Canceling an upcoming reminder

Reminders change and sometimes you have to cancel them ahead of time. This recipe will enable the system to handle that.

Getting ready

The complete source code for this recipe can be found in the Chapter7/Recipe4 folder.

How to do it…

Ok, now we're going to build support for deleting reminders.

  1. Download the Twilio Helper Library from and unzip it.
  2. Upload the Services/ folder to your website.
  3. Upload sql.sql to your database
  4. Upload config.php to your website and make sure the following variables are set:
      $accountsid = '';//YOUR TWILIO ACCOUNT SID
      $authtoken = '';//YOUR TWILIO AUTH TOKEN
      $fromNumber = '';//PHONE NUMBER CALLS WILL COME FROM
      $dbhost = '';//YOUR DATABASE HOST
      $dbname = '';//YOUR DATABASE NAME
      $dbuser = '';//YOUR DATABASE USER
      $dbpass = '';//YOUR DATABASE PASS
  5. Upload a file called listener.php with the help of the following code:
    if( isset($_POST['Body']) ){
      $phone = $_POST['From'];
      $body = $_POST['Body'];
      $from = $_POST['FromCity'].', '.$_POST['FromState'];
      $body = strtolower( $body );
      $keywords = explode(" ",$body);
      $key = $keywords[0];
      unset( $keywords[0] );
      $keywords = implode(" ",$keywords);
      $key = strtolower( $key );
      if( $key == 'showme' ){
        $lines = array();
        $curtime = strtotime("+1 hour");
        $sql = "SELECT * FROM reminders where `timestamp` >  $curtime AND notified = 0";
        $res = $pdo->query( $sql );
        while( $row = $res->fetch() ){
          $lines[] = $row['message'].' - '.date('d/m/Y @ h:i A',$row['timestamp']);
        print_sms_reply ($lines);
        $reminder = explode(' - ',$body);
        $msg = $reminder[0];
        $action = $reminder[1];
        $actions = explode(" ",$action);
        if( $actions[0] == 'cancel' ){
          $pdo = Db::singleton();
          $pdo->exec("DELETE reminders WHERE `message`='{$msg}' AND `phone_number`='{$phone}';");
          print_sms_reply("Your reminder has been cancelled.");
        }else if( $actions[0] == 'add' ){
          //new reminder
          $timestamp = strtotime( $action );
          $sql = "INSERT INTO reminders SET `message`='{$msg}',`timestamp`='{$timestamp}',`phone_number`='{$phone}'";
          $pdo = Db::singleton();
          $qid = $pdo->lastInsertId();
          print_sms_reply("Your reminder has been set.");
    //end actions
  6. Upload a file called functions.php with the following code:
    function print_sms_reply ($sms_reply){($sms_reply){
      echo "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      echo "<Response>
      if( !is_array($sms_reply) ){
        echo '<Sms>'.$sms_reply.'</Sms>';
        $cnt = count($sms_reply);
        $i = 1;
        foreach($sms_reply as $line){
          $line = $line." (".$i."/".$cnt.")";
          echo '<Sms>'.$line.'</Sms>';
      echo "</Response>
  7. Finally, you have to point your Twilio phone number to it.
    How to do it…

Insert in the SMS Request URL field. Then, any calls that you receive at this number will be processed via listener.php.

How it works…

In steps 1 and 2, we downloaded and installed the Twilio Helper Library for PHP; this library is at the heart of your Twilio-powered apps.

In step 3, we loaded our database schema into our database.

In step 4, we uploaded config.php that contains our authentication information to communicate with Twilio's API.

In steps 5 and 6, we uploaded listener.php and functions.php, which records all incoming texts.

In step 7, we told our Twilio number to direct all SMS messages to listener.php.

When we receive a text, we check it; if it contains the keyword showme, we return a list of pending reminders.

Then we check to see if the cancel keyword was sent with the reminder.

So change tires – cancel would check for a pending reminder with my phone number and the message of "change tires" and delete it.

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