List of Tables

Chapter 2. Using SCA components

Table 2.1. Multiplicity settings for references with their meanings

Chapter 4. Service interaction patterns

Table 4.1. Questions that help you identify which service interaction patterns are appropriate and the sections where the patterns are documented

Chapter 5. Implementing components using the Java language

Table 5.1. Ways to declare SCA services in Java implementations

Table 5.2. The mapping between @Reference and reference multiplicity

Table 5.3. The mapping between @Property and SCA component property

Table 5.4. The implementation scopes supported by the Tuscany runtime

Table 5.5. The SCA features used to control conversational behavior

Chapter 7. Connecting components using bindings

Table 7.1. Options for the SCA Web Services binding

Table 7.2. Options for the SCA CORBA binding

Table 7.3. Options for the SCA RMI binding

Table 7.4. Configuration options for the SCA JMS binding

Table 7.5. Options for the SCA EJB binding

Chapter 8. Web clients and Web 2.0

Table 8.1. Comparison of the Atom component implementation types

Chapter 9. Data representation and transformation

Table 9.1. An informal description of the data exchange required for the CreditCardPayment component authorize operation

Table 9.2. The Java classes generated from the CreditCardPayment WSDL using wsimport

Table 9.3. SDO classes generated from the CreditCardPayment WSDL document

Chapter 10. Defining and applying policy

Table 10.1. Summary of useful intents and policies in Tuscany

Chapter 11. Running and embedding Tuscany

Table 11.1. Important files in a Tuscany SCA–enabled web application

Chapter 14. Extending Tuscany

Table 14.1. The artifacts required to implement our new implementation.pojo extension

Table 14.2. The artifacts required to implement your new binding.echo extension

Appendix A. Setting up

Table A.1. The contents of the Tuscany binary distribution

Table A.2. Main directories in the travel sample

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