
  1. AAA bonds, rating (usage)
  2. Accumulation
    1. impact
    2. phase
  3. Adjustable rate mortgages
    1. fixed-rate mortgages, contrast
      1. resource guide
    2. resource guide
  4. After-tax assets, ratio
  5. After-tax basis
    1. usage
  6. After-tax cost, return
  7. After-tax interest expense
  8. Aggressive bucket
  9. Aggressive investment
    1. assets
    2. problems
  10. Amortization
    1. agreement
    2. definition
    3. period
    4. problem
    5. 30-year amortization, usage
  11. Amortizing mortgage, impact
  12. Annual income
    1. assumptiont
    2. net worth, comparison
  13. Anti-debt hysteria
  14. Apple, amortization agreement
  15. Asset allocation
    1. definition
    2. framework, perspectivet
    3. model
  16. Asset classes
    1. correlation
    2. decrease
    3. definition
  17. Assets
    1. accumulation
    2. base
    3. building
    4. increase, impact
    5. problems, ranking
    6. protection strategies
    7. value
      1. future
      2. independence
  18. Atwood, Margaret


  1. Balance sheets
    1. age 35 level
    2. age 40 level
    3. approximation
    4. definition
    5. examplet
    6. information (
    7. introduction (
    8. leverage examplet
  2. Bankruptcy
    1. declaration
  3. Barclays Aggregate U.S. bond indices, constancy
  4. Beethoven, Ludwig van
  5. Behavioral economics, importance
  6. Benchmark interest rate indexes
  7. Big life changes
    1. bucket, filling
  8. Blank balanced path worksheet
  9. Blank equilibrium worksheet
    1. Fibonacci sequence
  10. Bloodhound (personality trait)
  11. Bonds
    1. prices, interest rates (relationship)
    2. resource guide
    3. stocks, contrast (resource guide)
  12. Borrowing costs, impact
  13. Borrowing, examination
  14. Brinson, Gary
  15. Budget, control
  16. Budgeting
  17. Bull market run
  18. Buying, renting (contrast)


  1. Calculators, resource guide
  2. Capital gains, definition
  3. Capital structure, definition
  4. Car loans
    1. cost/amortization period
    2. payment
  5. Car payments, exclusion
  6. Cash
    1. increase
    2. insurance form
    3. negative spread
    4. requirement 401(k) borrowing
    5. savings, increase
    6. usage
  7. Cash flow, availability
  8. Cash reserve
    1. building
    2. checking
    3. goal
    4. growth
  9. Checking account
    1. cash, increase
    2. cash reserve, building
    3. savings accounts, separation
    4. zero balance
  10. Chief financial officer (CFO)
  11. Children
    1. college savings, relationship
    2. savings accounts, consideration
    3. savings expenses, absence
  12. Closing costs
  13. College education expenses, source
  14. College graduates, income survey
  15. College savings, children (relationship)
  16. Commodities, definition
  17. Companies
    1. balance
    2. company-sponsored retirement plan, usage
    3. glide path
    4. stocks, purchase (resource guide)
  18. Compounding
    1. impact
    2. importance
    3. lessons
    4. long-term power
    5. power
  19. Compounding interest, power
  20. Compound interest, resource guide
  21. Conservative investment assets
  22. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
    1. debt-to-income ratio usage recommendation
  23. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, private student lender experiences
  24. Contractual obligations, current value
  25. Core bucket
  26. Corporate debt, traditional mortgages (contrast)
  27. Correlation
    1. definition
    2. negative correlation, definition
    3. positive correlation, definition
  28. Covey, Steven
  29. Credit
    1. monitoring service, usage
    2. securities-based line, cost
  30. Credit card
    1. balances
    2. companies, teaser rates
    3. debt, elimination
  31. Credit score
    1. resource guide
  32. Crick, Francis
  33. Currencies, values (decrease)


  1. Da Vinci Code, The
  2. Da Vinci, Leonardo
  3. Deaton, Angus
  4. Debt
    1. absence
    2. after-tax cost
      1. definition
      2. returns
      3. spread, capture
    3. amortization
    4. anxiety/stress/pressure
    5. collection complaints, Federal Trade Commission data
    6. concentration
    7. consolidation programs, consideration
    8. cost, impact
    9. debt-based blank freedom phase worksheet
    10. debt-based blank freedom worksheet
    11. debt-to-asset ratio, definition
    12. debt-to-income ratios
      1. considerations
      2. usage, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau recommendation
    13. definition
    14. differencest
    15. equivalence, absence
    16. freedom
    17. glide path
    18. ground rules
    19. hypothetical value, questions
    20. impact
    21. investment philosophy component
    22. math
    23. millennial’s guide
    24. permanent debt
    25. power, leveraging
    26. principal payment
    27. problem
    28. recommendations
    29. reduction
    30. strategic debt philosophy
    31. strategies
    32. student debt
    33. success probability, summary table
    34. taking on, avoidance
    35. tool
    36. usage
    37. value
      1. cost, impact
      2. proof
  5. Debt Hypothesis
  6. Debt payment
    1. ability
    2. de-prioritization
    3. prioritization
  7. Debt ratios
    1. calculation
    2. change
    3. definition
    4. reduction
      1. asset, increase (impact)
    5. usage
  8. Debt service coverage ratios (DSCRs)
  9. Debt-to-asset ratio
  10. Depreciation
    1. cost
  11. Developed markets, definition
  12. Distribution rates
    1. variations
  13. Diversification
    1. definition
    2. risk/return, relationship
  14. Down payment, generation (assumption)
  15. Downsizing, ability
  16. Dual-income household


  1. Economic environment, interest rates (impact)
  2. Economic history, impact
  3. Edison, Thomas
  4. Efficient frontier, example
  5. Einstein, Albert
  6. Emerging markets, definition
  7. Employer matching
    1. absence
    2. importance
  8. Employer-sponsored plans, usage
  9. Employer-sponsored retirement plans, millennial contributions
  10. Endogenous shock, example
  11. Enriching debt
    1. definition
  12. Equilibrium (L.I.F.E. phase)
    1. application
    2. blank equilibrium worksheet
    3. definition
    4. midpoint
    5. near equilibrium, examplet
    6. net worth
    7. recordation, example
    8. worksheet (age 67)
  13. Equity
    1. diversified portfolio, investment
    2. information (
  14. Equity, definition
  15. Events, impact
  16. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
    1. definition
    2. resource guide
  17. Exogenous event
  18. Exogenous shock


  1. Federal Trade Commission, debt collection complaints
  2. Fibonacci ratios, examples
  3. Fibonacci sequence
    1. application
    2. blank balanced path worksheet
    3. blank equilibrium worksheet
    4. blank phaset
    5. debt-based blank freedom phase worksheet
    6. equilibrium midpoint
    7. representation
    8. savings rates
  4. Fifteen-year fixed rate
  5. Financial crisis
  6. Financial life, events
  7. Financial security/flexibility, increase
  8. Financing
    1. considerations
    2. definition
  9. First-time home buyers
  10. Fiscal policy discipline, absence
  11. 529 college savings program
  12. Five-year interest-only ARM
  13. Fixed rate mortgages
  14. Fixed-rate mortgages, adjustable rate mortgages (contrast)
    1. resource guide
  15. Foreign bonds, purchase
  16. 401(k)
    1. borrowing
    2. contribution
    3. definition
    4. resource guide
    5. saving
    6. savings, reduction
  17. Four-phased glide path, creation
  18. Franklin, Benjamin
  19. Freedom (L.I.F.E. phase)
    1. application
    2. balance sheet, example
    3. base unit, income usage
    4. blank balanced path worksheet
    5. case study
    6. children, consideration
    7. children’s savings accounts, consideration
    8. debt-based blank freedom worksheet
    9. definition
    10. duration
    11. example
    12. frequently asked questions
    13. home ownership, absence
    14. home purchase, balance sheet (example)
    15. net worth
    16. phase 3 worksheet
    17. student debt, impact
  20. Future income/savings rate/rate of return, knowledge (absence)
  21. Future tax obligations, current value
  22. Future value calculator, resource guide


  1. Gandhi, Mahatma
  2. Glide path See also Launch Independence Freedom Equilibrium
    1. advice, requirement
    2. core tenets
    3. debt glide path
    4. definition
    5. discovery
    6. finance
    7. four-phased glide path, creation
    8. math
    9. power
    10. preferences/reality
    11. student debt, exclusion
  3. Goals
    1. establishment
    2. prioritization
  4. God’s ratio
  5. Golden ratio
  6. Gross annual pretax household income, recordation
  7. Gross annual pretax income
    1. annual income, relationship
  8. Gross pretax annual income
    1. recordation


  9. Higher income, savings (increase)
  10. High-risk strategies
  11. High-yield bonds
    1. definition
  12. Historical data series, repetition
  13. Historic data, usage
  14. Holistic philosophy
  15. Home equity line of credit (HELOC), power
  16. Homeownership
    1. advantages
    2. math
    3. problems
    4. risk, avoidance
  17. Homeownership, examination
  18. Homeownership, risk
  19. Home purchase
    1. balance sheet, examples
    2. care
    3. deceleration
    4. dual income, example
    5. example
    6. expenses
    7. financing considerations
    8. problems
  20. Homes
    1. affordability
      1. resource guide
    2. blank balanced path worksheet
    3. closing costs
    4. depreciation/maintenance
    5. moving, costs
    6. ownership, absence (example)
    7. ownership, decisions
    8. price appreciation, perception
    9. property taxes
    10. renting preference, exceptions
    11. rent/purchase decision
    12. selling costs
    13. upfront transaction costs
    14. value, future
  21. Household balance sheets, liability
  22. Household incomes, money arguments (frequency)
  23. Housing, resource guide
  24. Hyperinflation, resource guide


  1. Income
    1. level, increase
    2. replacement
    3. statement, leverage example
    4. stream, personal loss (possibility)
  2. Income-based formula, usage
  3. Independence (L.I.F.E. phase)
    1. application
    2. balance
    3. definition
    4. dual income
    5. glide path
    6. house purchase
      1. balance sheet
      2. dual income, example
      3. example
    7. houses
      1. absence
      2. blank balanced path worksheet
      3. ownership
    8. net worth
  4. Individual retirement accounts (IRAs)
    1. resource guide
  5. Inflation
    1. absence
    2. defining, resource guide
    3. definition
    4. inflation-adjusted goals, examination
    5. moderation, resource guide
    6. outperformance
    7. overview
    8. rates, knowledge (absence)
    9. resource guide
    10. return, investment rate
    11. return rate
  6. Inheritance
  7. Interest
    1. compounding, power
    2. interest-only mortgage, definition
    3. money waste
    4. simple interest
  8. Interest-only adjustable-rate mortgages
  9. Interest-only mortgages
  10. Interest rates
    1. debt service coverage ratios, impact
    2. decrease
    3. definition
    4. environment
    5. function
    6. future, knowledge (absence)
    7. generational lows
    8. impact
    9. increase
    10. low level
    11. ranking
    12. resource guide
  11. Investing, saving (difference)
  12. Investments
    1. aggressive investment, problems
    2. assets
      1. bucket categorization
      2. examination
    3. concepts
    4. math, usage
    5. philosophy
      1. debt, integration
      2. long-term returns
    6. policy
    7. portfolio
      1. consideration
      2. returns
    8. resource guide
    9. returns, impact
    10. risk/return trade-off
    11. rolling 10-year data points
    12. values
    13. vehicles, resource guide


  13. Kundera, Milan


  1. Launch (L.I.F.E. phase)
    1. action steps
    2. application
    3. balance
    4. blank phase
    5. definition
    6. instructions
    7. net worth
    8. questions
  2. Launch Independence Freedom Equilibrium (L.I.F.E.)
    1. balance
    2. case study
    3. glide path
    4. phases
  3. Leverage
    1. balance sheet
    2. definition
    3. factoring
    4. income statement
  4. Liabilities
    1. definition
    2. problem
    3. recordation
  5. Life changes. See also Big life changes
    1. account
    2. fund, establishment
  6. Line of credit, definition
  7. Liquidity
    1. definition
    2. discount
    3. insurance value, focus
    4. one-way liquidity trap (mortgages)
    5. power
    6. protection, renting (impact)
    7. trap
    8. valuation
    9. value
  8. Loan-to-value
  9. London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR)
    1. definition
    2. one-month LIBOR interest-only floating rate ARM
    3. rate
  10. Long-term average returns
  11. Long-term bonds
    1. definition
  12. Long-term capital gains
  13. Long-term foundation, building
  14. Long-term investments
    1. building
  15. Long-term wealth accumulation
  16. Low-down-payment mortgage
    1. example
    2. options
  17. Lower-interest-rate environments, impact
  18. Lower-volatility portfolio


  1. Maintenance
  2. Markowitz, Harry
  3. Material assets
  4. Math, usage
  5. Millennials
    1. employer-sponsored retirement plans, millennial contributions
    2. median income
    3. problems
  6. Miller, Merton
  7. Millionaire Next Door (Stanley)
  8. Modern Portfolio Theory
    1. definition
    2. example
  9. Modigliani, Franco
  10. Money
    1. borrowing ability
    2. household arguments, frequency
    3. investment
    4. time value, resource guide
  11. Money market
    1. definition
    2. rates
  12. Monthly income
    1. assumptions
    2. usage
  13. Mortgages
    1. after-tax cost
    2. alternative options
    3. definition
    4. equivalence, absence
    5. interest-only mortgages
    6. interest rates, resource guide
    7. interest tax deduction, definition
    8. introduction, resource guide
    9. one-way liquidity traps
    10. options
    11. payment, resource guide
    12. permanent debt
    13. rates, ranking
    14. resource guide
    15. savings rate, elimination
    16. securities-based lending, relationship
    17. tax deductibility, reduction (impact)
  14. Mother Nature, impact
  15. Municipal bonds
    1. definition
  16. Mutual funds, level


  1. Nadas
    1. assumptions
    2. example
    3. house payment
    4. illustrations
    5. Month 0, levels
    6. Month 142, levels
    7. Month 365 (age 65), levels
    8. retirement usage
    9. spending habits, change (absence)
  2. Natural disasters, impact
  3. Negative correlation, definition
  4. Negative spread
  5. Net worth
    1. annual income, relationship
    2. calculation process
    3. definition
    4. level, impact
  6. No-debt family, example
  7. No-debt path
  8. No-debt strategy
  9. No-down-payment mortgage options
  10. Nominal return, resource guide
  11. Null hypothesis


  1. One-month LIBOR interest-only floating rate ARM
  2. One-way liquidity traps
  3. Open-ended mutual funds, resource guide
  4. Opportunity cost
    1. definition
  5. Oppressive debt
    1. absence
    2. definition
    3. elimination
    4. examination
    5. reduction
    6. zero level
      1. value
  6. Ostrich (personality trait)
  7. Ownership. See Home ownership
    1. access, examples
    2. total cost


  8. Parent PLUS
  9. Partial advice, problem
  10. Paycheck-to-paycheck cycle, breaking
  11. Payday loan, definition
  12. Pay-down-debt path
  13. Permanent debt
  14. Phi, impact
  15. Portfolio
    1. diversification
    2. return
    3. stock and bond mix
    4. value
  16. Position size
    1. definition
  17. Positive correlation, definition
  18. Prepayment penalties, absence
  19. Preserve bucket, definition
  20. Principal
    1. amount
    2. definition
    3. locked-in portion
  21. Private amortized loans, usage
  22. Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI)
  23. Private student lenders (experiences), Consumer Financial Protection
    1. Bureau survey
  24. Private student loan
    1. family usage
  25. Probability event
  26. Property taxes


  1. Radicals
    1. age 105
    2. assumptions
    3. example
    4. illustrations
    5. investment
      1. values
    6. Month 0, level
    7. Month 360 (age 65), level
    8. mortgage interest payment
    9. retirement usage
    10. spending habits, change (absence)
  2. Real estate
    1. prices, levels
    2. values, reduction
  3. Real return, resource guide
  4. Rebalancing, definition
  5. Recessions
    1. occurrence
    2. severity
  6. Renting
    1. buying, contrast
      1. guidelines
      2. resource guide
    2. impact
    3. insurance form
    4. preference, exceptions
  7. Rent, money (waste)
  8. Rent-versus-buy math
  9. Residential real estate, inflation (relationship)
  10. Resource guide
    1. adjustable rate mortgages, resource guide
  11. Retirement
    1. approach
    2. debt-free status
    3. employer-sponsored retirement plans, millennial contributions
    4. expenses (coverage), after-tax basis (usage)
    5. issue
    6. level
    7. Nadas, usage
    8. plan, additions
    9. possibility
    10. probability, increase
    11. Radicals, usage
    12. redefining
    13. savings
      1. deemphasis
    14. Steadys, usages
  12. Retirement savings
    1. calculation
    2. direction
    3. increase
    4. introduction
  13. Return
    1. leverage, factoring
    2. reduction, debt (impact)
    3. risk/diversification, relationship
  14. Return rate
    1. definition
    2. probability
  15. Risk
    1. concept
    2. consideration
    3. definition
    4. high-risk strategies
    5. impact
    6. importance/impact
    7. increase, debt (impact)
    8. predictability level
    9. reduction, debt (impact)
    10. return/diversification, relationship
    11. standard deviation
  16. Risk/return
    1. equally weighted portfolio, usage
    2. trade-off
  17. Rolling 10-year data points
  18. Roth IRAs, resource guide
  19. Russell 3000 bond indices, constancy


  1. Savings
    1. ability
    2. car payments, exclusion
    3. focus
    4. future, focus
    5. increaset
    6. investing, difference
    7. power
    8. total level, determination
  2. Savings account
    1. cash, increase
    2. cash reserve
    3. checking account, separation
  3. Savings rate
    1. assumption
    2. control
    3. doubling
    4. elimination
    5. Fibonacci numbers
    6. impact
    7. summary
  4. Securities-based lending (SBLs)
    1. banking
    2. case study
    3. fee
    4. financing
    5. interest rates
    6. mortgages, relationship
    7. power, understanding
    8. prepayment penalties, absence
    9. principles
    10. selection, reasons
  5. Securities, definition
  6. Selling costs
  7. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey)
  8. 70/30 stock-and-bond portfolio
  9. Seven-year interest-only ARM
  10. Shiller price/earnings ratio
  11. Shiller, Robert
  12. Simple interest
  13. Single-income household
  14. Social Security
    1. dependence
    2. estimator, resource guide
    3. payment
  15. Speculative venture, shares
  16. Spread, capture
    1. definition
  17. Stagflation, resource guide
  18. Standard deviation, definition
  19. Standard & Poor's 500 (S&P500)
    1. beating
  20. Stanley, Thomas
  21. Start-up company, shares (usage)
  22. Steadys
    1. assumptions
    2. example
    3. illustration
    4. Month 0, level
    5. Month 360 (age 65), level
    6. mortgage payment
    7. retirement usage
    8. spending habits, change (absence)
  23. Stock markets
    1. crash
    2. valuation
  24. Stocks
    1. bonds, contrast (resource guide)
    2. rate, average
    3. resource guide
  25. Strategic debt
    1. embrace
  26. Strong-dollar periods
  27. Student debt
    1. absence
    2. after-tax interest expense
    3. equivalence, absence
    4. exclusion
    5. impact
    6. liquidity trap
  28. Student loans
    1. impact
    2. private student loan
    3. working debt, term (usage)
  29. Success, probability


  1. Target date funds (TDFs), definition
  2. Taxable savings, calculation
  3. Tax benefits, valuation
  4. Tax-deferred, term (definition)
  5. Taxes, reduction
    1. debt, impact
  6. Tax factor, impact
  7. Tech wreck, initiation
  8. Ten-year interest-only ARM
  9. Thirty-year fixed mortgage, usage
  10. Thirty-year fixed rate
    1. mortgages
  11. Time horizon
  12. Time, risk
  13. Time value of money, resource guide
  14. Total assets, components
  15. Total debt, components
  16. Total investment assets
  17. Traditional mortgages, corporate debt (contrast)
  18. TurboTax, usage


  1. Underwriting, limitations
  2. Unemployment, increase
  3. Upfront transaction costs
  4. U.S. assets, problems
  5. U.S. stock-and-bond portfolio


  1. Value (addition), debt (impact)
  2. Volatility, definition


  1. Weak-dollar periods
  2. Wealth
    1. accumulation. See also Long-term wealth accumulation.
      1. considerations
    2. building
  3. Wisdom, contestation
  4. Working debt
    1. definition
    2. term, usage


  5. Yield curve
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