6. Monte Carlo Methods


In this chapter, you will learn about the various types of Monte Carlo methods, including the first visit and every visit techniques. In the case, if the model of the environment is not known, you can use Monte Carlo methods to learn the environment by generating experience samples or by simulation. This chapter teaches you importance sampling and how to apply Monte Carlo methods to solve the frozen lake problem. By the end of this chapter, you will be able to identify problems where Monte Carlo methods of reinforcement learning can be applied. You will be able to solve prediction, estimation, and control problems using Monte Carlo reinforcement learning.


In the previous chapter, we learned about dynamic programming. Dynamic programming is a way of doing reinforcement learning where the model of the environment is known beforehand. Agents in reinforcement learning can learn a policy, value function, and/or model. Dynamic programming helps solve a known Markov Decision Process (MDP). The probabilistic distribution for all possible transitions is known in an MDP and is required for dynamic programming.

But what happens when the model of the environment is not known? In many real-life situations, the model of the environment is not known beforehand. Can the algorithm learn the model of the environment? Can the agents in reinforcement learning still learn to make good decisions?

Monte Carlo methods are a way of learning when the model of the environment is not known and so they are called model-free learning. We can make a model-free prediction that estimates the value function of an unknown MDP. We can also use model-free control, which optimizes the value functions of an unknown MDP. Monte Carlo methods can also handle non-Markovian domains too.

The transition probabilities between one state and another are not known in many cases. You need to play around and get a sense of the environment before learning how to play the game well. Monte Carlo methods can learn a model of an environment from experiencing the environment. Monte Carlo methods take actual or stochastically simulated scenarios and get an average of the sample returns. By using the sample sequence of states, actions, and rewards from actual or simulated interactions with the environment, Monte Carlo methods can learn from experience. A well-defined set of rewards is needed for Monte Carlo methods to work. This criterion is met only for episodic tasks, where experience is divided into clearly defined episodes, and episodes eventually terminate irrespective of the action selected. An example application is AlphaGo, which is one of the most complex games; the number of possible moves in any state is over 200. One of the key algorithms used to solve it was a tree search based on Monte Carlo.

In this chapter, we will first understand Monte Carlo methods of reinforcement learning. We will apply them to the Blackjack environment in OpenAI. We will learn about various methods, such as the first visit method and every visit method. We will also learn about importance sampling and, later in the chapter, revisit the frozen lake problem. In the next section, we will introduce the basic workings of Monte Carlo methods.

The Workings of Monte Carlo Methods

Monte Carlo methods solve reinforcement problems by averaging the sample returns for each state-action pair. Monte Carlo methods work only for episodic tasks. This means the experience is split into various episodes and all episodes finally terminate. Only after the episode is complete are the value functions recalculated. Monte Carlo methods can be incrementally optimized episode by episode but not step by step.

Let's take the example of a game like Go. This game has millions of states; it is going to be difficult to learn all of those millions of states and their transition probabilities beforehand. The other approach would be to play the game of Go repeatedly and assign a positive reward for winning and a negative reward for losing.

As we don't have information about the policy of the model, we need to use experience samples to learn. This technique is also a sample-based model. We call this direct sampling of episodes in Monte Carlo.

Monte Carlo is model-free. As no knowledge of MDP is required, the model is inferred from the samples. You can perform model-free prediction or model-free estimation. We can perform an evaluation, also called a prediction, on a policy. We can also evaluate and improve a policy, which is often called control or optimization. Monte Carlo reinforcement learning can learn only from episodes that terminate.

For example, if you have a game of chess, played by a set of rules or policies, that would be playing several episodes according to those rules or policies and evaluating the success rate of the policy. If we are playing a game according to a policy and modifying the policy based on the game, then it would be a policy improvement, optimization, or control.

Understanding Monte Carlo with Blackjack

Blackjack is a simple card game that is quite popular in casinos. It is a great game, as it is simple to simulate and take samples, and lends itself to Monte Carlo methods. Blackjack is also available as part of the OpenAI framework. Players and the dealer are dealt two cards each. The dealer shows one card face up and lays the other card face down. The players and the dealer have a choice of whether to be dealt additional cards or not:

  • The aim of the game: To obtain cards whose sum is close to or equal to 21 but not greater than 21.
  • Players: There are two players, called the player and the dealer.
  • The start of the game: The player is dealt with two cards. The dealer is also dealt with two cards, and the rest of the cards are pooled into a stack. One of the dealer's cards is shown to the player.
  • Possible actionsstick or hit: "Stick" is to stop asking for more cards. "Hit" is to ask for more cards. The player will choose "Hit" if the sum of their cards is less than 17. If the sum of their cards is greater than or equal to 17, the player will stick. This threshold of 17 to decide whether to hit or stick can be changed if needed in various versions of Blackjack. In this chapter, we will consistently keep the threshold at 17 to decide whether to hit or stick.
  • Rewards: +1 for a win, -1 for a loss, and 0 for a draw.
  • Strategy: The player has to decide whether to stick or hit by looking at the dealer's cards. The ace can be considered to be 1 or 11, based on the value of the other cards.

We will explain the game of Blackjack in the following table. The table has the following columns:

  • Game: The game number and the sub-state of the game: i, ii, or iii
  • Player Cards: The cards the player has; for example, K♣, 8♦ means the player has the King of clubs and the eight of diamonds.
  • Dealer Cards: The cards the dealer gets. For example, 8♠, Xx means the dealer has the eight of spades and a hidden card.
  • Action: This is the action the player decides to choose.
  • Result: The result of the game based on the player's actions and the cards the dealer gets.
  • Sum of Player Cards: The sum of the player's two cards. Please note that the King (K), Queen (Q), and Jack (J) face cards are scored as 10.
  • Comments: An explanation of why a particular action was taken or a result was declared.

In game 1, the player decided to stick as the sum of the cards was 18. "Stick" means the player will no longer receive cards. Now the dealer shows the hidden card. It is a draw as both the dealer's and player's cards sum 18. In game 2, the player's cards sum 15, which is less than 17. The player hits and gets another card, which takes the sum to 17. The player then sticks, which means the player will no longer receive cards. The dealer shows the cards and as the sum of the cards is less than 17, gets another card. With the dealer's new card, the sum is 25, which is greater than 21. The game aims to get close to or equal to 21 without the score becoming greater than 21. The dealer loses and the player wins the second game. The following figure presents a summary of this game:

Figure 6.1: Explanation of a Blackjack game

Figure 6.1: Explanation of a Blackjack game

Next, we will be implementing the game of Blackjack using the OpenAI framework. This will serve as a foundation for the simulation and application of Monte Carlo methods.

Exercise 6.01: Implementing Monte Carlo in Blackjack

We will learn how to use the OpenAI framework for Blackjack, and get to know about observation space, action space, and generating an episode. The goal of this exercise is to implement Monte Carlo techniques in the game of Blackjack.

Perform the following steps to complete the exercise:

  1. Import the necessary libraries:

    import gym

    import numpy as np

    from collections import defaultdict

    from functools import partial

    gym is the OpenAI framework, numpy is the framework for data processing, and defaultdict is for dictionary support.

  2. We start the Blackjack environment with gym.make() and assign it to env:

    #set the environment as blackjack

    env = gym.make('Blackjack-v0')

    Find the number of observation spaces and action spaces:

    #number of observation space value


    #number of action space value


    You will get the following output:

    Tuple(Discrete(32), Discrete(11), Discrete(2))


    The number of observation spaces is the number of states. The number of action spaces is the number of actions possible in each state. The output shows as discrete, as the observation and action space in a Blackjack game is not continuous. For example, there are other games in OpenAI, such as balancing a CartPole and pendulum where the observation and action spaces are continuous.

  3. Write a function to play the game. If the sum of the player's cards is more than or equal to 17, stick (don't choose more cards); otherwise, hit (choose more cards), as shown in the following code:

    def play_game(state):

        player_score, dealer_score, usable_ace = state

        #if player_score is greater than 17, stick

        if (player_score >= 17):

            return 0 # don't take any cards, stick


            return 1 # take additional cards, hit

    Here, we are initializing the episode, choosing the initial state, and assigning it to player_score, dealer_score, and usable_ace.

  4. Add a dictionary, action_text, that has a key-value mapping for two action integers to action text. Here's the code to convert the integer value of the action into text format:

    for game_num in range(100):

        print('***Start of Game:', game_num)

        state = env.reset()

        action_text = {1:'Hit, Take more cards!!',

                       0:'Stick, Dont take any cards' }

        player_score, dealer_score, usable_ace = state

        print('Player Score=', player_score,',

              Dealer Score=', dealer_score, ',

              Usable Ace=', usable_ace)

  5. Play the game in batches of 100 and calculate state, reward, and action:

        for i in range(100):

            action = play_game(state)

            state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)

            player_score, dealer_score, usable_ace = state

            print('Action is', action_text[action])

            print('Player Score=', player_score,',

                  Dealer Score=', dealer_score, ',

                  Usable Ace=', usable_ace, ', Reward=', reward)

            if done:

                if (reward == 1):

                    print('***End of Game:', game_num,

                          ' You have won Black Jack! ')

                elif (reward == -1):

                    print('***End of Game:', game_num,

                          ' You have lost Black Jack! ')

                elif (reward ==0):

                    print('***End of Game:', game_num,

                          ' The game is a Draw! ')


    You will get the following output:

    Figure 6.2: The output is the episode of the Blackjack game in progress

Figure 6.2: The output is the episode of the Blackjack game in progress


The Monte Carlo technique is based on generating random samples. As such, two executions of the same code will not match in values. So, you might have a similar output but not the same for all the exercises and activities.

In the code, done has the value of True or False. If done is True, the game stops, we note the value of the rewards and print the game result. In the output, we simulated the game of Blackjack using the Monte Carlo method and noted the various actions, states, and game completion. We were also able to simulate the rewards when the game ends.


To access the source code for this specific section, please refer to https://packt.live/2XZssYh.

You can also run this example online at https://packt.live/2Ys0cMJ.

Next, we will describe the different types of Monte Carlo methods, namely, the first visit and every visit method, which will be used to estimate the value function.

Types of Monte Carlo Methods

We have implemented the game of Blackjack using Monte Carlo. Typically, a trajectory of Monte Carlo is a sequence of state, action, and reward. In several episodes, it is possible that the state repeats. For example, the trajectory could be S0, S1, S2, S0, S3. How do we handle the calculation of the reward function when we have multiple visits to the states?

Broadly, this highlights that there are two types of Monte Carlo methods – first visit and every visit. We will understand the implications of both methods.

As stated previously, in Monte Carlo methods, we approximate the value function by averaging the rewards. In the first visit Monte Carlo method, only the first visit to a state in an episode is included to calculate the average reward. For example, in a given game of traversing a maze, you could make several visits to the sample place. In the first visit Monte Carlo method, only the first visit is used for the calculation of the reward. When the agent revisits the same state in the episode, the reward is not included for the calculation of the average reward.

In every visit Monte Carlo, every time the agent visits the same state, the rewards are included in the calculation of the average return. For example, let's use the same game of maze. Every time the agent comes to the same point in the maze, we include the rewards earned in that state for the calculation of the reward function.

Both first visit and every visit converge to the same value function. For a smaller number of episodes, the choice between the first visit and every visit is based on the particular game and the rules of the game.

Let's understand the pseudocode for first visit Monte Carlo prediction.

First Visit Monte Carlo Prediction for Estimating the Value Function

In the pseudocode for first visit Monte Carlo prediction for estimating the value function, the key is to calculate the value function V(s). Gamma is the discount factor. The discount factor is used to reward future rewards less than immediate rewards:

Figure 6.3: Pseudocode for first visit Monte Carlo prediction

Figure 6.3: Pseudocode for first visit Monte Carlo prediction

What we have done in the first visit is to generate an episode, calculate the result value, and append the result to the rewards. We then calculate the average returns. In the upcoming exercise, we will apply the first visit Monte Carlo prediction to estimate the value function by following the steps detailed in the pseudocode. The key block of code for the first visit algorithm is navigating the states only through the first visit:

if current_state not in states[:i]:

Consider the states that have not been visited. We increase the count for the number of states by 1, calculate the value function with the incremental method, and return the value function. This is implemented as follows:


only include the rewards of the states that have not been visited before


            if current_state not in states[:i]:

                #increasing the count of states by 1

                num_states[current_state] += 1


                #finding the value_function by incremental method


                += (total_rewards - value_function[current_state])

                / (num_states[current_state])

      return value_function

Let's understand it better through the next exercise.

Exercise 6.02: First Visit Monte Carlo Prediction for Estimating the Value Function in Blackjack

This exercise aims to understand how to apply first visit Monte Carlo prediction to estimate the value function in the game of Blackjack. We will apply the steps outlined in the pseudocode step by step.

Perform the following steps to complete the exercise:

  1. Import the necessary libraries:

    import gym

    import numpy as np

    from collections import defaultdict

    from functools import partial

    gym is the OpenAI framework, numpy is the framework for data processing, and defaultdict is for dictionary support.

  2. Select the environment as Blackjack in OpenAI:

    env = gym.make('Blackjack-v0')

  3. Write the policy_blackjack_game function, which takes the state as input and returns the action 0 or 1 based on player_score:

    def policy_blackjack_game(state):

        player_score, dealer_score, usable_ace = state

        if (player_score >= 17):

            return 0 # don't take any cards, stick


            return 1 # take additional cards, hit

    In the function, if the player score is greater than or equal to 17, it does not take more cards. But if player_score is less than 17, it takes additional cards.

  4. Write a function to generate a Blackjack episode. Initialize episode, states, actions, and rewards:

    def generate_blackjack_episode():

        #initializing the value of episode, states, actions, rewards

        episode = []

        states = []

        actions = []

        rewards = []

  5. Reset the environment and set the state value to player_score, dealer_score, and usable_ace:

       #starting the environment

        state = env.reset()



        setting the state value to player_score,

        dealer_score and usable_ace


        player_score, dealer_score, usable_ace = state

  6. Write a function that generates the action from the state. We then step through the action and find next_state and reward:

        while (True):

            #finding the action by passing on the state

            action = policy_blackjack_game(state)

            next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)

  7. Create a list of episode, state, action, and reward by appending them to the existing list:

            #creating a list of episodes, states, actions, rewards

            episode.append((state, action, reward))




    If the episode is complete (done is true), we break the loop. If not, we update state to next_state and repeat the loop:

            if done:


            state = next_state

  8. We return episodes, states, actions, and rewards from the function:

        return episode, states, actions, rewards

  9. Write the function for calculating the value function for Blackjack. The first step is to initialize the value of total_rewards, num_states, and value_function:

    def black_jack_first_visit_prediction(policy, env, num_episodes):


        initializing the value of total_rewards,

        number of states, and value_function


        total_rewards = 0

        num_states = defaultdict(float)

        value_function = defaultdict(float)

  10. Generate an episode, and for an episode, we find the total rewards for all the states in reverse order in the episode:

        for k in range (0, num_episodes):

            episode, states, actions, rewards =


            total_rewards = 0

            for i in range(len(states)-1, -1,-1):

                current_state = states[i]

                #finding the sum of rewards

                total_rewards += rewards[i]

  11. Consider the states that have not been visited. We increase the count for the number of states by 1 and calculate the value function using the incremental method, and return the value function:


                only include the rewards of the states that

                have not been visited before


                if current_state not in states[:i]:

                    #increasing the count of states by 1

                    num_states[current_state] += 1


                    #finding the value_function by incremental method


                    += (total_rewards

                    - value_function[current_state])

                    / (num_states[current_state])

        return value_function

  12. Now, execute first visit prediction 10,000 times:

    black_jack_first_visit_prediction(policy_blackjack_game, env, 10000)

    You will get the following output:

    Figure 6.4: First visit value function

Figure 6.4: First visit value function

The value function for the first visit is printed. For all the states, a combination of player_score, dealer_score, and usable_space has a value function value from the first visit evaluation. Take the example output of (16, 3, False): -0.625. This means that the value function for the state with player score 16, dealer score 3, and a reusable ace as False is -0.625. The number of episodes and batches are configurable.


To access the source code for this specific section, please refer to https://packt.live/37zbza1.

You can also run this example online at https://packt.live/2AYnhyH.

We have covered the first visit Monte Carlo in this section. In the next section, we will understand every visit Monte Carlo prediction for estimating the value function.

Every Visit Monte Carlo Prediction for Estimating the Value Function

In every visit Monte Carlo prediction, every visit to the state is used for the reward calculation. We have a gamma factor that is the discount factor, which enables us to discount the rewards in the far future relative to rewards in the immediate future:

Figure 6.5: Pseudocode for every visit Monte Carlo prediction

Figure 6.5: Pseudocode for every visit Monte Carlo prediction

The difference is primarily visiting every step instead of just the first to calculate the rewards. The code remains similar to the first visit exercise, except for the Blackjack prediction function where the rewards are calculated.

The following line in the first visit implementation checks if the current state has not been traversed before. This line is no longer in every visit algorithm:

if current_state not in states[:i]:

The code for the calculation of the value function is as follows:

            #all the state values of every visit are considered

            #increasing the count of states by 1

            num_states[current_state] += 1


            #finding the value_function by incremental method


            += (total_rewards - value_function[current_state])

            / (num_states[current_state])

    return value_function

In this exercise, we will use every visit Monte Carlo method to estimate the value function.

Exercise 6.03: Every Visit Monte Carlo Prediction for Estimating the Value Function

This exercise aims to understand how to apply every visit Monte Carlo prediction to estimate the value function. We will apply the steps outlined in the pseudocode step by step. Perform the following steps to complete the exercise:

  1. Import the necessary libraries:

    import gym

    import numpy as np

    from collections import defaultdict

    from functools import partial

  2. Select the environment as Blackjack in OpenAI:

    env = gym.make('Blackjack-v0')

  3. Write the policy_blackjack_game function that takes the state as input and returns the action 0 or 1 based on player_score:

    def policy_blackjack_game(state):

        player_score, dealer_score, usable_ace = state

        if (player_score >= 17):

            return 0 # don't take any cards, stick


            return 1 # take additional cards, hit

    In the function, if the player score is greater than or equal to 17, it does not take more cards. But if player_score is less than 17, it takes additional cards.

  4. Write a function to generate a Blackjack episode. Initialize episode, states, actions, and rewards:

    def generate_blackjack_episode():

        #initializing the value of episode, states, actions, rewards

        episode = []

        states = []

        actions = []

        rewards = []

  5. We reset the environment and set the value of state to player_score, dealer_score, and usable_ace, as shown in the following code:

        #starting the environment

        state = env.reset()


        setting the state value to player_score, dealer_score and



        player_score, dealer_score, usable_ace = state

  6. Write a function that generates action from state. We then step through action and find next_state and reward:

        while (True):

            #finding the action by passing on the state

            action = policy_blackjack_game(state)      

            next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)

  7. Create a list of episode, state, action, and reward by appending them to the existing list:

            #creating a list of episodes, states, actions, rewards

            episode.append((state, action, reward))




  8. If the episode is complete (done is true), we break the loop. If not, we update state to next_state and repeat the loop:

            if done:


            state = next_state

  9. We return episodes, states, actions, and rewards from the function:

        return episode, states, actions, rewards

  10. Write the function for calculating the value function for Blackjack. The first step is to initialize the values of total_rewards, num_states, and value_function:

    def black_jack_every_visit_prediction

    (policy, env, num_episodes):


        initializing the value of total_rewards, number of states,

        and value_function


        total_rewards = 0

        num_states = defaultdict(float)

        value_function = defaultdict(float)

  11. Generate an episode and for the episode, we find the total rewards for all the states in reverse order in the episode:

        for k in range (0, num_episodes):

            episode, states, actions, rewards =


            total_rewards = 0

            for i in range(len(states)-1, -1,-1):

                current_state = states[i]

                #finding the sum of rewards

                total_rewards += rewards[i]

  12. Consider every state visited. We increase the count for the number of states by 1 and calculate the value function with the incremental method and return the value function:

                #all the state values of every visit are considered

                #increasing the count of states by 1

                num_states[current_state] += 1

                #finding the value_function by incremental method


                += (total_rewards - value_function[current_state])

                / (num_states[current_state])

        return value_function

  13. Now, execute every visit prediction 10,000 times:


                                      env, 10000)

    You will get the following output:

    Figure 6.6: Every visit value function

Figure 6.6: Every visit value function

The value function for every visit is printed. For all the states, a combination of player_score, dealer_score, and usable_space has a value function value from every visit evaluation. We can increase the number of episodes and run this again too. As the number of episodes is made larger and larger, the first visit and every visit functions will converge.


To access the source code for this specific section, please refer to https://packt.live/2C0wAP4.

You can also run this example online at https://packt.live/2zqXsH3.

In the next section, we will talk about a key concept of Monte Carlo reinforcement learning, which is the need to balance exploration and exploitation. This is also the basis of the greedy epsilon technique of the Monte Carlo method. Balancing exploration and exploitation helps us to improve the policy function.

Exploration versus Exploitation Trade-Off

Learning happens by exploring new things and exploiting or applying what has been learned before. The right combination of these is the essence of any learning. Similarly, in the context of reinforcement learning, we have exploration and exploitation. Exploration is trying out different actions, while exploitation is following an action that is known to have a good reward.

Reinforcement learning has to balance between exploration and exploitation. Every agent can learn only from the experience of trying an action. Exploration helps try new actions that might enable the agent to make better decisions in the future. Exploitation is choosing actions that yield good rewards based on experience. The agent needs to trade off gaining rewards by exploitation by experimenting in exploration. If an agent exploits more, the agent might miss learning about other policies with even greater rewards. If the agent explores more, the agent might miss the opportunity to exploit a known path and lose out on rewards.

For example, think of a student who is trying to maximize their grades in college. The student can either "explore" by taking courses with new subjects or "exploit" by taking courses in their favorite subjects. If the student indexes towards "exploitation," the student might miss out on both getting good grades in new unexplored courses and the overall learning. If the student explores too many diverse subjects by taking courses in them, this might impact their grades and might make the learning too broad.

Similarly, if you choose to read books, you could exploit by reading books belonging to the same genre or author or explore by reading books across different genres and authors. Similarly, while driving from one place to another, you could exploit by following the same known route based on past experience or explore by taking different routes. In the next section, we will get an understanding of the techniques of on-policy and off-policy learning. We will then get an understanding of a key factor called importance sampling, for off-policy learning.

Exploration and exploitation are techniques used in reinforcement learning. In off-policy learning, you can have an exploitation technique as the target policy and an exploration technique as the behavior policy. We could have a greedy policy as the exploitation technique and a random policy as the exploration technique.

Importance Sampling

Monte Carlo methods can be on-policy or off-policy. In on-policy learning, we learn from the agent experience of the following policy. In off-policy learning, we learn how to estimate a target policy from the experience of following a different behavioral policy. Importance sampling is a key technique for off-policy learning. The following figure compares on-policy and off-policy learning:

Figure 6.7: On-Policy versus Off-Policy comparison

Figure 6.7: On-Policy versus Off-Policy comparison

You might think that on-policy learning is learning while playing, while off-policy learning is learning by watching someone else play. You could improve your cricket game by playing cricket yourself. This will help you learn from your mistakes and best actions. That would be on-policy learning. You could also learn by watching others play the game of cricket and learning from their mistakes and best actions. That would be off-policy learning.

Human beings typically do both on-policy and off-policy learning. For example, cycling is primarily on-policy learning. We learn to cycle by learning to balance ourselves while cycling. Dancing is a kind of off-policy learning; you watch someone else dance and learn the dance steps.

On-policy methods are simple compared to off-policy methods. Off-policy methods are more powerful due to the "transfer learning" effect. In off-policy methods, you are learning from a different policy, the convergence is slower, and the variance is higher.

The advantage of off-policy learning is that the behavior policy can be very exploratory in nature, while the target policy can be deterministic and greedily optimize the rewards.

Off-policy reinforcement methods are based on a concept called importance sampling. This methodology helps estimate values under one policy probability distribution given samples from another policy probability distribution. Let's understand Monte Carlo off-policy evaluation by detailing the pseudocode. We'll then apply it to the Blackjack game in the OpenAI framework.

The Pseudocode for Monte Carlo Off-Policy Evaluation

What we see in the following figure is that we are estimating Q(s,a) by learning from behavior policy b.

Figure 6.8: Pseudocode for Monte Carlo off-policy evaluation

Figure 6.8: Pseudocode for Monte Carlo off-policy evaluation

The target policy is a greedy policy; hence we choose the action with the maximum rewards by using argmax Q(s,a). Gamma is the discount factor that allows us to discount rewards in the distant future compared to immediate rewards in the future. The cumulative value function C(s,a) is calculated by incrementing it with weight W. Gamma is used to discount the rewards.

The essence of off-policy Monte Carlo is the loop through every episode:

for step in range(len(episode))[::-1]:

            state, action, reward = episode[step]

            #G <- gamma * G + Rt+1

            G = discount_factor * G + reward

            # C(St, At) = C(St, At) + W

            C[state][action] += W

            #Q (St, At) <- Q (St, At) + W / C (St, At)

            Q[state][action] += (W / C[state][action])

            * (G - Q[state][action])


            If action not equal to argmax of target policy

            proceed to next episode


            if action != np.argmax(target_policy(state)):


            # W <- W * Pi(At/St) / b(At/St)

            W = W * 1./behaviour_policy(state)[action]

Let's understand the implementation of the off-policy method of Monte Carlo by using importance sampling. This exercise will help us learn how to set the target policy and the behavior policy, and learn the target policy from the behavior policy.

Exercise 6.04: Importance Sampling with Monte Carlo

This exercise will aim to do off-policy learning by using a Monte Carlo method. We have chosen a greedy target policy. We also have a behavior policy, which is any soft, non-greedy policy. By learning from the behavior policy, we will estimate the value function of the target policy. We will apply this technique of importance sampling to the Blackjack game environment. We will apply the steps outlined in the pseudocode step by step.

Perform the following steps to complete the exercise:

  1. Import the necessary libraries:

    import gym

    import numpy as np

    from collections import defaultdict

    from functools import partial

  2. Select the environment as Blackjack in OpenAI by using gym.make:

    env = gym.make('Blackjack-v0')

  3. Create two policy functions. One of them is a random policy. The random policy chooses a random action, which is a list of size n with 1/n probability where n is the number of actions:


    creates a random policy which is a linear probability distribution

    num_Action is the number of Actions supported by the environment


    def create_random_policy(num_Actions):

    #Creates a list of size num_Actions, with a fraction 1/num_Actions.

    #If 2 is numActions, the array value would [1/2, 1/2]

        Action = np.ones(num_Actions, dtype=float)/num_Actions

        def policy_function(observation):

            return Action

        return policy_function

  4. Write a function to create a greedy policy:

    #creates a greedy policy,


    sets the value of the Action at the best_possible_action,

    that maximizes the Q, value to be 1, rest to be 0


    def create_greedy_policy(Q):

        def policy_function(state):

            #Initializing with zero the Q

            Action = np.zeros_like(Q[state], dtype = float)

            #find the index of the max Q value

            best_possible_action = np.argmax(Q[state])

            #Assigning 1 to the best possible action

            Action[best_possible_action] = 1.0

            return Action

        return policy_function

    The greedy policy chooses an action that maximizes the rewards. We first identify the best_possible_action, that is, the maximum value of Q across states. We then assign a value to the Action corresponding to the best_possible_action.

  5. Define a function for Blackjack importance sampling that takes env, num_episodes, behaviour_policy, and discount_factor as arguments:

    def black_jack_importance_sampling

    (env, num_episodes, behaviour_policy, discount_factor=1.0):

            #Initialize the value of Q

            Q = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(env.action_space.n))

            #Initialize the value of C

            C = defaultdict(lambda: np.zeros(env.action_space.n))

            #target policy is the greedy policy

            target_policy = create_greedy_policy(Q)

    We initialize the value of Q and C, and set the target policy as a greedy policy.

  6. We loop for the number of episodes, initialize the episodes list, and state the initial set by doing env.reset():

            for i_episode in range(1, num_episodes + 1):

                episode = []

                state = env.reset()

  7. For a batch of 100, apply the behavior policy on a state to calculate the probability:

                for i in range(100):

                    probability = behaviour_policy(state)

                    action = np.random.choice

                             (np.arange(len(probability)), p=probability)

                    next_state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)

                    episode.append((state, action, reward))

    We pick a random action from that list. The step is taken with the random action, returning next_state and reward. The episode list is appended with the state, action, and reward.

  8. If the episode is completed, we break the loop and assign next_state to state:

                    if done:


                    state = next_state

  9. Initialize G, the results as 0 and W, and the weight as 1:

                   # G <- 0

                         G = 0.0

                         # W <- 0

                         W = 1.0  

  10. Perform the steps detailed in the pseudocode using a for loop, as shown in the following code:


                Loop for each step of episode t=T-1, T-2,...,0

                while W != 0


                for step in range(len(episode))[::-1]:

                    state, action, reward = episode[step]

                    #G <- gamma * G + Rt+1

                    G = discount_factor * G + reward

                    # C(St, At) = C(St, At) + W

                    C[state][action] += W

                    #Q (St, At) <- Q (St, At) + W / C (St, At)

                    Q[state][action] += (W / C[state][action])

                    * (G - Q[state][action])


                    If action not equal to argmax of target policy

                    proceed to next episode


                    if action != np.argmax(target_policy(state)):


                    # W <- W * Pi(At/St) / b(At/St)

                    W = W * 1./behaviour_policy(state)[action]

  11. Return Q and target_policy:

            return Q, target_policy

  12. Create a random policy:

    #create random policy

    random_policy = create_random_policy(env.action_space.n)


    using importance sampling evaluates the target policy

    by learning from the behaviour policy


    Q, policy = black_jack_importance_sampling

                (env, 50000, random_policy)

    The random policy is used as a behavior policy. We pass the behavior policy and using the importance sampling method, get the Q value function or the target policy.

  13. Iterate through the items in Q and then find the action that has the maximum value. This is then stored as the value function for the corresponding state:

    valuefunction = defaultdict(float)

    for state, action_values in Q.items():

        action_value = np.max(action_values)

        valuefunction[state] = action_value

        print("state is", state, "value is", valuefunction[state])

    You will get the following output:

    Figure 6.9: Output of off-policy Monte Carlo evaluation

Figure 6.9: Output of off-policy Monte Carlo evaluation

The off-policy evaluation has calculated and returned the value function for every state-action pair. In this exercise, we have applied the concept of importance sampling using a behavior policy and applied the learning to a target policy. The output is provided for every combination state and action pair. It has helped us understand off-policy learning. We had two policies – a behavior policy and a target policy. We learned the target policy by following the behavior policy.


To access the source code for this specific section, please refer to https://packt.live/3hpOOKa.

You can also run this example online at https://packt.live/2B1GQGa.

In the next section, we will learn how to solve the frozen lake problem, available in the OpenAI framework, using Monte Carlo techniques.

Solving Frozen Lake Using Monte Carlo

Frozen Lake is another simple game found in the OpenAI framework. This is a classic game where you can do sampling and simulations for Monte Carlo reinforcement learning. We have already described and used the Frozen Lake environment in Chapter 05, Dynamic Programming. Here we shall quickly revise the basics of the game so that we can solve it using Monte Carlo methods in the upcoming activity.

We have a 4x4 grid of cells, which is the entire frozen lake. It contains 16 cells (a 4x4 grid). The cells are marked as S – Start, F – Frozen, H – Hole, and G – Goal. The player needs to move from the Start cell, S, to the Goal cell, along with the Frozen areas (F cells), without falling into Holes (H cells). The following figure visually presents the aforementioned information:

Figure 6.10: The Frozen Lake game

Figure 6.10: The Frozen Lake game

Here are some basic details of the game:

  • The aim of the game: The aim of the game is to move from the Start (cell S) to the Goal (cell G).
  • States = 16
  • Actions = 4
  • Total state-action pairs = 64
  • Strategy: The player should move along the Frozen cells (cells F) without falling into the Holes in the lake (cells H). Reaching the Goal (cell G) or falling into any Hole (cells H) ends the game.
  • Actions: The actions that can be performed in any cell are left, down, right, and up.
  • Players: It is a single-player game.
  • Rewards: The reward for moving into a Frozen cell is 0 (cells F), +1 for reaching the Goal (cell G), and 0 for falling into a Hole (cells H).
  • Configuration: You can configure the frozen lake to be slippery or non-slippery. If the frozen lake is slippery, then the intended action and the actual action can vary, so if someone wants to move left, they might end up moving right or down or up. If the frozen lake is non-slippery, the intended action and the actual action are always aligned. The grid has 16 possible cells where the agent can be at any point in time. The agent can take 4 possible actions in each of these cells. So, there are 64 possibilities in the game, whose likelihood is updated based on the learning. In the next activity, we will learn more about the Frozen Lake game, and understand the various steps and actions.

Activity 6.01: Exploring the Frozen Lake Problem – the Reward Function

Frozen Lake is a game in OpenAI Gym that's helpful to apply learning and reinforcement techniques. In this activity, we will solve the Frozen Lake problem and determine the various states and actions using Monte Carlo methods. We will track the success rate through batches of episodes.

Perform the following steps to complete the activity:

  1. We import the necessary libraries: gym for the OpenAI Gym framework, numpy, and defaultdict is required to process dictionaries.
  2. The next step is to select the environment as FrozenLake. is_slippery is set to False. The environment is reset with the line env.reset() and rendered with the line env.render().
  3. The number of possible values in the observation space is printed with print(env.observation_space). Similarly, the number of action values is printed with the print(env.action_space) command.
  4. The next step is to define a function to generate a frozen lake episode. We initialize the episodes and the environment.
  5. We simulate various episodes by using a Monte Carlo method. We then navigate step by step and store episode and return reward. The action is obtained with env.action_space.sample(). next_state, action, and reward are obtained by calling the env_step(action) function. They are then appended to an episode. The episode is now a list of states, actions, and rewards.
  6. The key is now to calculate the success rate, which is the likelihood of success for a batch of episodes. The way we do this is by calculating the total number of attempts in a batch of episodes. We calculate how many of them successfully reached the goal. The ratio of the agent successfully reaching the goal to the number of attempts made by the agent is the success ratio. First, we initialize the total rewards.
  7. We generate episode and reward for every iteration and calculate the total reward.
  8. The success ratio is calculated by dividing total_reward by 100 and is printed.
  9. The frozen lake prediction is calculated using the frozen_lake_prediction function. The final output will demonstrate the default success ratio of the game without any reinforcement learning when the game is played randomly.

    You will get the following output:

    Figure 6.11: Output of Frozen Lake without learning

Figure 6.11: Output of Frozen Lake without learning


The solution to this activity can be found on page 719.

In the next section, we detail how we can enable improvement by balancing exploration and exploitation, by using the epsilon soft policy and greedy policy. This ensures that we balance exploration and exploitation.

The Pseudocode for Every Visit Monte Carlo Control for Epsilon Soft

We have previously implemented every visit Monte Carlo algorithm for estimating the value function. In this section, we will briefly describe every visit Monte Carlo control for epsilon soft so that we can use this in our final activity of this chapter. The following figure shows the pseudo-code for every visit for Epsilon soft by balancing exploration and exploitation:

Figure 6.12: Pseudocode for Monte Carlo every visit for epsilon soft

Figure 6.12: Pseudocode for Monte Carlo every visit for epsilon soft

The following code picks a random action with epsilon probability and picks an action that has a maximum Q(s,a) with 1-epsilon probability. So, we can choose between exploration with epsilon probability and exploitation with 1-epsilon probability:

while not done:


        #random action less than epsilon

        if np.random.rand() < epsilon:

            #we go with the random action

            action = env.action_space.sample()



            1 - epsilon probability, we go with the greedy algorithm


            action = np.argmax(Q[state, :])

In the next activity, we will evaluate and improve the policy for Frozen Lake by implementing the Monte Carlo control every visit for the epsilon soft method.

Activity 6.02 Solving Frozen Lake Using Monte Carlo Control Every Visit Epsilon Soft

The activity aims to evaluate and improve the policy for the Frozen Lake problem by using every visit epsilon soft method.

You can launch the Frozen Lake game by importing gym and executing gym.make():

import gym

env = gym.make("FrozenLake-v0", is_slippery=False)

Perform the following step to complete the activity:

  1. Import the necessary libraries.
  2. Select the environment as FrozenLake. is_slippery is set to False.
  3. Initialize the Q value and num_state_action to zeros.
  4. Set the value of num_episodes to 100000 and create rewardsList. Set epsilon to 0.30.
  5. Run the loop till num_episodes. Initialize the environment, results_List, and result_sum to zero. Also, reset the environment.
  6. We need to now have both exploration and exploitation. Exploration will be a random policy with epsilon probability and exploitation will be a greedy policy with 1-epsilon. We start a while loop and check whether we need to pick a random value with probability epsilon or a greedy policy with a probability of 1-epsilon.
  7. Step through the action and get new_state and reward.
  8. The result list is appended, with the state and action pair. result_sum is incremented by the value of the result.
  9. new_state is assigned to state and result_sum is appended to rewardsList.
  10. Calculate Q[s,a] using the incremental method, as Q[s,a] + (result_sum – Q[s,a]) / N(s,a).
  11. Print the value of the success rate in batches of 1000.
  12. Print the final success rate.

    You will get the following output initially:

    Figure 6.13: Initial output of the Frozen Lake success rate

Figure 6.13: Initial output of the Frozen Lake success rate

You will get the following output finally:

Figure 6.14: Final output of the Frozen Lake success rate

Figure 6.14: Final output of the Frozen Lake success rate


The solution to this activity can be found on page 722.


Monte Carlo methods learn from experience in the form of sample episodes. Without having a model of the environment, by interacting with the environment, the agent can learn a policy. In several cases of simulation or sampling, an episode is feasible. We learned about the first visit and every visit evaluation. Also, we learned about the balance between exploration and exploitation. This is achieved by having an epsilon soft policy. We then learned about on-policy and off-policy learnings, and how importance sampling plays a key role in off-policy methods. We learned about the Monte Carlo methods by applying them to Blackjack and the Frozen Lake environment available in the OpenAI framework.

In the next chapter, we will learn about temporal learning and its applications. Temporal learning combines the best of dynamic programming and the Monte Carlo methods. It can work where the model is not known, like the Monte Carlo methods, but can provide incremental learning instead of waiting for the episode to end.

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