encryption, 70
  • online analytic processing (OLAP), 79
  • Open Systems Interconnection (OSI), 14
  • Open Web Application Security Project® (OWASP), 97, 129, 142, 144, 145, 153, 156, 157. See also OWASP Top 10
  • open-source software (OSS), 163, 167–168, 315
  • OpenSSL, 167
  • operating expenditures (OpEx), 3, 11
  • operating system baseline compliance monitoring and remediation, 202–203
  • operational controls and standards, implementation of, 212–218
  • operations and maintenance (O&M), 144
  • Oracle databases, 64
  • Oracle VM, 108
  • Oracle VM VirtualBox, 108
  • orchestration, as building block technology, 13
  • Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 259
  • outsourcing, 27, 309–316
  • overwriting, 37
  • OWASP Top 10, 143, 150, 156, 163, 170
  • ownership, as way to drive data classification levels and schemes, 83



  • quality assurance (QA), 164
  • quantum computing, 31


  • random access memory (RAM), 63–64
  • ransomware, 67
  • raw device mapping (RDM), 64
  • real world scenarios, $16 USD: The Price of Cracking SMS MFA, 111–112
  • records retention, 90
  • recovery point objective (RPO), 133–134, 135
  • recovery service level (RSL), 133, 134
  • recovery time objective (RTO), 133, 135
  • RedRAMP packages, 26
  • redundant arrays of independent disks (RAIDs), 61
  • reference architecture (RA), 14
  • regression testing, 160
  • regulated private data, 268–271
  • regulators, 5–6, 238–239
  • regulatory, as cloud shared consideration, 26
  • regulatory noncompliance, 66
  • regulatory requirements, 264, 302–303
  • Rehman, Rafeeq (author), 240
  • related technologies, impact of, 27–33
  • release management, 221–222
  • Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP), 189, 201
  • REpresentational State Transfer (REST), 169
  • reservations, use of term, 197
  • resiliency, 23–24, 44
  • resilient designs (of data center), 118–119
  • resolving, 193
  • resource pooling, 10
  • return on investment (ROI), 46
  • reversibility, 22
  • RFC 7348, 191
  • Rijndael, 68
  • risk appetite, 301
  • risk assessment, 119–120, 307–308
  • risk frameworks, 304–305
  • risk management, 300, 307
  • risk management frameworks (RMFs), 215, 217, 244, 253, 304, 306
  • risk mitigation strategies, 123–124
  • risk profile, defined, 300–301
  • risk treatment, 303–304
  • risks, 120, 122, 149–153, 256–267, 258
  • role-based access control (RBAC), 112
  • Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP), 162


  • SaaS IAM/SaaS-provided IAM, 115, 121, 127
  • Safe Harbor, 263
  • SAFECode, 140, 157
  • safeguards, 303
  • Safeguards Rule (US), 276
  • Salesforce, 13, 127
  • sandboxing, 172–173
  • SANS CWE Top 25, 143–144
  • SANS Institute, 142
  • SANS security principles, 50
  • Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX), 26, 263, 274, 302–303
  • schema, 80
  • scoping, 293
  • secrets, 77, 77–78
  • secure by design principle, 43
  • secure coding, 156–157
  • Secure Coding Practices, 157
  • Secure Control Framework (SCF), 281, 293
  • secure data lifecycle, 59
  • Secure FTP (SFTP), 8
  • secure network configuration, 190–199
  • secure SDLC (SSDLC), 144, 145–147, 149–158
  • Secure Shell (SSH), 59, 188–189, 201
  • Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), 191
  • security, 23, 48–49
  • Security and Risk Management, 51
  • Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML), 174
  • Security Associate (SA), 194
  • security controls, 124–130, 244–245
  • security development lifecycle (SDL), 144, 145–148
  • security function isolation, 125
  • security groups, 187
  • security hygiene, 41–42
  • security information and event management (SIEM), 80, 99, 130, 219–221, 245–246
  • security operations, 239–253
  • security operations center (SOC), 240–245
  • Security Technical Implementation Guides (STIGs), 186, 196
  • security testing, 160–161
  • semantics, 80
  • semi-structured data, 81–82
  • sensitive data, 84–85
  • serverless computing/ technology, 40–41, 187
  • service access, 36
  • service catalog, 213
  • service level management, 225–226
  • service level requirements (SLRs), 310
  • service models, 3, 15
  • Service Organization Controls (SOC), 264
  • Service Organization Controls (SOC) 2 framework, 217
  • Service Organization Controls (SOC) 2, Type II report, 166
  • service-level agreement (SLA), 19, 22, 25, 26, 122, 226, 229, 310–311
  • shadow IT, 9
  • share, as step/phase of cloud secure data lifecycle, 43, 59, 60
  • share phase controls, 60
  • shared responsibility model, 6, 48, 49, 236–237
  • shared security model, 126
  • SharePoint, 9, 75, 295
  • shuffling, 71
  • single point of failure (SPOF), 31, 118, 185, 186
  • single sign-on (SSO), 135, 175, 176, 202
  • site-to-site VPNs, 194
  • Slack, 75
  • SMS MFA code, price of cracking, 111–112
  • SOC 1, 285, 286
  • SOC 2, 52, 278, 285, 286, 287, 288, 300
  • SOC 2 Type I report/audit, 286
  • SOC 2 Type II report/audit, 52, 113, 117, 121, 283, 286, 290
  • SOC 3, 285, 286, 287
  • SOC reports, 26
  • software as a service (SaaS), 3, 15, 17, 48–49, 65, 107, 108
  • Software Assurance Maturity Model (SAMM), 144, 145
  • software bill of materials (SBOM), 164, 168
  • Software Composition Analysis (SCA), 163–164
  • software configuration management (SCM), 157–158
  • software development lifecycle (SDLC), 144–148
  • Software Engineering Institute (SEI) (Carnegie Mellon University), Incident Management Capability Assessment, 253
  • software-defined network (SDN), 184
  • software-defined perimeter (SDP), 194–195, 209
  • Solar Winds, attack against (2020), 315
  • solid-state drive (SSD), 59, 63
  • Spanning Tree Protocol (STP), 191
  • SSL VPN, 194
  • stakeholders, 239, 296–297
  • stand-alone hosts, 196
  • statement of work (SOW), 310
  • Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements (SSAE), 287
  • Static Application Security Testing (SAST), 161, 168
  • statutory requirements, 263
  • Stop Hacks and Improve Electronic Data Security (SHIELD) Act (New York), 263, 277
  • storage, 12, 110–111
  • storage area network (SAN), 12, 75, 184
  • storage as a service (STaaS), 17
  • storage clusters, 199
  • storage controllers, 184
  • storage types, 63–67
  • storage-level encryption, 69
  • store phase controls, 59–60
  • Stored Communication Act (SCA) of 1986, 276
  • STRIDE mnemonic, 153–154
  • substitution, as obfuscation method, 71
  • supplemental security components, 169–171
  • supply chain management, 314–315
  • supply chain risk management (SCRM), 121, 166, 300
  • switched port analyzer (SPAN), 185
  • system inventory tool, 47
  • systems development lifecycle (SDLC), 58
  • system/subsystem product certifications, 54–56


  • tailoring, 293
  • Target, attack against (2015), 314
  • Target of Evaluation (ToE), 308
  • technical access control, 34
  • Technology Solution Services (TSS), 51
  • tenant partitioning, 114–115
  • tenants, use of term, 11
  • theft, as threat to storage type, 67
  • third-party software management, 166–167
  • threat modeling, 153
  • threats, 41, 66–67, 122–123, 142
  • tightly coupled cluster, 199
  • Title II of the Electronic Communication Private Act, 276
  • tokenization, 73–74
  • traceability (of data events), 96
  • training, 79, 140–144, 215
  • transformative technologies, 27–33
  • transparency requirements, 302–303
  • Transport Layer Security (TLS), 59, 114, 191–192
  • Treacherous 12, 142
  • Trust Service Criteria (TSC), 217
  • Trusted Computing Group, 183
  • trusted execution environment (TEE), 32, 36
  • Trusted Platform Module (TPM), 182–183
  • two-factor authentication (2FA), 176
  • Type 1 (authentication factor), 177
  • type 1 hypervisor, 39, 108
  • Type 2 (authentication factor), 177
  • type 2 hypervisor, 108
  • Type 3 (authentication factor), 177



  • validated open-source software, 167–168
  • validation, of cloud software, 158–165
  • value variance, 71
  • vendor lock-in, 47–48
  • vendor management, 311–312
  • vendor management office (VMO), 165–166
  • Veracode, 157
  • verification against criteria, 52–54
  • verified secure software, 165–168
  • versioning, 24–25
  • virtual extensible LAN (VXLAN), 191
  • virtual hardware-specific security configuration requirements, 186–187
  • virtual local area network (VLAN), 110, 185, 191
  • virtual machines (VMs), 11, 30, 39, 204
  • virtual network computing (VNC), 189
  • virtual private cloud (VPC), 105, 173, 182, 187
  • virtual private networks (VPNs), 9, 37, 59, 193–194
  • VirtualBox, 39
  • virtualization, 11–12, 30, 64, 108–110, 284
  • virtualization management tools, installation and configuration of, 185–186
  • virtualization security, 39–41
  • VM escape, 39, 109
  • VMare, 157, 196, 284
  • VMware ESXi, 39, 198
  • VMware vSphere, 39, 108, 185
  • VMware Workstation Pro/VMware Fusion, 108
  • VMware's DRS, 199
  • volume storage, 64
  • volume-level encryption, 69
  • vulnerability assessments, 211
  • vulnerability scans, 26, 156


  • waterfall methodology, 147
  • web application firewall (WAP), 162, 169, 171, 209, 244
  • Well-Architected Framework, 50
  • white-box testing, 161
  • Windows Server, 16
  • Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), 203
  • Windows Virtual PC, 108
  • workaround, 221
  • write once, read many (WORM) media, 95


  • Xen hypervisor, 108


  • YAML, 21


  • zero trust architecture (ZTA), 37
  • zero trust network, 38
  • zero trust network architecture (ZTNA), 112
  • zone transfers, 193
  • Zoom, 277
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