acquisitions, 58, 65, 77, 142143

activity chains, 114120, 135136

activity tracking, 152

Adobe, 137

advertising, 78

Amelio, Gil, 42

Angels in the Outfield, 203

Ansoff, Igor, 2627, 28

Ansoff matrix, 2627, 28

Apple, 4, 23, 29, 4252

complementary innovations at, 4548, 5657, 7879

connection of innovations at, 139140

delivery of innovations at, 57

digital hub strategy of, 4648

iTunes music store, 4850

key products at, 4344, 56, 5758, 71, 88, 90, 96

key product strengthening by, 98

market responses to, 96

OS X, 5051

promise at, 56, 106

retail stores, 46, 48

sales at, 4445, 50, 5152

strengths and values at, 91

Third Way at, 5254

Apple Stores, 46, 48

authority, 168169

AutoNation, 17, 6162, 6467

acquisitions by, 77

organization at, 79

promise at, 6970

Ballance, Donal, 163

Bambi, 191

Beyond Competitive Advantage (Zenger), 50n

biases, confirmation of, 130

Big Hero 6, 202, 206

binary thinking, 34, 3740

Bionicle, 4042

Blockbuster Video, 61

blue ocean strategy, 24, 2223, 25, 2930

Bolt, 206

Bolt, Usain, 6

Brandeau, Greg, 205206


at Disney, 187188

disruptive innovation and, 3940, 5758

at Guinness, 160167

promise to users and, 73, 108

See also complementary innovations

Brick by Brick (Robertson), x

Brown, Tim, 31

Buck, Chris, 200

Bug’s Life, A, 203, 204

business cases, 166

business models, 24

innovation matrix and, 174

lean startup, 3031

business plans, 171, 177180

business promise. See promise to users

Car America, 61, 64

Car Choice, 61, 62, 64

CarMax, 1621, 6162, 6367, 91

complementary innovation at, 70, 79

consumption chain analysis at, 119

execution by, 6367

focus on key product at, 97

key product at, 68, 88

key product strengthening by, 98

linking innovations at, 140

management at, 78

promise at, 69, 7475, 81, 106

Cars, 204

Catmull, Ed, 205206

Change by Design (Brown), 31

Christensen, Clayton, 12, 26, 2829

Circuit City, 16, 91, 125

clarity, 82

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, 57

Coca-Cola, 15

Coin Star, 148

Collins, Jim, 95

commitment, 69, 83. See also products:key


about key products, 9697

innovation matrix and, 176177

promise to users and, 106

competition, 15

blue ocean strategy and, 2930

customer touch points and, 122

dating vs. fighting mindset on, 112, 209210

field research focused on, 129

promise to users and, 73

competitive advantage, 108

Competitive Strategy (Porter), 32

complementary innovations, 1415, 131157

at Apple, 4750, 5556

business plans for, 171, 177180

at CarMax, 1721

challenges of, 62, 7577

choosing, 76

communication about, 9697

completing, 144145

connecting, 77, 139140

constraining, 77, 138139

controlling, 77, 140142

costs of, 7879

customer activity chain and, 117118

customer context and, 126

deciding how to develop, 56, 70

delivery of, 7880, 159185

at Disney, 192198

diversity of, 21, 75

documentation of, 123

experimentation for, 145150

at Gatorade, 812

generating a portfolio of ideas for, 135136

at GoPro, 104107

groups involved in, 8283

keeping an open mind for, 149150

key product changes and, 9596

Kickbox and, 136138

leaders and, 164177

leading delivery of, 164167

at LEGO, 4042, 54, 154156

management of, 1921, 22, 77

management roles in, 150153

market responses to, 96

matrix for evaluating, 143144

minimum viable portfolio of, 144145

narrowing lists of potential, 138145

at Novo Nordisk, 1316

predicting successful, 146149

process for choosing, 135

project teams and, 181184

promise-based, 1516, 108

risk in, 1011

skill acquisition for, 142143

at Valve, 131, 132135

complete filter, 138, 144145

compliance problems, 13

conflict, 6263

connect filter, 77, 139140

constrain filter, 77, 138139

consumption chain analysis, 34, 114, 118120, 136

context, customer, 110113, 126, 151

following the customer and, 114118

mapping, 114120

control filter, 77, 140144

coral reef syndrome, 7172

core products. See products:key

creativity, 63

crowdsourcing, 146147

customer activity chain, 114118, 136

customer-centric design, 3132

customer innovations, 175

customers, core, 209210

activity chain for, 114118

context of, 110113, 126

extreme users, 112113, 123

field research on, 124126, 129130, 137, 145

at Gatorade, 512

identifying for key products, 9293

needs of, 107

predicting innovation success with, 147149

promise to, 107

sources of frustration for, 122123

touch points with, 121122

understanding needs of, 7374, 109110

value chain innovation and, 3334

at Valve, 132135

See also promise to users

customers, potential, 113

predicting innovation success with, 147149

data collection and use, 74

at CarMax, 1617

dating vs. fighting mindset, 112, 209210

Day, George, 27

decision 1, 56, 6768, 87100

challenges in, 7173, 9899

decision 2, 5657, 6970, 101130

customer context and, 110113

documentation of, 123

finding your business promise, 113

challenges in, 7375

at GoPro, 101107

looking for opportunities and, 121123

mapping customer context and, 114120

decision 3, 56, 70, 131157

challenges in, 7577

documentation for, 123

experimentation for, 145150

generating a portfolio of ideas and, 135136

Kickbox and, 136138

at LEGO, 154156

management roles in, 150153

narrowing lists of potential innovations and, 138145

open minds for, 149150

at Valve, 131, 132135

decision 4, 57, 70, 159185

challenges in, 7880

leading, 164167

solution integrators and, 8384

decision making, open and inclusive, 99

Dell, Michael, 43

design thinking, 3132

development process, 154156, 202

differentiation, 124

discipline, 82, 95

Disney, Roy, 24, 189, 207. See also Walt Disney Company, The

Disney, Roy E., 199200, 201, 205, 207208. See also Walt Disney Company, The

Disney, Walt, 24, 34, 188190, 207

complementary innovations by, 192198

See also Walt Disney Company, The

Disney Channel, 198

Disneyland, 193194, 195

Disneyland (TV show), 195, 198

Disney Stores, 201, 203

Disney World, 198, 202203

disruptive innovation, 24

at Apple, 4, 5354

brand damage in, 3839, 5960

compared with Third Way, 2829

definition of, 3n, 1112

as definition of innovation, 11

at LEGO, 3740

Third Way compared with, 2223, 26

distribution, 2

at Gatorade, 5

at Valve, 133

diversification, 203

Dornbusch, Adam, 106

Driver’s Mart, 61, 64

Dumbo, 191

Dunhill, 94

Early Access, 134

Eisner, Michael, 202, 204205

Ellen DeGeneres Show, 175

Enduring War Dog with Ethereal Flame particle effect, 133n

Euro Disney, 202, 203

execution challenges, 6267

expectations, 183

experimentation, 8082

management roles in, 152153

with potential innovations, 145150

extreme users, 112113, 123

failure rates

of disruptive innovation, 3839

from revolutionary vs. incremental innovation, 3

FairPlay, 49

fake-door test, 148149

Family Channel, 203

Fantasia, 191

field research, 124126, 129130, 137, 145

Finding Nemo, 204

FireWire, 140

flexibility, 75

focus, 95

at CarMax, 66, 70

in field research, 129

on key products, 9697

narrowing lists of potential innovations and, 138145

in promise to users, 108

follow the customer, 114118, 136

follow the money, 114116, 136

follow the product, 114116, 136

Frankenstein pretotypes, 148

Frankenstein test, 149

Frederick’s of Hollywood, 106107, 126128

Frozen, 206

full-spectrum innovation, 3233

Gates, Bill, 43

Gatorade, 12, 412

complementary innovation at, 1415

core customers for, 9293

management at, 20

promise to users of, 1516, 106

sales of, 810

Sports Science Institute, 8

Genentech, 1213

global profit targets, 178180

GoPro, 2930, 101107, 168

App, 103104

Channel, 104106

customer needs and, 117118

sales at, 105106

Studio, 104

Greenlight, 134, 150

Guinness, 160167

Half-Life, 132

Hall, Don, 202

Harrington, Mike, 132

Harry Potter movies, 38

HIPPO decision-making, 76, 210

hiring, 19, 58, 182183

Hong Kong Disneyland, 205

Huizenga, Wayne, 6162, 65, 66

human growth hormone (HGH), 1216

humility, 210

iApps, 47

ideas, generating, 135136

Iger, Bob, 205206, 208

iMovie, 47

imposter test, 149

income and expenses, 171, 177180

Incredibles, The, 204

incremental innovations, 2n, 3

innovation, xxi

acquisitions and partnerships in, 7677

big vs. small, 24

binary thinking about, 34

business functions involved in, 6263, 67, 75

categories of, 174176

choosing how to pursue, 131157

complementary (see complementary innovations)

conventional thinking about, 24

customer context and, 110113

dating vs. fighting mindset for, 112

definitions of, 11

delivery of, 57, 70, 7880

failure rates in, 3

groups involved in, 6667, 8283

incremental, 2n

investment decisions, 89

other approaches to, 2223, 2534

predicting successful, 146149

promise-based, 108

radical, 34

to revive brand and restart growth, 12

strategic approaches to, 2531

success rates of, 4

sustaining, 2n

techniques for, 3134

Third Way process for, 8082

through more products, 12

at Valve, 132135

See also decision 3

innovation matrix, 171, 172177

Innovation Navigation (podcast), xi

interview guides, 129

iPhone, 51, 96

iPod, 4551, 57, 76

Irish Pub Concept, 160167

IronPigs, 8788

iterative approaches, 8082

management and, 152153

iTunes, 4551, 57, 76, 90

market responses to, 96

for Windows, 49

job loss/change, 71, 72

Jobs, Steve, 4, 29, 4251

key products and, 57, 71, 97

leadership of, 5253

Pixar and, 205

jobs-to-be-done approach, 26, 3334, 116118

Katzenberg, Jeffrey, 201, 202

Keeley, Larry, 120

key products, 87100

at Apple, 43, 5354, 57

changes in over time, 9596

choosing, 56, 6768, 8996

choosing, challenges in, 7173

at Disney, 187188

don’ts in choosing, 9394

evolution of, 5354, 5758

identifying key customers for, 9293

importance of maintaining, 206208

innovation around, 1415, 4041

lean and trim, 9798

at LEGO, 5354, 5758

linking innovations to, 139140

multiple, 9495

preparing for success, 9698

promise for, 6970, 125126

qualifications for, 8991

requirements for, 68

rethinking, 8182

stability of, 68, 7273

strengthening, 98

tests for choosing, 9091

Kickbox, 136138

Kim, W. Chan, 29

Knudstorp, Jørgen Vig, 39, 52, 58

Kodak, 23

Lasseter, John, 205206

L Brands, 127

leaders and leadership

in innovation delivery, 70

in innovation selection, 76

mandate for project leaders, 168171

predicting innovation success and, 146149

for Third Way approach, 164177, 168171, 180184

lean startup approach, 2223, 25, 3031

learning curve, 184

LEGO, xxi, 3641

binary thinking at, 3739

Bionicle, 4042

complementary innovations at, 5657, 154156

decision 3 at, 154156

delivery of innovations at, 57

development process at, 154156

innovation matrix for, 172176

key product at, 5658, 69, 8889

key product strengthening at, 98

lean approach at, 97

legacy products at, 93

LEGO Movie, The, 55, 58, 79, 172180, 182

outsourcing at, 72

profit negotiations at, 178180

promise at, 5627, 69, 74, 106

reorganization at, 79

sales at, 37, 38, 41, 42

Third Way at, 5255

LEGO Movie, The, 55, 58, 59, 79, 172180, 182

innovation matrix for, 172176

profit negotiations on, 178180

Lehigh Valley IronPigs, 8788

Levitt, Theodore, 117

licensed merchandise, 40, 179, 192193

Ligon, Austin, 64, 66

local investment budgets, 178180

Logitech, 94

Lucasfilm, 39

MacMillan, Ian, 119120

management, 1921, 22

at Apple, 5455

challenges in, 23, 3233, 6667

of complementary innovations, 77, 140144

in decision 3, 150153

at Disney, 205206

in innovation delivery, 159

of innovation delivery, 7880

innovation matrix and, 171, 172177

at LEGO, 5455

predicting innovation success and, 146149

product manager role and, 8384

profit negotiations and, 180

senior, in Third Way projects, 182183

Third Way process for, 8082

marketing, 178179

to core customers, 512

at Gatorade, 512

“Marketing Myopia” (Levitt), 117

Mauborgne, Renée, 29

McGrath, Rita, 119120

Meet the Robinsons, 206

metrics, 164167, 182183

Mickey Mouse, 189

Mickey Mouse Club, 192193, 195, 201

Mickey Mouse Club, 195

Microsoft, 42, 43

Mighty Ducks, The, 203

Miller, Ron, 198, 200

minimum viable portfolio of complements, 144145

money, following the, 114, 118120

Monsters, Inc., 204

Moviemaker, 134, 150

National Football League, 5

Newell, Gabe, 132

Newton PDA, 42, 43

NeXT, 43

Nichols, Grace, 127

Ninjago, 154156

Nintendo, 36

Nordicare, 1314

Norditropin, 1216. See also Novo Nordisk

Novo Nordisk, 1216

key products at, 21, 68, 94

management at, 20

promise at, 69

Nutropin, 1213. See also Genentech

one-night-stand test, 149

open-mindedness, 149150

opportunities, looking for, 121123

organizational issues, 23, 3233, 80

delivery and, 168171

groups involved in innovation and, 8283

in innovation delivery, 70

key products and, 9495

Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, 189

outsourcing, 43, 98

Oveson, Jesper, 39

Pampers, 109110

partnerships, 57, 77, 79, 142143

PepsiCo, 2, 5, 92, 125

Pinocchio, 191

Pinocchio test, 149

Pippin, 43

Pixar, 203, 204207

Pixo, 55

PlayStation, 36

PortalPlayer, 55

Porter, Michael, 3233, 120

Powerade, 6, 8, 15

Precision Hawk, 143144

pretotypes, 147149

pricing, 19

Princess and the Frog, The, 206

processes, 164167

process innovations, 175

Procter & Gamble, 109110

product development approach to innovation, 2728

product innovations, 174175

product managers, 8384, 92, 168171


commodities, 1621

culling, 99

customer context and, 110113

following the, 114116, 120

at Gatorade, 612

innovation through creating more, 12, 3739, 95

key (see key products)

legacy, 93

profitability of, 93

promise to the user of, 1516

rehabilitation of potential key, 72


at Disney, 191

expectations for, 183

of key products, 93

of potential innovations, 138139, 177180

progress tracking, 152

project leaders, 168171, 180184

project plans, 166167, 171

project specifications, 171

project teams, 180184

promise to users, 1516, 2122, 210

at Apple, 54

at CarMax, 19, 66

challenges in choosing, 7375

choosing, 5657, 6970, 124126

as commitment, 107

consumption chain analysis and, 114, 118120

customer context and, 110113

customer need as basis for, 107

danger of skipping, 75

focus on, 66, 70

at GoPro, 101107

ideal characteristics of, 73

innovations focused around, 7677, 139

iterative process with, 8182

key product role in, 125126

Kickbox and, 136138

at LEGO, 54

looking for opportunities and, 121123

mapping customer context and, 114120

at Procter & Gamble, 109110

qualities of good, 107108, 124126

risks to delivery of, 140142

vague or abstract, 7475

at Valve, 132133

of Victoria’s Secret vs. Frederick’s of Hollywood, 126128

Quaker Oats, 125

QuickTake, 42, 43

Quirky, 146147

radical innovations, 34, 3940

radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, 1617

redesign, 56

resource allocation, 83, 169170

revenues, 91


in big innovation, 3

of complementary innovations, 1011

innovation development and, 181182

innovation management and, 140142

innovation matrix and, 172176

Robb O’Hagan, Sarah, 12, 412. See also Gatorade

core customer selection by, 9293

focus by, 97

Roffman, Howard, 39

Saarinen, Eero, 111


at Apple, 44, 45, 50, 5152

at CarMax, 19

at Gatorade, 810

at GoPro, 105106

at LEGO, 37, 38, 41

service innovations, 174175

Sherwin-Williams, viix, 112, 114116

skills, for innovation, 8283, 142143

Ski the Piste, 88

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, 191, 193

solution integrators, 8384, 168171, 180181

expectations for, 183

Sony, 104105, 168, 170

SoundJam, 55

Source, 134

Spinjitsu, 155156


of key products, 68, 7273

of promise to users, 107, 108, 125

stage-gate process, 2728, 151152

startups, 1621

Star Wars movies, 38

Steam, 133

Steamboat Willie, 189

Steam Workshop, 134

Stengel, Jim, 109110

strategic approaches to innovation, 2531

strategic risk, 11

“Strategies for Diversification” (Ansoff), 27


key product selection and, 89

promise to users and, 108

strengths, building on, 125

success rates, 4

key products and, 9698

poor prediction of, 146147

supply chain, 98

sustaining innovations, 2n, 4

Tangled, 206

Third Way, xiixiii

compared with other innovation approaches, 2223, 2534

complementary innovations in (see complementary innovations)

definition of, 4

distinguishing features of, 2122

execution challenges in, 6267

the four decisions in, 5557, 6785

at Gatorade, 412

history of, 22

key products in, 1415, 21, 5354

leaders in, 164177

at LEGO, 3642

management in, 1921, 22, 8082

process for, 5557

project leaders, 168171, 180184

promise to users in, 2122

starting small and local with, 184

in startups, 1621

when/when not to use, 2324, 34

time commitment, 83

touch points, 121122

Toys “R” Us, 39

Toy Story, 203, 204

training, 19, 182183

transfer pricing, 177

TT Games, 55

Turney, Sharen, 127

Ulwick, Anthony W., 26


urinal-based video games, 88

USAA, 140142, 143144

value chain innovation, 3233

value chain mapping, 114, 120, 122, 136

value innovation, 2930

values, key products that reflect, 91

Valve Corporation, 131, 132135, 150

Victoria’s Secret, 106107, 126128

vuja de, 113

Walker, Card, 198, 199, 200

Walt Disney Company, The, 24, 187208

animated feature films, 190191, 201, 202203, 204207

complementary innovations at, 192195

core product at, 199200, 204207, 206208

Disneyland and, 193194, 195

diversification at, 202205

early history of, 188190

leadership changes at, 198200

return to the core by, 201

television and, 194195

Warby Parker, 148

Warner Brothers, 178179

Waste Management International, 61

Watson, Raymond, 200

Wells, Bob, 112

Wilhite, Thomas, 200

Windows, 43, 49, 5051, 57

Wizard of Oz test, 148

Woodman, Nick, 102

Wreck-It Ralph, 206

Yenser, Adam, 175

YouTube, 104105

Zenger, Todd, 50n

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