No book is truly the work of one author, and I’ve received lots of help on Think Like a Programmer.

I’m grateful to everyone at No Starch Press, especially Keith Fancher and Alison Law, who edited, shaped, and shepherded the book throughout its production. I must also thank Bill Pollock for his decision to sign me up in the first place—I hope he is as pleased with the result as I am. The folks at No Starch have been unfailingly kind and helpful in their correspondence with me. I hope one day to meet them in person and see to what degree they resemble their cartoon avatars on the company website.

Dan Randall did a wonderful job as technical editor. His numerous suggestions beyond the technical review helped me strengthen the manuscript in many areas.

On the home front, the most important people in my life, Mary Beth and Madeline, provided love, support, and enthusiasm—and, crucially, time to write.

Finally, to all the students of programming I’ve had over the years: Thank you for letting me be your teacher. The techniques and strategies described in this book were developed through our joint efforts. I hope we’ve made the journey easier for the next generation of programmers.

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