
List of Figures

List of Figures



Chapter 1 Introduction to Lasers

1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Historical Remarks

1.2 Lasers

1.2.1 Laser Optics

1.2.2 Laser Categories

1.3 Excitation Mechanisms and Rate Equations

1.3.1 Rate Equations

1.3.2 Dynamics of Multiple-Level System Example Example

1.3.3 Transition Probabilities and Cross Sections Example

1.4 The Schrödinger Equation and Semiconductor Lasers

1.4.1 A Heuristic Introduction to the Schrödinger Equation

1.4.2 The Schrödinger Equation Via dirac’s Notation

1.4.3 The Time-Independent Schrödinger Equation

1.4.4 Semiconductor Emission Example

1.4.5 Quantum Wells

1.4.6 Quantum Cascade Lasers Example

1.4.7 Quantum Dots

1.5 Introduction to Laser Resonators and Laser Cavities


Chapter 2 Dirac Optics

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Dirac’s Notation in Optics

2.3 Interference

2.3.1 Example

2.3.2 Geometry of The N-Slit Interferometer

2.3.3 N-Slit Interferometer Experiment

2.4 Generalized Diffraction

2.4.1 Positive Diffraction

2.5 Positive and Negative Refraction

2.6 Reflection

2.7 The Cavity Linewidth Equation

2.7.1 Introduction to Angular Dispersion

2.8 Dirac and the Laser


Chapter 3 The Uncertainty Principle in Optics

3.1 Approximate Derivation of the Uncertainty Principle

3.1.1 The Wave Character of Particles

3.1.2 The Diffraction Identity and the Uncertainty Principle

3.1.3 Alternative Versions of the Uncertainty Principle

3.2 Applications of the Uncertainty Principle in Optics

3.2.1 Beam Divergence Example

3.2.2 Beam Divergence and Astronomy Laser Guide Star Example

3.3 The Interferometric Equation and the Uncertainty Principle

3.3.1 Quantum Cryptography Example


Chapter 4 The Physics of Multiple- Prism Optics

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Generalized Multiple-Prism Dispersion

4.2.1 Double-Pass Generalized Multiple-Prism Dispersion

4.2.2 Multiple Return-Pass Generalized Multiple-Prism Dispersion

4.2.3 Single-Prism Equations

4.3 Multiple-Prism Dispersion Linewidth Narrowing

4.3.1 Mechanics of Linewidth Narrowing in Optically Pumped Pulsed Laser Oscillators

4.3.2 Design of Zero-Dispersion Multiple-Prism Beam Expanders Example Example

4.4 Dispersion of Amici, or Compound, Prisms

4.4.1 Example

4.5 Multiple-Prism Dispersion and Pulse Compression

4.5.1 Example

4.6 Applications of Multiple-Prism Arrays


Chapter 5 Polarization

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Maxwell Equations

5.3 Polarization and Reflection

5.3.1 Plane of Incidence

5.4 Jones Calculus

5.4.1 Example

5.5 Polarizing Prisms

5.5.1 Transmission Efficiency in Multiple-Prism Arrays

5.5.2 Induced Polarization in a Double-Prism Beam Expander

5.6 Double-Refraction Polarizers

5.7 Intensity Control of Laser Beams Using Polarization

5.8 Polarization Rotators

5.8.1 Birefringent Polarization Rotators Example

5.8.2 Broadband Prismatic Polarization Rotators Example


Chapter 6 Laser Beam Propagation Matrices

6.1 Introduction

6.2 ABCD Propagation Matrices

6.2.1 Properties of ABCD Matrices

6.2.2 Survey of ABCD Matrices

6.2.3 The Astronomical Telescope

6.2.4 A Single Prism in Space

6.2.5 Multiple-Prism Beam Expanders

6.2.6 Telescopes in Series

6.2.7 Single Return-Pass Beam Divergence

6.2.8 Multiple Return-Pass Beam Divergence

6.2.9 Unstable Resonators

6.3 Higher Order Matrices


Chapter 7 Narrow-Linewidth Tunable Laser Oscillators

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Transverse and Longitudinal Modes

7.2.1 Transverse Mode Structure

7.2.2 Longitudinal Mode Emission

7.3 Tunable Laser Oscillator Architectures

7.3.1 Tunable Laser Oscillators Without Intracavity Beam Expansion

7.3.2 Tunable Laser Oscillators With Intracavity Beam Expansion

7.3.3 Widely Tunable Narrow-Linewidth External Cavity Semiconductor Lasers

7.3.4 Distributed Feedback Lasers

7.4 Wavelength Tuning Techniques

7.4.1 Prismatic Tuning Techniques

7.4.2 Diffractive Tuning Techniques Example

7.4.3 Synchronous Tuning Techniques

7.4.4 Bragg Gratings

7.4.5 Interferometric Tuning Techniques

7.4.6 Longitudinal Tuning Techniques for Laser Microcavities Example

7.4.7 Birefringent Filters

7.5 Polarization Matching

7.6 Design of Efficient Narrow-Linewidth Tunable Laser Oscillators

7.6.1 Useful Axioms for the Design of Narrow- Linewidth Tunable Laser Oscillators

7.7 Narrow-Linewidth Oscillator-Amplifiers

7.7.1 Laser-Pumped Narrow-Linewidth Oscillator-Amplifiers

7.7.2 Narrow-Linewidth MO Forced Oscillators

7.8 Discussion


Chapter 8 Nonlinear Optics

8.1 Introduction

8.1.1 Introduction to Nonlinear Polarization

8.2 Generation of Frequency Harmonics

8.2.1 Second Harmonic and Sum-Frequency Generation

8.2.2 Difference-Frequency Generation and Optical Parametric Oscillation

8.2.3 The Refractive Index as a Function of Intensity

8.3 Optical Phase Conjugation

8.4 Raman Shifting

8.5 Optical Clockwork


Chapter 9 Lasers and Their Emission Characteristics

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Gas Lasers

9.2.1 Pulsed Molecular Gas Lasers

9.2.2 Pulsed Atomic Metal Vapor Lasers

9.2.3 CW Gas Lasers

9.3 Organic Dye Lasers

9.3.1 Pulsed Organic Dye Lasers Solid-State Tunable Organic Lasers

9.3.2 CW Organic Dye Lasers

9.4 Solid-State Lasers

9.4.1 Ionic Solid-State Lasers

9.4.2 Transition Metal Solid-State Lasers

9.4.3 Color Center Lasers

9.4.4 Diode Laser-Pumped Fiber Lasers

9.4.5 Optical Parametric Oscillators

9.5 Semiconductor Lasers

9.5.1 Tunable Quantum Cascade Lasers

9.5.2 Tunable Quantum Dot Lasers

9.6 Additional Lasers


Chapter 10 The N-Slit Laser Interferometer Optical Architecture and Applications

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Optical Architecture of the NSLI

10.2.1 Beam Propagation in the N SLI Example

10.3 An Interferometric Computer

10.4 Secure Interferometric Communications in Free Space

10.4.1 Very Large N Slis for Secure Interferometric Communications in Free Space

10.5 Applications of the NSLI

10.5.1 Digital Laser Micromeasurements

10.5.2 Light Modulation Measurements

10.5.3 Wavelength Meter and Broadband Interferograms

10.5.4 Imaging Laser Printers


Chapter 11 Interferometry

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Two-Beam Interferometers

11.2.1 The Sagnac Interferometer

11.2.2 The Mach-Xehnder Interferometer

11.2.3 The Michelson Interferometer

11.3 Multiple-Beam Interferometers

11.3.1 The Hanbury Brown–Twiss Interferometer

11.3.2 The Fabry–Pérot interferometer

11.3.3 Design of Fabry–Pérot Etalons Example

11.4 Coherent and Semicoherent Interferograms

11.4.1 Example

11.5 Interferometric Wavelength Meters

11.5.1 Fabry–Pérot Wavelength Meters


Chapter 12 Spectrometry

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Spectrometry

12.2.1 Prism Spectrometers

12.2.2 Diffraction Grating Spectrometers Example

12.3 Dispersive Wavelength Meters


Chapter 13 Physical Constants and Optical Quantities

13.1 Fundamental Physical Constants

13.2 Conversion Quantities

13.3 Units of Optical Quantities

13.4 Dispersion Constants of Optical Materials

13.5 ∂N/∂T of Laser and Optical Materials




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