
I have written a dozen books prior to this one. These books have included autobiographies, motivational books, business books, and several novels. As a blind person, I write in a totally unique and quite unusual way. I dictate each of my books to a very talented colleague, Dorothy Thompson, who is the best grammarian I have ever known. As I dictate, she puts the books into sentences, paragraphs, and chapters. We write very quickly and rarely make any changes or edits. With over 8 million books in print, we must be doing something right.

I have a number of unwritten rules that I follow when I am writing. I never plan or outline my work. I don’t title a book until it’s finished. And I rarely read what I’ve written until it is completed. Another of my unwritten rules involves never collaborating with anyone else in authoring a book. I’ve had a number of very flattering offers to cowrite a book with some very well-known and talented people. I have never accepted one of these offers because of the unique and unusual way that I work.

Now, for the first time, I find myself collaborating on a book. This goes against everything I have done to date, but I’m willing to alter my successful system for one very important reason: It is best for my readers and the overall project.

I’ve never considered collaborating on my novels because they merely require me to tell the story that is in my mind. Authoring autobiographical books would not lend themselves to collaboration, because I am still the world’s leading and undisputed authority on me and my opinions. But now, as I seek to write something meaningful about financial matters and the current economic conditions that affect every area of our lives, I find myself facing some new challenges that I have not dealt with before.

When I write a motivational book, it is simply a matter of telling my readers why they should do the things that they already know to do. In these matters, we don’t fail because we don’t know what to do—we fail because we don’t do what we know. However, as I face the daunting task of attempting to lead my readers through the turbulent times we are facing in the economy and in our own personal finances, I recognize it’s not only a matter of motivating individuals regarding why they should undertake a financial strategy, but additionally, they must know what it is that they should do.

We are facing an economic landscape that is totally unique and unprecedented. Furthermore, it is changing daily. These factors combined to convince me that the only way to address this effectively is to collaborate with an individual who has the expertise and track record of helping real families in the real world.

As an author, columnist, platform speaker, and founder/president of a television network, I have been interviewed on literally hundreds of radio and television programs. Only a handful of these stand out in my mind over the years. I remember the day when I arrived at my office, and I was told, among many other things, my calendar called for a one-hour interview on the radio to promote my book, The Ultimate Gift. I deplore long interviews as most radio and TV hosts neglect their homework, leaving you floundering to fill the time on their program. When you are facing even a 10-minute interview with one of these unprofessional interviewers, it can seem like a transcontinental flight just getting through a few moments on the radio.

When I sat down to do what was to be an hour interview with Tim Maurer, I will admit that I was filled with a bit of dread; however, when Tim and I began talking about The Ultimate Gift book and movie, as well as life in general and the things that matter to real people, the hour flew by before I knew it. I will admit that I was actually excited when Tim called the following year and asked me to do another full hour to discuss my business book, Ultimate Productivity. He was positive, upbeat, and—unlike most of his radio colleagues—had actually read the book. Talking with Tim Maurer is like talking with an old friend, while you let the radio listeners eavesdrop.

When Tim called and asked me to collaborate on this book project, my initial reaction was not positive, as it violates all of my rules to date; but since I had already built up so much respect and esteem for Tim, both personally and professionally in our radio encounters, I was willing to listen and give him the benefit of the doubt.

I came to the conclusion that if I’m going to write about anything at this point in time that will make a difference in people’s lives, it’s going to have to deal with financial matters and the economy as a whole. The current trends on Wall Street and on Main Street are affecting every area of daily life. Money is far from the most important thing in life, but it affects each of the areas that are the most important things in life.

I’m very proud to collaborate with my friend, Tim Maurer, as I tell you why money is important and how you should prioritize it and as Tim tells you what you should do and when you should do it. I feel as if I’m the travel agent or tour guide, encouraging you to go to a marvelous destination and enjoy everything it has to offer, while Tim is the captain of the airliner that will get you there safely, no matter how turbulent the conditions may be.

Being motivated to act is useless unless you know what to do. Conversely, knowing what to do is irrelevant unless you are motivated to act. Together, Tim and I will endeavor to help you plan your financial destination and help you get there safely and on time.

Just as I have offered the readers of my other books, I want to offer you the following opportunity. If this book raises questions that it does not fully answer to your satisfaction and comfort, or if somehow you don’t believe financial success and well-being is within your grasp or meant for you, pick up the nearest phone and call me at 918-627-1000. As always, I want you to know that you have one guy that believes in you, your dreams, and your financial success.

Jim Stovall

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