
ABSL (Al-Sayyid Bedouin Sign Language), 32, 123, 230n30

Acheulian industry, 2056

adolescence, 202

African exodus, 210

Alexander, Richard D., 194

American Sign Language (ASL), 31, 47, 59, 64, 66, 119, 123

amnesia, 8587

anatomical changes, and origin of speech, 7274

Anaxagoras, 248n24

animal communication, 17, 1920, 34, 3654

animal rights movement, 152

animals: and autism, 13839; and comprehension of human speech, 4446; and language, 154; and mental time travel, 154; and recursion, 5154, 227n10, 227n12; and repetition, 10; and selfawareness, 14849; and theory of mind, 14448, 154. See also names of species

animal vocalizations, 3637; emotional, 38; as signal to distinguish species, 38; voluntary control of, 3839

animal welfare legislation, 152

antidecompositionalism, 230n38

antipsychiatry movement, 243n23

ape-hominin split, 55, 71, 102, 164, 18183, 189, 191, 198, 231n9, 247n4

apes. See names of species; primates

Apollonian gasket, 4

Apollonius, 4

Arbib, Michael, 6061

Ardipithecus ramidus, 18384, 185

Aristotle, 28, 248n24

arms race, 190

Armstrong, David F., Gesture and the Nature of Language (with Stokoe and Wilcox), 59

Aronoff, Mark, 3132, 230n38

Arthur, W. Brian, 21819, 224

aspect, verbal, 241n10

Asperger’s syndrome, 139, 143, 161, 243n18

Austen, Jane, Pride and Prejudice, 159

australopithecines, 183

Australopithecus afarensis, 183, 189, 198

Australopithecus sediba, 192

autism, 138, 143, 158, 160, 244n27

autistic-psychotic spectrum, 14044

autistic spectrum disorder, 160

autonoetic awareness, 85

Aymara, 119

Ayurveda, 110

Baldwin, James Arthur, 81

Barkow, Jerome, The Adaptive Mind (with Cosmides and Tooby), 12

Baron-Cohen, Simon, 138, 140, 142

Barth, John: Autobiography: A Self-recorded Fiction, 3; Frame-Tale, 2

Bartlett, Sir Frederic C., 240n9

Bass, Ellen, The Courage to Heal (with Davis), 95

bats, 154

Beck, Benjamin B., 205

Beckett, Samuel, What is the word?, 158

behaviorism, 97, 121, 153

belief, inference of, 13536

Bellugi, Ursula, 59

Bernheim, Hippolyte, 94

Beyerstein, Barry L., 225

Bickerton, Derek, 4849, 56, 234n2

Bierce, Ambrose, 1

big bang theory of language evolution, 56, 167, 230n30, 233n56

Bingham, Paul, 190

Bininj Gun-Wok, 27

biological stance, 148

bipedal hominins, 182

bipedalism, 63, 18391, 247n12, 248n20; facultative vs. obligate, 183; hand-assisted, 184; and language, 191; negative aspects of, 186

birds: and counting, 227n12; and memory feats, 154; migratory, 154; and recursion, 5254, 227n10; and tactical deception, 14748; and tool use, 1056, 250n83; and vocal learning, 3942; and www memory, 1034. See also names of species

birdsong, repetitive nature of, 10

Bischof-Köhler hypothesis, 105

Blombos Cave, 211, 216

Bloom, Paul, 28, 56; Descartes’ Baby, 172

Boë, L.-J., 237n77

Bogin, Barry, 2012

bonobos, 181, 232n30; comprehension of human speech, 4445; and gesture, 5051; and mental time travel, 106; as quadrupeds, 18384; and signed language, 4748; and speech, 4344; and tactical deception, 148; and tool use, 240n25; use of signs, 163

Botswana, 76

Bougainville Island, 27

Boyd, Brian, 125

brain, human, 249n66; Broca’s area, 60, 61, 71; Brodman area 44, 60; cheaterdetection module, 136; development of, 196200; evolution of, 142; hippocampus, 8586, 88, 17677, 239n11; hippocampus minor, 17677; motor cortex, 61; prefrontal cortex, 200; Wernicke’s area, 61

brain activation: fMRI scans of, 101; and memory retrieval, 238n7; in schizophrenia and autism, 244n27

brain size, 19697, 249n62

British Sign Language, 69

Broca’s area, 60, 61, 71

Brodman area 44, 60

Bronowski, Jacob, 188

Brown, Dan, Da Vinci Code, 227n6

Buin, Uisia dialect of, 27

Bulwer-Lytton, Edward, 2

Burianova, H., 238n7

Burling, Robbins, 67

Butler, Samuel, 1920

Byrne, Richard, 50, 148; The Thinking Ape, 147

Calvin, William H., The Throwing Madonna, 187

canine intelligence, 232n36, 244n45

capuchin monkeys, 189

Carey, Susan, 244n49

catastrophes, 222

center-embedding, 28, 5253, 229n5

Chamberlain, Lindy, 186

Chase, Stuart, Tyranny of Words, 151

Chater, Nick, 34

Chauvet Cave, 214

cheater-detection module, 136

chess, 89

childhood: as crucible of recursive mind, 202; and emergence of grammatical language, 201; and theory of mind, 201

childhood stage, 202

children, and protolanguage, 4849. See also infants

chimpanzee culture, 4950, 252n35

chimpanzees, 154, 177, 181, 185, 229n32, 231n9, 232n30, 232n33, 232n35; calls of, 3738; and counting, 245n7; and displaced reference, 117; evolution of, 247n4, 247n10; and gesture, 5051, 16265; hand of, 18889; and imitation, 49; and mirror test, 149; and problem solving, 4950; as quadrupeds, 18384; and signed language, 47; and speech, 4344; survival of, 170; and symbolic representation, 116; and tactical deception, 148; and theory of mind, 14547, 150, 243n12; and throwing, 189; and tools, 106, 2045

Chinese language, 11819, 123

Chomsky, Noam, 78, 20, 3435, 5152, 121, 151, 180, 212, 22526, 227n13; and linguistic diversity, 29; and Prometheus, 56; view of language, 2325, 55

Christiansen, Morten, 34

Cicero, 2829

Clayton, Nicola, 103

Clever Hans, 42

click languages, 21213

Clifford, Paul, 2

CMAH (CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid (CMP-Neu5Ac) hydroxylase), 249n59

cognitive arms race, 136

cognitive fluidity, 14

cognitive linguistics, 155

cognitive niche, 194

combinatorial rules, 124

concatenation, of phrases, 30

concept formation, 3031

conceptual-intentional system, 51

Condillac, Abbé Étienne Bonnot de, 5758

conditioning: classical, 9697, 240n32; operant, 9798

content words, 2930

conventionalization, 64, 6667

core network, 101

Cosmides, Leda, 13; The Adaptive Mind (with Barkow and Tooby), 12

counting, 223, 227n12; birds and, 227n12; chimpanzees and, 245n7; as human ability, 8

Cox, Nigel, Tarzan Presley, 231n12

creativity, and psychosis, 14244

cricket (game), 248n17, 248n21, 248n22

Critchley, MacDonald, The Language of Gesture, 59

crocodiles, 249n47

Cro-Magnon humans, 21517

crosswords, 246n22

Crow, Timothy, 56, 212, 235n4

crows, 1056

cultural diversity, 218

Damasio, Hanna, 249n66

Darwin, Charles, 58, 77, 144, 18687, 189, 216, 221; The Descent of Man in Relation to Sex, 19, 173; Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals, 13334; On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, 173

Davis, Laura, The Courage to Heal (with Bass), 95

Davis, Percival, Of Pandas and People (with Kenyon), 174

Deacon, Terrence, 116, 249n66; The Symbolic Species, 41, 178

death, human understanding of, 1089

de Morgan, Augustus, 3

Dennett, Daniel, 13637, 157

Descartes, René, 1, 107, 132, 17173, 176

De Villiers, Jill, 246n33

de Waal, Franz B. M., 144; Chimpanzee Politics, 243n12

Diamond, Jared, 220; Guns, Germs, and Steel, 218

Dirac, Paul, 14344

discrete infinity, 8

displacement: human infants and, 117; use of term, 81

DNA hybridization, 183

Dobzhansky, Theodosius, 174

dogs: and comprehension of human speech, 44; domestication of, 232n36; intelligence of, 232n36, 244n45; Pavlov’s experiments with, 97; and telepathy, 42; and theory of mind, 147

Donald, Merlin, Origin of the Human Mind, 63

Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 159

dualism, innate, 17173, 246n6

duality of patterning: and ABSL, 32; and Hockett, 32

Dunbar, Robin, 137, 197, 224

ebola haemorrhagic fever, 170

echolocation, in bats, 154

Edinburgh, University of, Koestler Parapsychology Unit, 132

E-language, 7, 2324, 29, 151; and natural selection, 5556

elephants, 39, 41, 196

Elizabeth, Princess of Palatine, 17172

ELIZA computer program, 129

embedding: in birdsong, 5254; of consciousness, 106; of events, 119; in music, 7; of pairs, 52; of phrases, 22, 26, 30, 35, 85, 124, 127, 230n18; of processes, 1415; recursive, 9, 203, 227n14; vs. recursive structure, 6; self-similar, 6; of structures, 20; of time, 107

emotion, 13334; and autism, 13839

empathizers vs. systematizers, 142

encephalization quotient (EQ), 197

end-embedding, 28

English, as SVO language, 123

episodic foresight, 240n2

episodic future thinking, 100

Eubulides of Miletus, 23

Evans, Nicholas, 2628, 76

Everett, Daniel L., 2526, 3335, 109, 220, 241n15, 241n16

evolution, Darwinian, 17378

evolutionary psychology, 136, 228n22; recursion and, 1215; and theory of mind, 139; use of term, 228n20

eye, as example of design, 174

Facchini, Fiorenzo, 175, 246n10

factor analysis, 228n19

factorials, 45

false belief, 13536

fast mapping, 44

Fauconnier, Gilles, 155

feedback systems, 11

Fermat’s last theorem, 225

Fertile Crescent, 218

Fibonacci series, 5, 227n6, 228n18

fiction: and language, 12426; and mental time travel, 11011

fire: controlled use of, 195; human use of, 251n6

Fitch, Tecumseh, 6, 20, 23, 5152, 234n71

FLB (faculty of language in the broad sense), 51, 234n68

fleas, recurring problem of, 3, 227n4

flight: bird, 248n41; human, 248n38

FLN (faculty of language in the narrow sense), 51, 161, 234n68

fMRI (functional magnetic brain imaging), 62, 101, 101, 238n7

Fodor, Jerry, 152, 156; Modularity of Mind, 228n20

Forster, Margaret, 84; Hidden Lives, 83

fox hunting, 152

Frank, R., 249n66

freeloaders, 136

Frege, Gottlob, 121

function words, 2930

Galen, 177

Gardner, Allen and Beatrix, 47

gaze, 146

Geller, Uri, 132

gender agreements: and autistic-psychotic spectrum, 14044; reversal of, 27

gene flow, from Neandertal to non-African H. sapiens, 250n1

General Semantics, 151

generativity, and language, 12124

genes: abnormal spindle-like microcephaly associated gene (ASPM), 199; FOXP2, 7072, 79, 21213, 251n18, 251n29; MCPH6 (microcephalin), 199; MYH16, 249n62; Neuregulin 1, 244n32; Protocadherin11XY, 235n4

genetic basis of human speciation, 235n4

Georgia State Board of Education, and evolution, 174

gesture, 237n88; as language, 50; and origins of language, 16165; persistence of, 7879; and speech, 6770, 7478. See also signed languages

Givón, Talmy (Tom), 33

God, human knowledge of, 13738

Gomero Island, 238n91

Goodall, Jane, 37, 42, 112

Google, 224

gorillas, 3839, 170, 181, 185, 231n11; as quadrupeds, 18384; and signed language, 47; and tactical deception, 148

Göring, Hermann, 152

Grady, C. L., 238n7

grammar: rewrite rules of, 21; universal (See universal

grammar) grammar gene, 200

grammaticalization, 2931, 57, 233n56; use of term, 230n30

Grandin, Temple, 138, 158, 161, 243n18; Animals in Translation, 13839

Graves, Robert, Beware Madam!, 40

Grice, Paul, 15556, 158

Griffin, Donald R.: Animal Minds: Beyond Cognition to Consciousness, 153; The Question of Animal Awareness, 153

Grodzinsky, Y., 235n23

Gui (language), 7677

Hadzabe, and click languages, 213

Hamilton, William D., 140, 158, 225

hand, human/hominin, 189, 248n24

hand-mouth connection, 68

haplogroups, 208; of Homo sapiens, 209; L0, 2089, 209, 210, 212; L1, 2089, 209, 210; L2, 208, 209, 210; L3, 20811, 209, 210, 216; M, 209, 209, 210; N, 209, 209, 210

Happé, Francesca, 160

Hare, Brian, 14647

Hauser, Mark, 20, 5152, 234n71, 244n49

Hayakawa, Samuel Ichiye, Language in Thought and Action, 151

Hayes, Cathy and Keith, 43

Heavenly Creatures (film), 242n29

Hebb, Donald O., 114, 241n4

Heinrich events, 211

Hennessy, Peter, 10

Henry, O. (William Sydney Porter), The Ransom of Red Chief, 159

Henshilwood, Christopher S., 211

Hewes, Gordon W., 59

hippocampus, 8586, 88, 17677, 239n11

hippocampus minor, 17677

Hockett, Charles F., 32, 6566, 81

Hoffecker, John F., 206, 212

Hohle Fels Cave, 215

Holyoak, Keith J., 14950, 178

hominid, use of term, 229n33, 247n1

hominin, 181, 250n73; hands of, 189; use of term, 229n33. See also names of species

Homo antecessor, 192

Homo erectus, 192, 195, 203, 250n73

Homo ergaster, 63, 192, 203; and brain size, 198

Homo floresiensis, 250n73

Homo habilis, 73, 19192; and brain size, 198

Homo heidelbergensis, 192

Homo Neandertalensis, 192; and brain size, 198. See also Neandertals

Homo rudolfensis, 19192; and brain size, 198; and tools, 205

Homo sapiens, 16768, 192; and brain size, 198; emergence of, 2067; and migration, 204; and recursion, 181

Hopi language, 120

Horrobin, David, 143

horses, 42

Hottentots, and throwing, 187

House That Jack Built, The, 2021, 28

Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer, 19394

Humboldt, Wilhelm, 8

hummingbirds, 3940

Humphrey, Nicholas K., 194

Huxley, Aldous, Brave New World, 240n32

Huxley, Thomas Henry, 17677

hyena, 192

hypoglossal canal, 73

Iatmul, 26

iconic representations, in signed languages, 65

I-language, 7, 2325, 51, 151, 226; mapping to E-language, 29; and natural selection, 5556; use of term, 229n12, 234n68

Ilgar, 28

implicatures, 156

imprinting, 14143

infants: adaptability of, 207; and articulation, 237n77; and contact with others, 194; and declarative function, 163; and displaced reference, 11617; and distinction of words, 233n41; and false belief, 136, 139, 146; and gestural vs. vocal communication, 164, 201; and handmouth connection, 68; and language deficits, 245n15; and phonemes, 77, 238n96; and pointing, 16364

inference, and recursion, 129

infinite sequences, recursion and, 4

infinity, concept of, 8

Ingvar, David, 101

innate concepts, 152

instincts, 96

insular dwarfism, 250n73

intelligent design, 17476, 246n10

intentionality, orders of, 137

intentional stance, 13637, 157

International Commission on Stratigraphy, 248n32

irony, 245n16; and theory of mind, 15961

isolating languages, 123

Italian Sign Language, 64

iteration: and recursion, 1112, 228n18; and time, 108

iterative procedures in computational mathematics, 11

Jackendoff, Ray, 67, 49

Jackson, Peter, 242n29

James, Henry, 8

James, William, 110

James Randi Educational Foundation, 242n1

Jarvis, Erich D., 3941

Jerison, Harry J., 197

Johnson, Frank, 172

Jones, Judge John, III, 175

Journal of Parapsychology, 132

Kammann, Richard, Psychology of the Psychic (with Marks), 132

Kayardild, 28

Kenyon, Dean, Of Pandas and People (with Davis), 174

killer whales, 39

Kingsley, Charles, The Water Babies, 176

Kingsley, Mary, 7475

Kirschmann, Eduard, 188; Das Zeitalter der Werfer, 187

Klein, Richard, 56, 216

Klima, Edward S., 59

knuckle-walking, 18385

Koestler, Arthur, 132

Köhler, Wolfgang, 49, 102, 153

Kozybski, Count Alfred, 151

Kundera, Milan, Ignorance, 89

L3 lineage, expansion and migration of, 20914

Ladygina-Kohts, Nadesha, 4344, 232n33, 232n35

“Lady of Flora” (Homo floresiensis), 250n73

Laing, R. D., Knots, 13940

Lamb, Charles, 143

language: adapted to the brain, 34; bipedalism and, 191; comprehension of, 4446; demands of neural storage, 196; diversity of, 2629; emergence of, in Homo sapiens, 56; evolution of, 2325, 29, 34, 230n30, 233n56, 234n2; and fiction, 12426; and generativity, 20, 12124; gestural origins of, 5759; and mental capacity, 164; and mental time travel, 11314; and mimesis, 6367; and mirror neurons, 6062; Noam Chomsky’s view of, 2325; nonrecursive, 2526; and recursion, 2023; and social fortresses, 218; and theory of mind, 15458; and time, 11721; uniqueness of, 180; used for teaching, 12627. See also names of individual languages

language, written, influence of, 28

language deficits, 245n15

language instinct, 33

language of thought hypothesis, 15152

Laongo National Park, 205

Latin, 12223

laughter, human, 37

Lenguaje de Signos Nicaragüense (NSL), 3031, 230n30

Leslie, A. M., 244n49

Levallois technology, 206

lexigrams, 47

Liberman, Alvin, 6162

libraries, 224

Lieberman, Daniel, 73

Lieberman, Philip, 7273

linearization, 29

Linguistic Society of Paris, 19; and evolution of language, 55

lions, 40

literacy, tradition of, 28

literalism, 16061

literary critics, before postmodernism, 20

Livy, 2829

Locke, John L., 2012

Loftus, Elizabeth, 9395

Lovejoy, Owen, 184

Lucy, 183, 198, 249n52

Luria, Aleksandr Romanov, The Mind of a Mnemonist, 91

lyre bird, 41, 14748

macaque, brain of, 61

Machiavelli, Niccolò, The Prince, 136

Machiavellian intelligence, 136

MacNeilage, Peter F., 67

Makeba, Miriam, 209

Malotki, Ekkehart, 120

Maori, 76, 194

Marks, David, 243n3; Psychology of the Psychic (with Kammann), 132

Markus, Hazel, 110

Marler, P., 231n42

marmosets, 38, 244n41

Marzke, Mary, 188

massive modularity hypothesis, 228n20

Maudsley, Henry, 143

McCarthy, Robert, 237n85

McDougall, William, 13132

McGurk, Harry, 68

McGurk effect, 236n53

meadow voles, 1034

media, unifying language influence, 230n23

Melanesia, 27

Mellars, Paul, 21012, 215

memories: false, 9395; recovered, 239n27; true vs. false, 239n27, 239n28

memory: autobiographical, 84; declarative, 88; episodic, 84, 8687, 92, 98, 100, 103, 110, 11213, 124, 126, 196, 238n3, 240n9; fragility of, 8890; implicit, 8789, 98; recursive, 202; semantic, 84, 8687, 9899, 126, 238n3; short-term, 238n9; and time, 100; unconscious, 8788; working, 14, 238n9; www (what, where, when), 103 (See also www criterion)

memory retrieval, and brain activation, 238n7

memory systems, evolution of, 9599

mental capacity, and language, 164

mental states, recursive embedding of, 227n14

mental time travel, 100101, 105, 200, 226; animals and, 1026; and fiction, 11011; prehistory of, 109

Merge, 7, 5152

Merge, unbounded, 2324, 35

Merge operation, 2324

Mesoamerica, 218

metaphor, and theory of mind, 15961

Middle Stone Age, 208, 212

migrations, 2034, 210

Milne, A. A., Winnie the Pooh, 910, 36

Milton, John, Paradise Lost, 170

mimesis, 6364

mind: human, distinguished from other animals, 1; Swiss-army-knife model of, 1213. See also theory of mind

mindblindness, 138

mind-body dualism, 17173

minimalism, 158; use of term, 245n13

Minimalist Program, 7, 23, 51

minimum characteristic, recursion as, 20, 34

mirror neurons, 6062, 61, 235n24

mirror system, 6061, 7071

mirror test, 14849

Mithen, Steven, 14; Singing Neanderthals, 41

mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), 208

mitochondrial Eve, 209, 251n3

modular theory: of human mind, 1215; and submodules, 15657; and theory-ofmind module, 156

Morgana, Aimee, 4142

morphemes, 3132; attached to verbs, 117

morphic resonance, 133

morphology, 3233

Morris, Robert, 132

“motherese” (“parentese”), 45

motor theory of speech perception, 61, 235n24

Mount Toba, eruption of, 217

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, Piano Concerto in G Major, 53

Müller, Friedrich Max, 19

myosin-heavy chain (MYH16), 199

Namibia, 76

Nash, Ogden, 227n4

natural language, as exercise in minimalism, 158

natural numbers, 4

natural selection, 17378

Nature, 234n71

Navajo language, 76

Neandertals, 7173, 206, 237n72, 237n77, 237n85, 248n20, 250n1; and burial of dead, 109; extinction of, 215

Neisser, Ulric, 110

neocortex, size of, 197

neocortical ratio, 197

Neu5Gc (N-glycolylneuraminic acid), 249n59

New Guinea, 2627, 220

Newton, Sir Isaac, 219

Nietzsche, Friedrich, Human, All Too Human, 6970

noun/verb distinction, 242n25

Nurius, Paula, 110

object/action distinction, 242n25

objects, personification of, 140

O’Brian, Patrick, Thirteen-Gun Salute, 233n45

ochre, 211

Oldowan industry, 205

orangutan, 181, 184, 233n45; and tactical deception, 148

ornamentation, personal, 214

Orrorin tugenensis, 183

Orwell, George, Nineteen Eighty-four, 151

Owen, Richard, 17677

Papp, Szilvia, 160

parrots, 4042, 223, 227n12

participant, use of term, 240n33

Pascal, Blaise, 169

patterning, duality of, 32

Patterson, Francine, 47

Pavlov, Ivan P., 9697

Pearse, Richard William, 248n38

Peek, Kim, 9091

Penn, Derek C., 14950, 178

people people, 158, 244n30

Pepperberg, Irene, 223

Pepys, Samuel, 4647

periodic form, development of, 2829

personification, of objects, 140

Pfungst, Oskar, 42

Philological Society of London, 19

phonemes, 31, 235n25; differentiation of, 77; used in language, 7677

phrases: concatenation of, 30; embedding of, 22, 26, 30, 35, 85, 124, 127, 230n18

Piaget, Jean, 135

pineal gland, 171, 176

Pinker, Steven, 67, 1314, 28, 33, 48, 113, 116, 152, 154; and emergence of language, 56; and grammar gene, 200; How the Mind Works, 12; and language as instinct, 96; and onomatopoeia, 65

Pirahã, 2526, 3335, 109, 220, 230n18, 241n15, 241n16, 252n5; and time, 11921

Plato, 242n25; Cratylus, 236n41

Pleistocene, 12, 15, 167; evolution during, 19195

Pliocene, and global cooling, 191

Ploog, Detlev, 235n7

pointing, to share information, 16264

Potter, Beatrix, 36

Povinelli, Daniel, 49, 14546, 14950, 178

pragmatics, 156, 161

prefrontal cortex, 200

Premack, David, 14, 14445

present time, 118

primates: and signed languages, 4651; and tactical deception, 148. See also names of species

problem solving, 233n58

proposition, 2223

protolanguage, 4850, 230n30, 233n56, 234n2

Provine, Robert, Laughter: A Scientific Investigation, 37

Psalms, Book of, 170

psi, 133

psychokinesis, 132

psychosis, 139; and creativity, 14244

Qafzeh Cave site (Israel), 109

Ramachandran, Vilayanur, 60

Randi, James, The Truth About Geller, 132

Read, Dwight W., 14

recursion: center-embedded, 2021; definition of, 12, 6; and evolutionary psychology, 1215; fifth-order, 243n16; and inference, 129; vs. iteration, 1112; as key to human mind, 17880; language as, 2023; as minimum characteristic, 20, 34; nature of, 116; origins of, 206; as process, 7, 8; vs. repetition, 911; as structure, 7, 8

recursive embedding, 203

recursive manufacture, 186

recursive parsing, birds and, 5254

reference time, 118

relational reinterpretation theory, 14950

relevance, maximizing, 15657

relevance theory, 15657

religion: and intelligent design, 175; and theory of evolution, 17273; and theory of mind, 13738; and time, 10810

repetition, vs. recursion, 911

rewrite rules, 229n7

rhesus monkeys, and mirror test, 149

Rhine, Joseph B., New Frontiers of the Mind, 13132

Rizzolatti, Giacomo, 6061

Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 58

rugby, 248n20

runaway recursion, 179

runaway social selection, 195

runaway theory of mind, 144, 150

Russell, Bertrand, 23

saber-tooth cats, 192

Sacks, Oliver, An Anthropologist on Mars, 138

Sahelanthropus tchadensis, 183

Saki (H. H. Munro), 10; Tobermory, 36

Sally-Anne test, 135, 146

Salmond, Anne, 76

San, and click languages, 213

Sapir, Edward, 120

Sapir-Whorf hypothesis, 120

sarcasm, 159

Saussure, Ferdinand de, 6465, 115

Savage-Rumbaugh, Sue, 44, 47, 233n50

savant syndrome, 90, 9293, 143

Schacter, Daniel L., 101

schizophrenia, 139, 141, 143, 244n27

schizotypal personality, 140

sciatica, 186

scrambling languages, 123

scrub jay, 1034

self, extended in time, 110

self-awareness, in animals, 14849

Semendeferi, K., 249n66

sentence, 2223; periodic, 2829

sexual abuse, 9495, 239n27, 239n28

Shakespeare, William: Henry IV, 234n70; Henry V, 19293; Henry VIII, 79; Twelfth Night, 9, 109

Shaw, George Bernard, and throwing (literary stones), 190

Sheldrake, Rupert, 133; Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home, 42

Shereshevskii, Solomon, 91

Sidgwick, Henry, 131

Sierpinski triangle, 4

signal detection theory, 239n28

signed languages, 65, 236n33, 236n41, 236n55; animals and, 4651; as true languages, 46, 235n15. See also names of languages

Silbo Gomero, 238n91

singing, 41. See also birdsong

Skinner, B. F., 121, 242n22; Walden Two, 9798

Snow, C. P., Coat of Varnish, 242n28

Snowdon, Charles T., 3839

social bonding, 195

social intelligence, 136

Society for Psychical Research, 131

Spectator, The (magazine), 23

speech: and gesture, 6770, 7478; impenetrability of, 76; intentionality of, 39; origin of, and anatomical changes, 7274; parts of, 28; and vocal learning, 39. See also language

speech time, 118

Sperber, Dan, 15657

spider, 10

Squire, Larry, 239n11

starlings, 234n70; and recursion, 5254, 53, 227n10

Stokoe, William C., Gesture and the Nature of Language (with Armstrong and Wilcox), 59

stories. See fiction

Stumpf, Professor, 42

subitization, 227n12

subject (experimental), use of term, 240n33

submodules, 15657

Suddendorf, Thomas, 100, 102, 240n2, 245n16

SVO languages, 123

Swift, Jonathan, 227n4; A Modest Proposal, 159

symbolic representation, 11417, 179

systematizers vs. empathizers, 142

tactical deception, 14748

tamarins, 234n71, 234n73

Tanner, Joanne, 50

Tattersall, Ian, 72

telepathy, 42, 131, 176

texting, 116

theoretical physics, 242n30

theory of mind, 129, 13338, 180, 202, 226, 243n12, 244n49; animals and, 14448; cognitive aspects of, 144; and language, 15458; and recursion, 137; recursive nature of, 35; and religion, 13738

theory-of-mind module, 156

things people, 158, 244n30

thought, 2

Three Mountains Test, 135

throwing, 18691

time: grammar of, 11227; and human condition, 10610; and language, 11721; linear concept of, 241n28; and recursion, 1078; and religion, 10810

time measurement, 1078

Tiriyo, 28

Tomasello, Michael, 25, 28, 4950, 16263

ToMM-1, 244n49

ToMM-2, 244n49

Tooby, John, 13; The Adaptive Mind (with Barkow and Cosmides), 12

Tooke, John Horne, 122

tools, 214; manufacture of, 2046

tool use: bonobos and, 240n25; and mental time travel, 1056

Tower of Hanoi task, 87

Trivers, Robert, 136

Tulving, Endel, 8587, 238n3

Turkish Sign Language, 66

Uisia (dialect), 27

United States, southwestern, 218

universal grammar, 2325, 2729, 33, 35; use of term, 229n12, 234n68

Universal Theory, 238n96

universal toolkit, for language, 35

Upper Paleolithic (Late Stone Age), 21417

Uylings, H. B. M., 249n66

Vanuatu, 27

Vatican, 246n10

verb tense, 117

vervet monkeys, and symbolic representation, 116

Vestiges of the Natural History of Creation, 173

visual language. See names of languages; signed languages

vocal learning, 3940

Vogel, J. W., 187

volcanism, 251n32

Wallace, Alfred Russel, 173, 176

Walpiri language, 123

Watson, John B., 97, 153

Watts, David, 108

Wearing, Clive, 85, 100

Wearing, Deborah, 85

Wernicke’s area, 61

Western Arnhem Land, 2728

whale, 196

Whitehead, Alfred North, 121

Whiten, Andrew, 148, 252n35

Whitman, Walt, Leaves of Grass, 10

Whorf, Benjamin Lee, 120

Wilcox, Sherman E., Gesture and the Nature of Language (with Armstrong and Stokoe), 59

Wiles, Andrew, 225

Wilson, David Sloan, 125, 15657

Wilson, Deirdre, 156

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 78

Woodruff, Guy, 145

word order, 122

words: combinatorial structure of, 3133; “necessary,” 122; as primitives, 242n24; segregation of, 233n41; stored in semantic memory, 126; transmutation of, 233n40

Wrangham, Richard, 195

Wundt, Wilhelm, 5859

www criterion, 112

Wynn, Clive, 153; Do Animals Think?, 152

!Xóõ (language), 7677

Young, Richard W., 188

Zipf, G. K., Human Behavior and the Principle of Least-Effort, 115

Zipf’s law, 115

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