ABH: Actual Bodily Harm

ABI: Association of British Investigators

ACAS: Advisory and Conciliation Service

ACFE: Association of Certified Fraud Examiners

ACPO: Association of Chief Police Officers

ADP: British Army Doctrine Publication

ADS: Aerospace, Defence, Security trade group

AFO: Authorised Firearms Officers

AGM: Annual General Meeting

AIEs: Advanced Industrialised Economies

APICS: Association for Supply Chain and Operations Management

APPF: Afghan Public Protection Force

AS: Anti Surveillance

ASIS: American Society for Industrial Security

BPSS: Baseline Personnel Security Standard

BC: Business Continuity

BCI: Business Continuity Institute

BCM: Business Continuity Management

BG: Bodyguard

BIMCO: Baltic and International Maritime Council

BP: Beyond Petroleum, formerly British Petroleum

BRC: British Retail Consortium

BRIC: Brazil, Russia, India and People’s Republic of China

BSI: British Standards Institute

BSIA: British Security Industry Association

CBA: Cost Benefit Analysis

CEO: Chief Executive Officer

CEOP: Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre

CESG: Communications-Electronic Security Group

CI: Competitive Intelligence

CIA: Central Intelligence Agency, US

CIA (The CIA Triad): Confidentiality, Integrity, Accessibility

CII: Council of International Investigators

CIO: Chief Information Officer

CIR Magazine: Continuity, Insurance and Risk

CISO: Chief Information Security Officer

CLV: Customer Life Value

CM: Crisis Management

CoLCPA: City of London Crime Prevention Association

COSWP: Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen

CPNI: Centre for the Protection of National Infrastructure, UK

CPO: Close Protection Operative

CRA: Country Risk Analysis

CRB: Criminal Records Bureau

CS: Counter Surveillance

CSA: Crime Scene Analysis

CSARN: City Security and Resilience Networks

CSF: Comprehensive Soldier Fitness

CT (scan): Computerised Tomography

DHS: Department for Homeland Security

DNA: Deoxyribonucleic Acid

DVLA: Driver Vehicle Licencing Agency

ECHR: European Convention of Human Rights

EDI: Electronic Data Interchange

EHIC: European Health Insurance Card

EISF: European Interagency Security Forum

EM: Emerging Market

EP: Emergency Planning

ERM: Enterprise Risk Management

EU: European Union

EU NAVFOR: European Union Naval Forces

FCO: Foreign and Commonwealth Office (UK)

FEMA: Federal Emergency Management Agency

FSA: Financial Services Authority

GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

GPS: Global Positioning System

GBH: Grievous Bodily Harm

G8: Group of eight leading global economies.

G20: G8 plus some of the world’s larger emerging national economies

HASAW: Health and Safety at Work

HASE: Health and Safety Executive

HBR: Harvard Business Review

HEA: Higher Education Academy

HEBCON: Higher Education Business Continuity Network

HMG: Her Majesty’s Government, United Kingdom

HR: Human Resources

HRA: Health Risk Assessments

HSC: Health and Safety Commission

ICC: International Criminal Court

ICC: International Chamber of Commerce

ICOC: International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers

ICJ: International Court of Justice

ICPEM: Institute of Civil Protection and Emergency Managers

ICT: Information Communications Technology

IPS: Identity and Passport Service

IMF: International Monetary Fund

IoD: Institute of Directors

IOFM: Institute of Financial Management

IPO: Intellectual Property Office (United Kingdom)

IPR: Intellectual Property Rights

ISMS: Information Security Management System Standard ISO27001

ISPS: International Ship and Port Facility Security Code

IT: Information Technology

JIT: Just in Time

JV: Joint Venture

KPI: Key Performance Indicators

KRAs: Key Results Areas

K&R: Kidnap and Ransom

LBC: London’s Big Conversation

LEPs: Local Enterprise Partnerships

LLP: Limited Liability Partnership

MDGs: Millennium Development Goals

MENA: Middle East and North Africa

Mispers: Missing Persons

NaCTSO: National Counter Terrorism Security Office

NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation

NAPPS: National Association of Professional Process Servers

NEOUCOM: Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine

NFA: No Further Action

NFA: National Fraud Authority (UK)

NFIB: National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (UK)

NFRC: National Fraud Reporting Centre (UK)

NFSTC: National Forensic Science Technology Centre

NGO: Non-Governmental Organisation

NIAC: National Infrastructure Advisory Council

NOS: National Occupational Standards

NPIA: National Policing Improvement Agency

NSI: National Security Inspectorate

NZ: New Zealand

OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

OM: Operations Management

OMBOK: Operations Management Body of Knowledge Framework

ONI: Office of Naval Intelligence

OP: Observation Post

OSAC: Overseas Security Advisory Council (US)

OSINT: Open Source Intelligence

OU: Open University

PACE: Police and Criminal Evidence Act (1984)

PACT: Parents & Abducted Children Together

PAS: Publicly Available Specification

PCASP: Privately Contracted Armed Security Personnel

PES: Personal Escort Section

PESTLE: Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal, Environmental

PI: Private Investigator

PIN: Personal Identification Number

PIR: Priority Information Request

PLC: Public Limited Company

PMSC: Private Maritime Security Companies

POTUS: President of the United Sates of America

PPE: Personal Protective Equipment

PSCs: Private Security Contractors

PSF: UK Professional Standards Framework

PUB: Personal Unblocking Code

PVS: Passport Validation Service

RDSG: Royal Dutch Shell Group

RIDDOR: Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (2013)

RIPA: Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000

ROI: Return on Investment

RUF: International Model Set of Maritime Rules for the Use of Force

SAMI: Security Association for the Maritime Industry

SCEG: Security in Complex Environments Group

SIA: Security Industry Authority

SIs: Statutory instruments

SLAs: Service Level Agreements

SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound

SOLAS: The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea

SWOT: Strengths, Weakness, Opportunities, Threats

TGP: Target Group Profiling

TINYg: Terrorist Information New York Group

TRIPS: Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

UN: United Nations

US: United States

USP: Unique Sales Proposition

USTPO: United States Trademark and Patent Office

VoIP: Voice over Internet Protocol

VPS: Victim Personal Statements

WTO: World Trade Organisation

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